Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2483: The center of every universe!

Two consecutive fierce battles in just 24 hours are too consuming and energetic.

Later, the discussion about "magic civilization" and "Hong Chao" brought great shock to everyone's heart.

Even if these average repairs are those who have reached the high-end and above the high-level stage of the gods, they are aware of their own fragility and smallness in front of such a vast and terrifying picture of the universe. They have to temporarily disperse, rest for one night, and consolidate the Taoist heart. After that, continue to share each other's wisdom and courage tomorrow.

Otherwise, maybe you can talk and chat, there are two to go to the devil, blood mad.

Li Yao didn't touch anyone anymore and went straight back to his room. He wanted to sleep asleep and explore the increasingly clear earth in a strange dream.

But no matter how tired his body is, how much the spirit is exhausted, but he has widened his **** eyes, staring at the crack on the ceiling, how to force himself to sleep.

He originally thought that he had already profoundly understood himself and the whole world.

But a small magic chip and a few "abcd" completely smashed his arrogance, let him re-recognize the vastness of the universe, the wonders of the world, and... the endless, incomparable journey!

"Magic, what is magic?"

Since he couldn't sleep, Li Yao simply rolled up and sat up, staring at his fingers, slowly combing the messy clues in his head.

As he said earlier to the White Boss, the "magic" in the memory of the earth, in various poses, colorful and gorgeous, has unlimited possibilities.

The so-called "Harry Rand" is just a world that can control the lowest level of magical power. In addition, there are countless powerful and ancient races on the earth, all of which have their own magic, their own myths, their own strangeness, incredible Fantasy world.

Magic, vampire, werewolf, witch, hunter, zombie.

The sun god, the storm god, the **** of death, the **** of war, the **** of agriculture and animal husbandry, the goddess of bliss, the goddess of the snake, the **** of Shiva... Of course, Li Yao is already familiar with the past, Pangu and son-in-law.

The ancient spirits were born along with the origins of human beings. All the way through the tens of thousands of years, they gathered into the fantasy world of self-cultivation and magic in the modern sense. Even if it is also called "magic", the power system and application The law is completely different and is the product of two different worlds.

"and many more"

Li Yao muttered to himself, "There is also the concept of "repairing the truth" on the earth. In the motherland of my motherland, countless people have emerged in countless wonderful worlds of comprehension!

"Yes, a long time ago, in the memory of the earth, I seem to have read a novel of comprehension. The realm inside is also divided by 'refinement, foundation, knot, condensate and god.'

"Is this coincidence? Of course impossible!

"But if it is not a coincidence, what does it mean?"

Li Yao rubbed his fingers and combed all the information he knew.

First of all, if the white boss’s speculation is correct, then there is an incomparably vast universe in addition to the world of comprehension created by the Pangu people. In this universe that has suddenly expanded hundreds of millions of times, there are still magical civilizations, etc. Smashing civilization.

But unfortunately, these civilizations and self-cultivation civilizations are separated by hundreds of millions of light years, and they are also blocked by dead black walls with extremely scarce resources. It is extremely difficult for both sides to communicate and communicate.

Only a handful of lucky people, such as the magical civilization of the starship, or now in Li Yao’s mind, the meteorites of the blood-striped family can penetrate the black wall and arrive at the cultivation civilization.

Even before the civilization of civilization discovered other civilizations, other civilizations were completely destroyed by the "torrent".

No, it is not completely destroyed.

At least in one place, a small, seemingly unpredictable, even psionic planet with no psionic power, magic, and any super energy, these civilizations that should have been "unknown" or even destroyed. They are still crowded together, communicating, communicating and integrating with each other to produce all kinds of new illusions.

What is the earth, is it a transit station or a contact point for countless civilizations in the vast sea of ​​stars?

Why do you want to destroy the earth and destroy the earth that is very likely to be the last refuge of hundreds of millions of civilizations!

In the meantime, Li Yao heard that he had vowed to complete the roar of the “vulture plan”.

"One generation after another, all the civilizations have been imprisoned on this **** earth, and they are incapable of exulting themselves in an infinite cycle!"

Li Yao originally thought that the so-called "generational civilization" refers to the original civilization on the earth, but now I think about it, does it mean "repairing the true civilization" and "magic civilization"?

Numerous universes, including the civilization of civilization and the civilization of magic, are confined to the small, barren planet. And caught in some sort of inexhaustible loop? The truth of the "vulture plan" is to break such an infinite loop?

Headache, it’s a headache!

"In any case, at least one thing, we have found the answer."

