Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2479: Destroy and ruin, invincible!

The expanse of the vast sea of ​​stars into a small pond can not bear the momentum of the "arsonist" violent as a god.

The stone-splitting knife is not only on the flagship of the Feihong fleet, but also in the heart of everyone on the battlefield, so that their heart, pores and pupils shrink at the same time, many repairs are relatively low, and the heart is not strong enough. The person simply squinted and shouted involuntarily.

Even the stars of the sky, as if they were all killed by Li Yao, swaying, shaking and fading!

The flagship of the Feihong fleet is like a death row from the right shoulder blade that is slanted into two sections. It is separated from the front and rear, revealing a diameter of one kilometer. The shocking cross section, the section of the cabin is like an intricate maze. Opened the lid and exposed to the vacuum, this is a visually impactful scene, even more than a direct explosion of the battleship, more dazzling and fascinating.

"A knife... Will you be a major battleship, beheaded?"

"How is it possible! Even if it is a giant soldier, there is no reason to be so exaggerated!"

"What is this giant soldier? Who is driving this...the god-like giant soldier! How did he do it? It doesn't make sense! He is not slashing from the front, why is the battleship'? Dagger ', not one and two halves?"

Numerous doubts, horror, and fear of turmoil, the hearts of all people on the battlefield stirred up, and even swallowed their minds, losing their normal reaction.

Only the super-class masters such as the white boss and the boxing champion, at a speed of three or five times slower, can capture the knives of Li Yao’s shocking ghosts from all angles to understand what Li Yao had done.

It seems simple and simple, with no technical content, simple brute force and tyrannical knife, but it contains profound psionics, structure, material science and even magnetic field resonance.

The "arsonist" was the first to slash, not only destroying the flagship SPIRIT shield of the Feihong fleet, but even oscillating at some very high frequency, releasing special ripples, causing the flagship of the Feihong fleet. The psionic shield "resonance".

This "resonance" not only greatly weakens the strength of the psionic shield itself, but also aggravates the collision of the starship armor. More importantly, it greatly reduces the speed of the starship's ship's head. If an invisible big hand, Hard to hold down the star of the starship, the speed is instantly reduced to one tenth.

The problem is that a large starship is full of extremely powerful inertia. When the bow is forced to hold down, the hull and the stern still maintain the highest speed of arrogance.

Thus, the second half of the flagship of the Feihong fleet turned into a giant hammer of 100,000 tons, "crashing" and "squeezing" to the front, causing numerous fine folds and the overall structure of the starship. crack.

The area where the most wrinkles and cracks accumulate is the third of the front of the starship, equivalent to the "neck".

Until now, the arson of the "arsonist" broke out completely, and at the oblique angle, the place where the folds and cracks accumulated most seriously, the structural strength was completely lost, and the head of a large steel behemoth was smashed. Falling.

Careful viewing of the playback picture from different angles, you can find that Li Yao's nearly perfect gorgeous sniper has a great arc, and this also caused the flagship of the Feihong fleet with him, and the direction of the eye has produced the naked eye. The visible deflection and the resulting helical force increase the destructive power of the knife to the extreme.

When the first knife ran directly through the bridge, it might not be able to destroy the starship, but the flagship of nearly ten kilometers long could not be split into two.

On the impact of visual impact and heart explosion, there is far less such a "dagger", which is more exciting and refreshing!

"Lee Yao, you fucking..."

After witnessing and analyzing the scene that seemed to be "miracle", Bai Laos sighed and thought for a long time, muttering, "I don't know what to say about you!"

"Where did you guys come from?"

The boxing champion also issued a cold question in the communication channel. "Why are you all like this, can completely ignore the existence of 'probability', 'common sense' and 'limit'?"

The earth-shattering and lightning-fast knife, after the flagship dagger of the Feihong fleet, seems to freeze and solidify the entire battlefield, especially the flagship of the Feihong fleet, exposed to the vacuum under the protection of the psionic shield that has not completely disappeared. The two sections, even intact, can even see a lot of savvy savvy geeks, such as dreamy gazing at the universe at your fingertips.

But this solidification only lasted for half a second, and it was broken by the devastating explosion.

The inertia of the Feihong Fleet's flagship still exists. The power unit still slammed into the thousands of parts of Li Yao's “hold down” in the second half of the ultra-high-speed jet. This time, the two half-star ships whose overall structure collapsed completely After being squeezed together, the fireball that swallowed everything broke out. Within three seconds, the entire flagship exploded explode quickly. Even half of the immortals and half of the escape cabins did not escape.

