Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2482: The impact of heterogeneous civilization!


In addition to Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, the white boss, the boxing champion and even the dragon Yang Jun stood up, staring at the eyes and staring at Li Yao, the muscles on each face were tightened, and the corners of the mouth were involuntarily pulled apart.

The white boss hurriedly said, "How do you know ‘magic’, what exactly is the ‘magic’ you know!”

"This one……"

Li Yao did not know why his heartbeat was so fast. It was as if a pile driver had been bombarding his chest, and even his cultivation over the gods could not be controlled.

In just a few seconds, the sweat on his forehead and back was like a **** rush, completely wetting his facial features and clothes.

Hundreds of millions of pieces are dancing wildly above the storm of the mind, like a petrel that is violently stormy. Each wing of each petrel is a magical world imagined by a different magical world.

"If I said that I heard the word 'magic' in my dream, do you believe it?"

Li Yao looked at the crowd and scratched his head. "As for what magic of my dreams is like, it is ever-changing and all-encompassing. It is like there are countless magical worlds, and some worlds have magical nets." 'There are some messy things like 'elements' in some worlds, and some magical worlds have only males to cast magic, and must stay single to thirty years old in order to accumulate the magic concentration in the body and train the flexibility of finger casting. Then I can automatically fire out the fireball... Anyway, it's all sorts of things, dazzling, and I can't say it for a while. After all, it's a dream. Many details are forgotten when I wake up."

“There are countless magical worlds?”

Bai’s heart glimpsed and looked at the boxing champion, and stared at Li Yao for a long time. He suddenly smiled and smiled and shook his head. “Yes, I should have thought of it, countless historians have repeated The road to the rise of your guy has been traced back to your early career in... Fugo City, but looking for it, you can't find a reason for your initial strength.

"The magical tomb is not a place where ordinary children can survive."

"You are in a dream... have you seen magic? That makes sense!"

Li Yao supported his forehead, forcing a burst of headaches and inexplicably empty feelings, frowning: "White boss, Long Yangjun, boxing champion, everyone can go to today with their subtle identity, walking together, it is not easy I can tell you the information, I certainly have no reservations, so that everyone can piece together all the truth, but the strange dreams in my mind are really fragmented, streaked, and need more clues to pull, may wish to talk about, What exactly is the 'magic' you found out?"

"it is good!"

White Boss quickly said, "There is no secret between you and me. Since you are willing to be open and honest, I am not a small belly, a timid person, I will also say everything I know."

"Since you know ‘magic’, then do you know ‘Gao Shi Te’? This should be a transliteration, a language from a magical civilization that is similar to...the soul, the ghost, and so on.”

"Gao Shi Te, Gao Shi Te... Gao Shi?"

Li Yao repeatedly recited it twice, and suddenly the ghost thought of the English on the earth, and the word naturally appeared in the brain, "ghost!"

In the memory of the earth, Li Yao's performance is not too good, English is not his native language, but the word "ghost" is a basic vocabulary for getting started, and it is widely used in all aspects, including computer operations. And running the system, so Li Yao was a little addicted and thought about it.

The pronunciation of the white boss and the boxing champion Li Yao is obviously a little more standard than the white boss's so-called "Gao Shi Te". At least one is not the kind of singularity of the Pangu people, the taste of one word and one syllable, but the three syllables. Come out, like some kind of ambiguous curse.

The white boss changed his face and said: "What do you mean by the word you said?"

"It is like this"

After Li Yao pondered for a moment, he extended a finger and wrote the "ghost" five English letters on the light curtain and explained, "I read less, I don't necessarily know all the meaning, but it is mainly 'Ghost, Unreal' means, oh, there seems to be a famous installation or operating system, etc., named after it."

"Really, it's exactly the same."

White boss looked at the words on the light curtain, and the face once again showed an incredible expression. After a long time, he muttered, "Ghost, illusory, operating system? That's right, then the mother is all right! Wang, give 'Ya things to Li Yao to see it!'

The boxing champion should give a voice to the white boss to give him the magic chip from the storage of the chest and throw it to Li Yao: "Look, know the above text?"

Li Yao did not know how to take the magic chip in the ground. When the finger groped, the whole person was in a stiff state. Once again, he couldn’t help but screamed out: "What the hell!"

The white boss and the boxing champion did not know the words on the magic chip. Li Yao saw it at a glance. It seems that this is like the combination of several alphabetic characters on the earth!

