Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2325: God of the throne!

Half an hour later, the underground palace is deep, in the fragmented world.

The number of arrested squads controlled by "Silver Fox" Li Jiande is not many. In order to keep secrets, it is not to leak the wind, even the spar battleships have not brought many ships, just want to rely on the four great powers and their The giant gods, clean and quiet, silently took Li Linghai.

The deep-sea fleet is finally formed by Li Linghai. Most of the resources and even the starships are from the supply of Li Linghai. The East Sheng is equivalent to a senior manager. Even if he can control a large number of votes, he will temporarily hold all the key positions, but the fleet will be up and down. It is obviously impossible for everyone to betray Li Linghai.

Therefore, Li Linghai controlled the Eastern St., Li Jianyi and Song Ruzhen, and immediately sent a message to the Deep Sea Fleet. The Deep Sea Fleet immediately took action and firmly controlled both inside and outside the Imperial City.

At this time, the elites of the four electorate families will be in the ruling of the Senate, or else they will be able to hunt down the Eastern view in the sea of ​​silver moon, but it will give Li Linghai a few hours of precious time, so that she can let go, to the East. St., Li Jianyi and Song Juzhen, the three gods and the peaks of the strong, carry out transformation, help them release ... more powerful!

The boundless black fog, as if all the creatures were struggling in the black mud, the darkness of the earth came to the East, Li Jianyi and Song really scream.

Their screams are extremely weird. They are like being tortured and suffering, but they are like the taste of human bliss. They can’t help themselves, but they are more like a highly civilized and intelligent race. A wild beast that is entangled by instinct.

Surrounded by the cry of the three powerful gods, Li Linghai is alone, standing on a huge stone pillar rising from the peak of the dark abyss.

At first glance, this super-giant stone pillar with a diameter of thirty or fifty meters is like a crystal-clear obsidian carved from a deeper heart. Even in the seemingly dark fog, it blooms deeper and deeper. Mysterious luster.

But when you look closely at the past, you can see clearly. The raw materials that make up this giant stone pillar are the bones of countless wild animals!

The heights of the beasts that reach tens of meters or even hundreds of meters, the cheekbones of the forks are all squeezed together by the indescribable force, and after hundreds of thousands of years of erosion and polishing, Refining into a crystal-like material.

Among them, there are even a lot of skeletal bones that are magnified several times and merged with various strange-shaped beasts. It should be the remains of many intelligent life in the "Pu Gu Civilization Alliance", that is, the ignorant sees It is necessary to pay homage to the ancient gods.

At this moment, countless wild beasts, thousands of ancient gods, all are trampled under the feet of Li Linghai!

On the uppermost plane of the super giant stone pillar, the claws of the wild beast and the arm of the ancient demon are all lifted up, just like the drowning man put his hand out of the water for help. These minions and arms are entangled and twisted together. A concave surface, just like a...the devil throne!

Li Linghai did not sit on the throne of the gods. Instead, he supported the arm of the throne. The waist bowed like a shrimp. The body trembled fiercely, and the expression on his face was even more painful.

From the black lines on her eyes, hair and snowy white skin, a drop of viscous black liquid is continuously infiltrated, and the "Drips and Answers" fall to the feet and gather into a pool of black water.

As the black liquid oozes out, Li Linghai's eyes and hair gradually return to the almost transparent white, but the expression is more wilting, a description of the dry, dying.

Perhaps, "Silver Fox" Li Jiande did not make a mistake, let the murderer such as the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi possess the body and inspire the power that does not belong to him. It is indeed necessary to pay the price of terror, so that the spirit sea image is drained. The whole body is **** and burns out the entire brain.

She twitched out from the Qiankun ring to find a dark red medicine, injected it into her carotid artery, took a few deep breaths, sucked a little anxiously, coughed up loudly, coughed and shed tears, even the internal organs I have to cough up and cough for more than half a minute, which is a little slower.

The black water at her feet, which is thick and thick like a swamp, is a strange bubble. Then, a group of black ghosts rises slowly from the black water, and the higher the height, the more claws and the claws gather together. Three meters tall silhouette!

It seems that the shadow of Li Linghai came alive and stared at her from behind.

Even if there are no facial features in the shadows, there are still two burning "eyes" that are shot on Li Linghai.

"You have this body... it is too weak."

There was a gloomy and long voice in the shadows. "When you are facing a few gods in the district, you have to display the skills of the insects that can't be on the table, and even make a lot of guarantees for these chaotic counters. Winning is really a shameful shame!"

