Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2387: Iron-hearted old hunter

"It seems... right."

Li Yao thought for a long time, although Long Yangjun's words, the imaginary speculation is mostly, but logically can also be self-explanatory.

Long Yangjun said and said, like entering a certain state of shackles, reaching out to touch the black tide created by the light curtain, the voice suddenly became old and deep, she murmured: "I am the ancient civilization of Pangu. The leader drew a sketch. In my opinion, the Pangu civilization leader who made this decision is like a deep forest, a veteran hunter with rich experience, deep city, determination and even heart.

"No, not just the old hunter, he is the village chief of the little tribe named 'Pangu.'

"As the old hunter of the village chief, after thousands of hardships, with incomparable wisdom, courage, blood and even conspiracy, struggling in the dark forest, even as you are full of a longing for the light, end ten The brutal hunting between the three hunters, together with the formation of the tribe, brought peace and light to this little dark forest.

"Then, they didn't know how much effort they put, how much blood and sweat they shed, weeding, weeding trees, preparing for feeding, mapping maps, and finally, one day, we rushed out of the forest that had trapped them for millions of years!

"However, leaving this dark forest that has been cursed for a long time, the first picture they saw was the cheekbones, the bones of the behemoths that are bigger and more than a hundred times more than the beastmasters they have ever encountered. Even such giants The beasts are all unstoppable by their little tribes. What is the disaster of killing this behemoth?

"Then, they may have encountered traces of flooding, such as swallowed beasts, washed mountains, washed out of the river in the 10,000-meter gully, and learned from other dying restless people. terrible.

"The old hunter has dealt with countless enemies in his life, and he has also solved all kinds of disasters. But he has never encountered such a major disaster as the "Hong Chao". He was frightened and horrified. Of course he will be scared, and he must be responsible for his own tribe, responsible for all hunters and old and weak women and children.

"So, the old hunter retired silently, completely abandoned the plan to rush out of the dark forest, and all his life was surrounded by great fear.

"He couldn't listen to the movements outside the dark forest all day long, listening to the sound of the approaching tide, thinking about how to avoid the scanning and sniffing of the flood.

"Fine and carefully plan the food and resources in the tribe to see if you can let your children go through the next million years.

"Of course, the nature of children is to explore, that is, laughter and singing and dancing, but these things are absolutely forbidden to explore and may cause disasters, and laughter and singing and dancing will consume a lot of resources, and may be heard by Hongchao. To.

"Moreover, there is pain in laughter. There are songs and dances that cry and scream. The children have tasted the joy of today. They will be entangled with the horror of the flood, and will fall into eternal pain!

"So, for the children, for the tribe, simply banned it, seal it, kill it!

"The children certainly don't like the 'grandfather's grandfather' who is so cold and even human. Those young and eager, not afraid of the day, have not participated in the expedition team, have not seen the young hunters outside the forest do not like him, think He is exaggerating. The flood is not so terrible at all. There is no flood at all. There is a great contradiction between them. The contradiction will even develop into a war. In the most extreme circumstances, the old hunter has to personally Suddenly screaming the children who laughed and sang, and pierced the venom dagger into the chest of the young hunter.

"Lee Yao, for the time after millions of years, I have clearly seen the ending of this little tribe, and know that you and me, of course, can laugh at the timidity of the old hunter and attack the old hunter. Cruelty, whipping his extinction of humanity, after all, he used so many extreme means, and ultimately failed to preserve Pangu civilization! He failed, this is the biggest sin.

"But even if Pangu civilization was strong and advanced, there was no ability to foresee the prophet. At that time, before all the consequences were revealed, they were surrounded by great fears. The entire society and the entire civilization could collapse. It was such a precarious one. When you are in the millennium, can you say that the decision of this old hunter has no reason for him? Can you say that you can think of a better way by changing you to the position of this old hunter?"

"I can't think of it."

Li Yao honestly said, "In the past, I really liked to laugh at and slam the people Xiao Xuance, Lu drunk, Tian Mo Mo Xuan, oh, maybe add the old hunter of Pan Gu civilization, but tell the truth, point them out The mistakes are always easy, especially from the perspective of the people of the later generations.

"But when I really face the ignorant future, face the imminent threat, face the incomplete or even completely wrong information, but must make some kind of dilemma, I know, it is difficult, It’s really hard!”

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao in a strange way. He smiled and said: "It seems that you are determined to embark on the road of the Great Devil. The realm of thought is really different, and it has improved a lot. You can understand the difficulties of the great devils of all ages. Now!"

