Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2480: Victory meeting

The hope of the white boss is finally lost.

The cultivator of Feihong Fleet was completely smashed by Li Yao, and all of them were stabbed in the same place. They couldn’t stand up in soft legs. They didn’t dare to escape. They dared to attack. What is the "arsonist" of the gods and gods?

Coupled with the incomprehensible battlefield erosion of Xiaoming, Wenwen and Boxing, they completely smashed their complete command and coordinated combat system, making each starship an island in the innocent sea, completely isolated and floating in the vacuum. There is not much difference in the iron coffin.

The two giant soldiers of Bai Laoda and Long Yangjun, the appearance of "Polar thief" and "Tianjing", are the last two straws that break the camel's spine.

If there is only one giant soldier, perhaps with the intensive firepower, there is still a way to repel it. However, in the face of the three giant soldiers, the Feihong fleet that lost the command center, scattered sand and fallen into chaos is completely unstoppable.

The war can't fight, and the escape can't escape. All the remaining starships of the Feihong fleet have stirred up the pale light, and gradually become a circle, like a dead fish spit out a bubble. This is an imperial passage, representing surrender. Xuanguang flag language.

In the end, it was far from the one hour that Bai Bo said, but in just half an hour, this short encounter ended. It can be said that Li Yao was the end of a knife!

The loss of the Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet is far smaller than the estimate, but it has ushered in unexpected gains. In addition to the large number of Starships of the Feihong Fleet, it is more important to be an inspiring news Li Yao!

Everything that Li Yao did in the adobe paradise, especially the destructive performance of destroying the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", has spread throughout the empire through the pervasive spiritual network.

Although many people don't know his name, even the most remote resource planet, the darkest mine, is the name of the "super-realist", and some even regard him as the legendary resistance empire. The millennial comprehension came to worship.

The core members of the comprehension fleet are all rescued by Li Yao from Wu Yingjie. Naturally, they know part of the truth and are grateful and admired for Li Yao.

Not to mention the backbone of the Great White Star Pirates. They are all federal people. They don’t know the truth of the "Three Realms, the Federal Father." In the battle against the Black Wind Fleet, Li Yao led more than a dozen giant soldiers. The picture that descends from the sky is still vivid!

"Lee Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao!"

The name and the slash of the screaming ghosts have made the morale of the Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehension Fleet soaring tenfold. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Li Yao leads, even if they want to attack the most elite of the Empire. The Immortal Fleet, they dare to let go!

The celebration of the double major Jiejie reached the extreme when the raging transport ship on the alloy virus number, the boxing champion, the stainless steel mouse and the Li Yao arrived at the star market of the blue sky market. The entire port was detonated by Li Yao.

Of course, Li Yao’s almost identical shape to the white boss caused a small mistake.

However, this ambiguous atmosphere was quickly swayed by countless children holding flowers and carrying balloons from Li Yao, flying to the white boss and breaking.

"Grandpa, thank you for saving us and saving our parents!"

"White Grandpa, you are a hero, you and Li Yao brother are the most powerful and powerful superhero!"

"White Grandpa! White Grandpa! Grandpa White!"

The children scrambled to climb to the stunned, distorted, creepy white boss, and even a few very cute little guys pouted and wanted to stamp their faces on the white boss with their own saliva.

"What a touching scene"

Li Yao looked at this scene and smiled sincerely. Then he took a long breath and said, "This game is finally gambling!"

While the children flocked to the white boss, Li Yao naturally also had his own supporters, Hante and Liuli, which gradually grew up.

"Yao old!"

"Yao old!"

Hante and Liu Liyi left and flew to Li Yao, and the result was won by Hante, and Li Yao was holding it.

"You are finally back, Yao old!"

Hante is both excited and excited, and the hot tears spurt out. "I heard that you have mixed into the immortal in the emperor and experienced a lot of thrilling things. I am really worried about you with Liuli, for fear of what happened to you.

"But now think about it, haha, it is impossible, Yao Yao is so powerful, how can it happen?

"However, Yao Lao, how is your knife cut, it is too dazzling, too exaggerated, too powerful? Can you tell me, oh, I suddenly feel that practicing the knife is also good, but also very promising, while practicing the knife On the one hand, it is a shot, how should we choose? In other words, a talented wizard like me, in fact, can also be a double-edition of the knife and cannon?"

Li Yaoxiao listened to Hante and said that it is very good to know that the little guys who escaped from the death of these terracotta parks have come to Bai’s home safely.

However, what happened to the glass, why do you hide it aside, it seems to be still unhappy?


