Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2475: Wan cannon welcome!

There is a road to heaven, there is no door to hell, and it is a dead end to break into the site of the Great White Star.

The roar of the white boss turned into the most powerful stimulant of all the federal star thieves, even though the physical and psionic powers had been exhausted in the earlier battles, but once the new battle horn blew, they still instantly ignited the most violent flames and Light, as if to put life into the power furnace of the star ship.

The speed of an arrow-like starship suddenly increased. From the original thick and thick formation, a sharp claw was torn out, and it was swept away from the flanks and rear of the Flying Rainbow fleet.

The distance between the two sides is so close, the map of the Great White Star and the fleet of comprehensions is poor, and there is no possibility of disguise. The commander of the fleet can be seen by the slow fleet. They are so aggressively changing, like a food. The flower blooms of the people are not for the sake of several transport ships in the district, but to open the mouth of the blood basin. It is necessary to swallow the Feihong fleet that is much smaller than them!

"This is... what are you doing?"

On the flagship of the Flying Rainbow Fleet, the command layer consisting of dozens of empire peripheral world warlords and head snakes was still sneer, and thought that Li Yao’s transport ship was hand-to-hand, even after calculating the battle to the blue sky market, how to spend the day, relax Enjoy some.

Unexpectedly, the opposite "Li Wudf Fleet" will suddenly change, posing a kind of encirclement and annihilation formation that is not friendly to them, even extremely sinister!

They want to follow the change, get rid of or even go backwards, it is too late.

Because the Feihong Fleet and the Big White Star Pirates were originally opposite, like two cars traveling on the same track, the speed has reached the limit, and the crystal track train will collide head-on after a while.

Such a huge fleet, each starship must maintain a certain safe distance between them, so as not to cause the conflict between the psionic shield and the tail flame, like a strict and fragile artwork, wanting to be in a short time It’s not easy to turn around ten times. If you turn around against the enemy’s artillery, you will find yourself dead.

The Feihong fleet had no choice but to keep the speed on the scalp and actively rushed into the encirclement of the Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet.

For a moment, the command of the Feihong fleet did have some troubles and panic.

Of course, they don’t know the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the blue sky market. They don’t know who the enemy they are facing. They think that they are mad, they don’t know what crazy they are doing, they want to eat the ties of their four electors, and they want to annex the periphery of the empire. Miscellaneous army is also a commonplace thing.

However, when they set their sights and scanned the tail flames from the opposite side, they judged the number of the Great White Stars and the fleet of the self-cultivators and the combat power. They could not help but laugh and gave a sigh of relief.

Too reluctant.

From the bleak and scattered tail flame, it can be seen that the opposite starship is either not high in rank or has just undergone a fierce battle. It is seriously damaged but has no time to repair, and the combat power is greatly reduced.

With such a thin force, there are even such a fierce and fierce formation. They are trying to encircle them from all sides and swallow all their starships. It’s too reluctant!

"Oh, evil, no matter what kind of ghosts, what do you think is a third-class empire, is the real power of Li, can you be lawless, so do you oppress the tyranny of our empire?"

"We are sincerely loyal to the Senate, and there are also dependants in the four major families, but we are not allowed to be so arrogant!"

"Even if we are full of dissatisfaction with us, we have no reason to meet with each other. We look at the whole empire. Who is fighting this is not the case. Do you want to use such a bad excuse to set our sins and really eat us and expand? His own strength?"

"Hey, these big aristocrats are like this. They think that Laozi is the best in the world. Whatever they are, whoever sees them will bow down and say what they are!"

"Let us first defeat the fierce fleet and report the matter to the four families. After the war, he took out such a blind man and saw how he continued to be this 'Yongchunhou!'

I thought that the weakness of the Li Wu disease and the flaws of the encirclement, the command of the Feihong fleet unanimously made the decision to "go full speed, tearing the enemy battle from the front."

In the common sense, this is an absolutely correct strategy.

No matter whether it is the Libyan fleet or the Wanmeng Business League, or any other monsters, at least the flaws are in front of you. If there is anything, they will not be late after they have torn the encirclement.

The Feihong Fleet, which is advancing at full speed, has no time to stop and slowly release the ultra-long-range communication unit. It will take up dozens of kilometers of antennas, and it will not be able to send any signal to the outside world of tens of light years to face the damage of combat power. The enemy forces who clearly showed the wrong formation, they did not have any need for help or alarm.

