Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2329: At the end of the trench!

In order to achieve the peak of the magical period, the old monsters of two or three hundred years old are rarely mentioned. Of course, there are a large number of disciples, grandchildren, and descendants of blood. These people are trained to achieve the sacredness under the careful guidance of the gods. Even the realm of Yuan Ying, the problem is not big.

The gods of the gods and peaks drive the top giant soldiers to fight. They often follow hundreds of people and even more guards. They wear the next-level giant soldiers or high-order crystals to fight together. These guards are mostly old gods. Noisy disciples, grandchildren, and even relatives, regardless of combat power, loyalty, or the level of tacit understanding, are not comparable to outsiders.

In the ancient world, these guards are the so-called "parts" and "family", which is the biggest capital that a strong **** is relying on to fight for the world. The strong gods naturally have to devote a lot of resources and efforts. To strengthen the "parts", and "parts" will often see the Lord will be more important than anything else.

When Li Yao and Ding Ling were in the Stars Federation, the guards around them were dominated by Li Yao’s true disciple, Wu Ma Yan, whose importance and intimacy were evident.

Now the "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and the "Broken Star Sword" Song is still true. The two great figures in the elders of the electorate family, their guards have actually rioted, obviously it is impossible to be swayed by the already eagerly awaited East. But another... a black hand that is unknown.

Coupled with the changes in the deep sea fleet, it is hard not to reminiscent of the imperial queen Li Linghai, Li Yao suddenly shocked: "Come so fast!"

More information came from the communication channel - "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and "Broken Star Sword" Song is true, regardless of cultivation, combat power or status in their respective families, is the highest among the "five forces" The two of them led the pro-guards to the command ship that was suspended in the Silver Moon Sea, and naturally no one could stop it.

In addition, the deep sea fleet of the Eastern Holy Commander was restrained and suppressed. I heard that the four electorate families issued new orders. At that time, everyone was helpless and watched the command was taken away.

Li Yao Yue pondered his hair more and more, suddenly wide-eyed, screamed: "Quickly cut off your connection with the, close all communication and information transmission channels, and turn off all power and defense units on the crystal, never emit a trace of Psychic fluctuations!"

This sentence is a bit late.

Long Yangjun and Li Jialing did suppress the psionic fluctuations of the crystal scorpion to the limit at the fastest speed. The seawater in all directions suddenly squeezed like a mountain collapse, causing the crystal gongs to make a "squeaky" sound.

They are like three shovel, quietly falling into the depths of the sea.

But there is still a cold and incomprehensible perception that sweeps through the submarine gullies where they are located, as if they were wearing a raging wind, through their internal organs and limbs.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun and Li Jialing could not help but take a nap.

"When we are finished, we are stared at, and God can penetrate the dark sea, and accurately scan into such a deep trench. Ten ** is the dead old ghost of the Black Star Emperor!"

Li Yao took a breath and turned his eyes. He said through a peer-to-peer private channel. "Now the Black Star Emperor should not know that we have already promoted his true identity. He estimates that he is gathering the army under the Silver Moon Sea. You said If we rush out at this time, is there a chance to expose his true face?"

"Absolutely, then?"

Long Yangjun asked, "Are you sure to expose his true face, you will be able to stop his plan? Don't forget, he is the founding emperor of the real human empire. Now the Emperor Shenwu is dead. Who said that he has no legitimacy to govern? Maybe you debunked his identity, but others would bow to him? At least, 'Magic Yuan' Li Jianyi and 'Broken Star Sword' Song is really true, it seems to abandon the four electorate families and turn to him. The camp."

"It seems to be."

Li Yao thought about electricity and quickly thought about the law of coping. "That, he still doesn't know your existence. If you lie in the dark, is there a chance to sneak at him and kill him directly?"

Long Yangjun shook his head: "No."


Li Yao raised his voice slightly. "You are not an apocalypse of the ancient gods. You should have three or fifty weights to change. You can become a tens of meters high, a green face, a **** mouth, and you can't beat him?"

"The ancient gods and devils are your heads. Everyone is a carbon-based life. They must follow the basic rules of energy conversion and cell division. I really exaggerate you. I slapped you early!"

Long Yangjun has no sound and good air. "Use your pig brain to think about it. The ancient gods are so powerful. How come the human beings survived instead of the Pangu and the female Yi? Now in the world of three thousand The air composition and psionic changes of most habitable planets have long been unsuitable for the Pangu and Nuwa people to live. It is like putting the human strong on the original planet hundreds of millions of years ago, and it is difficult to adapt to that time. The air and topography!

