Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2323: Give it to you!

Five Yuanxiu monks equipped with giant soldiers, all of them were covered with the blood of their companions for a while, and their moods changed dramatically.

Betraying such a thing is a common practice for the immortal. If it is to be done, it will naturally be the most versatile. Many people even begin to think about it. If there is really "the sire" behind Li Linghai, how much benefit can he get?

"Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and "Broken Star Sword" Song is really true, it is in this section of the bones, breaking through the black fog, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


Dongfang Sheng was prepared early, urging five Yuan Ying, who drove the giant gods, to rush toward the two great peaks.

This charge is completely different from the situation when the Li Linghai was rounded up.

The round-up of Li Linghai is only a routine task deployed by the family. It does not have much benefit for itself, and the four strong gods are the backbone, and these Yuan Ying are only peripheral aids.

It’s hard to say that even if they don’t work hard or even flee, even if it causes serious consequences, what about the family’s top management? How can we "have a lot of punishment", and it is impossible to directly kill them in the high-level and peak of the Yuan Ying period that are qualified to control the giant soldiers?

Although they are not gods, they are also guarding one party. There are people with heads and faces. The connections between the family and the outside are intricate and inseparable. Who can dare to ask for their lives?

Therefore, at that time they were timid and had no psychological burden.

But now they have rebelled to Li Linghai and the "squatting" camp, and personally killed their companions. If this matter is exposed, it is really a sin to die, and deep connections can not save them.

Therefore, at all costs, they must leave "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and "Broken Star Sword" Song is still a real life!

They are naturally not the opponents of the two peaks of the gods, but don't forget that there are Li Linghai and Dongfang Sheng, even the same level of "hate the ground and no loop" Yunkuohai is easily achieved by the two, plus their own five Taiwanese giant soldiers, this battle, is very hard to beat.

The cultivators are not timid at all times. If they are not daring, they are all timid, and the real human empire cannot last for a whole millennium.

Whether it is desperate or not, the key is to see how big the win is, and how much benefit is there after winning?

The battle ahead is very big. After winning, you can win the trust of "the sire." Naturally, there are infinite benefits. The more important thing is that they can’t afford to lose. There are nowhere to escape. It’s natural, only a desperate fight. !

Therefore, with the Eastern St. and the Li Linghai, the entire seven giant soldiers also broke out with amazing flames. The five Yuan Ying also burned the spirit to the limit at the same time. It was really different from the siege of Li Linghai. Just like the seven meteors, rushing over the two peaks!

Li Jianyi and Song are really surprised.

The two of them are the key care targets of Li Linghai. They have not only concentrated the interference and erosion of the big arrays, but also constantly disturbed the giants of the two men. They also divided nearly half of the gods and tried to penetrate the giant soldiers and invade the two. The brain domain, made Li Jianyi and Song are really bad.

It’s hard to get rid of the interference of the big array. I didn’t expect that it’s a murderous, mad-like “self”.

Li Jianyi and Song really wanted to call everyone through the communication channel, but the noise of the “shashashasha” still came from the communication channel.

I also want to directly transmit information with God and communicate with everyone, so I know how it is going, but the spiritual attack of Li Linghai’s flooding has immediately raised a series, and a wave of waves surpassed the depths of their brains. They can't breathe, they just don't give them the opportunity to transmit information!

When it was said that it was late, at that time, the two giant soldiers of the peak of the gods had already been shrouded in the attack of the hurricane!

"These people are all around!"

Li Jianyi and Song really understand everything in an instant. The mood of anger and despair is like two big snakes, entangled in their souls.

The confrontation of the giant gods, one second can fully stimulate hundreds of sharp points, there is no time to think, the two great gods instinct instinct to display the most fierce counterattack.

A total of nine giant soldiers, instantly into a desperate fight, everyone's soul is close to boiling, all spelled out the real fire perhaps, in addition to Li Linghai.

The five giant soldiers who were driven by Yuan Ying were naturally far from the opponents of the gods. But this time, Li Linghai’s “Hell Star” was quite a leader, and he always rushed to the front to help them resist the attack of more than half of the opponents. Give people the illusion that "there will be two hardships to kill the two peaks."

However, when "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and "Broken Star Sword" Song really did not hesitate to burst Dantian, the gods were exhausted and the most powerful killings were displayed. The "Hell Star" was like a spinning gyro at high speed. Drip" turned behind them!

The five Yuan Ying were shocked and stunned, but they were already smothered by the two peaks of the gods, and the metal tentacles of the "Hell Star" suddenly stretched out, piercing them behind the giant soldiers. Take them to death, like five puppets.

Booming and banging!

A series of deformed and inflated fireballs burst into tens of thousands of colors that are invisible to the naked eye, and released thousands of raging fire snakes, illuminating the entire dark world, but still failed to illuminate a way out.

In the fire ball of nearly ten thousand degrees of high temperature, the fighting continues. From time to time, we can see that a stream of lighter than the flame is interlaced, collided and split, and finally annihilated invisible. After the temperature gradually decreases, it turns into an ugly one. Dark spots.

If the artificial sun-like fireball is maintained for a minute, it will gradually disappear and dissipate. It seems that thousands of flaming moths are scattered in all directions.

