Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2384: Reasons to erase emotion

"The floods and floods? The floods have cast the end of the Pangu and Nuwa civilizations, and have created the humane rise of the three thousand worlds today, the face of the world of cultivation?"

Li Yao Shen for a long time, watching Long Yangjun's lips and almost raised eyebrows, she knows that she will not be aimless, "How do you think so?"

"Bai Boss said that 'Hong Chao' is the ultimate catastrophe that occurred on the other side of the big universe. Although it destroyed thousands of civilizations including magical civilization, it has not yet spread to the three thousand worlds we are in, or because we There is a tall, thick 'black wall' outside the world, and even the 'Hong Chao' can't invade but I have different opinions."

Long Yangjun looked at the black waves rising in front of the tide, muttering. "As of now, we have clearly understood that at least two kinds of extraterrestrial civilizations cross the 'black wall' and come to our three thousand worlds. One is The magical civilization, the second is that you found in the original iron star, the blood-stained family that eventually parasitized to you, let's call it 'blood-grain civilization'.

“Where the magical civilization develops to an extremely prosperous and developed level, relying on highly technical starships and some kind of 'ghost' guidance like artificial intelligence or super remnant condensate, crossing the black wall with extremely clever advanced technology. .

"And the bloodline civilization is just the opposite. They have abandoned all external, advanced and civilized forms, and have made them 'degraded' into the simplest, most basic and primitive, bacteria-like and virus-like forms. Meteorite, with billions of years, in the simplest rough and even stupid way, hard through the almost infinite black wall.

"Look, no matter the most advanced magic civilization or the most primitive blood-grain civilization, you can use your own means to cross the black wall, as well as so many days of robbery from ancient times to the present, certainly from different stars and even different dimensions of different civilizations. It shows that the black wall is by no means insurmountable, even has been penetrated by riddled holes!

"Since the magical civilization can penetrate and the blood-grained civilization can penetrate, so many days of robbery can penetrate. Why is it enough to destroy their ‘flooding tide’, and cannot pass through the black wall?

"In the final analysis, the so-called 'black wall' is not mysterious. It just surrounds a large void of our three thousand worlds, but there are no stars, planets and psionic waves. No matter how advanced the technology is, the speed is fast enough, and the resources are stored enough. Still need to consume enough resources, with one million years, ten million years or even longer, can you cross it?"

Li Yao slowly nodded. The so-called "day robbery strike" has existed in ancient times. Of course, it is some kind of destruction or blockade from the implementation of a powerful civilization outside the domain.

It is simply the truth that the walls of the copper wall that are taller, thicker, and safer are absolutely incapable of holding people.

Li Yaodao: "I admit that the 'black wall' may not be able to block the 'Hong Chao', but at least now, our world has existed in a variety of ways, and there is a certain relationship between you, 'Hong Chao' and 'Hongyao'. What do you mean?"

"This is just my guess, or I have come up with a kind of 'hypothesis' that can answer the question that I have been puzzled for a long time, a crucial issue about the flood."

Long Yang Jundao, "That is why the Pangu Civilization Union unanimously agreed to seal its own seven passions and desires, suppressing its strong will, from an absolutely free Xinghai hegemon, to a well-behaved, frosty walking dead?

"You should know that many ethnic groups in the Pangu civilization alliance, whether it was Pangu or Gonggong, whether they were Kuafu or Houyi, or even joined the Alliance's 'little sister' female Yi, were flesh and blood, love and hate. Strong desire and will?

"Only at a time we don't know, the Pangu Civilization Union made a decision, sealed its own emotions, suppressed its will, and turned itself into something like a shackle and machinery.

"They even have a strong fear and rejection of emotions and wills. Calling emotions and wills as chaos, called the devil, called the most evil and horrible things, will destroy their civilization.

“The question that I always think about is why, why are they doing this?”

"Isn't there an answer to this question?"

Li Yao blurted out. "Because the resources of the Three Thousand Worlds are not enough, they can't get out! The thirteen high-grade carbon-based lives that make up the Pangu civilization alliance have gone through countless battles and found that they can't destroy each other. The same goes for the end, so they gave up the war, contacted and integrated with each other, formed a coalition, and allocated resources in a peaceful and efficient way.

"And even the Pangu civilization alliance without war is faced with the problems of population explosion, lack of resources, etc. If people do not try to converge their own emotions and desires, resources will sooner or later be exhausted, and with emotions and desires, It is easy to be provoked by conspirators and ambitions with ulterior motives, triggering new wars.