"Also, my predecessor is not what the 'Ancient Gods reincarnation', but a human elite warrior accepted the dual modulation of the Pangu and the Nuwa, but in essence, it is still an ordinary warrior, Black Star Emperor At least the elite of hundreds of billions of human beings, how can it be so easily killed by me, what do you think!"

"It seems to be."

Li Yao muttered, narrowing his eyes and staring at the black sea water that constantly burst out of the spot.

Between the vagueness, it seems as if I saw a pair of dark, deep eyes staring at him.

Li Yao once again took a nap and found that his small team was caught in a dilemma.

In the 10,000-meter-deep seabed, if you want to escape at the fastest speed, you have to activate the power unit and the psionic shield of the crystal scorpion to resist the heavy pressure of the sea and cut the road ahead.

As a result, it is bound to spread out a strong psionic fluctuation, and it will be immediately felt by unknown enemies, and the ghosts will not catch up. If the other party is really a black star, Wu Yingqi, Li Yao does not have much confidence to get rid of it. he.

If the crystal is not activated at all times?

What kind of jokes, although Jingjing is not a giant soldier, it is also a few tons, dozens of tons of iron shovel, the spiritual body of the practitioner can support the fall in the sea, how long can it support? Not to mention swimming forward, I am afraid that the speed is slower than the turtles?

Since the other side has the masters of "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi and "Broken Star Sword" Song is really such a master and all their guards, it is only a matter of time to spread the celestial network to search for them. They will eventually escape.

Time is getting more and more urgent, and you must escape before the other party has completely controlled the troops under the Silver Moon Sea!

"For the sake of the present, there is only one way to go."

Li Yao said, "We can't get out of the three at the same time. We must send a hero who is brave and brave, and Da Ren and righteous to go out to attract firepower and lead the black star emperor. The other two can escape from the depth of the seabed crack, or else, Only three people are finished together!"

After Li Yao finished, he looked at Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun also looked at Li Yao with a blank expression.

Li Yao: "Hey, look at your appearance, it seems that you are not willing to implement this arduous task of attracting firepower... is it?"

Long Yangjun: "What do you think? The black star emperor is not born again, and there is any big conspiracy - what does it have to do with me! I originally only came to the Empire to experience life, the original calm, excellent travel It’s been a long time since I’ve been there, and since you’ve appeared, everything has changed!”

Li Yao: "It seems to be, then you think that you are going to send Li Jialing... forget it, die, die, I will go! The other party should still know nothing about it, maybe I can deceive him, but I can put it out. Some intelligence, to figure out what the Black Star Emperor wants, can be the right medicine!"

Long Yangjun: "...this is, with your heart and wisdom, you will be able to play the Black Star Emperor in the applause. My worry is superfluous. Then we will take the first step and wait for you in the coordinates of the seabed. Retreat all over the body!"

Long Yangjun gently fiddled with the crystal fins next to his legs, swam to Li Jialing, and grabbed the boy's arm: "Follow me."


Li Jialing has not yet reacted, and he was taken to the depths of the sea by Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun even cut off the communication between the two and Li Yao, so as not to be fooled by the enemy, the three people will be wiped out.

"You too - run too fast!"

Li Yao watched the shadow of Long Yangjun and Li Jialing disappearing quickly in the depths of the trench. He gnawed his teeth and stirred up the spirit of the whole body. He swam in the opposite direction of the trench.

Since he was determined to attract the attention of the enemy, he did not need any cover. He immediately extracted the "golden shackles" and kept all the offensive magic weapons in a state of immediate combat.

As he became more and more deeper and faster, the dozens of cold and cold winds were gradually left behind. It seems that regardless of the "Magic Yuan" Li Jianyi, the "broken star sword" Song is still the Eastern Holy The deep sea fleet, the current first priority is to seize the control of all the starships under the Silver Moon Sea, suppress the unruly generation, and put this small and powerful assault troops in hand, for a while, but also Not his fish that slipped through the net.

But the eyes that are deeper than the trenches seem to always stare at Li Yao's head, a tingling coolness, down the spine all the way down, making him feel scared, like a felt.

at last--

The bottom of the sea has reached the end, and there is no way to go ahead.

He either went down all the way, sinking to the bottom of the trench, tens of thousands of meters deep, and was suppressed by hundreds of millions of tons of seawater.

Either, you can only go up and drill the sea to face the masters of these terrible eyes.

Li Yao calculated the time, Long Yangjun and Li Jialing should have gone far, took a deep breath and froze the scalp.

The golden cockroach had just jumped out of the trench, and he scanned the big iron ball that was full of tentacles and fluttering like a snake.

In the depth of several thousand kilometers of seawater, Li Yao drove the "golden big bang", and Li Linghai drove the "Hell Star", sinking and floating, quietly confrontation.

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