Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2326: For the empire, fight for another hundred thousand years!

Li Linghai has nothing to say, and there is a desperate look in the bottom of his eyes. He really does not give up his heart. He trembles: "That, that 'vulture Li Yao', he can also swallow the power of the Emperor Flame, although the speed is not as fast as Li Jialing. But it is 10,000 times better than the Wuying royals who were tested before. It is obvious that he does not exclude the power of His Majesty.

"And, his realm is higher than that of Li Jialing. Now he has the cultivation of the level of the gods, which is enough to carry the fascinating spirit of his majesty!"

"The vulture Li Yao is indeed a pretty good carrier."

The black shadow silenced, "He should not lie, it is indeed the righteous son of the sacred sect. The sacred priests absorbed the power of a scorpion and fled to the star beach. After adopting this son, it is estimated that Under the circumstance, if you don't know it, you will send this power into the body of the child, or you will be absorbed by the child.

"So, this vulture, Li Yao, and He is also inextricably linked. It is a singular affair. It is not surprising that he can digest and absorb the power of the Emperor.

"However, this son has stolen a high position in the remnant regime of the Xinghai Republic. In the past, there must have been a series of adventures, which made him full of all kinds of messy powers. In the perception of the sly, it is like a colorful dyeing tank, no Li Jialing is so pure.

"And he has experienced hundreds of years of changes. In the past, he was a high-powered person. He was in charge of one's strength. The soul has long been shaped, the heart will not change easily, and forcibly encroaching on his body will add a lot of unnecessary risks.

"Cultivating to the height of the shackles, many mysterious and mysterious perceptions and prophecies are not something you can understand. I also feel that there are still many secrets in this vulture, Li Yao. Every time I study this person's information, I will give birth to a cold warning. Don't give birth to the idea of ​​winning this person, or you will fall into a situation where you can't stop it. It's very likely that you won't take him away, but instead he will be merged with him.

"So, no matter how you don't want to win him, you would rather burn this vulture Li Yao into a meatloaf, waste him a good skin, and never hit his brain!"

"Of course, this person's cultivation and wisdom are the best choices. His despicable character and wretched battle style are more deeply enviable. If he can surrender to the feet of the wholeheartedly, he will keep his life. How? If not, you have to deal with him, you don’t have to ask!"

"Don't dare!"

Li Ling Haikou said that he did not dare, but still did not give up, tears and sorrow, "Your Majesty, really, only Li Jialing?"

"Hey, get up, look at you!"

Suddenly, the shadows stretched out thousands of tentacles, firmly wrapped around the limbs and neck of Li Linghai, dragging her to the shadow of the shadow, close at hand.

The black shadows and claws are almost turned into a **** mouth, and they will be swallowed up by the spirits. "He is born again today, not just to be a mediocre emperor for a hundred or two years, but to change the earth, reform the empire, create The hard-working hegemony!

"Why did the real human empire fall to the point of today's dying, why the tyrannical between the stars and the sea is so disdainful to the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, and even the jumping clowns like the 'four great elector families' dare to touch the supreme throne. , robbing the big government? Just because the shackles have fallen, people are dying!

"The **** lessons of the past millennium have already told you that to create the hegemony of the world, you must live forever and become the only emperor of human civilization in thousands of years!

"If you want to live forever, a perfect carrier is essential. You are not pursuing eternal life for your own self-interest. Li Jialing does not die for the sake of personal sin. Our lives and deaths are for the empire. Jiangshan Yonggu, for human civilization!

"Look at you, tell you, don't you be disappointed with the current real human empire, you don't want to sweep away these corpses, swasting shit, selfish and selfish people, and the empire is a blue sky, how can you be?"

A sigh of darkness emerged from the depths of the shadows, and it was divided into thousands of miles, drilling into the depths of the transparent eyes of Li Linghai.

Li Linghai's eyes were black and white, and the expression first became a little dull and stagnate, and then gradually strengthened.

"……miss you!"

The empress queen bit his teeth.

"You don't want to integrate the power of the four major electorate families and even hundreds of thousands of worlds, to unite into an invincible, invincible steel army, completely eliminate the sacred alliance, save human civilization, and maintain the long-term stability of hundreds of millions of stars? "The shadow continued to ask."

"miss you!"

Li Linghai’s voice is becoming more and more determined and more and more loud.

"You don't want the real human empire to surpass the old Xinghai empire, or even surpass the tens of thousands of years ago, to put these god-like races under your feet, and let us human being the only 'god' in the universe? "The sound of the black shadow is becoming more and more overbearing and more and more crazy.

"Think! Our human civilization is the strongest fighting race in the stars and the sea, we should be the real ‘God!’

Li Linghai's eyes are boiling, and the crystal clear eyes are deep, and there are countless tiny black bubbles in the air.

