Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2340: Zhengda Bright Road Debate!

"Your old nest?"

Li Yao said a little bit: "Is it too dangerous to return to the base camp of the Hunting Horde Association?"

"Wrong, the base camp of the Hunting Horde Association is just the nest of the 'Oriental Moon.'"

Long Yangjun smiled. "I want to take you to me now, the dragon's nest. I just sneaked into the empire. I haven't pretended to be the 'Oriental Moon'. I used to stay there for two years. How much is prepared? of."

Li Yao suddenly widened his eyes and screamed: "How much preparation? Are you doing something weird, is there really a conspiracy?"

"Of course there is a conspiracy, or else, do you think I really came to the Empire to travel?"

Long Yangjun said faintly, "However, I carefully studied the life trajectory of your fellow, including hundreds of absurd personal biographies, and combined me and you to fight for so long, close observation, I found A law.

"Since you debuted, you have encountered countless enemies that have been difficult to deal with, starting from Yanbei, going to Xiao Xuance, then to the ancestors of the ancestors, to the drunk and Zhou Hengdao, including the later Tian Mo Mo Xuan and Tian Mo Lu dust……

"The vast majority of these enemies can afford the title of "枭雄", and the mind is not deep, the means can not be said to be not hot, the power of control is not too large, and even the final plan is sophisticated and comprehensive to the extreme.

"However, no matter how hard these heroes are, the means are so hot, the power is huge, and the plan is more detailed. In the end, it will be inevitable that you will be destroyed by strange, clever or even messy methods.

"Even, including today's Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi Lian, a peerless powerhouse that at least distracts the realm and hides countless secrets, all come back in front of you. Why is this?"

Li Yao indulged in a moment and said with a sigh of relief: "Because... Since ancient times, evil has not invaded, and I am the messenger of justice?"

"Wrong, because you, this person, seems to be born with some strange dog luck, and the more sneaky the conspiracy of these hostile heroes, the more they can motivate this kind of dog."

Long Yang Jundao, "As a double inheritor of Pangu and Nüwa, I certainly don't believe in the illusory ghosts and gods. The so-called 'dogs' is just a statistical probability, and people. The mysterious laws have not been clarified.

"But since this probability and law exist objectively, I don't have to follow Yan Yan's Northwest, Xiao Xuance, Youquan's ancestors, Lu drunk, Tian Mo Mo Xuan and even the Black Star Emperor's footsteps, and must act sneaky and do everything possible. Dealing with you, the result to the last minute, or inevitably be destroyed by you, a loss, even death.

"The car before the car is here, if I do it again, it would be too stupid, are you right?"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "Oh, but I am really weak now and I can't add it. Maybe you can kill me with a little finger."

"You are not the first to be weak and unable to add. Are those peerless men who have tried and killed you three times and five times? As a result, who succeeded, not only did it, but made you stronger again and again."

Long Yangjun said, "I am not arrogant, but I don't think that my wisdom is better than Xiao Xuan, Lu drunk and Tian Mo Mo Xuan, maybe you still have a card, even you are not even yourself. Know the cards, and I want to kill your moves, but will activate these cards? This is the biggest reason I have not been murdering you!

"In short, I think about it. I think that the way that the former heroes dealt with you was wrong. Since they all have a strong belief in their own avenues, there is no need to make such a sneaky way. Their 'avenues' can’t be seen. Can people not compete for a battle?

"From the moment they chose to hide their heads and the darkness, they have already lost because they have no confidence in their own avenues. It is not surprising that your victory."

"So, this time I have to learn from their lessons. Yes, I have a little plot and plan, but I am willing to put every aspect of the whole plan clearly in front of you. What do you want to see? Details, I will let you see the details, the whole origin, development and the ultimate goal, I will tell you, then, vulture Li Yao, you can try again to stop me!"

In the light laughter of Long Yangjun, Li Yao once again could not support and fell into a deep and long black dream.

In the dark dream, he seems to have experienced a long period of time from the big bang of the universe until now, even from now until the universe is once again dying. It is almost to forget his own existence, that is, the three souls and seven scorpions will gradually disappear.

But every time the soul is dying, the blue planet Earth will always emerge from the depths of the soul, sending him a weak power, like the swaying blue light in the night, bringing him the last glimpse. Hope for going down.

Li Yao knows that his flesh and blood, especially the brain, has been hit harder than ever before in the battle with the Black Star Emperor. Even more than the excessive exposure of the poisonous star cluster, it is even more dangerous to break through the realm of the gods.

