Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2477: Then, let it die!

In the maintenance warehouse of the broken transport plane, Li Yao made the final preparation for the Jingyu and the giant soldiers, and according to the changes in the battle conditions, equipped with the most suitable magic weapon.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are also debugging the space warfare and psionics suites that adapt to vacuum combat. In the way of combat, they and the boxing champion are like a withdrawal.

"Dad, I have been thinking about Xiaoming for a long time, I still want to ask you."

While debugging, while listening to the text, he said seriously, "Is it easy to lie to a child who is less than ten years old? Is it really good? Or, you decide to embark on the road of the ultimate demon king, so it doesn't matter how despicable?"

"What is this, what is cheating, what is despicable?"

Li Yaoli said, "I am called 'necessary modesty'. Well, in front of the children, I can only say that I am a 'little, insignificant hero'. Is it true that telling them that I am saving? The world is like a super invincible hero who drinks water and eats it? It sounds too arrogant!"

Xiao Ming: " one is entangled in that thing! We are talking about the boss of Bai, what is a good man, a hero, a good old-fashioned, and a knife to help those ghosts!"

"Oh, this one?"

Li Yao said with a smile, "This is not a complete deception. In fact, there are so many good people or bad people born by the environment, it is nothing more than the environment is forced or there is no one to lead in the front, pushing behind."

"The white boss in the past may not be a good person, but if I push it behind my back, even if I squat on his ass, I know I can't bring him to the camp of good people.

"Do you know, many times, good people are a very enjoyable thing, maybe a little reluctant at first, but unconsciously, subtly ... will be addictive, and finally can not stop, hahahaha!

"Right, don't say this. Just now Long Yangjun proposed that the soldiers should be divided into two ways. What do you say, is it with me all the way, or with her?"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen exchanged a meaningful look.

"We are still with Aunt Long."

The text is whispered. "This is, after all, the first time we officially appeared in the starry battlefield of human warfare. The first impression is very important, and we should try to leave a good impression on most human beings."

"Alright, then follow them, be careful!"

Li Yao filled the crystal brain with fuel and completed the colonization. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong. "Wait, what is the 'good impression', why can you leave a good impression with Long Yangjun all the way, and it is all the way to me. No? What do you mean?"

I was about to ask, the two little guys had been carried away by more than a dozen psionic cockroaches.

"Dad, no time, what's the matter, say it after the game!"

The two little guys drilled into the super-crystal brain and the most advanced number of poly-spirited towers, enough to become a "spiritual hotspot" of the universe battle, surrounded by countless psionics, did not return to the transport ship, and Long Yangjun went back to the division.

"It's not a cute kid."

Li Yao muttered a sentence, the giant **** soldiers into the Qiankun ring, also separated from the transport ship through the double airtight gate, invading the starry battlefield in full swing, "the situation is not good, then three minutes to solve the battle, then find the white boss !"

At the moment, the situation is indeed somewhat unfavorable for the federal star thief and the self-cultivator.

The Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet have just undergone a fierce battle, and it is too late to replenish the lost fuel and ammunition. The damage of the starship’s riddled holes has not been repaired. In this case, the surrounding formation, the looseness and the weakness are imaginable. of.

The Feihong Fleet is no longer a fisherman. After all, it is a local snake outside the empire. It has just been upgraded by a number of powerful starships, and it also has its own fangs and claws.

They condensed the starship into the most compact assault formation, and achieved three or five times the firepower density of the Great White Stars in the unit space. Just after the confrontation, it was faintly torn the encirclement of the Great White Star.

"Boss, it’s not a way to fight this way, change it!"

On the alloy virus, the loyal staff chief Xiao Lishui once again suggested, "If you play this way, our encirclement will be completely torn by the Feihong fleet within half an hour. The whole formation is completely broken!

"The other party even began to scan the core of our information flow intensive, we must lock our flagship!

"With the intensive firepower of the other side, once we attack our flagship, it is really possible that even the alloy virus number will be blown up!"

"No hurries."

Even if the flagship began to withstand the enemy's artillery fire, the white boss was still as quiet as the water, and the fingers crossed at the tip of the nose. "Wait a minute."

"What are you waiting for?"

Xiao Li Shui is in a hurry, "It’s too late to change again!"

"wait until"

The white boss swept Xiao Xiao’s eyes and stared at the few light-receiving ships on the light curtain. It seemed to be a plain light spot, and he gnashed his teeth. "Li Yao has finished his trick, no matter what, now and Last time, I can only believe that this mixed ball... can bring new miracles!"

More than 800 kilometers away from the alloy virus, the Great White Star Pirates is the most powerful super arsenal ship "Stainless Steel Mouse".

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Hante also dispatched firepower in a hurry and vented the power of destruction along with his own roar. "Too much too much, why are there so many enemy ships on our front, we can't beat it!"

