Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2474: There is no door to hell!

"is it?"

Li Jialing is still somewhat suspicious. "If you really say that Yao is so good, why don't you directly open the communication with the blue sky market, make everything clear, but continue to scream and call such a shameful distress signal? You are sure' white Boss, help, 'These six words, is enough to pass all the information?"

"No way, our starship was robbed. I haven’t seen it with Bai’s boss for so many years. I can’t really open the secret communication channel with Bai’s boss. You can only call him on the public channel."

Li Yao explained, "In order to attract the Feihong fleet, the distance between us and the Feihong fleet is too close. Any information flow that is publicly sent to the blue sky market may be intercepted by the Feihong fleet.

"If I put my plan out in the communication and I was intercepted by the Feihong fleet, even if they all have pig brains, they will definitely turn around and escape."

"So, I can only use this concealed method to pass on my information and requests to the White Boss. Even if they are intercepted by the Flying Rainbow fleet, they may not be able to guess my true intentions."

"It turned out to be, but"

Li Jialing seems to understand, but it has become more confused. "With such a confusing message of help, the white boss can really understand the meaning of Yao Ge, and guess the current situation, help us surround the Feihong fleet, and break their back. road?"

"Yes, it will be."

Li Yao looked at this grotesque, distorted world through the empty juice cup, muttering. "He is the white boss. It is the white boss who has been strengthened by Yan, and the power is enhanced. It is my half teacher. Ah, such a tacit understanding, he must have.

"In any case, I can't watch the cultivators pick up so many innocent people to use as cannon fodder. So many old and weak women and children are forced to put on the empire's combat uniforms, meaninglessly annihilated in the whirlpool of war.

"Even if I hope again, I will gamble on a gamble, and then let those despicable beasts, those who forcibly arrest the old and the weak women and women instead of fighting them... pay the price!"


At the same time, in the direction of the blue sky market, the Big White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet have been separated from the port under the cover of dozens of barely able to drive the Li Wuzhi Starship. The speed is getting faster and faster, and they are shooting at the innocent Xinghai.

The original flagship "Endless Burning Number" of the Great White Fleet has been in the federal defense battle, and the flagship black whirlpool of the Black Wind Fleet has died. After that, the Great White Star Pirates jumped to the center of Xinghai with a comprehensive supply ship, after a series of sneak , fraud, capture, repair, renovation and upgrade, now, the Great White Star Group has a brand new, heart-wrenching power unit that combines seven or eight fast attack ships, which is the fastest flagship in Xinghai Central. .

White boss named the new flagship "Alloy Virus"!

The boxing champion had never understood this rather eccentric name, and what deep meaning it had.

Until today, Bai Bo showed all his ambitions to him. He realized that the meaning of "alloy virus" is that White Boss hopes that this flagship can go to a higher level world like the virus threat to humans. Unbelievable existence, causing a great threat?

As for the flagship of the comprehension fleet, it is much simpler.

The self-cultivators who originally escaped from the Wuying world gathered around the Dashan of Gao Dakang.

Gao Dakang is the captain of the mining ship. Although he has a strong will and a strong character, he is a very solid logistics organizer, but not an excellent fleet commander.

The gradual awakening ability of the boxing champion, and even from the white boss to absorb or even "copy" a large number of tactics and skills into their own database, and gradually emerged, it is logical to take over most of the command from Gao Dakang, even with the flagship has changed The large-scale starship itself, which has been converted into a comprehensive supply ship, is not strong in combat power, but it is capable of carrying a large number of crystals, the universe, and even the battle. Giant soldiers, even with a well-equipped maintenance factory, are the most reliable mobile bases. Together with the amazing ability of the boxing champion, they can naturally explode more than 300% of their operational effectiveness.

The boxing champion named this flagship "Tiequan", a rather unpretentious name.

At this moment, the "alloy virus number" and the "Iron Fist" dominated their respective fleets and moved closer to the Feihong fleet from both sides.

The Feihong fleet is still in a state of ignorance and ignorance against the upcoming devastating blow.

They had just confirmed the brand of the soul and the combat coordination code with Li Wuji, and there was no suspiciousness.

What's more, they took the initiative to invite the Li Wudeng fleet to attack before and after, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Hey, the only downside is that when the Yongchun Hou learned their true intentions and found that they had caught so many talents, they would be furious, but they would be furious, but there are always ways to put Yongchun Hou on the wait. Comfortable!

But this does not mean that the white boss and the boxing champion can sit back and relax.

Because they are faced with an extremely difficult task, that is to surround the Flying Rainbow fleet.

The siege in the vacuum of the universe is not the same thing as the siege on the ground.

The siege warfare on the ground battlefield is flat and two-dimensional. As long as it surrounds the enemy in front, back, left and right directions, it can be said that the "four sides are surrounded". In theory, four to five times the strength can be completed. Surrounded.