The five giant soldiers who are driven by Yuan Ying, or else become the disintegrated copper and iron, or else become the broken limbs of the seventy-eight.

Naturally, the wrath of the peak of the gods is that the Yuan Yingqiang can't resist it anyway. The cockpits of the five giant soldiers are empty, and the Yuan Ying strongmen are all burned.

However, under the pressure of Li Linghai’s horrible “Hell Star” and the sneak attack of the Eastern Saint “Sword-toothed Tiger”, five Yuan Ying are killed in an instant, regardless of the “Magic Yuan” Li Jianyi or the “Broken Star Sword” Song. Paid a heavy price.

The spiritual shields around them are only a thin layer, and they are all dull, wrapped in crumpled armor like wrinkled snakeskin.

Not only the fuel and ammunition of the giant soldiers will be exhausted, but the spirit and psionic power of the two men are also on the verge of exhaustion. At least it is difficult to calmly exert the fighting power of the peak of the magical period, and can only maintain the middle or lower stage of the transformation. Degree.

The spirit of Li Linghai’s body is still expanding. It’s like a huge wave, and it’s turned into a **** mouth, and it’s going to be swallowed up.

Four giant soldiers, in the dark fog, quietly confront each other.

"Li Jianyi, Song is true"

Li Linghai has a word, and it sounds like a bell, full of people's hearts, and can't defy the power. "Your Majesty, give it to you!"

Li Jianyi and Song are really looking at each other, and the two broken giant soldiers have trembled.

The Eastern Saint manipulated the "Sword-toothed Tiger" and held the sword again with both hands and lifted it high.

His original strength is far less than the peak of the two major gods, but it is the earliest insight into the direction of the whole layout. When pretending to rush to the peak of the two great gods, he made up his mind to take five Yuan Ying and their giant soldiers. When the shield is.

Now, the five Yuan Ying and their giant soldiers have seriously consumed the strength of the two peaks of the gods. Instead, he has not suffered heavy losses from beginning to end, regardless of the ammunition or fuel of the giant soldiers, or their own souls and The psionic powers are maintained in the best fighting state, and the faintness can still be overwhelmed by Li Jianyi or Song.

"Your Majesty!"

The six faces on the surface of Li Linghai’s “Hell Star” also screamed at the same time, and the black mist was once again rolling up the waves, as if there were thousands of military horses hiding in the depths of the Kuroshio, which brought unspeakable pressure to the people. The third time, kneel!"

Li Jianyi snorted and finally collapsed.

Known as the "Magic", he is a meditator. He is particularly sensitive to spiritual attacks. He also knows how terrible the scorpio of Li Linghai is. It is indeed the supreme dedication of the Galaxy!

He struggled to swallow the blood, manipulated the giant soldiers, slowly curled his right leg, and kneeled in front of Li Linghai.

Li Jianyi’s glimpse, Song really has no choice, or that there is no more psychological obstacles, but also quickly smashed down.

Two major peaks of the gods, driving two giant soldiers, lowering the steel skull in front of Li Linghai, the same voice: "Your Majesty..."

"Take off your giant soldiers."

Li Linghai is cold and cold, "Incorporate into the ring, and give it to you!"

Li Jianyi and Song were really shocked and looked at each other. I don’t know if I should obey.

"Do you know why you left both of you and killed Yunkuohai? Just because both of you are smart people, you have a brain!"

Li Linghai said faintly, "In your current situation, even if you are hiding in a giant soldier, it is easy to kill you, but there are a lot of people outside the home and the Song family. You need to clean up and control.

"At the moment, it is the time to use people, 朕金口玉言, said that you have to spare your life, naturally will not go back.

"The two ruined giant soldiers are nothing in the blink of an eye. Since you are willing to bring order out of chaos and abandon the darkness, you will naturally give it to you... more powerful forces, and more powerful giant soldiers!"

Li Jianyi and Song still have their eyes shining.

If you think about it, no matter whether the other party is Li Linghai or "the one who is under the sire", if you want to achieve a hegemony, you will not have the next person. Is it really a "little house"?

It may be easy to kill yourself, but how do you face the Thunder counterattacks of the four electorate families?

Hesitantly and repeatedly, the two men bite their teeth at the same time, drilled the giant soldiers, and then smashed the giant gods into the ring, and let the metal tentacles of the "Hell Star" roll away.

At this point, a round of five gods and dozens of Yuan Ying jointly executed, "nothing wrong" round-up, collapsed, completely failed! ——

Today, the old cow saw a reader asking:

Is the giant **** of the Black Star Emperor not the "heart of the black hole", how to become a ghost "Hell Star", and the old cow does not remember the previous article?

Very good, this reader is very careful and the problem is very sharp.

However, please think carefully about the two questions. First, the founding emperor of the real human empire, a giant soldier? I don’t have ten sets of eight giant soldiers in my hand. How come out? "Black Heart" is just one of the most powerful and famous ones.

Second, on the weak body of the Black Star Emperor, can you really control the "black hole heart"? This "black hole heart" is too worthless!

Therefore, it is very simple, "the heart of the black hole" is the treasure of the eighty-level equipment, and now the black star emperor has just deleted the number and re-trained, only 20, when you can't control it!

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