Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2332: Vigorous comprehension!

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi was silent for a while, but he did not deny it. He just calmly said: "You will definitely put out the sacred fire of the sacred gang, killing the empire and civilization!"

Li Yao raised his voice: "In case of failure? In case your calculation is wrong, it doesn't matter if you set fire to self-immolation, and everyone will be buried with you!"

"There is no such thing!"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi also roared. "If there is no embarrassment, the empire will eventually move toward decay and destruction. Our civilization has no future. In this case, it is better to let go of it and let it go, if you If you really think about human civilization, you should stand by you!"

Li Yaoqiang persevered the squeaky of the eardrum and bite his teeth: "The Holy League and the four major electoral families are not good things, nor do you mean that you are the savior of human civilization! Dead old ghosts, I will never give in to you. You have been completely enchanted by scum!"

"What is God, what is the devil? But the king is defeated!"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi laughed, "It is not a god, but it is to control the human civilization, and all the gods and gods are stepping on the feet!"

"You dream."

Li Yao swears, "You have failed once a thousand years ago. Even after a thousand years, if you can be a slap in the face, you will one day be awkward. What is the world's hegemony? Isn't it a mirror? Your rule is purely lie, force and conspiracy to consolidate, One day, it will be destroyed in double lie, force and conspiracy!"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi reveals a mysterious smile and extends his tentacles toward Li Yao: "There is already a comprehensive policy that can solve the problem of all local strengths once and for all. Even after 10,000 years, the real human empire will only become more and more Powerful, come on, join the camp of the immortal, and naturally will tell you the 'ultimate plan'!"

Li Yaoyi was resigning and refused on the spot: "Wu Yingqi, this heart is dead, the road is different, I will never stand on your side, you go, I don't want to see you again!"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi was slightly stunned and angered: "I am dead, especially I don't know. After a thousand years, your comprehension is still so stupid!"

"Oh, hey, hahahaha!"

Li Yao finally tore up all the disguise, and laughed loudly. "The real foolish person is you, dead old ghost, think of me 'vulture Li Yao'. After a hundred battles, it used to be delayed, and this time it is finally the turn. I managed to delay one time!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The voice has not fallen, the golden light flames of the golden hustle and bustle of the whole body are so dazzling, it is like a cluster of golden fireworks blasting constantly, and the dark and viscous seawater around it shines into a golden splendor!

In the dazzling to the extreme, the golden feathers of the pieces are erected like long knives, colliding with each other, high and low undulating, and they appear to be intricate, beautiful and beautiful, like wide wings. There are countless pairs of eyes on the wings.

As for the knives and knives that have torn through countless spar battleships, it is under the cover of Jinmang, which seems to suddenly expand ten times, more dazzling than the body of gold!

Li Yao’s soul swells at the speed of a series explosion.

All the tentacles of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi were straight and shouted: "What have you done?"

"It's nothing."

Li Yao sneered a sigh, faintly said, "Just swallowed more than 300 fortified pharmacy in one breath, almost exhausted the inventory that Li Linghai gave me, and used these fortified pharmacy as a guide to bring my life and spirit... ... completely released to the extreme.

"More than three hundred best-enhanced pharmacy, all digestion and absorption is a waste of time, so I have been stunned with you for so long, I am really embarrassed, now I have inspired the most powerful form ever, fight it!"


The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is sullen and sinister. "In one breath, it devours more than 300 pieces of the highest purity intensive medicinal agent, which is equivalent to completely burning your own soul. After this war, even if you don't die, you have to become a waste person. Are you really afraid?"

"Haha, hahahaha, what is terrible to die, the so-called death, isn't it to reunite with my loved ones who have fallen on the Firefly?"

Li Yao smiled so badly that he couldn’t wait for the taste. "Since the Xinghai Republic has completely destroyed the civil strife of the Firefly, my ... relatives and friends have died in the catastrophe, even Even myself, I have made some extreme regrets and I can't bear to look back!

"I escaping the wreckage of the Firefly, like a walking dead between the stars and the sea, even I don't know what it means to survive. I once asked myself 10,000 times, why not die with friends and family at that time. Why do you want to do that... like the ants who steal the cockroaches!"

Having said that, Li Yao’s voice choked and shivered, as if he couldn’t say it anymore, and with a few words “all this is finally over”, he laughed twice and continued: “Floating to the empire, I found Li Linghai and completed the final mission. I have no meaning to continue to survive. However, Li Linghai promised to give me a big world and operate according to the rules of the road of comprehension. It is equivalent to reconstructing a small self-cultivation civilization.

"I originally wanted to continue to linger for this purpose, and it was better to make a redemption for what I did in the past."

"But your appearance has completely broken my last hope!