Li Linghai recovered his mind in the daytime and hurriedly slammed into the tunnel: "Shang forgiveness!"

Sha Ying ignored her and continued to mutter: "'Silver Fox' Li Jiande is a powerful character. If his reaction is a little slower, the four major electors will not be able to work together. If he comes to command, he may be able to strategize in the rear, and win more than a thousand miles away!

"The power of cockroaches has not fully recovered. It was not the best time to surface. But it was so mixed with ‘silver fox’ Li Jiande that it was the arrow on the string and had to be sent!

"Fortunately, the general layout has been completed, tens of thousands of generals and millions of disabled veterans in the emperor's tomb, crying at the statue of the donkey, crying their nights, all their spirits Injecting into the large array left over from the millennium, it is also completely unlocking the shackles of the scorpion, and can be transferred to the new body.

"Where is Li Jialing now, I can't stand it anymore, and I am crouching in your weak body all day!"

Li Linghai trembled and hesitated for a long time, or whispered: "In the silver moon sea, together with the vulture Li Yao, involved in the capture of the Eastern Hope."

"it is good!"

The black shadow faintly said, "Calculating time, the battle to capture the Eastern Hope should also end soon, and this will call them back, um, no, or we personally passed, and then prepare for the soul transfer, this time, never again It’s smart to play tricks.”

Li Linghai’s voice is shaking more and more: “Don’t dare!”

"You do not dare?"

The gloomy and long voice in the shadow suddenly became sharp, and the emptiness of the sky suddenly turned Li Linghai into the throat, and the black shadow screamed. "You dare not? You dare to pack the sky, what else dare not!"

"A few decades ago, when you knew your plan, you dared to find a way to destroy that life seed, and try not to let you get the perfect carrier!

"After discovering the existence of Li Jialing, you also moved twice to send him away and fly to the star beach. After this is not possible, he wants to kill him again!

"Even now, when you are sleeping and sleeping, do you have a lot of little tricks with the vulture Li Yao? Oh, you thought you slept for a thousand years, really fell asleep, and made a small move to you. Do you know nothing?

"Tell you, your compassion is extremely limited, don't be smart, mistake yourself!"

The black shadow will slam the sea on the ground. There is a black mark on the neck of Li Linghai's slender, and a black blood bubble grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the entire neck is eroded to the bones!

Li Linghai was deeply stunned and frightened by the six gods, but another more intense emotion was to overcome the pain and fear. She snorted her neck and said: "Your Majesty, why, why should Li Jialing not? He is not at all Your blood!"

"Know your knowledge!"

The shadows are cold and cold, "I have already told you that the day is that you and the sacred people will wake up together. You are all people who have a great fate, and there are two mysterious and mysterious, you still can't understand now. The power of sneak into your body.

"In you, this power is to help you get through the cultivation of the hole, so that you can embark on the supreme peak of the super-class power from the ordinary second-rate monks.

"In the case of the sacred ally, it was to help him smash the shackles of the three fundamental laws, so that he possessed the normal desire and free will.

"So, the descendants of your two, combining the two opportunities and strengths, is the best carrier to return to the Xinghai, is the true sense of the bloody!

"As for the royal family whose names are known as 'Wuying', after thousands of years of degradation, what are the unpredictable, weak, and deadly existences? Look at the Yulin Army and see the pig-like Emperor of God, the descendants of the ancestors. How can it be reduced to such a thing? These wine bags, rice chickens and dogs are used for what they want, they can't wait to kill them all, save valuable resources, what qualifications do they have, and carry such a powerful soul?"

When it comes to the later generations of the Wuying royal family, the shadows are really furious. Under the turbulence of black flames, it is like a thousand sharp blades to cut off the head of the Wuying royal family.

"In the past few decades, we have not tried to transfer the spirits of other Wuying royals."

The black shadow suddenly sneered, "Including your two sons, isn't it the unbearable spirit of the gods, and finally it is violent? Why, it is also a son, since you have already donated two for you, more What is the relationship between one?

"I know that the former princes were forced by you and the Emperor of God. You originally hated the Emperor of God, and naturally had no feelings for these princes."

"And this Li Jialing, but the only son left by you and the most loved man, is inevitably a bit sad.

"But you have to figure out one. This is his fate. If you are destined, no one can escape. He can even swallow the Emperor Flames. Isn't it a hit, do you want to be the best carrier?"

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