Li Yaochao’s little girl waved, strangely, “What’s wrong with you, seeing Yao’s old is not happy, why not come?”

"No, I am very happy to see Yao Lao, but I just don't want to see Hanter this nuisance!"

The glass slammed his mouth and red eyes, and he was very wronged to complain to Li Yao. "Yao Lao, Hante bullied me!"


Li Yaofei blinked quickly, looked at the glass and looked at Hante, and his face sank. "Hant, you and Liuli left their hometown and wandered outside. Naturally, they should support each other. How can you bully her?"

"Yao Lao, I am jealous!"

Hante raised his hands and shouted again and again. "How can I bully the glass? I haven't seen her for a long time. It's hard to meet today. I only talked a little bit. She just slammed her feet and ran away. How can I Time to bully her?"


The glazed hands akimbo, glaring at Hante. "You don't have time to bully me, but you have time to bully those sisters, are you?"

"You, this is totally unreasonable!"

Hante also turned his head to Li Yao. "Yao Lao, you give us a review..."

Li Yao scratched his head and understood it, but he was helpless. "Hant, you have to ask me about any super conspiracy, crisis of extinction, and saving the universe. But this is a bullying between young men and women. To bully things, hahahaha, Yao Lao has no way. Although Yao is a married man, but my wife was actively pursuing me, so I still lack experience in this area..."


On the other side of the port, the boxing champion also manipulates thirty or fifty psionic scorpions and looks for them in the crowd.

Although Xiao Ming and Wen Wen's appearance are no different from those of Li Yao's rescued children, the unique brain-wave rhythm movement still makes the boxing champion find the two people out of the crowd.

A cold steel shackle, screaming to find the excitement of the same kind, appeared in front of two little guys, releasing a friendly wave of waves towards them.

"Hello, I am a boxing champion. We have been in contact with the battlefield in Xinghai."

"Hello, King of Fighters, I am Xiao Ming, I am Wen Wen, we are the children of Li Yao, we are the sons of humanity."

After a moment of communication, the two little guys left and right, climbed the broad shoulders of the steel, and walked towards the depths of the port.

These unique existences seem to have a lot of information to communicate and a lot of data to communicate.


Not far away, Long Yangjun carried his hands on his back, roaming in the harbor like a leisurely walk, watching a battleship like a mountain.

The warships of most warships also smeared the emblems of the Libyan Fleet, the Flying Rainbow Fleet or the 28 Star Pirates, but they all resembled the beasts that were domesticated to obey the posts, and listened to the federal star thief and the imperial comprehension. Order.

So many starships gathered together, repaired and upgraded in the blue sky market for one month, commanded by the White Boss, and possessed the "pointed soldiers" such as Li Yao and Long Yangjun, together with the comprehensive battle network chain of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. Spiritual confrontation ability Long Yangjun believes that such a luxurious joint fleet absolutely possesses any elite ability of the hard empire.

Although it is not enough to unilaterally confront the reformists or the four major families, it has at least become a crucial chip in the game between the two sides.

Not long ago, they were in the depths of the capital of the capital, and in the raging flames of the big iron factory, when they turned their backs to the army of the immortals, they could not think of the situation so quickly, and such earth-shaking changes occurred.

"Li Yao..."

Long Yangjun gathered his long hair and smiled slightly. "When you are with such a funny guy, you really don't have to worry about no wonderful things happening!"

"Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, is the last enemy of this game? Then, what kind of wonderful is there?"


The celebration of the port lasted for more than three hours, and the self-cultivators, the federal star thief and the people who had just been saved were gradually evacuated and properly placed in the right place.

The holographic picture of the Star Wars, especially the gorgeous scene of Li Yao’s flagship of the Flying Rainbow fleet, was repeatedly played in front of the captives, destroying the last resistance of the captives.

There were still some captives who were eager to move. They learned that the Great White Star Pirates had exhausted their remnants and ate the Feihong fleet. They were greatly shocked and deeply admired the commanding art of Bai Daoda and Li Yao’s ultimate combat power. .

In the world of cultivation, the strong is respected. Now, Li Yao and Bai Lao are the strongmen they have never seen before. There is no second choice except for the surrender and follow-up.

The fleet stationed in the anchor, gathered the remnants, resettled the "strong" and held prisoners of war and so on. It took a long time to find the clue. The white boss, the boxing champion, the dragon yangjun and Li Yao and others finally got a breath and sat down to talk. Before the chat, because of the consequences, the ins and outs.

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