Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2330: Li Yao is against the black star!

"it's me."

Li Linghai sent a sacred mark to Li Yao, confirmed his identity, and immediately asked Li Yao to open a peer-to-peer communication channel. "Why are you a guilty conscience and a fleeing escape?"

"Yes, is the Queen's Highness?"

Li Yao’s eyes turned around, quietly fine-tuning the power matrix and attack unit of the golden scorpion, and by the way, detecting the terrain and undercurrent of the surrounding seabed, accurately measuring every detail on the battlefield, but perfunctory in the mouth, “ How could the Queen’s Highness suddenly appear, and it was equipped with such a savage giant soldier, I thought it was the master of the East Wang Yuyu!”

"Yes, if you really meet the masters of the East Wang Yuyu, you are so eager to escape the wind? This may not be like the arrogant combat style of 'vulture Li Yao'!"

Li Linghai did not salty and stabbed a sentence. He did not entangle himself on this issue, but he released a few traces of Xuanguang to scan around Li Yao. "Ri Jialing, isn't he your follower, why didn't you fight with you?" ”

"This one……"

Li Yao thought that the electric transfer, since it is impossible to conceal the direction of Li Jialing, simply turn to the attack, and unexpectedly, "The following words, you must be strong, you must hold on, the Li Jialing has just fallen!"


Li Linghai screamed and then reacted, and the voice instantly became extremely cold and gloomy. "You dare to tease this palace!"

"I don't have it. There are so many unsuccessful masters in the East. Under the dog's rush to the wall, everything can be done, even if I am in the chaos, it is difficult to protect Li Jialing's comprehensive!"

Li Yao naturally knows this singer, Li Linghai will never believe it, but his focus is on the following sentence: "Why do I feel that the Queen's Highness is very nervous? You are not fascinated by power, dismissive of blood and family, even one Did you start killing Li Jialing twice? Now that Li Jialing is really dead, can you count... your wish?"

Li Linghai was silent for a moment, and she calmed down and said faintly: "If you are right, then go, go back with me."

Saying, driving the "Hell Star" to Li Yao.

Li Yao's bones are stunned, step by step, and the golden wings of the cockroaches are erected, and they can be turned into a streamer and kill at any time, a pair of enemies.

Li Linghai took his footsteps and said coldly: "You seem to be very afraid of me overnight."

"Where is this?"

Li Yaoqi laughed. "Ha ha ha ha, the Queen's Highness is so approachable, and amiable, bringing me the warmth I have never had. How can I fear the Queen's Highness?"

Li Linghai said: "Then you are so full of God's alert, such as the enemy, a pair of unwilling to go back with me, why?"

Li Yao thought for a long time and said: "If I say... I am really tired of the wind and blood, fighting and killing, and slashing blood, so I want to escape from the whirlpool of right and wrong, just find a beautiful mountain bird. The place is hidden in the mountains, it seems, hey, is it not easy to win the trust of people?"

Li Linghaidao: "Exactly."

Li Yao swallowed and had nothing to say.

Li Linghai chuckled, and the swing of hundreds of metal tentacles was like a dance of the demon. Slowly, it seems: "It seems that you really know something... you shouldn’t know, let’s say, how much do you know, and How did you hear it?"

Li Yao was forced to a desperate situation, and he couldn’t bear it. He estimated that he had been procrastinating for such a long time. It was enough for Long Yangjun to take Li Jialing out of the battlefield and hide it in the depths of the vast expanse of the sea. If he wanted to find them, he would like to find a needle in a haystack. It is difficult.

Since he was not worried about it, he could let go and take a sip of his mouth. The golden cockroaches made an earth-shattering humming sound. The golden knives were in hand, and the knives broke open thousands of waves, and Li Yao roared wickedly: Yes, I do know exactly what you know, even your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all transparent, black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, come out, I know you must hide in the Queen's body!

"Her Royal Highness, Li Linghai! If this is the message you want to pass to me, then I have completely solved the mystery! I don't know if you are forced to be helpless or confused by him, only to choose to cooperate with him, but I only I want to remind you that the cooperation between the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, such a despicable and insidious, sinister and sinister, and savage thief, is purely a struggle with the tiger, and definitely does not end well!

"If I didn't make a mistake, now Wu Yingqi should not have the ability to act independently. Even if it can exist independently, the combat power must be weak like a chicken? So he has to deceive and use you! Wait for him to really recover. 100% fighting power, the first one to kill is you, Li Linghai, because such a 'black star emperor' will never allow anyone to see his worst time and master his biggest secret!"

"shut up!"

Li Linghai’s twisted to the extreme sound came from the depths of “Hell Star”. “Put up your teeth and you don’t understand anything. You don’t know anything! Your Majesty is the real cultivator. The savior of human civilization, the empire can't be without a sire!"

"Put his shit! You have been deceived by Li Linghai! It is Wu Yingqi, the great devil who made a set of bad systems and sloppy systems. This empire is long-lasting and has been passed down for thousands of years. It will evolve into today's gorgeous appearance, everything, he is the culprit!"