At first glance, some are like English, but they are more ancient and gorgeous. They are not only the words of several other powerful countries in Europe, but also like old ones... What is it called, Sardinian? No, it’s Latin!

Li Yao’s understanding of English is limited to some basic vocabulary. It is even more ambiguous to the texts of several other powerful countries in Europe and the ancient Latin language that almost no one uses. In addition, this magic chip is almost completely melted. All the words are only shallow traces, and he naturally does not know what the mixed words mean.

However, as a "realistic god" who has lived in the world of comprehension for more than 100 years and was completely soaked and nourished by the cultivation of true civilization, he suddenly saw something similar to English and Latin in his own world. The shock of collapse and reorganization is really indescribable.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Yao is like a dragonfly that has always been kept in a jar. One day, the surrounding "high wall iron wall" cracked, and he found that there is an incomparably vast world outside!

"This is simply, this is simply, this is simply"

Li Yao’s face was red and green, and the brain almost stopped thinking. Holding the magic chip in both hands was like holding a magma that relied on burning. It hurts to let go and reluctantly, almost breathless.

"Lee Yao, you, are you okay?"

White boss is observing and paying attention to it. Although Li Yao is a bit of a fight, but now he is the only clue to the white boss's expedition to the magic world. The white boss naturally wants to protect Li Yao's safety!

"I'm fine, just"

Li Yao took a few breaths and took a pale face and smiled reluctantly. "Just in a quaint world full of oriental mysterious colors, I suddenly saw these 'abcd', banana pineapple, and other ghosts. A little awkward.

"In other words, this stuff is from where the white boss got it. Why is it placed in the boxing champion? Is this also related to the boxing champion?"

White boss looked at the boxing champion.

The boxing champion screamed: "Li Yao originally knew my identity, even if he "spotted" me, or according to your white boss, he activated some kind of power in my body, and he would be very strange to himself. The weird dreams are shared with us. I have calculated it. There is no need to hide any secrets from him, and I can’t stop it.”

"So, I will say it."

The white boss organized a language to jump the giant white pirate group to the edge of the martial arts world of the real human empire, encounter the wreckage of the magical star ship, find the magic chip and get some vague information, and then analyze the identity of the boxing champion. All said it.

In particular, the destruction of magical civilizations and countless heterogeneous civilizations, as well as the "hong tide" that led to the destruction of thousands of civilizations, is even more focused on describing and opening up their own conjectures and deductions in front of Li Yao.

Hearing Li Yao and Long Yangjun are all glimpsed.

"Beyond the world of 3,000 thousand, we are a long and almost infinitely absurd space. If it is a black wall that is omnipresent and extremely difficult to penetrate, there is an infinite world outside the black wall. Hundreds of millions of civilizations? Like a magical civilization, can we draw energy from four-dimensional life, and we are completely different from the way we operate?

"And such a tens of billions of civilizations have been destroyed by a mysterious and powerful force."

"No one knows that there are no survivors of more heterogeneous civilizations besides the 'black wall', even if these survivors have no starship like a magical civilization, they have fortunately and unfortunately crossed the black wall and entered the comprehension. The world of civilization; no one knows, where did the flood after the engulfing countless civilizations go?

"Is the flood already subsided? Is it just enough to eat, is it snoring? Or has been awakened from a long digestion and absorption, looking hungry for the next batch of 'food', for example, the world of comprehension "Food" like the Pangu Terran civilization?"

All kinds of unimaginable horror scenes flashed through the minds of Li Yao and Long Yangjun. They looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Li Yao finally understood why Bai’s face to such an earth-shattering event as “artificial intelligence awakening” can be so calm and calm.

If the magical civilization and the hundreds of millions of extraterrestrial civilizations really exist, and even the "torrent" that destroys them really exists, then "artificial intelligence awakening" is indeed a small witch.

"Li Yao, what we have now is just such a small magic chip, and speculation."

The white boss said seriously, "I thought that no matter the magical civilization or the torrent of destruction, it was very far away from us. It was far from exploring them. I did not expect that your appearance brought new hope.

"I have already said everything I know. Can you recall more things?"

"I think, I have to think about it very seriously."

Li Yao closed his eyes and wiped the nosebleeds that couldn’t hold out. The voice was almost slang. "Maybe, I have to go to sleep and find the answer in my dream..."

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