"With the technical strength and destructive power of the Pangu civilization alliance, another war will be completed, and all civilizations will be finished!

"The facts later confirmed this concern. After that, a new war broke out. The thirteen wild races that formed the alliance were really finished. Only their slaves and mechanical humans survived!"

"Yes, this is the standard answer. All the experts in the history of the past have always thought so, but don't you think this is too simple, rude and hasty?"

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao and his eyes were choppy. "This kind of preconceived view is still based on the perspective of human beings wearing colored glasses. The answer you get is that you always regard the wild race as something... high above, unreasonable, The inhuman existence exists, as if, as long as the head of a Pangu tribe is ordered, everyone from top to bottom will not hesitate to give up their emotions and will.

"is it possible?

"When you ask yourself, if you really think of Pangu as a flesh and blood, people with seven passions and love, hate and hate, live and ordinary people, you feel that people are easy, simple, and no regrets. Emotion and will, is it possible?"

Li Yao was silent for a while, and said: "But the Pangu civilization alliance was trapped in the 3,000 world by the 'black wall'. They can't get out of it, so they will give up their emotions and desires to reduce resource consumption..."

"This reason is extremely inadequate."

Long Yangjun shook his head. "Any civilization finds itself trapped and killed somewhere. The first choice must be to drill out, escape, and get out."

"We must know that the Pangu Civilization Alliance has mastered the technology of extracting stellar energy with super high efficiency. Even if it is worse than the magical civilization, where can it be worse? Magic civilization and blood-grain civilization can cross the black wall, Pangu civilization Even if it can't be done, how much can it be worse? Really desperate to desperate, disheartened, completely abandoned the idea of ​​'breaking through the black wall', and deprived everyone of their emotions, desires and wills so dark and desperate. ?

"You have to understand that even though emotions, desires and wills are reduced to near zero, the Pangu and Nuwa as individuals still consume resources, and as long as they cannot cross the black wall, the resources of the Three Thousand Worlds will eventually consume. Do it all.

"In other words, the practice of "killing emotions" only slightly delayed the advent of 'final exhaustion', but fundamentally cut off the hope of the long-term survival and prosperity of the Pangu civilization alliance, from the moment of obliterating emotion and will, The Pangu civilization alliance actually blocked, frozen and solidified itself.

"There is no ambition drive, no curiosity about the unknown, no infinite flash of intricate emotions, civilization can never evolve such a simple truth, you know, I understand, the leaders of the ancient Pan-Civilization Alliance, the most wise Leaders, will they not understand?

"The problem is coming. Those wise leaders know that obliterating emotions and wills is a chronic suicide for a civilization. Why do they insist on doing this? And this kind of... seemingly extinct humanity does not rise among the people. Massive turmoil and opposition, why?

"The rebellion of the Nuwa is a later matter. It is the importance of awakening emotions and wills after being tempted by the demon outside the domain. In other words, at the beginning, even the Lizu people agreed to 'deprive emotion and will'. It doesn't make sense at all!"

Li Yao fell into deep thought: "It seems that... it doesn't make sense."

"There is no way to say that even if the leader of the Pangu tribe is more wise, stronger, more prestige, and more appealing, it is impossible to persuade the people to obliterate the emotions."

Long Yang Jundao, "For example, you 'the Three Realms, the Federal Father's face is big enough in the Starry Federation. If you run back to the Federation now, say to the people, 'Because our universe is closed, resources are Limited, in order to prevent our days from being too happy, we have used up resources, so please seal the emotions with me and erase the will. 'Guess, how many people will respond?'

"Hey, I guess I will be drowned by rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes in the first place?"

Li Yaodao, "Well, how can I make such a stupid suggestion? Our universe is closed, then I want to open it, drill through it, smash it! Resources are limited, then find ways to create or go outside. Grab more resources! Just because there is emotion and will, it is called 'civilization'. Otherwise, it is just a collection of walking dead, what is 'civilization'?"

"Yes, the instinctive reaction of normal people is like this. Even if you think so, what are the reasons for the leaders of the Pangu Civilization Alliance?"

Long Yang Jundao, "Even if a leader is crazy, it is necessary to kill humanity, why other leaders do not stop him, and all the people are willing to obey him, and give up emotion and will?"

"In summary, we rely on 'our universe is closed, everyone can't get out, so we must save resources.' Such a meager reason is not enough for the Pangu civilization alliance to make such a heart-wrenching thing. Certainly, there must be more strong, more direct, and more deadly reasons, forcing them to give up their emotions and desires, and even to give up the ambition of 'breaking through the black wall and exploring the extraterritorial world'!"

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