Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2322: Cast the name!

The swords used by the giant gods are mostly called "small ship knives". The length ranges from ten to twenty meters to several tens of meters. When the flames are stirred to the extreme, they can even push the edge out hundreds of meters. It is really a star. It is no exaggeration that the ship is completely penetrated.

Even if it is the strongest of the gods and the peaks of the gods, it is also the flesh and blood. This "small ship knife" can be broken with the starship warships, not to mention the fact that he has just worked with Li Linghai and suffered a serious loss of body?

Even though he could have escaped the knife, the dozens of metal tentacles of the "Hell Star" were pierced into the cockpit from the rear, sealing off the dodge space around him, and several entangled his hands and feet. The spikes and the thorns were launched together, and as soon as the dark power eroded his flames, the source rushed into him, making him unable to resist.

The Eastern St. is also a strong god. Although it is not a madman who is in charge of the battle, it is also a veteran who has been through the battlefield. When the battle is most intense, he personally controls the giant soldiers to fight and kill. It is also a common thing. Naturally, it is not a chicken. The power of management or research-oriented God can be compared.

A knife went down, and almost half of the clouds and seas were burned out, causing painful sorrows.

Li Linghai took the metal tentacle of "Hell Star" and drove straight along his wounds. He slid his bones, blood vessels and tendons all the way, and twisted almost all the burnt organs and organs.


Under the heavy damage of Yunkuohai, the brain is almost boiling, the computing power has already dropped to the bottom of the valley, and the ambiguous roaring has been made. He can’t figure out 10,000. Just now, Li Linghai is not trying his best to recruit himself, how can he change his eyes? Starting from behind?

"It's very simple. The East St. is more useful than you. He is an excellent fleet commander, and you are just a martial artist with a well-developed, simple mind."

In the depths of the broken "crackers" of Li Linghai, he sent a **** and sneered. "When you are like this, Wufu, whenever and wherever, is a piece that can be discarded at any time!"

God’s volatility has not dissipated, and dozens of metal tentacles have been ticked and torn at the same time. However, they have tore up the remains of Yunkuohai and then retracted to entangle the power unit of the “crackers”. The tip of a tentacle bursts with an orange-red glow, which is the limit of heating to thousands of degrees of heat.

"Boom! Booming and banging!"

Yunkuohai may still have a smashing soul, swaying and smashing out the residual body, and then into the turbulent waves of the giant squad, and in the twinkling of an eye, they are swallowed up.

Dignified and powerful, the soul is flying, and there is no place to die!

At the moment of the "cracker" big bang, the thick black mist around it dissipated a lot, as if the black tide had receded, exposing a large space, but it revealed the arresters of more than a dozen yuan-level infants.

These dozens of Yuan Ying, five of them are also driving the giant soldiers, the rest are equipped with the highest level of crystal shovel, at first glance, but also radiant, flamboyant.

However, in the dark fog, you can't find a way out for a long time. The navigation system of the giant gods and the crystal scorpion has been seriously damaged. The whole world seems to have only one person, and it is faintly guessing the identity or strength of Li Linghai. The source of these Yuan Ying's heart is to the extreme.

At a time when nothing was happening, the black mist suddenly dispersed, waiting for them to be in series with their companions, and their eyes were all attracted by a strong explosion.

When the explosion occurred, the "Hell Star" was inserted into the back of the "Cracker" from the back with metal tentacles. The "Sword-toothed Tiger" was deeply smashed into the cockpit of the "Cracker" with a slashing knife. At first glance, it was like Li Linghai. Joined with the East St., before and after the attack, will kill the sea.

As the spirits of the vast seas are annihilated in the explosion, the Eastern Saints is a hundred words!

Seeing this situation, all the Yuan Ying were shocked, and almost every blood vessel in the body was frozen.

Under the heart of the electricity, where do not understand what is going on?

The whereabouts of Li Linghai was reported to them by the Eastern Saints. This "fighting battlefield" was also chosen by the Eastern Saints, including the guards around Li Linghai, who were also personally arranged by the East, and were taken away or disposed of.

But now, they have been tricked into such a strange dark space, and it is very likely that they will fall into a dangerous world of debris. All this is the Eastern Dharma!

The Eastern Saint did not betray Li Linghai, they were fooled!

At the same time, these Yuan Ying monks "suddenly realized", the Eastern Holy Brain also flashed hundreds of serial lightnings, thinking everything transparent, could not help but make a painful embarrassment.

"Oriental generals, so many eyes have seen you kill the clouds and seas, including many Yun family."

The sound of Li Ling Haiyin’s voice came just right. “The loss of a powerful person who has fallen into the peak of the gods, no family can bear it in vain, even if you can escape from birth, I’m afraid I can’t escape the whole cloud home. The anger of the eternal, even if they do not take your life, at least your 'Oriental Fleet Commander' is a dream, the old fox of Li Jiande will not hesitate to kick you off in order to calm the anger of the Yun family. !"

"His Royal Highness"

The expression of Oriental Saint is really painful to the extreme. After thinking about it, he changed his name. "Your Majesty..."