Li Yao smiled a little, and suddenly thought of a certain detail that Long Yangjun just said: "Right, you just said that the young hunters disagreed with the judgment of the old hunters and thought that the flood outside the dark forest might not be so Terrible, they still want to venture out and take a look at this. Does it mean something? 'Young hunter' means who, ah, I know, the female Yi!"

"The scorpion can teach!"

Long Yangjun was really surprised. He really praised Li Yao for a while. He nodded. "Yes, it would be more interesting if the major factor of 'Hong Chao' was added to the Pangu and Nuwa's wild wars. It is also more reasonable.

“The Pangu and the Nuwa are not only fighting because of the simple and rude reason of 'saving emotions and desires', but going further, in order to 'whether to activate emotions and desires, and to explore the vastness beyond the three thousand worlds. Xinghai', for this reason!

"The Pangu people certainly insist that we should hide behind the black wall, deep in the dark forest, at least first as a million-year-old turtle.

"The female Yi people are the 'young hunters'. They have the shortest time to join the league. It is probably not clear that the flood is terrible. They are also extremely dissatisfied with the authority of the Pangu people. They challenge the authority and the expedition. They never Destroyed ambitions.

"The two extreme opposing forces will of course lead to war. Don't forget that for Pangu civilization, any starship that wants to rush out of the three thousand worlds is a threat to the entire civilization, except for obliteration. Is there a second choice?"

Li Yao listened to God: "This... is too exaggerated, is there evidence?"

"Can you count?"

Long Yang Jundao, "You can be an emotional energy, a more advanced form of psionic power, or even a front-end technology that rushes out of the three thousand worlds. Only the star ship driven by the solitude can have the greatest probability to rush out.

"In order to seal itself, Pangu civilization destroyed all the techniques for studying the solitude, but the female Yi people secretly studied in secret. Their ambitions are not obvious.

"There is also the extraterritorial day of the devils and the sects who were eroded by the celestial celestial beings and the Pangu people. The so-called 'outside the world' is naturally outside the world of 3,000, and even outside the black wall. I think, the so-called 'out of the world 'It is very likely that the civilization destroyed by the flood, the fragments preserved in the form of certain energy or information, and infiltrated into the black wall, have some influence on the carbon-based intelligent life of our world.

"In short, the civilization destroyed by the floods has scattered hundreds of millions of souls and ghosts. You can also say that these destroyed civilizations, the last obsession!

"These solitary ghosts, ghost fragments and final obsessions permeate into the black wall. After hundreds of millions of years of change, they become 'out-of-domain demon'. It is no wonder that the female Yi who is eroded by the Tianmo is not only Awakened abundance of emotions, and even unlocked the use of solitude, mastered the superior technology, and can compete with the remaining twelve tribes of the Pangu leadership with one's own strength!"

"Hey Hey hey!"

Li Yao cried. "You last said that 'the extraterrestrial demon' is the 'desire of the devil', which is naturally produced by the human brain. Now it is said that the extraterrestrial demon is a civilization that has been destroyed by the floods outside the black wall... How are the black and white being finished by you, are there any?

"Combination of internal and external factors!"

Long Yangjun snorted. "The production and development of things depend on the combination of internal and external factors, mutual contradictions and mutual promotion. In the Pangu civilization alliance, some people who are mainly female Yi people are obliterated anyway. Without emotion, there are still countless emotions, desires, or devils in the depths of the heart, and then attract the obsessions of the civilizations that have been destroyed by the flood. The two sides combine, '啪', the new female Yi born!,

"The obsessiveness of these destroyed civilizations may contain a strong hatred and resentment against the flood. I hope that a new young civilization can represent them to destroy the flood.

"It is also possible, er, holding some sort of ‘anyway, my civilization has been destroyed, it’s not as bad as everyone’s death,’ and tempted the female Yi people to go out and find their way.

"Even, these obsessions have stripped away the elements of wisdom and reason, but the moment of destruction by the flood, absolute fear, absolute chaos, absolute arrogance is like what we used to say, the meaning of 'chaos.'

"In short, the new female Yi people can no longer endure the repressed and boring life in the black wall. The universe is so big, they must rush out to see, this has a fundamental contradiction with the Pangu people, can only kill you and live! ”

Li Yao listened with a glimpse: "You... are telling stories, such complicated and twists and turns, are you imagining or deducing?"

"Some are, some are not."

Long Yangjun looked at the black tide and the eyes became almost transparent. If millions of years of history are condensed, the sound becomes more and more ethereal. "Some are my deductions, but there are still some, from my cells, genes and even deep souls. I don’t know if you have such an experience. You didn’t know anything about your past, but you chatted, saw or heard something familiar, and the fragments of countless memories sprang up. And suddenly, I suddenly think of a lot of things?"

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