Moreover, at this time, the fierce firepower from the Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet has been blasted around the Feihong fleet. The first round of firepower is not strong, but it has stirred up a surge of spiritual energy. And space 涟漪, interfere with the jump of the Flying Rainbow fleet, and interfere, destroy and block their ultra-long-range communications.

"I am afraid that we will run away?"

The commanding layer of the Feihong Fleet is very happy. "The big aristocrats are the great aristocrats. They are born with infinite self-confidence. They think that such a thin encirclement can trap us.

"Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough, puncture directly from the weakest front of the enemy, it is they who escape!"

The two fleets have been rounded like a pot, a sharp blade, high-speed approach, and the front end of each other shines with countless glaring spears, a short and fierce Xinghai war, is about to begin!


"Have you seen it, have you seen it?"

On the ragged transport ship, facing the stars, more and more dazzling light, Li Yao danced and ecstatic, "What do I say, hey, what do I say, even if it is as strong as a white boss, still have to Give me a vulture, Li Yao, a thin face!

"The Feihong fleet has been entangled by the white boss. This idiot has no plans to escape. Haha, it is a dead end!"

"White boss the first time to release the interference of the strongest firepower to prevent the escape jump and it issued a distress signal rainbow fleet of view, he really and I'm sympathetic, I suddenly realized the 'white boss, help Ah, the profound content contained in the six words!

"The two sides have refuted the fire. The Feihong fleet has been firmly sucked up. Don't even want to escape. Now, it is our turn to show our talents. We will give these people a hundredfold, thousands of times and thousands of times. !"

Li Yao smashed and was burned by a strong war, and pulled out the lips of a blisters. The smile was very comfortable and wild.


Li Jialing hesitated by his side. "How do I feel that the fierce fire of the Great White Stars is directed at us?"


Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank and the depths of his eyes were deep. The light curtains released by dozens of arsenal ships on the opposite side of the Great White Stars suddenly expanded to the limit, almost burning his eyes.

However, thousands of beams of light are unbiased, and they are directed at the raging transport ship where Li Yao is located.

Behind the light column is a slower magnetic storm frenzy. There is a spar shell with a slower speed behind the storm. It seems as if the guns are screaming and killing him!

Li Yao instantly oozes a cold sweat on his back: "No!"

The overwhelming artillery fire almost drowned Li Yao’s wrecked transport ship, but at the last moment, he passed by a few kilometers or even a few hundred meters and suddenly passed away, shooting at the Feihong fleet behind him. The chasing soldiers will shoot the individual.

In the Star Wars, a few kilometers away is actually a shorter distance than the hair. This round of volley highlights the exquisite gun control of the white boss, but it seems that, er, it seems that there is no need to let the gunfire be so far from Li Yao’s starship. Near.

"That one……"

Li Jialing was silent for a while. "Is it my illusion? Why do I think that Bai Lao seems to be very dissatisfied with us? I don't welcome us. I use gunfire to vent my anger.

"Oh, wrong. He doesn't know that I have a presence with Xiao Ming and Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, so I should just be dissatisfied with Yao Ge. Do you welcome Yao Ge alone?"

"Open, what a joke!"

Li Yao was so swallowing that he swallowed his forehead and wiped his forehead. "I don’t want to mention the feelings of the white boss. It’s just like the greeting between the stars and the thieves. The more the brothers with deep feelings and the two knives, the more Is it necessary to welcome it with fierce gunfire? Is this equivalent to a salute salute? Have you heard it?"

"is it?"

Li Jialing narrowed his eyes and raised strong doubts at the bottom of his eyes. "But when the guns were screaming and the overwhelming artillery fire almost drowned us, Yao brother obviously shrank his neck, his face was blue and his sweat was flowing back. This is really a salute. Is it normal?"

Li Yao: "...the battle is urgent, every second counts, what are you still swearing, let us use the most dazzling sound and light effect, gorgeous debut! Long Yangjun, are you ready?"

"I have long been ready."

I have been leaning against the corner of the wall, and my brows are contemptuous. It seems that Long Yangjun, who is forcing something, is faint. "But for the current situation, in order not to let go of the Feihong fleet, I suddenly created a new one. the idea, as we diverge? "


Li Yao slightly hesitated, "Which two?"

"I, Li Jialing, Xiao Ming Wen Wen all the way."

Long Yang Jundao, "Then, you are all the way, so that your playing space will be relatively large, and you will be able to bring your horrific combat power to the limit."


Li Yao blinked. "Is that the case?"


Long Yangjun nodded. "And I believe that no matter whether Li Jialing or Xiao Ming or Wen Wen, they will agree with this plan."

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