Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2339: Interracial and friends

Li Yao’s soul sinks and sinks in the darkness, and he has done a lot of absurd, grotesque nightmares.

Suddenly dreamed of the conspiracy of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, once again become the supreme monarch of the real human empire, and unified the whole piece of Xinghai by means of iron and blood, and turned all human beings into the "steel" cockroach".

In the end, thousands of steel shackles waved tentacles and minions to the Stars Federation, even if Li Yao forked his hands and feet in the middle of the road to no avail, and soon the belt bones were swallowed by the frenzy of steel.

Even, even oneself has become a huge, sturdy steel shovel, driven by the original instinct, swallowing one planet after another.

Suddenly, I dreamed that after hard and arduous battles, I finally stopped the conspiracy of the Black Star Emperor, and sealed the murderers of this millennium before, completely annihilated, and ended all the disasters he caused.

But the good times are not long. There is no control of the evil leader of the Black Star Emperor. The real human empire is still a loose sand. The hundreds of thousands of warlords and the peripheral world’s hundreds of warlords are still intriguing, killing each other, even in the covenant alliance. When they attacked, they couldn’t put together the grievances and interests of each other, and they were dragging their feet for their own desires.

In the end, the empire's iron-blooded battle flag was replaced by the ruthless seal of the sacred alliance. Human beings did not become "steel shackles," but they became shackles without emotions and desires.

Thousands of faceless expressions swayed Li Yao in the middle. Their eyes were like a dry well without waves. They couldn't see the shape of a little change. It seemed more terrible than the "steel shackles".

The soul of the Black Star Emperor, "squatting" behind him, sneered, whispering in a low voice: "Is it seen, vulture Li Yao, this is the result of your prevention of jealousy! Your comprehension is destined to go, you are self-righteous. Justice will only bring about greater disasters. Only the sacred avenue of cultivation is the only way out for human civilization!

"How about steel smashing? At least the strongest of us can live, as long as we live, there is hope. After thousands of years, on top of these smashed scorpions, it can open up a colorful civilization. flower!"

Li Yao was deeply enthralled. The brain was swallowed by the swamp, and the mind was slow to the extreme. I don’t know how to defend it. The illusions of steel smashing, flesh and blood, and the black star emperor suddenly disappeared. Instead, many gods and fierce battles in the era of the ruins, Heng Gu The vast scene.

Pangu and Nüwa, order and chaos, absolute rationality and absolute desire... With the starry sea as the battlefield, staged a scene of a shocking cry!

His soul is like floating high above the sea of ​​stars, and it is like going deep into every part of the battlefield. From the swords and sparks of Mars, observe and interpret the ideas of both sides, adhere to the "avenue", time and space. All lost meaning. He didn't know how long it was floating on the battlefield. Suddenly he felt a sense of coolness and woke up.

The control interface of the crystal enamel automatically shows the time. It took him more than two hours to launch the “Super Galaxy destroying the gun”.

He still clung to the calf of the giant **** "Tianjing", and was rushed forward by Long Yangjun, and gradually swam to the center of Yinyuehai, which was far away from the battlefield just now.

Thankfully, there are no signs of chasing after the various forces are behind, and it is safe for the time being.

But then it may be said that since the Black Star Emperor dared to show his true face, he has obviously launched the last resort. He and Li Linghai have carefully planned for decades, even if they cannot control the entire empire, at least the control of the emperor is a matter of stability.

Although the emperor is big, but it is full of cultivators, once it is controlled by the Black Star Emperor, where is the place of his comprehension?

"you're awake?"

Long Yangjun’s cold voice came, “How are you feeling?”

Li Yao runs the psionic power slightly, and immediately feels that his body, including his brain, is like tearing hundreds of canyons. It is not only painful to live, but the power is pouring down along these "canyons", which can't gather one star and a half.

Li Yao sighed twice and said: "It feels like I have died a bit, and it seems to be dying."

"You know it!"

Long Yangjun said with a sigh of relief, "I said how suddenly you become so powerful, even a shot of the Black Star Emperor smashed, it is not to bet on all of their souls and vitality. You are now The situation is even more miserable than that of the fragmented giant soldier 'Golden Big Bang'. At least for ten days and a half, don't want to start with people. How much can be recovered after ten days and a half, is unknown!"

Li Yao screamed and made a grateful face.

What kind of person is the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, at least a whole realm than Li Yao, who can escape from the thunder of his thunder, no matter how much the price is paid, Li Yao is a big bargain.

