Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2333: The cost of accomplishing God!

Behind Li Yao is a submarine plain in Pingchuan. There is no danger and ruggedness that can be repressed. With the repair of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, you can catch up with one breath and one breath.

But just when Li Yao and Wu Yingqi were delaying the time, they secretly let the **** demons drive the dragon to hide on the submarine plain, drill a small hole, and fill in the small hole. More spar bombs.

When Wu Yingqi was driving the "Hell Star" fury, Li Yao Shen thought and stirred up the spar bomb, suddenly bursting out a black mud like a muddy mud, like a thousand submarine smoke columns rising from the ground, great Disrupted Wu Yingqi's line of sight and perception.

Li Yao inspires the power unit of the golden scorpion to sizzle, and at any time will be divided into five degrees. At the same time, Wu Yingqi’s “Hell Star” is completely hidden in the darkness, as if he was jealous. Lost.

However, Wu Yingqi’s voice of anger and anger is like chasing after the bones: “Do you think that with such a small skill, you can get rid of it? 朕 Today will definitely catch you and open your life. Cranium, look at your wonderful brain structure, and what exactly is different from the self-cultivators of the millennium!"

"Province province, the Xinghai room hates me, I can't wait to count the number of guys who are cramping my skin. Now their bones can be beaten and beaten. I am not here to jump around!"

Li Yao, while arrogant and laughing, "I vulture Li Yao's title of "The King of Reverse Attack", is it a wave of fame, want to catch me? Wait until you recover ten successes!"

Wu Yingqi whispered, the speed of the "Hell Star" soared ten times, dozens of metal tentacles spurred like a flying sword, the goal is the direction of Li Yao laughter.

In addition to smashing a sea of ​​water, it was empty.

It turned out that Li Yao had expected that his opponent would lock him in every move. In the end, this volatility was transmitted through a magical unit that engraved the oscillating array. Li Yao’s true body has long since Changed direction.

Wu Yingqi deeply narrowed his eyes, and God spread the speed of the light and stone fire in all directions, once again locking Li Yao's true body.

Seeing that Li Yao will be a good-looking, arrogant and arrogant golden scorpion, driving into a sneaky sneaky, slap in the face, but also running fast, Wu Yingqi really do not know how to describe his mood at the moment, gnashing his teeth: "朕I don't understand, since you are so greedy and afraid of death, why not surrender to you, and promise to keep you alive!"

"The ants are still stealing, I am so hard to cultivate into the realm of the gods, there are still many places not to go, many big things have not been done, of course, do not want to die!"

Li Yao went on and said, "However, compared to death, I can't stand living in the world ruled by your dead ghosts! In short, there is no happiness. I advise you not to I’ve been chasing it. I just said that I still have a trick that is extremely horrible and cruel. I didn’t lie to you, don’t force me to show the strongest blow!”

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi sneered, "Hell Star" is like a mixture of metal sea urchins and super giant squid. As the black fog spurts, the speed is getting faster and faster. At the end, the metal tentacles around the body are entangled together, forming two front and back. The appearance of the huge drill bit, at first glance, looks like a strange shuttle.

After becoming a fusiform shape, the efficiency of breaking the seawater is more than ten times higher. The "Hell Star" hits Li Yao as a black streamer, and the gap of dozens of miles is swallowed up.

The metal feathers on the wings of the golden scorpion have just spurted out. At this moment, there is only a solitary skeleton, but it is behind the frame that barely resists the "Hell Star", but all the skeletons are broken under one collision. , flew out.


In the cockpit of the golden cockroach, Li Yao spurted out blood, only to feel that with the violent impact of the "Hell Star", countless sinister energies flowed into the body along the gaps of giant soldiers, nerve endings and blood vessels. In the depths, there are 10,000 ants crawling, and the mind is full of ghosts and shadows, which breeds a horror of three thousand horrors.

"Hey, I feel so familiar."

The **** demons made a strange exclamation. "The fascinating energy, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi used is not the psionic power, but the ecstasy of the extraterrestrial demon!"


In the opposite direction of Li Yao and Wu Yingqi's fierce battle, thousands of miles away, in the depths of Yinyuehai, Long Yangjun slowly took the Lijialing to the bottom of the sea and found a supply station.

This retreat station hidden in the sand of the sea was originally a secret preparation for the escape route of the East, weapons and ammunition, spar fuel, medical drugs and fins set to enhance the speed of the sneak in the deep sea. It is all right.

The East is expected to die in the hands of the traitor, and all the traitors are also the result of Long Yangjun. The precise coordinates of dozens of submarine supply stations naturally fall into the hands of Long Yangjun, enough to support them quietly. All the way back to the continental shelf, and then along the dark road on the continental shelf, into the underground towns deep in the gap of the main continent.

