Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2331: Set yourself up and save yourself!

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi can't help but say: "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

Li Yaozhen was arrogant and vocal, and he said with emotion. "We are really understanding the past mistakes and ridiculous! From now on, for the sake of the fire, the empire is broken, the minister will never frown. Weichen knows that this change is a bit awkward, but it doesn't matter, please be patient and wait for the performance of Weichen in the future!"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi sneered: "There is no patience, nor do you like the imaginary and arrogant generations. You don't need to talk about it. If you look at it, you can find a town in the crack of the underground and give you a coordinate. You are going to kill all the original people in the town now, half of them are not allowed to let go, can do it, and naturally believe in you, such as Li Linghai, will treat you as a confidant.

Li Yao was stiff in an instant and couldn’t say a word.

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi smiled lightly: "Or, you don't need such trouble, really let you escape to the depths of the underground cracks, and I don't know how many branches will be born.

"Now we have hovering nearly a thousand spar battleships on our heads. Every warship has a lot of original slaves. You can arbitrarily designate a warship. You can kill all the original slaves inside. If you do, I also believe that you are sincerely trying to be a cultivator!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and set his mind and reluctantly said: "No, squat, play so absolutely, that is, have you not talked?"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi haha ​​laughed, and the whole body touched the hands more and more frantic. It was like a demon head full of snake hair. When he laughed that the sea water was stirred into a fierce vortex, he was not ill. Dao: "... So, I think that you like the comprehension of you, far more than the 'fake immortals' of the four major elector families.

"Those who are selfish and self-interested have no dignity, no idea, no bones, no bottom line, just a bunch of locusts that are driven by instinct. If they encounter this situation, they will lift the butcher without hesitation. Don't just say that you can kill some of the original people who don't know each other. Even if you want them to kill their own mother-in-law, I'm afraid they won't smash their eyelids and kill them!

"It is true. For a while, it is really difficult to distinguish these 'fake immortals' from 'real cultivators'. Before the millennium, it was not clear what the difference between 'true and false cultivators' was. The tiger is suffering, resulting in the horror of today's empire!

"But, the comprehension of you is different. No matter how much you use to make a fuss, you can always cover up. There is always a bottom line that you won't break through. If people have a bottom line, they will have weaknesses and they will be completely crushed!

"So, if you don't tell lies, you really appreciate you, I really like you, and I can't wait to conquer you. I haven't conquered a true self-cultivator for thousands of years. It's a wonderful taste. It's really nostalgic." Haha, hahahaha!"

Li Yao heard a horrible sigh, and took a sip. What "Jiao Xia" and "Wei Chen" were thrown into the clouds: "Death old ghost, I didn't expect you to be so perverted, I will not be killed by you... Conquered!"

"you will."

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi said faintly, "You are a self-cultivator who saw you a thousand years ago. The more firmly your self-deception is, the faster you will be smashed by reality, the faster you will slide to the other end. And Xiu Xian, originally the two sides of the coin, the most unyielding comprehensible, can often become the purest and fanatical cultivator.

"It's the ones I just said, the locusts without the heart and the bones. In the Xinghai Republic, they are vegetarians who ate their corpses and sneaked into the high places, and a bunch of locusts who smuggled the people's fat, went to the real human empire, even if they erected the immortals. The banner, what aristocrats and landlords, and what is the true belief in Xiuxian Avenue?

"Comprehensive cultivation or immortality, they do not matter at all. We regard the concept of being a treasure and willing to struggle for life. In their case, it is just a guy who eats and a tool to save lives.

"So, if it is not necessary, the four major electors of the emperor family, half of them do not want to trust, but you are such a comprehension, if you can completely conquer, you can be a sly right arm! Oh... really do not want to kill You, you should not look for a dead end again, and you will be guilty of good intentions.

"Come on, vulture Li Yao, abandon your stupid idea, stand by your side! I know that you will make such a major change in a moment, it will not be easy to accept, so I will give you time to slowly Consider! Even if you can't get it, you can't kill a whole ship of slaves, as long as you can kill ten, no, even if you only kill one, you can trust your sincerity!"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "Hey, let's find a slave to the original person, and interrupt him without a hand. I promise to play very cruel!"