The flames of the explosion condensed into a palace of shackles. Li Yao drove the "arsonist" slowly from the depths of the flame palace, stepping on the void, wearing a light wing, and the souls of countless cultivators were lingering around him. The screams are screaming, and the ghosts are screaming and screaming, but they are ruthlessly burned by the flames. The soldiers of the Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet are horrified, and they are the cultivators of the Flying Rainbow Fleet. They are heartbroken.

"Cry, scream... scream... snoring... snoring..."

In order to display the gorgeous "a knife-headed starship" effect, Li Yao's psionic and even the soul is also squeezed to the limit, and it is even difficult to control the smooth operation of his lungs, giving a rapid gasp.

As the **** demons say, manpower is sometimes poor, no matter whether it is a **** or a giant soldier, it is not absolutely invincible. Even a monster like Li Yao can only display such a "one knife", and then, at least To breathe for half an hour, the body is filled with a lot of psionic power, and the giant soldiers add a lot of fuel to make a "next knife."

However, for today's Li Yao, a knife is enough.


Li Yao’s eyes were spouting with magnificent brilliance, and the eyes burst into a sly smile. The nearly a kilometer long, inflated streamer slashed his sword and pointed to the shivering Feihong fleet. “For the father, sway the flying rainbow fleet!”

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen were dispatched.

Infiltration and intrusion into the Feihong fleet in the past few days have enabled them to master the large number of battle network erection features of the Feihong fleet and the weaknesses on the network.

When the flagship is still in place, the battle network has a strict defense, perhaps not because their two fragile cubs can erode.

However, Li Yao’s “killing” flagship has caused a shocking and irreparable black hole in the center of the battle network of the Feihong fleet.

Even if other magnetic warships and information command ships carrying a lot of super crystal brains need to make up for the loopholes and replace the flagship function, they will become the "second flagship". At least half a minute to one minute to reset the entire tactical chain system. Reconnect all starships together.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are the key half minutes of this, and they have entered the battle network of the Feihong Fleet. On the one hand, they interfered with each other to generate the "second flagship". On the other hand, they squandered various garbage data and contained viruses. The "information bomb" even mimics the information characteristics of the "second flagship" and pretends to be the new flagship of the Feihong fleet.

For a time, the remaining starships of the Feihong fleet were caught in the whirlpool of data muddy and wrong commands. They were completely faint and confused, and they did not know how to react.


On the "Iron Fist" flagship, the boxing champion has perceived the strangeness of the ripples in the data stream and the information ripple. All the crystal eyes of the whole body are shining. "Is it new... like this? Xinghai is vast, I am like this." The existence, it really is not unique!

"So, welcome you, let me join you!"


In the special launching bin of Tekken, countless unmanned bees like the wild bees fly out of the universe. These cosmic battles are not equipped with too much firepower, but they have strong spiritual and spiritual intrusion. They are the card of the boxing champion, the most powerful weapon!

On the "alloy virus number", the attention of the white boss was concentrated on the other side of the battlefield. There was another giant soldier, which was thrown into the densest area of ​​the flying ship of the Feihong fleet. The killing ring, although not as dazzling as Li Yao’s giant soldiers, but the efficiency of killing is not bad, even more than ever.

That is the "Tianjing" of Long Yangjun.

"The new power of the gods, and is to reach the limits of the gods, and even ... above the existence of the gods?"

White boss slammed his chin. "Li Yao, how many cards do you have to play, and where did you find such a powerful helper? Bastard, you can defeat the Feihong fleet with your two giant soldiers. Give me such troubles, really..."

He groaned for a while, and Huo Ran got up and looked at Xiao Rushui, the chief of staff who was around.

Xiao Lishui still has some flaws: "Boss..."

White boss grinned: "What are you still doing, Lao Xiao, Feihong fleet lost control, the will to fight has been completely shattered, and become a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

"The next fleet is commanded by you, shrinking and encircling the circle, directly inventing the text communication in the past, let them surrender, and strive to solve the battle within an hour!"

White boss said, turned and walked outside the bridge.

"how about you?"

Xiao Lishui blurted out, "Boss, what are you doing?"


White Boss looked back at the light curtain. Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s giant soldiers screamed. “The blue sky is ours. Is it that Li Yao’s bird man is so arrogant on my site? How do I say, I have to go out to activities and activities!

"I hope that the Feihong fleet will not surrender too fast. Well, even if there are more adventures, the whole knife will throw out this knife. Li Yao should have no strength. The Feihong fleet's shards, go up and beat him, see him so prestige. The appearance of the eight sides, even I can't help but want to fight him.

"Lee Yao, wait, I am coming!"

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