Li Yao confirmed that Li Linghai was really entangled by the Black Star Emperor, and his voice became more and more loud. "He is no different from those who are selfish and self-interested. It is nothing more than hiding him deeper, and he will cover it with a slap in the face and a lie!" Believe me, this road is not going to work. If you really want to save yourself and Li Jialing and everyone else, then you will hold him hard. We will work together to find a way to cramp his skin. Thousands of knives, smashing bones, and annihilation!

"Li Linghai! Li...The Queen's Highness? What happened to the Queen's Highness, can you hear me? Feed and feed, hold on to the Queen's Highness, hold on, be sure to hold him!"

In the hell, there is silence for a long time.

But the pair seemed to be surrounded by Li Yao's eyes, and the eyes of the incomparable black hole, but they reached the limit, and they would be sinister, violent, secret, and dark powers, plunging into the depths of Li Yao's brain.


In an instant, innumerable black bubbles permeated from the "Hell Star", and the sea water within a few hundred meters was completely boiling, as if infinite venom was injected into it, and the end of the trench was completely dyed into black that could not reach the fingers. It was impossible to tell whether it was In the deep sea, it is still in the middle of a mysterious and arrogant "field"!

When Li Linghai was driving, the six giant faces on the shell of Hell's Star were all closed eyes, and their expressions were sluggish, as if they were sleeping.

But now, the demon gods of six faces have opened twelve eyes at the same time!

"what did you say?"

The momentum of the "Hell Star" has suddenly skyrocketed tenfold. It is like a mountain that rises from the front of Li Yao. The sound of the "Hell Star" is no longer sharp and short, but soft and deep. And viscous, such as the same depth of the swamp, the venom that continues to spurt out, "You say ... 朕 朕 朕 不 不 不 , , , , , , 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕

"Really, it really happened!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and stared at the parameters that were constantly rising on the main interface of the Golden Dam, and all the cold sweats evaporated.

Even if the other side's giant soldiers are still floating in the deep sea, there are several performance parameters that suddenly burst into the table. There are one scarlet question mark on the control interface, which is "the combat performance exceeds the limit and cannot be evaluated at all." meaning!

Although Li Yao has swallowed the violent violent amount of Emperor Flames in the past few months, it is not so simple to cultivate after the promotion. If everyone is fighting for life, he will not be able to beat the ordinary state of Li Linghai, let alone have a black star. The "ultimate form" of the remnant of the Emperor Wu Yingqi.

If you can't force it, you can only take it with your own superb wisdom and perseverance.

"No, no, I didn't say anything!"

Li Yao’s eyes turned quickly and his face smiled. “Are you... squatting? Misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding!”

"Hell Star" was once again silent for a moment, and the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi was dumbfounded: "A good "vulture Li Yao" who can bend and retreat freely, is really an eye-opener. I thought that all the self-cultivators are stubborn. Stupid, idiots who broke through the South Wall and did not look back, did not expect that after the millennium of the Xinghai, there are still so interesting varieties.

"I like the wise man who knows the general body and knows the fate of the world. So, if you say it is a misunderstanding, then it will be misunderstood. You can forgive the sin of your great disrespect, and you can give you an opportunity to work in front of the saddle.

"Nature, since you know the secrets of you, you should be clear, you will never leave a comprehension person around you, come on, give up the imaginary road of false and false, stupid, become a cultivator, stand up to the hustle and bustle. Come around!"

“哧 哧 哧 哧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Li Yao snorted and twisted and said: "The situation is forced, I don't seem to have a second choice?"

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi said: "What do you say?"

Li Yao long sighed: "Whether, the strength of your majesty is so strong that it is not the enemy of the rest of the world. I have not carefully smashed the classics of Xiuxian Avenue these days. I found that they are quite reasonable and open the door to a new world. Perhaps, Xiuxian Avenue is more suitable for survival in this dark and cold universe than Xiuzhen Avenue.

"Moreover, even the fireflies have exploded, and the Xinghai Republic has completely perished. There is only one comprehension between the vast stars and the sea. What use is it?"

"Since Xiuxian Avenue is the fate of the destiny, if I can't follow the fate of the destiny, isn't it self-destruction? Then, the immortal will cultivate the immortal, I am willing to pledge allegiance to His Majesty!"


Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi sneered, "You become so fast."

"The knife holder is on the neck, you have to be fast!"

Li Yao was very embarrassed to say, "Mr. Wei also thought that His Majesty did not restore all his strength, so he was so mad, timid, and arrogant. He did not expect that his strength would be unfathomable, and his mysteriousness would be such a degree, even if he Only restored the strength of two or three percent, and only a small finger can be used to crush the micro-command into a meat mud. The micro-command is risking a life of nine deaths, and finally escaped from the hellfire-like firefly on the human world. This little life is hard to come by. If you haven’t enjoyed it for a few days, it’s a pity to lose it. Isn’t it a pity?

"In short, Wei Chen has completely figured it out. From this second, no, it is the last second. Wei Chen is already a glorious and great cultivator. Wow, I really feel reborn, and I am born again. The world is completely different! Long live the majesty, Long live the Empire, Long live the Xiu Xian Avenue!"

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