Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2481: Have you heard "magic"?

"In short, don't worry about how I came to the empire with Longdaoyou, and why don't I mix it with the reformist and even the imperial queen, Li Linghai, let alone the details of why I wear the same shirt in the white boss."

In the depths of the blue sky market, in the private office that belonged to the left-wing eagle, Li Yao spoke to the white boss and the boxing champion. "The point is, listen to it, the focus is on the resurrection of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi! Inside the body of the imperial queen Li Linghai! Now they have occupied the imperial capital, and in the depths of the emperor, what kind of conspiracy is going on, it is possible to completely sneak into the center of the Xinghai!"

White Boss listened with no expression. Even if he heard the news of the resurrection of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the eyebrows did not shake at half. When he heard the last thing, he just said faintly: "Oh."


Li Yao blinked and looked at the white boss unbelievably. "Hey, hello, white boss, what is your reaction? I mean, no kidding, the first ancestor of the immortal, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is resurrecting, At any time, you will be able to restore your peak strength! Why are you so indifferent, are you not surprised at all?"

"Nothing to be surprised."

White boss looked at Li Yao and said, "Since it is the incident of your 'vulture Li Yao', it will of course bring a big conspiracy and endless troubles. It seems like the "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi's resurrection" is already you. Can you cause the least damage? To be honest, you haven’t triggered a super-big event like the 'Doom of the End of the World, the **** **** resurrection', I am very grateful."

"What does this mean?"

Li Yao is very wronged. "It’s not that I let Wu Yingqi resurrect..."

"I am more interested in these two little guys than the resurrection of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi."

The white boss interrupted Li Yao’s defense. The curious eyes turned to Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, and the two little guys grinned and said hello.

After the end of the federal war against the Black Wind Fleet, White Boss jumped to the center of Xinghai without stopping for a moment, so he was "slightly heard" about Long Yangjun at all. He did not know that Long Yangjun activated the son-in-law in the ancient holy world. The battleship also took away an escape cabin and broke through many defenses.

For the time being, he does not know the true identity of Long Yangjun. It is not surprising that Long Yangjun is not a generalized **** but can be teamed up with Li Yao and of course another monster.

However, as the commander of the fleet, the white boss is very keenly aware of the erosion and destruction of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen on the battle network of the Feihong Fleet. Together with the looks of the two little guys, Cooly Li Yao and Ding Ling, he could not help him. Not curious.

"Hey, the origins of the two of them are a bit embarrassing. It is not necessarily explained in a few words. I can tell you, but you must be mentally prepared."

Since Li Yao and Xiao Wen and Wen Wen have appeared in front of the world, they have no intention of concealing their identity for a long time. In particular, to strengthen the fleet, they must get the cooperation of the white boss. Therefore, he has the courage to say it. The two of them are my children, but they can also be said to be the children of the whole human civilization. They are children born out of artificial intelligence but beyond artificial intelligence..."


White boss interrupted Li Yao again. "I understand that it is a life form similar to that of a boxing champion."


This time, it was finally Li Yao’s stunned voice. He envisioned that 10,000 kinds of white bosses should respond to this matter, or anger, or doubt, or resistance, or hatred. It’s just that the White House was so calm, and the White Boss actually knew. The essence of the boxing champion? These two guys are hooked too deep!

"And ‘oh’?”

Li Yao is hard to set the channel. "White boss, do you want to be so calm, your reaction is too calm, calm enough to make people wonder if you understand what I said!"

"Of course I understand, but the things that happen to your side of the guy are not surprising. I have already done enough mental construction."

White boss extended three fingers and said, "What if it is... Super artificial intelligence? First, you know where I was born and grew up. In my long and complicated life, I have seen countless evils. The most ugly, the most insidious and the most terrifying of the same kind, even myself is one of these 'wicked people', human beings can reach the extreme of evil, even if there are other life and even civilization in the sea of ​​stars, I don’t think They can be more evil and horrible than humans.

"Second, just before you came, I just went through the ditch with the boxing champion. I learned that his essential life has never been lonely. Life is two, two, three, and three things. Life is exploding like this.

"Although Professor Mo Xuan once said that according to normal development, it is impossible to create a true artificial intelligence life within a few hundred years, but I always feel that he is too conservative and too naive. 'Life' has never been produced by normal development. Things, life is the inevitable collision of countless chances, and will grow hard in an incredible and unimaginable gap.