"Then sacrifice it!"

The domineering and madness of the black shadow suddenly converges, but it is calm to the extreme, faint. "For the empire, for human civilization, everyone can and must sacrifice, including 朕! Heroic sacrifice is easy, live It has been extremely difficult to work for human civilization for 100,000 years. As the supreme commander of all 'real humans', it is natural to take this most difficult road, but it also needs the sacrifice of thousands of people to help!

"What's more, if you have promised you, you will be careful, can you keep the spirit of Li Jialing?"

The shadow of the black shadow suddenly softened.

Li Linghai is like a drowning person who has seized the last straw, no matter whether it is a straw or a viper, and the eyeballs tremble fiercely: "Really, really, sire?"

"Of course it is true, as long as his body, what is his soul?"

The black shadow smiled slightly. "If everything goes well, you will occupy his body. You can also send his soul into a spiritual body, and live in the form of ghost repair for hundreds of years, even though it is small in cultivation. It is inconvenient, but life is never too much affected. Can you not accept such a result?"

"I, I can accept it naturally."

Li Linghai was overjoyed, but he couldn't believe it. He hesitated. "I don't know, is there a certain degree of certainty, can you successfully protect the spirit of Li Jialing?"


The shadows screamed and the tone screamed. "Are you questioning your ability?"

"No, don't dare!"

Li Linghai suddenly took a nap, and once again he was deeply embarrassed. "Don't dare, just... care is chaos!"

"If you really care about the spirit of Li Jialing, then personally convince him to cooperate with him. As long as he cooperates with him and does not do anything, he will not have a problem."

The black shadow said, "But if he is stubborn, resists destiny, and suffers from the temptation of the 'vulture Li Yao', and wants to resist the end, what will happen in the process of forcibly moving the soul, 朕I can't guarantee it!

"So, the spirit of Li Jialing's spirit is not dependent on jealousy, but all are decided in your hands, think carefully, and be self-sufficient!"

Li Linghai shuddered, and the mother of the beast released the desperate madness in order to protect the little beast. He said: "Hey... understand what should be done!"

"Okay, you know, you will never let you down!"

The black shadow laughed happily. "The modulation of the three gods is almost finished. Now the silver moon has gathered four major electoral families and the reformists have a total of five forces. It seems that the soldiers are strong and strong, and the strong are like rain. In fact, But each of them is a ghost, and they are jealous of each other. It is a replica of the battle.

"Let's go, first accept the power of the silver moon, find Li Yao and Li Jialing, and then suppress the entire emperor, and then ... recapture the empire!"

The shadow of the claws of the teeth slowly shrank back, and the pores that invaded the spirits of the sea, and merged into her long shadow, could no longer be seen.

Deep in the dark fog, the roaring and shackles of the three gods are weak, and their breath becomes more and more powerful, more and more chaotic, and more and more sinister.

On the face of Li Linghai, the weakness and hesitation of the face of the shadows disappeared. The strong and deep of the imperial queen and the reformist leader once again occupied the five senses, as if they had re-weared a layer of indestructible mask.

She narrowed her eyes in the direction of the Silver Moon Sea, and her eyes were splashed, and I wondered what was being calculated.


To the west of the main mainland of the celestial star, in the depths of the silver moon, Li Jialing is still ignorant of the destiny that he is about to become a "soul container", and he still stays in the periphery of the battlefield in the deep sea, waiting to see where to go to fish. Li Yao!

At first, he did follow Li Yao’s instructions to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers on the outside of the battlefield. However, there were very few fish that could run through his heavy lines and ran into him. He quickly cleaned up all the fish. Some boring, staring at the center of the chaotic battlefield in the distance.

Both hands and blood vessels are itchy, and they can't decide whether they should kill the Quartet in the past, and they are as beautiful as Yao.

To be honest, his nature is not "one-hearted pursuit of freedom, eager to live without any restrictions." It is only a matter of being imprisoned and modulated by Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingwei. After a decade of near suffocating life, you are born with a rebellious mentality. To ban me, I want to be free, and that's all.

Now that he has really gained freedom, he discovers his true nature... Hey, Li Jialing does not know what his true nature is. After all, the young boy who is less than twenty, the five hearts are uncertain, the youth is confused, and it is normal.

However, recently, I have swallowed up the fragments of Emperor Flames to cultivate, and I have been rushing into the sky every day. The power is almost overflowing from the internal organs and every blood vessel. The fists are getting more and more itchy. See this kind of fierce battle. Where the scenes can't hold back, I want to rush to the indiscriminate bombing and kill the Quartet.

This feeling, as if he had been screaming out in the middle of the night for the first time in a few years, is instinct, can't control it!

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