The **** demon turned into a small bean sprout, which was drilled out from Li Yao’s forehead, surrounded by arms, thoughtfully and faintly. “That’s about the question of why the earth is the center of the universe.”

Li Yao’s slight glimpse is indeed a problem that has been puzzling.

He remembers very clearly that after the failure of the vulture plan, there was a voice that allowed him to "escape from the earth, escape as far as possible and escape to the edge of the universe."

Since the farthest distance from the Earth is the edge of the universe, then the earth is the center of the universe.

However, in Li Yao’s cognition, the 3,000-year-old world is located in the world... It’s good to call it the Pangu Universe. The center of the Pangu universe is definitely the extreme heaven and the celestial star, no matter the relative dimension from the three-dimensional level. Location, or the most favorable for the four-dimensional jump of the wormhole fusion point considerations, the extreme heavens, celestial stars are well-deserved "pangu universe center."

Li Yao once had a whimsy. Will the Earth and the celestial star be a place, then the problem of the "cosm center" will be solved.

However, the field surveyed the basic parameters of the celestial star, and even drilled to the ground to explore the results of tens of thousands of meters. The celestial star and the earth deep in his memory have no similarities. It is impossible to be the same planet.

"Perhaps, we thought wrong at the beginning. The extreme heavens and the celestial stars are indeed, ‘only’ is the center of the Pangu universe.”

The **** demon has a profound meaning. "But the earth can be the center of another universe. The two are not contradictory."

"Other universe?"

Li Yao asked subconsciously, "Which universe?"


The **** demons have a word, "Let us use the most daring imagination to deduct it. At least from the available evidence, the earth is very likely to be the center of every universe, the center of all the universe, the multiverse. center!"


Li Yao suddenly fell from the bed. "What the hell?"

"How do I know? I simply grabbed such a vocabulary from your memory fragments, and it feels quite cool, so let's talk about it."

The **** demon spread out the handkerchief. "What the **** is it, you have to rely on you to explore slowly!"

Li Yao stunned for a long time, and stretched out a finger, and stuffed the small bean sprouts that turned into a **** demon into the head.

Since you can't sleep, just go out and walk.

At this moment, the blue sky market is undergoing a star ship repair and upgrade. Almost all the docks and streets are brightly lit. How can it be day and night?

In order to think quietly, Li Yao and others asked Bai Lao to arrange them in a relatively quiet and abandoned port.

When walking out of the door, Li Yao only saw the illusion of a bright moon on the artificial scorpion, reflecting the docks in the distance, and the virtual waves of the ebb and flow, but it made the chaotic heart calm down.

He is not the only one who can't sleep.

Someone is one step ahead of him, leaning on the rusty decorative railings, enjoying the digital virtual sound of the waves and the salty smell of the sea breeze.

The black hair is like a waterfall, draped over the waist, crystal clear and transparent like a jade-like classical beauty, but it is broken by a slightly erected nose, adding a bit of heroic spirit, Long Yangjun under the moonlight, serious, deep and sacred It’s not like a flesh-and-blood human being, it’s like a **** in the wild, crossing the age of not believing in the gods.

Only when Yu Guangyao went to Li Yaozhi, the almost perfect face only burst into a human luster, from "God" to "Human."

"Don't come over."

Long Yangjun chuckled, "I knew you were an incredible monster, but I didn't expect you to blame this level. Just a few days ago, you just came to me with two information lives. They are your children. How long has it passed? You said that you know what 'magic' you have, and what 'abcd' is there. Please, if you want to be so exaggerated, can you give us a little buffer time?"


Li Yao scratched his head and went over. "I don't know how to explain it. In short, the more I know, the more I find that I don't know, the more I say, how can you understand?

"Cough, don't talk about me first. I don't know when I am in the middle of my mind. I can talk about it clearly. Let me talk about it first. Why can't you sleep, what do you think here?"

Long Yangjun looked into the distance and simulated the deep black ocean with a wraparound three-dimensional light curtain. "I don't have much interest in magical civilization. I am more interested in the earth in your dreams. I am more interested." It is the 'Hong Chao' that Bai Boda said.

"I wonder if the 'Hong Chao' has anything to do with the "Battle of the Wild" that led to the destruction of Pangu and Nuwa's civilization. Hey, do you think that 'Hong Chao' really exists? In the era of hundreds of thousands of years ago, Has 'Hongchao' arrived in our universe, and even, did 'Hongchao' cast the end of Pangu and Nuwa's civilization and created the face of our universe today?"

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