"Since there is already a boxing champion, it means that such a gap exists. What is new and super artificial intelligence?

"Third, the most important point, I know your thoughts. You are nothing more than worrying that the new super artificial intelligence and human civilization will stage the tragedy of the hunger era hundreds of thousands of years ago. It will replicate the bad relationship between the ancient civilization and the human civilization. relationship.

"I don't deny this possible existence. However, when the broader world outside and the darker threats are slowly presented, the small contradictions within our three thousand worlds, regardless of the contradiction between Pangu and humans, are humans and supers. The contradiction of artificial intelligence is nothing worth mentioning. I am willing to 'oh' and I will give you a face."

"White boss, what are you talking about?"

Li Yao was completely confused. "What is the 'outer world?' and what does the "darker threat" mean?"

"Hong Chao."

Bai Lao Avenue, "I will call the mysterious force that is very likely to exist outside the three thousand worlds, which is enough to destroy all civilizations, to be called 'Hong Chao'. It is like flooding and flooding, sweeping the entire destruction of the three-dimensional universe, Cataclysm And the big end.

"Thousands of things, how do you start? Let's start with ‘magic civilization.’ Li Yao, do you know ‘magic’?”


Li Yaozhen chanted the word, suddenly deep and deep hit a spirit, the pupils contracted to the limit.

In the depths of the double eyes, it seems that there are countless needle-sized bubbles constantly appearing, "smack, whispering"!

These bubbles drilled deep into the brain, as if there were countless powerful bombs, and they slammed the door of his soul!

Information, more from the earth, plaques, illusory, riddled pieces of information erupted from the door of the soul, reminding him of the earth's bit in the hustle and bustle state.


He once heard the word, heard the word on earth, where is it where? Where is it?

He deeply remembers that the earth is a technological world, the magic that the earth should not exist, but he really heard the word, where is it?

I remembered!

On Earth, he once watched a movie "Harry Rand and the Magic Sword", where there is magic!

What is "Harry Rand"? Memory memory memory, memory reorganization, memory cohesion, memory analysis and integration, traceability to the roots, layering, directly to the core, found!

"Harry Rand" is a series of fantasy novels written by British female writer Maureen Roland. It tells the story of the little boy Harry Rand inadvertently knowing the existence of the magic school and launching a series of strange and wonderful in the magical world. The adventurous adventures include "Harry Rand and Flame Ball", "Harry Rand and Ghost Island", "Harry Rand and Dragon Curse" and so on, which are independent and inseparable. Fantasy novels are still very popular in their adaptation of movies and games. They are one of the most popular fantasy magic novels on the planet!

Magic is fake and does not exist, but the Earth people can imagine a magical world of life through the power of "fantasy"!

British female writer... Britain, what is Britain? Just think of it, my mom is thinking of it!

Ah, I thought of it, the abbreviation of British Enclave and Bolton United Kingdom!

The United Kingdom and Bolton United Kingdom are the Earth where Li Yao lived, an ancient and developed continent. The island country in the northern part of the "Orlanda continent", although remote and narrow, was once built because of its rich coal and iron resources. After a fleet of four seas, it became the "day empire" that dominated the entire planet.

The illusory concept of "magic" has spread to the whole earth with the spread of the strong culture of the empire, and has become a well-known common sense.

Even many people do not regard it as an illusory cultural concept, but think that magic is real, even the magical world depicted by the British female writer Moline Roland is real!

Magical magic, Britain, Britain, Britain, Europe, Europe, Earth, Earth and Earth!

Fragments of countless memories danced deep in the brains of Li Yao, causing him to twitch, his eyes turning, and the sound of "squeaky" sounding deep in his throat.

Everyone was shocked by his sudden change.

Bai Bo asked if he had heard of "magic", but just spoke, and did not expect Li Yao to really know.

I didn't expect Li Yao's reaction to be so strong, just like, it is like the word "magic" that triggered the seal in the depths of his brain, causing some strange and powerful force to spew out.

White boss hurriedly said: "You are fine, Li Yao!"

"I, I am fine."

Li Yao’s voice came from far and far away, retching a few times and shouting, “I, I seem to have heard of ‘magic’.”

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