"This kind of real world is Shura **** for me. Every second I live a life is not as good as death. Since the last hope has been shattered, now I just want to die like a real self-cultivator!"

"Haha, I am really lucky to say this. What kind of death method can be more powerful than ‘and the ancestor of the immortal, the black star emperor Wu Yingqi, and the other party’s heavy blows?’

"The banyan tree, the arm is the car!"

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is cold and cold. "Where do you want to be able to do so?

"Come on this!"

Li Yao’s laughter is extremely arrogant. “Don’t think that I can’t see it. Although you have powerful performance parameters and amazing refining technology, you have just fought a battle, and each magic weapon unit is seriously worn out. It seems that the octopus has sprayed so many inks around it, making it so smoky and messy, but it is to cover up, how to deceive my eyes!

"And you, you are not as strong as the heyday, saying that you have regained two or three successes and overestimated you!

"And, in the form of the remnant soul, to manipulate the body of Li Linghai, there will be no cost? In this form, a fierce battle will definitely cause great harm to your remnant soul, and let you leave any sequelae. ?

"Otherwise, how can you tolerate my nonsense for so long, don't come over and hack me? Don't say it is you, change to me in your position, you can't help but hack myself!

"So, you have exposed the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, my vulture Li Yao is fighting to die today, you must ask you to pay a very terrible price, drag your ambitions and conspiracy, all into the nine secluded Huangquan, give me the last The comprehensible is buried!"

Li Yao’s voice is like the turbulent bottom of the sea. A wave is higher than a wave, and even thousands of fine bubbles are heard in the dark golden sea!

The invincible slashing knife in the palm of the golden scorpion is no longer able to withstand the explosive energy that Li Yaoyuan has been pouring in. It is really full of cracks, and the whole knife is bursting open!

The shocking scene took place, and the slashing knife smashed into hundreds of thousands of golden pieces. Under the cover of Li Yao’s life magnetic field, it reunited and turned into a golden torrent, and went to the “Hell Star” to cover the brain. !

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi snorted, and the hundreds of metal tentacles of the "Hell Star" criss-crossed and formed a curved large net, which completely smashed the golden torrent that Li Yao's sword smashed!

That is to say, some pieces of knives penetrated the metal net, but they were swallowed up by the dark spiritual shields that were surrounded by the "Hell Star"!

This blow did not cause too much damage to the Hell Star.

Li Yao’s eyelids are not half-baked. He has long expected such a picture. If the Black Star Emperor is so easily killed, it is not qualified to be the ancestor of the Immortal. The reason why the Smashing Knife issued this blow is just to Fight for time so that you can unite stronger moves.

When the golden aftermath of this knife gradually dissipated in the black sea, the two pieces of gold smashed to the extreme wings, and all the feathers turned into golden streams, and an unpredictable arc was drawn in the sea. The mid-condensation has become hundreds of flying swords and swords with different forms and sharp edges.

In the crackdown of hundreds of millions of tons of seawater, all flying swords and swords still emit tigers and dragons, and Li Yao also broke out with a heartbreaking cry: "Dead old ghost, always remember this name, I am a comprehensionist Li Yao!"

He laughed, and the laughter embodies the death of the moth, and launched the final attack.

The main control of the "Hell Star" was a loud noise, and the vision of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi was completely filled with the burning gold.

"These...unreasonable comprehensions!"

He muttered, his brow furrowed, and he retreated slightly.

The comprehension of the millennium is not different. It is a group of guys who like to "kill themselves into the benevolence and die with death." The last blow of Li Yao’s life and spirit is violent, but the head is slightly disordered. He is completely unnecessary. And a hard-working person who is looking for a dead end.

When hundreds of golden flying swords and swords passed by, he subtly perceived the difference between the hundreds of torrents and the real attack, and the pupils shrank to the limit.

Wait, why is the attack that the other party exchanged for life, but it is so sloppy, thunder and rain? not good!

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi smashed a golden sea with a fierce sight, and saw that under the cover of the so-called "last blow", Li Yao was driving the golden shackles and climbing and taking the road!

Not to mention, Li Yao’s escape gesture is as smooth and harmonious as the mercury, and the route is like an antelope hanging corner. There is no trace to find. The moments of hundreds of flying swords and swords have already been thrown out in the heavy sea. In the ground, the tactical action in one go is really pleasing to the eye, amazing!

"Researcher Li Yao!"

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi was stunned first, and immediately angered and rushed to the crown. God read the sea and rushed to Li Yao. "Are you not going to fight fiercely? You actually ran away!"

"Who said that I ran?"

Li Yao rushed wildly and slammed his head back to the top. "I am obviously ready to circumnavigate the whole planet at a speed of speed and sneak attack from behind. This is my strongest killing, you are good. The man is waiting to stop!"

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