"Why did Bai’s boss have such a strange encirclement formation? Did he think that with the help of the future 'Xinghai Cannon King', my future Master, can you blow up so many enemy ships in one breath?

"He is too old for the elderly to see me?

"Yes, right, it must be like this, hehehehe, since the white boss can see me so much, I will never let him down, come on, let the storm come even more fierce, even if it is more than ten times the enemy ship, I have to ship one and one, and break you into slag!"

On the other side of the battlefield, on the flagship "Tiequan" of Starlight, the computing power of the boxing champion is also reached to the limit, and hundreds of array-type super crystal brains condensed into his main brain from time to time emit "吱吱" and "嗤嗤" sounds. , smoked green smoke.

The glazed hands manipulated the maintenance interface of the array crystal brain, mobilized various ventilation and cooling arrays to cool the main brain of the boxing champion, and occasionally burst into exclamation.

"Fist King, can't!

"You don't want to improve the trajectory of shooting accuracy. If you increase it, after twenty seconds, your left area will be exploded on the 17th crystal brain, and the extra loss will be 0.9% of the calculation power!

"What are you doing? Just after you started the war, you spared no effort to consume your computing power. You didn't leave any room for change. What should you do?"

Seeing the boxing king is so crazy overdraft, do not care for his own brain, glazed gas wants to knock on his iron skull.

"Don't worry, Miss Liu."

The boxing champion manipulates an ordinary lingering spirit to stand beside the glass, as the main carrier of his usual action. In the specially debugged phonogram array, a low and gentle voice is issued. "The reinforcements will arrive soon, even if they are exhausted. It doesn't matter if you calculate the power, just stick to that moment, then... just watch him perform."


The glass slammed and looked at the burning star sea created by the virtual light curtain. "What kind of reinforcements can withstand the high-speed sprint of a whole fleet?"

In the center of the battlefield, with the flagship as the core, the elite combat power of the Feihong fleet has indeed pushed the speed to the limit. It is about to face the most intensive information flow of the big white star thieves, which is the area where the flagship alloy virus is located.

It seems that the relative sparse firepower around the alloy virus does not stop the flood of the Feihong fleet. Instead, it may be rushed by this torrent to disperse the flagship and surrounding support ships.

On the flagship bridge of the Feihong fleet, the smirk of laughter has already come and gone.

"These nobles and nobles are all imaginary flowers, they will not fight at all, and they will have such a strange array, and they will be scattered!"

"I usually fight, these big aristocrats just move their mouths, they really sweat and sweat, aren't they dependent on us?"

"They should have just fought a battle with the garrison in the blue sky market. It took a long time to win the blue sky market. The foothold is not stable, so the starship is broken, the fuel is scarce, and even the psionic shield can't be stirred to the limit. In this case. I still want to fire and 'friends'? These big aristocrats, what are they thinking in their minds?"

"It doesn't matter, after rushing through their encirclement and completely separating them, they know what they are doing. This conflict is our reason, and it has won such a crisp and neat, and it is not afraid to go to the four electors." !"

"Chong, rush, rush!"

The flying flagship of the Flying Rainbow fleet is getting faster and faster.

But after only three seconds, the laughter was interrupted by a stuttering scream.

"Reporting, reporting, and detecting an extremely strong super-high energy response, and being unbiased, it is on the path of our fleet's rush!"


The vast expanse of the sea, the burning battlefield, and the boundless stars, are suppressed by the fire of destruction ignited by wisdom and hatred, and eclipsed.

In the most densely devastated area, that is, the front of the flying rainbow fleet, Li Yao was only wearing a thin crystal, his hands were flat, quietly floating in a hot vacuum, staring not far away, such as a meteor. Hit hundreds of major battleships that quickly zoomed in.

"Last confirmation once"

Li Yao asked Xiao Ming and Wen Wen in the communication channel. "You have invaded the intelligence collected by the flagship of the Flying Rainbow fleet. This flagship does not hold the seized strong, right?"


Xiao Ming and Wen Wendao said, "The flagship is vital and the space is seriously inadequate. Of course, the insignificant and strong people will not be held in such an important place."

"That's good."

Li Yaodao, "Then, you are almost intrusive, cracking and copying the Feihong Fleet War Spirit Network. I don't ask you to come up with the second 'Feihong Fleet Command Center', as long as I succeed... It is enough to reconcile the multi-level coordinated tactical chain that can disrupt the other party to the greatest extent.

"Simply, once I cut off the head of the Feihong fleet, I don't want them to grow a second head. Can you do it?"

"Do not worry, Dad."

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen said cheerfully, "We have been entangled with the Feihong fleet for so long. Isn’t it just to gain time, completely invade their battle network, and plant various 'viruses' and 'bombs'? All the way, no problem. of!"


Li Yao faces the main force of the flying rainbow fleet that whispers, and raises his arms to the front, splits the five fingers, and stores the sacred ring of the giant gods. The glory of the demon and bloody, "That... die!"

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