However, the battlefield of the cosmic vacuum is three-dimensional, it is a vast space with a nearly spherical shape, and there is no barrier between mountains and rivers. It is not easy to encircle, and it is very convenient to escape.

Although the Great White Stars have just swallowed up all the forces of the 28 Stars and the Fleet, and got a lot of Starships, these Starships are riddled with holes and smashed, even 50% of the combat power is not playing. come out.

Not to mention that most of the prisoners are still stunned, and they are unable to fight with confidence.

Under such a delicate situation, the strategy of dispersing the forces to carry out the siege will only stretch the encirclement as thin as a flap, and maybe the Feihong fleet will poke a few transparent holes in the encirclement.

Once the encirclement is pierced and broken, and the other party launches a counterattack, there is even a risk of ruining the whole army.

That is equivalent to an insatiable python swallowing two elephants in one breath, and finally the elephant has not been digested, and the stomach is swelled alive.

Such a high risk, no wonder the big white star thieves became the chief of staff of the hundreds of years old star thief Xiao Lishui, all face sinking water, hesitantly suggested to the white boss: "Boss, we really want to... one breath Swallow the Feihong fleet?"

"if not?"

White boss stared at the battle interface, like a flood breaks off the levee, and changes the data hundreds of times per second. Cold and cold road, "I want to integrate the star warships of the 28 Stars and the Libyan fleet. People, and then swallow all the resources of the blue sky market, we need at least a month.

"This month's reincarnation, during the full upgrade period, no outside world can not know the truth of the blue sky market, can not spread the things happening in the blue sky star field.

"The Feihong fleet is so close to the blue sky market. In any case, they will definitely ask for inbound supplies and rest. When you think that what happened in the blue sky market, can you really win them? Not all of them, if you missed it. The sound of the wind, the time comes the main force of the four major families.

"Oh, for the sake of today's situation, we have worked hard for a whole year. Since the big elephants are swallowed up in the stomach, there is no reason to spit it out. We can't escape, then we can only fight!"

"What's more, hey, the new main battleships of the Feihong Fleet are good. It is a pity that these shrimps and crabs will be driven. The fat that is sent to the mouth is not eaten. It is not the style of my white boss!"


Xiao Lishui sighed and threw out the key question. "With our combat power at the moment, no matter how it is deducted, it is impossible to fully fly the Feihong fleet! Boss, you see the results of these dozens of combat deductions if we shrink The strength, condensed into a rushing formation, to defeat and even defeat the Feihong fleet is sure, but the forces are scattered throughout the sphere, it is difficult to surround and devour all the other starships, it is very difficult.

"The risk of eating an enemy in one bite is too great, boss, be careful to overturn the ship in the gutter!"

"Did you consider the factors of Li Yao?"

White boss squinted half-eyedly. "According to the boxing champion and Li Yao’s record in the reformist group, he has now stood firmly in the realm of the gods and has a very powerful giant soldier 'Golden Big Donkey'. ""

"Considered, we have already added Li Yao's combat effectiveness and calculated together when we were deducting."

Xiao is away from the waterway. "The ability of the giants to attack and dagger is indeed powerful, but it is not invincible. The Achilles heel is fuel, ammunition and endurance. Li Yao is so strong. After all, it has just rushed to the realm of the gods. At best, it is a god. At the beginning or the middle of the period, can you blast a few starships at once?

"The diameter of the starry battlefield is tens of thousands of kilometers. If we collapse on one side, even if Li Yao is playing beautifully on the other side, it may not be able to rescue in time. Therefore, the boss still has to think twice and think twice!"


White boss ten fingers crossed, placed under the nose, mung bean eyes released a deep light.

He replayed Li Yao’s distress signal again.

"White boss, help! White boss, help! White boss, help!"

Li Yao’s harsh cry once again echoed in the bridge, making every member of the bridge group whitish.

But this time, the white boss smiled low.

"Little bastard, Lao Xiao said yes, you rushed to the gods for a maximum of one year? I really want to break my head and can't think of it, this time, what kind of 'miracle' can you bring us? !"

The white boss muttered to himself, but his eyes were round and round, just like the main gun of the starship that fired all the fire. Huo Ran got up and waved his hand and smashed the railroad. "Through my order, I don't have to pretend to be the smashing of the Feihong fleet." The friendly army, full speed forward, flanking, according to the No. 4 combat plan, surrounded by the Feihong fleet, while launching a large number of magnetic storm mines and corrugated jams, to cut off the enemy's jump escape, let alone send out even a distress signal.

"The blue sky market is mine, the blue sky star field is also mine, there is a road in heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to come in, come in, then you don't have to go!"

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