"Little guy, wait here."

Long Yangjun knocked on the helmet of Li Jialing and signaled him to drill into the narrow space of the supply station. "My sister will go back."


Li Jialing hesitated and asked with boldness, "Do you want to go back and save your brother?"

Long Yangjun snorted softly and said: "It is another matter to save him. But if the other party is really a black star emperor Wu Yingqi, then look at the 'vulture Li Yao' was stunned by the black star emperor. What do you want to die, such a wonderful scene, can you miss it?"

"Is that true?"

Li Jialing looked at Long Yangjun with a suspicious look. He couldn’t help but grit his teeth. "Oriental sister, you and Yao Ge should have known each other, not just surrendering?"

"The little guy is very smart."

Long Yangjun is indifferent, "Why can you see it?"

"I am just young, not really stupid. If it is not very deep, who will venture back to save people if the enemy is likely to be the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Li Jialing got the answer, but the doubts were not eliminated. The curiosity was about to break through the stomach. After thinking for a long time, it was still difficult to set the channel. "How, how is it possible, how can Yao Ge know you long ago? What is your relationship, is it... couples?"


Long Yang Jun can not help but, "Come on, little guy, ask you a question, what do you think is the most important thing between couples?"

"Between couples?"

Li Jialing's eyes wide open, meditation for a long time, the road, "the heart has a spirit? The opposite is true? Suffering and co-existence? Never give up? Like-minded? Heart-to-heart?"

"Wrong, it is ‘going up’!”

Long Yangjun folded his fingers and did not lightly play on the head of the juvenile helmet. "I ask you another question. If you are a woman, can you believe in the scene of yourself and Li Yao going to bed?"

Li Jialing indulged in a moment and shuddered deeply: "It seems... terrible!"

"I don't feel terrible, just feel very funny. If you really have that day, it is estimated that you will laugh in minutes."

Long Yangjun said faintly, "What's more, the seemingly close relationship of 'couples' only makes sense in the short-lived period after the development of a fixed spouse system in the living body of the sexual reproduction, if it is asexual reproduction or group reproduction. Wisdom life, there is no concept of love and marriage, the word 'couple' is completely meaningless, my sister's life, but will not be bound by such a weak concept."

Li Jialing was confused: "Hey, I don't understand."

"Stupid boy, sister and Yao Ge are not lovers."

Long Yangjun smiled. "The man who is so loyal and loyal, and who is loyal to the concept, naturally only has the most arrogant and dry clouds, and the woman who is brave enough to be worthy is worthy. Sorry, my sister is not that woman."

"The heroic and dry clouds, the strength of the mountains and rivers, the courage to be irresistible"?

Li Jialing squinted for a long time, and couldn’t think of what the woman who could describe these twelve words would look like, but there was something he finally understood: “They are friends? Please, can tell more I have something about Yao Ge, I have never seen this... a maverick self-cultivator."

Long Yangjun is good at understanding: "It is not necessary to say so concealed. I understand what you mean. In fact, Li Yao was not like this in the past. At least when I first met him, his words and deeds were quite normal.

"However, you should know how much damage to the human body, especially the brain, from cultivation and combat. Li Yao is a complete madman in practice and battle. In just a few decades, there have been numerous battles, battle frequency and cultivation intensity. Far higher than the ordinary Yuan Ying and the god.

"It is in the **** sea of ​​the corpse, above the Shura abattoir, burning the soul of the soul uncontrollably, overdraw the life, squeezing the potential of the brain, and defeating one opponent who is far stronger than him. It made him one of the youngest of the stars in the Xinghai.

"However, such a crazy battle and the escalation of the embarrassment of the embarrassment, eventually severely disabled his brain, leaving irreversible sequelae, turning him from the original blood, perseverance, unyielding, self-respecting and self-love of the sun boy into today... This look."

Li Jialing awe-inspiringly said: "I will say, Yao Ge’s usual words and deeds are completely inconsistent with the image of the powerful and powerful. This is the reason why the brain is seriously damaged! So, the past Brother must be a hero?"


Long Yangjun grinned and swayed the metal fins of his legs. "Maybe, this is not the focus of my concern. I just think that he is very interesting. The universe is so vast, life is so lonely, so interesting. The life should be as much as possible.

"So... hold on, you are so sloppy, not so fast, the Black Star Emperor is alive and kicking?"

Long Yangjun shines all over the place, as if the sea water has been frozen into crystal clear crystals. The giant **** "Tianjing" once again debuted, shrouded Long Yangjun's speed and arrogance, and shot away in the direction of the battlefield! (.)

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