But after the withering, it is a new life. The old brain cells are dry and corrupt. The new power is constantly flowing from the gaps in the depths of the Yuanshen, refilling his spirit and brain, and rebuilding a more powerful spiritual world!

"I will definitely complete the vulture plan, I will destroy the earth, I will... liberate you all!"

Whenever the deepest darkness is to completely pollute and devour his broken soul, this weak but unwavering voice will resonate with his soul fragments and make his new spiritual world alive. , 苞 放 放!

Perhaps at the beginning, he was caught in a deep coma.

But with the reconstruction of the spiritual world, it is like a state of "degeneration into a butterfly."

Between the two, he did not know how long he had sneaked in the deep sea. It seemed to enter a narrow, rugged, dark tunnel, all the way down the tunnel.

For several days in a row, I have been in the darkness. I can occasionally see a little firefly on the surrounding rock wall. I don’t know whether it is the light of the ore, or the eyes of the monster, and later it seems to be a large underground. In the colony, countless people with gray cloaks gathered them together.

Long Yangjun’s position in the underground gathering place seems to be extremely high, and he has a magical power. Li Yaoying’s shadow has seen countless people worshiping her, and I don’t know whether it is an illusion or an illusion.

When Li Yao really broke the "spiritual shackles" and completely regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a huge square pool, wrapped in a kind of paraffin-like milky white material, which is more than the jelly gel used for healing. Dense, tear off pieces from the body.

"Yao Ge, you finally woke up!"

Li Jialing was originally curled up in the corner and slept, the furry short tail swayed, and heard the cracking sound of "咔嚓咔嚓" in the healing pool, suddenly widened his eyes and shouted with joy.


Li Yaoqiang responded with a sigh of relief. He struggled to stand up from the healing pool and tore the "paraffin" that solidified on his body. He carefully operated the psionic energy and scanned the whole body.

Sure enough, his body is only barely repaired, and there are still many deadly cracks invisible to the naked eye, like a vase that has been crushed and carefully glued together. When the psionic energy flows to these cracks, it is like The waterfall fell into the abyss and the water disappeared without a trace.

Such a miserable injury, not only the words "reality plunging" can describe, Li Yao sighed, grabbed the bird's nest and tangled hair, thought: "The sequela is so serious, this gun is really too powerful. some……"

It’s a big surprise, it’s an accidental surprise. It’s not too greedy between a moment and a half. Anyway, the method is always more difficult than the difficulty. Even Long Yangjun said that his dog’s luck is amazing, and there is always a chance to restore the peak strength. Even more upstairs!

Li Yao cleaned up the chaotic mind, and gently punched out, testing his boxing power and breaking the wind speed, while looking at the surrounding environment.

He was lying in a quaint medical pool, and the medical pool was built in a small medical room.

From the perspective of the material of the surrounding walls and the angle of the seams, the construction of such a medical room should have a fairly high degree of civilization.

However, all the facilities around it were rusty, the room was full of rubbish, the walls were covered with all kinds of gray moss, and the vines that Li Yao couldn’t name, for a long time, were ruthless. The appearance of erosion.

The air here is extremely dull, and there is a faint smell of corruption. Even if you take a deep breath, it seems that you can't inflate the lungs.

Even if the top of the head shines with a faint light, Li Yao still feels the heavy darkness squeezed.

He is keenly aware that it should be deep in the ground.

"How long have I been sleeping, what is it here?"

Li Yao Ren stayed in a drunken headache, gazing at the medical pool next to him, his mustard battle suit folded neatly on the ground, and placed his own Qiang Kun ring.

In addition to swallowing a few Qiankun Rings in the body, other rings are here, and there are even two more Qiang Kun Rings that Li Yao has not seen. They can use the spirit to **** and carefully perceive them. Forbidden, let his gods drive straight into the exploration, a piece of Qiankun ring stores the fragments of the "golden big cockroaches", another 乾 戒 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这It was Long Yangjun who helped him collect it.

"Long Yang Jun is still enough friends!"

Li Yao’s heart was happy, and immediately thought of what conspiracy and plans Long Yangjun said before he was unconscious, and his brow could not help but lock up.

"Yao Ge, you have slept for ten days!"

Li Jialing went forward. "This is more than 30,000 meters underground. It is near the junction of the earth's crust and the mantle, 10084!"

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