Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2478: A knife, enough! (fourth more!)

The fascinating and **** brilliance of the enchanting, sorrowful and swaying by Li Yao’s warfare, turned into a network of nerves and blood vessels that could not spread in the vacuum of the universe.

Subsequently, the various magical units and limb components of the giant soldiers were based on this network, breaking through the boundaries of three-dimensional space, and appearing like a giant with anger and unwillingness, climbing from the depths of the invisible river. come out!

The giant squadron "arsonist" appeared in the most densely populated place on the starry battlefield, and appeared in front of the main battleship of hundreds of flying rainbow fleets!


Like the ultra-high-energy reaction of a supernova bursting, the two sides of the starship's scanning magic weapon outline a group of burning, unable to magnify the human form, the rhythm of the ripples form a towering peak and a bottomless canyon. In the most intuitive way, people feel the true meaning of the word "terror".

Even some of the immortals above the Yuan Ying period, through a keen sense, directly heard the arrogant roar of the arsonists.


"What power is this!"

The commanders of the Hante, Liuli, and Feihong fleets, as well as thousands of ordinary warriors on both sides, were caught off guard by the sudden high-energy reaction and issued an unbelievable exclamation.

They didn't think about the possibility of a giant soldier on the battlefield, but even with the giant gods, this giant soldier who climbed out of the Styx, and the flames of the whole body burned more and more, was also appearing. For a moment, the boundaries of all common sense are shattered.

Strong, such a high-energy reaction, incredibly strong!


"This is... Li Yao?"

The boxing champion quickly analyzed the psionic fluctuations released by the "arsonist". The cold voice had deep doubts. "His giant soldiers seem to be in trouble with the "sky city, Manzhushahua" Different, and the 'golden big bang' that appeared in the reformist group are not the same, become stronger, and hard to calculate.

"How is this possible? What is the probability of doing this?"


"Haha, Li Yao, Li Yao!"

The boxing champion kept in touch with the white boss through remote communication. His doubts were naturally heard by the white boss. The white boss laughed and said, "What probability is the thing that the weak will care, the real strong, that is, I have earlier As you said, as long as there is a possibility of one in a billion, you dare to take off the shirtless people!

"Li Yao, you have no reason to guess our situation. Since you dare to bring so many flying ships of the Flying Rainbow fleet to me, is there a way to fix it? Come on, let me see you as a bastard. After the madman and the monster came to the center of the Xinghai, how much did it expand?"


"Why, this is not the stalwart of the giant sacred lord of the sorrowful sorrow. There is no such information on such a giant soldier in our database!"

"Where is the madman coming out, do you want to go with us?"

"Hurry up, mad!"

In the flagship command room of the Feihong fleet, there was also a burst of screaming.

The commanding layer of the Feihong Fleet certainly knows that Yongchun Hou Liwu has a giant soldier, but the giant soldiers are not absolutely invincible. They shrink into such a dense formation, arrogantly rushing in the way of a thousand guns, even if they are not rushing. The "Lotus Lord" must retreat.

Otherwise, even if Li Wu can kill several of the main battleships of the Feihong fleet, it will inevitably have to pay a painful price, and even cause irreversible damage to their realm and giant soldiers.

The commander of the Feihong fleet wanted to break his head and couldn’t think of any possibility. Li Wuji had to play with them the dangerous game of burning jade and losing both sides.

Who knows that on the road of the Feihong Fleet's arrogant rush, it is not the "Lotus Lord", but a psionic wave that is more intense than the "Lotus Lord"... I don't know how many times the mysterious giant soldiers!

Listening to the psionic violent tide that Li Yao’s heart screamed together, repeatedly hitting the roar of their bridges, watching the scan magic weapon feedback back an item of almost explosive data, how can they be told that they are not timid, the soul flies away?

However, the speed of the core force of the entire fleet has reached its limit, just like a bull that has been provoked all anger. At this time, it is too late to slow down and even turn.

What's more, at such a close distance, the agility of the giant soldiers is far greater than the speed of the starship. They have nowhere to escape. They can only hit the scalp, expecting the enemy to be illusory and disturbing with some strange power. Their scanning magic weapon shows the wrong data.

"Impossible, it is impossible. If such an energy reaction is true, it is a master of the best empire of the empire. How can it appear on such a negligible battlefield? How can it be empty to control our business?"

"Fake, fake, are hallucinations, can't fool me!"

On the flagship bridge of the Feihong fleet, the pale screams converge into a turbid wave.


If the two sides do not change the route again, then ten seconds later, the main battleship group of the Feihong fleet with the flagship as the core will soon collide with Li Yao’s “arsonist”.

In fact, there are now overwhelming beams of light and barrage. If you want to fill the whole universe, you will cover your head with the arson.

Li Yao inhales and exhales. Every wave in the depths of his mind has buds of thousands of brain cells, and between them, he has entered an extremely contradictory new world.

On the one hand, after the treatment and upgrade of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, he unlocked some of the secrets of the earth. His understanding of the universe has been elevated to a new level, and he can look at the whole universe more calmly, rationally and objectively.

