Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2476: Countless stars, countless heroes!

"Is there such a thing?"

Li Yao waved his hand. "It doesn't matter. Let's kill it. I have a **** knife that is hundreds of meters long. I have been hungry and thirsty!"

He braved the aftermath of the gunfire and ran away in the back cabin.

The structure of this transport ship is not so complicated, leaving the bridge and passing through a long ramp, it is a large warehouse for loading goods.

At this moment, pushing the heavy alloy gates, a smell of odor and fear is coming. The warehouse is full of ragged clothes, bloody, frightened and sad people, like a rotten meat. Packed with tin cans.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are doing their best to comfort those who escaped from the dead, but the two little guys look from the outside, after all, they are still seven or eight-year-old dolls, plus a cute and cute face and a tender voice, what is persuasion? force?

When I saw Li Yao, everyone saw a life-saving straw like a drowning person. All of them had the light of hope in their eyes, and they all reached out to Li Yao.

"Li Zhenren, the gunfire outside is so fierce, what happened, is the chase to catch up?"

"Please save us, Li Zhenren, we don't want to fight, we haven't received a little military training, we won't fight at all!"

"We just want to quietly live our days. The war tax that is handed over to the empire every year is already astronomical. We have contributed everything to the empire. We are exhausted and we are going to live! We don't know the current empire. What is going on, isn’t it that we have just won a big victory on the front line, why is the rear rekindling the war? What innovations and four families, we don’t know who is right or wrong, but we really don’t want to fight, No fight!"

"Li Zhenren, we have a lot of relatives detained in the starship of the Feihong fleet, they will not have anything, they... oh..."

Adults, the elderly, children, women, seriously ill and shin bones are chained to the young and the young, and the dying people who have lost their souls have screamed.


Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are also somewhat helpless. Looking back at Li Yao, the little brow wrinkles, it seems that they do not understand why the war in the human world will be carried out in such a ridiculous and mean way.

Li Yao deeply took a deep breath and tried to control his anger.

Especially when he saw that even a child under the age of ten was caught by the cultivator, he was going to act as a "boy scout" to die, the kind of almost bursting anger.

Every time, every time, seeing such a scene, he feels that his meditation and self-defense efforts for a hundred years of cultivation will be abandoned. It seems that he has returned to the old boy who was unscrupulous and wants to do it. The chop is blasted into a real "scum"!

"I told you yesterday that I am not a real person. I am completely different from the **** ‘real people’ of the Empire.”

Li Yao slowly said, "Everyone calls me ‘A Yao’ or ‘李哥’. If you want to say real people, who are we not real human beings, who are not compatriots of each other?

"The next artillery fire may be a bit violent. Although it may not bombard our ship, the psionic fluctuations may cause interference from our power unit and cause the ship to violently oscillate. Therefore, let me remind everyone, please use protection. The gel wraps itself tightly and fixes it on the bulkhead. Remember, no matter whether your hands or feet or your head are exposed, especially if your head is headshot, it is not good to hit your head and break your blood!

"Other things, just give it to me!

"I promise that I will assure you in the name of the comprehension that all of you will be fine. All of your loved ones who have been taken away by the immortals will be fine. I will save them all and let those who are tainted strong. The dignity of the people, obliterating the glory of the soldiers, trampling the beasts of the bottom line of human civilization... paying a hundredfold price!"

For a moment, in Li Yao’s eyes, blood and mans are intertwined, and war and killing are flying!

"Li Yao brother..."

Everyone was shocked by Li Yao’s murderousness, and it was silent for a time.

But there was a girl with a unkempt hair and a pale face, and she bit her lip and leaned forward. "Grandma said, you are the most powerful and powerful hero, so you can beat those bad guys and help me save my mother. Come out, is that the case? I want my mother, I want my mother, hehe..."

The little girl wept.

Countless children have widened their black and white eyes and looked at Li Yao with anticipation. They, like this little girl, were forced to separate from their parents.

The Flying Rainbow Fleet used this method to force civilians to "willingly" become a moth to kill the immortal children, and to hold them alone on a starship, forcing their parents to say that if they were aunts Don't rush to the front, let the star ship full of children rush to the front.

As a result, the cannon fodder troops naturally received "high morale." Those children who were taken away as hostages and civilians, even without the lock of the skeleton, were obedient to death.

Before the white boss was found, Li Yao was alone, unable to rescue everyone, and naturally took away the transport ship that held a large number of children. Therefore, there are many children here.

It is strange to say that Li Yao was not a person who likes children very much, especially for those "bear children" who are neither obedient nor unpredictable.