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi: "...Vulture Li Yao, originally thought that you are really a smart person, I did not expect it to be as stupid as other comprehensions, really disappointing!"

"Why are you self-righteous self-cultivators who can't understand the true meaning and the painstaking efforts of Xiuxian Avenue? All of them are for the purpose of the powerful human civilization! Now the empire is facing internal and external troubles. There are four major electorate families who are eager to make waves, and there are squadrons outside the squadron. At any time, it will be a strong counterattack. At this juncture, life and death, in addition to the rebirth of the shackles, all the people can be united, and who can save the empire, Save civilization?

"Vulture Li Yao, are you not a very flexible self-cultivator? Isn't it possible for the cultivators like Li Linghai to cooperate? Why are they so hostile to the cuddle and unwilling to cooperate with you? It is also the eight words of 'Respecting the Emperor and Renovating the Empire', and that's it!

"Do you also believe that the four electorate families have been filthy in the past few hundred years in various despicable ways? Hey, those are all fake, all of them are dirty water poured on them. The process of creating a real human empire thousands of years ago is not like that at all!"


Li Yao drove the golden scorpion to hold the sword, and the pale golden flame above the blade was inconspicuous. One word and one word, "What happened after the millennium, your merits and demerits, no one can say clearly.

"But just look at the day after the millennium, everything you have done to regenerate and seize power, you know that you are a dead old man!"

"If you are returning to the empire righteously, Guangming Zhengda announces to everyone that the Black Star Emperor is born again, and calls on all your supporters to come together and win the supreme power, then I respect you as a man!

"But you are sneaking in the emperor's emperor, and you have created a deep-sea fleet and gathered up the reformists. The most important thing is that you have sneaked up an old family veteran to plant a blame. Most of the reformists and General Lei Chenghu have to rely on your situation. This kind of trick is simply to force Liangshan!"

"and many more"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi frowned. "What is ‘forced Liangshan’?”

Li Yao: "... is the proverb that Firefly has developed in the last millennium. In short, it means that you are a very mean and shameless person. In order to usurp the supreme power, lies, fraud, assassination, all kinds of means are all the best! I am one I don’t know that the whole thing is the bureau of yours, so I will be stupid and cooperate with Li Linghai. Since I know that the whole thing is a conspiracy, I will not be guilty of the tiger any time with or without your existence!"

"The temple has been calculated, and if it is true, as you said, the return of the ‘right and the big’, you have been killed by the thieves of the four electorate families.”

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi said coldly: "It is the power of the empire and the eternal existence of human civilization. It is the eternal power of the human civilization. For these two purposes, all means can be used, and everyone can sacrifice! ”

"Small section? I really believe in your evil. You are such a despicable shameless little move that it is very likely to set off a full-scale civil war of the entire empire, so that the sacred alliance has the opportunity to sneak into it. Is this called the 'small section'?"

Li Yao laughed happily, smiled and smiled, his eyes suddenly solidified, his brows wrinkled into a ball, muttered, "Wait, wait, etc., I understand, I am afraid that the whole empire counterattack is your conspiracy. Part of it, and your ultimate goal is not to restore the vast territory, but to maximize the front, consume and support the strength of the four electorate families, and finally... let the Holy Alliance launch a strong counterattack, the four electors The family's main fleet is weakened as much as possible.

"Yes, you know that relying on an ‘Imperial counterattack’ is not to fight against the sacred people, but it will trigger the strongest counterattack of the sacred people, pushing the entire empire to the edge of the precarious cliff!

"If the strength of the four major electoral families is intact and the situation of the empire is stabilizing, who will take care of you as a dead old ghost! Old and not dead is a thief. Your era has passed away thousands of years ago!

"So, only try to destroy the stability of the empire, and use the knife of the sacred alliance to kill people, to the greatest extent weaken the power of the four electorate families, to create a kind of ... everyone is dead, only the black star resurrection can save the empire The illusion of imperial imperial forces, including the remnants of the four electorate families, will obey your command!

"In other words, the situation does not happen to happen to be like this, but it has always been in your careful calculations, sacred people, reformists, four families, imperial citizens, real people, original people... everyone It is your chess piece!

"Bastard, your despicable and ferocious, is really far beyond my imagination. What is the difference between the firefighters themselves set fire to themselves, to get the public cheers and generous rewards?"

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