Long Yangjun did not know what he was thinking. He suddenly laughed and continued: "It is estimated that the Black Star Emperor has never seen you like this... The alternative comprehension is just beginning to wretched to the extreme, and finally it was awesome. The change is so big that he can't figure out what he thinks. Otherwise, he won't necessarily be hit by your last shot.

"However, there is one more thing I am very curious about. If you shoot this gun out, whether you hit it or not, you completely lose your combat power and even your ability to move. Then what are you going to do? You are so confident, I will save. you?"

Li Yao closed his eyes and shouted: "At that time, the situation was so critical. Apart from the last shot, I couldn't find a way to win the battle. Then I would kill the horse and fight for it!

"Not to mention, I think you should not watch me fall into the hands of the enemy?"

Long Yangjun frowned slightly: "Why?"

"If you don't want to save me, it won't happen at all."

Li Yao’s mouth struggled to outline a smile. “We are friends, friends are not that you save me, I save you, everyone talks about loyalty!”

"Don't misunderstand, the reason why I appear, has nothing to do with not talking about loyalty, I am just afraid that you will fall into the hands of the Black Star Emperor."

Long Yangjun said coldly, "The secrets you know are too many. In addition to the secrets of the Xingyao Federation, there are secrets of my hometown, the sacred warriors and the secrets of my identity, in case you are alive and fall into the black. In the hands of the Star Emperor, these secrets were all known to him. Then my identity was completely exposed. He had no reason to let me go, and my fight with him was even less successful.

"So, I secretly sneak back, not necessarily to save you, there is a great possibility to kill you, but I carefully analyzed the situation at the time, it seems that the success rate to save you is relatively high, so it is... Save yourself by hand."

"is it?"

Li Yao said tiredly, "It doesn't matter, as long as everyone is still a friend."


Long Yangjun snorted and said, "I still remember that when you last met with you, you also said eight words, 'Non-I'm a family, its heart will be different', you can really take me this 'interracial 'Become a friend?'

"That sentence, I said it wrong."

Li Yao did not hesitate and admitted with admittance, "You are right, 'non-family, its heart must be different' eight words, originally used to describe humans on different planets, even living on the same planet A man on a continent, except that the latitude and longitude of the place of residence is slightly different, treats each other as aliens, distrust each other, kill each other and destroy them together.

"Since human beings can and are keen to destroy themselves, then no matter what kind of existence you are, I don't seem to have to look too different. Pangu or Nüwa, it's okay to have extraterrestrial demons or virtual life, even these. All races are extremely wicked, but human beings are not a good man or a woman. Everyone is half-pounded. Why can’t they be friends?”

"Yang" in Longyangjunkou has a voice: "You admit that the mistake is very refreshing. It should be said that you have no face and no skin, or is it wrong to improve Mo Dawei?"

"Of course, knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dao, be good at making mistakes, and be good at correcting mistakes. This is my biggest advantage!"

Li Yao closed his eyes and resisted the urge to become sleepy again. "Since becoming a self-cultivator, I don’t know how many mistakes I have made, and even I have practiced all the way to today. When it’s childish and idiotic, what does it matter? If you make a mistake, change it! The so-called 'repair' is not to constantly find your own mistakes, then correct them, then collect more information and climb higher. Levels, expose more errors, and then correct them one by one, so repeated?

"Maybe I will always make mistakes, but as long as I am more 'correct' than I was yesterday, it is enough to be closer to ‘true’, that’s enough!”

Long Yangjun was silent for a moment, and the voice suddenly became insidious: "You are not afraid, what conspiracy I have?"

Li Yaodao: "If you are really planning a plot against morality and harming all beings, I will definitely stop you."

Long Yangjun sneered at the nose: "As far as you are, you can put together the general body of rags. If you don't lie on my lap, you can't walk, you can stop me?"

Li Yao took a deep breath and said: "It is another matter to stop it, but it must be stopped. It is not good. It is not done by you. What happens next, I don't need to worry about it."

Long Yangjun was speechless, silent for a long time, and suddenly accelerated.

Li Yao squinted and sensed the rushing undercurrent and the deep sea in front of him. He could not help but say: "Where are we going now?"

"My secret base."

Long Yangjun gnawed his teeth. "If all these words are just superb acting, then I admit that I was deceived by you. I originally wanted to kick you and Li Jialing’s little guy to find a seabed kick. But... forget it, take you to my nest!"

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