The starry battlefields in the surrounding flames, the barrage and the light column in front of the claws, all turned into the purest lines, probabilities and figures, despising his half-wave.

On the other hand, the cultivator’s killing game for the many crimes committed by ordinary people, “The Earthland Paradise”, the darkness of the emperor’s underground, and the world outside the empire, saw that the immortal was shameless to catch the ordinary people. Locked with chains, threatened with children, forced them to fight.

Such ugliness and evil have deeply ignited the purest anger in Li Yao’s heart, so that this strong person who is above the fascination is still like an 18-year-old **** teenager, angry to the brain. Blank, every body has a real flame.

"Do you guys and scums are not self-proclaimed as 'the elite of the empire, the strong man of mankind'? You can't fight for the war by yourself, can you do it yourself in such a cruel and ugly way?

"Speaking about what resources are limited, saying that human nature is dark and the universe is so vast, why can't you brave your courage and wisdom, open up the infinite world beyond the three thousand worlds, and find new resources! Even if you can't find them, even if you can't find them, Can not cross the almost innocent black wall, the ending of human civilization can at least be bright and open, vigorous and vigorous!

"There is no courage to open up. It is only when the tortoise turtle hides at home, but turns to bully people who are weaker than you. This is a 'strong man'. Coward, it is a group of the most savage, the most despicable, the most Ugly coward!

"Hey, you coward, you are not qualified to enjoy everything in the middle of the Xinghai, let me send you these despicable locusts, go to Jiuyou Huangquan to eat it!"

Booming and banging!

The arsonist's body, the red, black, and golden flames swell, explode, and dance, making the shape of this super giant soldier seem to skyrocket to hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters, nearly kilometers, and the stars of the giants. The ship is almost the same!

"Hey, I don't want to go crazy again!"

The blood-colored heart is called, reminding Li Yao to control the power of violent. "Even if you just break through the new realm, don't show off such unscrupulously. According to the model that you are now detonating the spirit and stirring the spirit to the limit, we can only throw a knife at most! After a knife, it will be boring!"

"I know."

Li Yaoyi's red and black eyes are inlaid with gold rings, and the golden ring is slowly rotating. "The number of starships in the Feihong fleet is too large, and many starships are holding a large number of civilians. If they are wage wars, It is not good for the fleet of the white boss and the boxing champion, and it will cause too many casualties to civilians.

"So, you must make a quick decision.

"One knife, enough, I have to solve this battle with one knife!"

Faced with the overwhelming barrage and light column, the arsonist instantly turned into an elusive phantom, directly penetrating the battlefield of the Feihong fleet, appearing in front of the flagship.

Above the right arm of the high lift, the golden knives that spurt out like a flap are constantly spurting in the ring, and the feather-like blade emerges in the whirlpool of the flames. It is like a golden fountain, no, it is a golden volcano. !

The golden volcano erupted with endless wings, condensed into hundreds of meters of war knives, and the blazing flames of this knives swayed to a few kilometers away, and the edge penetrated the entire battlefield.

The arsonists held their swords in their hands, and the gushing spurts were more dazzling than the full speed of the starships. They rushed toward the flagship of the Feihong fleet, and with the most fearless and majestic posture, they became the only focus of the whole battlefield.

Both sides rushed at the highest speed, and no other force could stop their collision.

"Do it, do something!"

Regardless of the ordinary ignorant ignorant warriors such as Hante and Liu Li, or the bosses who know the truth of the truth, such as the white boss and the boxing champion, they detected the intention of Li Yao, and the conventional tactics of the big-slung giant warriors against the starship are drilling into the starship. Internally, destroying the bridge, the ammunition depot and the power unit, but looking at Li Yao’s current posture, there is no point in drilling at all. He actually wants to destroy the star ship directly from the outside and from the front!

"How can it be!"

On the flagship bridge of the Feihong fleet, there was a scream of tearing heart. "What kind of monster is this, are you really crazy?"

In the screams that the immortals can't believe, the screaming spirits of the arsonist's hands have been condensed into a semi-solidified flow by Li Yao's fury, and they are too lazy to look for weaknesses and flaws. At the head of the flagship of the Feihong fleet, the psionic shield and the thickest part of the armor fell.


The spirit of the kilometer long is the torrent that is devastating and unstoppable. After half a second of sawing, the flying squad’s flagship psionic shield is torn apart, and it is deep in the super alloy armor. The deep gully Li Yao’s own edge is on the one hand, but more importantly, the speed of the two sides’ electro-optic fires has been transformed into unbreakable destructive power, just as Li Yao’s straightforward sword does not move, and the Feihong fleet’s flagship itself hits the fastest speed. Come up, the result is


A few kilometers long anger knife mans, even directly penetrated the entire flagship, so that between the front and rear of the flagship, there was a nearly melted, shocking wound, completely separated.

Under the gaze of countless roads, Li Yao has a knife and directly decapitated the flagship of the Flying Rainbow fleet! ——

The fourth is sent! Hey! !

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