"Is there any guys who are eager to try to see these gangs?"

Li Linghai said again, "There are only three live-mouths. Except for the most powerful "Magic" Li Jianyi and the "Broken Star Sword" Song, the last chance is left. You guess if this group of people wants Surrender to the feet of the embarrassment, to seize the last chance, they will kill Li Jianyi and Song is true, or ... you?

"Your only way of life, either to find a way to lead this group of Yuan Ying, to fight out one of Li Jianyi and Song Yizheng; or to persuade Li Jianyi and Song to be true, and then kill these Yuan Ying, if not, Yunkuohai The end of the game is in front of you, and I promise that even if everyone here is not dead today, you are not dead, but who told you to betray it first?"

"Do not"

The will of the East St. collapsed and screamed in a panic. "I, I don't know if you are... Your Majesty!"

"Speaking reasonably, the so-called "I don't know who is not guilty", you only betrayed Li Linghai, not jealousy, so you are willing to give you the last chance to sin, just killing Yunhaihai instead of you!"

Li Linghai sneered, "Since you know your identity, you can't imagine what powerful power can you give you? No matter how deep the sea fleet is or the highest commander of the Eastern Fleet, how can you compare it... the entire fleet of real human empire Commander!"

The breath of the Eastern St. is a stagnation. Although it is not so simple to know that it is necessary, it is said by Li Linghai that the fire of ambition and desire is seven!

"Hey, give you ten seconds."

Li Linghai arrived, "Now the 'Magic Yuan' Li Jiande and the "Broken Star Sword" Song is really trapped by the big shackles of the shackles, and is entangled with the Yuanshen who splits out. After ten seconds, the scorpion will withdraw the big squad, let They are exposed to you, where to go, and do it yourself!"

The expression on the face of the Eastern St. has changed continuously for more than a dozen rounds. Finally, the whole face was shrouded in darkness, and the sound of ghosts and screams in the depths of the throat was taken from the raging flames to remove the broken wreckage of the "crackers". Highly lifted, jumped to the top of many Yuan Yingqiang.

"You counted!"

The oriental sacred eyes are red, and the expressions are like evil spirits. They are mad at many Yuan Ying. "Your Majesty and I have already set a plan, that is, we must wipe out the people who oppose her in the four major electoral families. Now they have been stunned outside. All the people you brought were encircled by the deep-sea fleet, and you are here, there is no way to retreat, and you will die.

"Look, even the ah, hate the land, the sea, and his giant squad, the ripper, are the end of this, the power of your majesty, who can resist you!"

The wreckage of the "Spreader" of the Eastern Saints was rushed to the crowd, and everyone was stalking, as if they were not wrecked, but the body full of viruses.

"Clouds and seas are stubborn and stubborn, and they are stubborn in the end. If they die without a place of burial, they will soon be annihilated. Do you want to follow his footsteps?"

The sound of the Holy Spirit of the East is very strong. "Now, you have a lot of generosity, and give you the last way to live. With me, I will encircle the 'Magic Yuan' and Li Jianyi and the "Broken Star Sword" Song. If you kill them, you and your family, All of them can survive and even go further and become the most prominent giants of the empire!"

Numerous Yuan Ying straight hooks look at the wreckage of the "Cracker", one brain has run to the limit, nervous analysis of the words of the East and the true face of Li Linghai.

Many people are really shocked.


The Eastern Holy Ghost laughed. "There is no giant soldier. It is useless in the next fierce battle. First clean up all the useless people who are not equipped with giant soldiers."

The voice has not fallen, and the long-awaited knives have been smashed out. The knives flashed hundreds of meters in a flash, and a Yuan Ying monk wearing only a crystal smashed and shattered!

One side is equipped with the **** of the giant gods, the other side is only the Yuan Ying who is equipped with the crystal scorpion, and it is a surprise attack that is unprepared, and naturally clean and neat, no one can save.

"Not yet?"

The Eastern Holy Eyes screamed, "If we can get rid of the vast seas, we can also kill Li Jianyi and Song Yizheng. The great opportunity is in front of us. If we don't do it, do we really want a family to bury the clouds?"

As soon as this statement came out, the Yuan Ying monks who drove the giant soldiers did not move. The Yuan Ying monks who were only wearing the crystal screams shouted and fled in all directions.

They escaped, but they aroused the fierceness of the Yuanying monks who drove the giant soldiers behind them. I don’t know who was the first to fire. Soon, all the infants who drove the giant soldiers began to pour their own around. Fear and cruelty.

Needless to say, the difference between the giant gods and the crystal scorpion, not to mention the Yuan Ying, who is qualified to control the giant soldiers, the fighting power is often higher than the Yuan Ying who can only wear the crystal scorpion, plus the oriental holy is not pregnant. The kind-hearted gods are swept by the side, how can there be half of the poor worms that can escape the clutches?

In a short time, more than a dozen Yuan Ying, who were only wearing Jingjing, all turned into a group of fangs, painful and struggling fireballs, and then swallowed by black fog, annihilated!

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