However, after discovering that he was a father, with Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, two super disobedient and super elusive super bear children, he actually felt that the children under the sun were getting more and more pleasing to the eye. Everything fights for them and protects their impulses.

"Little bell..."

Li Yao knees down on one knee, try to converge on killing, put on an amiable face, and twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Because this little girl and Ding Lingyi had the same name, Li Yao left a very deep impression on her. She talked a lot with the little girl yesterday. It was very late to comfort, and she fell asleep with a small bell.

This is also the reason why "Little Bell" dared to speak boldly and murderously today.

"Yesterday, Li Yao brother did not tell you a lot of stories, telling a lot of heroes between the stars and the sea?"

Li Yao does not lightly grasp the shoulders of the little bells, and transmits a calming spirit to the past. For example, the warm current slowly flows around the small bells. "The most powerful and powerful hero, Li Yao brother is definitely counted. No, even if it’s a hero, I’m just the smallest, smallest, and most insignificant one. Oh, it’s like this little finger is so small.”

Li Yao swayed with his own tail finger, and with a rather funny expression, it was a sad little girl who laughed and laughed. There were many children laughing behind.

Li Yao also laughed and coughed a few times. He said: "I tell you, there are a lot of superheroes who are more powerful than me, and they are countless times. What are the white bosses, the champions, they are all very good, very The sense of justice, very chivalrous and daring, the ancient hottest people, the most like the road is not flat, the knife is helping!

"It alone is not enough to save your parents, but it is impossible to end this **** war, but with the power of these heroes and good people, it is almost the same.

"Listen, hear the pulsation of the psionics impacting the rumbling of our hulls. It’s like the thunder of the guns, that is, the heroes of the white boss and the boxing champion. They received the distress signal from Li Yao’s brother and knew that it happened here. Things, so desperate to come to save you and save your parents!"


The little bell was moved, and a little embarrassed, muttering. "Li Yao brother didn't lie to us. It turned out to be a hero, and there are so many heroes!"

"That is required."

Li Yaozhong focused on the key, and his firm eyes swept all the children in a circle. "I believe that Li Yao’s brother, no matter how dark the world you see, but the light is there, justice is there, heroes are there, and thousands are Tens of thousands, go on and on, there will always be!

"There are a few stars in the sky, how many heroes are there between the stars, and sometimes the light of the stars will be covered by dark clouds, but after all...

"The dark clouds will be completely shredded by us!"


Li Yao’s words made all the children forget the fear of artillery fire and the pain of separation of loved ones. It seems to enter a new world, a dark cloud, a dark cloud, and a new world like a star!

"So, little bells, don't think about it, get into your jelly gel with your friends, and sleep beautifully."

Li Yao laughed. "After you wake up, Mom and Dad will naturally appear in front of you."


Xiao Ling’s focus is on the head. “I believe Li Yao’s brother, thank you Li Yao’s brother, Li Yao’s brother is long live!”

"Oh, I have nothing to thank, mainly thanks to the white boss."

Li Yao scratched his messy hair and said, "Yes, I haven't forgotten what I taught you yesterday. What should I do after seeing the white boss?"

"I haven't forgotten that Li Yao's brother said that Bai Lao is a very kind and amiable grandfather, and he likes children very much."

Xiaoling said innocently, "So, waiting for the bad guys to run, Li Yao brother will take us to see the white boss, and then when I see him, we will fly up, holding his thighs, the sweetest The voice called him 'White Grandpa', then he will be very touched, and when he is touched, he will come up with a lot of resources, and even send us some starships to live temporarily, so that we can find a nobody with grandparents, grandparents, grandparents and grandparents. The place to hide, you can return to the garden after the fight!"

"Yes, Li Yao brother gave this to you, Xiao Ling, remember to practice with your friends."

Li Yao touched the little girl's head. "Remember, you must hug his thighs, you must not be freed by him, and the set of words that I teach you, hey, superheroes, chivalrous guilts, old ways, I must have a good back, and then I will say it out loud and believe me. How can Li Yao’s brother be such a good person, how can you lie to you? When you do this, Bai Bo must be moved to cry, and then he will ask for it, and promise you everything. La!"


All the children nodded at the same time, with serious expressions and gears.

There are still people who can't wait to start practicing how to hold the white boss's thighs, as well as the old sayings.


Li Yao regained his enthusiasm and anger, and waved his hand to the stunned Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. "We set off to fight the Feihong fleet, and the white boss victory meeting!"

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