Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2488: Live bright!

"Yes, I can understand your feelings."

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, or said, "For example, things about the earth, now in my mind, I can’t control it."

"Ah, Earth, are you finally willing to say it?"

Long Yangjun gently slammed his finger and licked his long hair and smiled. "I said it is dry, not just to find you secrets, your secrets, I am also very interested! The so-called earth, is the place that often appears in your dreams, let you know the language and text of magical civilization?

“Does the earth have a relationship with the magical civilization? And the flood has nothing to do with the world we live in? Are you ready to tell the whole truth?”

"Listen, Long Yangjun -"

Li Yao thought for a long time, took a deep breath and said with earnestness, "You are willing to be open and honest, tell me about so many times of the past, I really appreciate your trust, or that sentence, I really treat you as a friend." I also hope to be your best friend who can trust and trust.

"Since I am a friend, I don't want to hide anything from you, not to mention that the current situation does not allow me to continue to hide. I know very well that I want to find the earth and complete the mission of dreams. Not enough, I want to get all my loved ones and friends - everyone's support, of course, I will also support everyone, complete your mission and realize your dreams!

"This ‘everyone’ is not just for you, but also for the white boss.

"Obviously, the white boss and the boxing master hold a lot of vital information and a pivotal force. No matter what we are going to do in the empire and the sacred squad, or in the longer term, we must find our own origins and destinations. Open the white boss for their help.

"I very much hope that these people can completely put down all the camouflage and cover up, truly frank and share each other's wisdom, courage and combat effectiveness. We can unite into a team, a super luxury, invincible, can make the flood of the flood Hit the gold combination, a little 'Fireman Alliance'!

"So, I want to talk about the pieces of information I know in the face of the white boss and the boxing champion tomorrow, and share all the pieces of information. Of course, everything you just said, everyone together to piece together intelligence and find the truth. Go to quell the war between the Empire and the Holy Alliance, verify the past events you just mentioned, explore the extraterrestrial world, find traces of the flood, and even go to the earth to solve the ultimate puzzle. Would you like to join such a team? Long Yangjun?"

Li Yaoyan's eyes widened, and he looked at Long Yangjun in a sincere manner. The eye of the big bell was almost fired.

Long Yangjun frowned at instinctively and said: "Once I say all the past, it is equivalent to revealing my identity. These streaked memory fragments, except those who are experienced, cannot be deduced to this extent. ""

"Yes, you, me, the white boss, the boxing champion even include Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. We all have our own unique secrets. We don't even know whether we are a 'normal human' in the narrow concept. For the sake of respecting everyone, I Never reveal the identity of others to any of you, please believe me."

Li Yao stepped forward, and the hot flame burned Long Yangjun’s almost alert indifference and clenched his fists. “But now, I still hope that everyone can be more sunny, more open, and not to die with a ridiculous secret identity. Do not let go - because only unity and frankness can solve our problems, and as time goes by, no secrets can be hidden!

"Look, Long Yangjun, at the last moment of the Xingyao Federation, you are forcibly taking away the escape cabin of a son-in-law battleship, and activated some kind of no-known Xinghai through the supernatural powers, and countless federal strong Everyone is watching you leave, all the people including Ding Lingwei, Jin Xinyue and the national security system are asking me about everything about you. I am under great pressure and have not leaked too much, but those who are strong And experts are not fools, even if I don't say them, they will definitely guess a lot from the clues.

"The federation cannot never come into contact with the empire. Once the federation has involved in a large-scale war of the Empire and the sacred war in some form, the various information about you will definitely come to you. When will you hide yourself, then you will not Will there be more intense conflicts with the federal, empire, and even sacred alliances that have incomplete intelligence?

"Many times, conflicts come from misunderstandings, and misunderstandings come from mistrust and secrets. If you don't say your identity, the federal experts have to guess in the worst direction. Is this really good?"

Long Yangjun snorted and bit his lip, his eyes filled with coldness like Pangu and Nüwa: "Do you think that I am afraid of conflict with the Confederacy?"

"Yes, I know that you are not afraid, of course you are not afraid of anything, but is it interesting, is it really interesting?"

Li Yao said, "Always stick to your little secrets, always be outside the society, always keep a distance from all the likes, don't believe anyone, and don't invest real feelings in anything." It’s really interesting to die, is it really good?”

"Humans are not my kind."

Long Yangjun gnashed his teeth, word by word, whispered, "You seem to have forgotten this again - I am an alien."

"No, you can become human, real human, as long as you want!"

Li Yao hurriedly said, "Humans are not much different from Pangu and Nuwa in terms of genetics. As for the soul, the ghost knows what the essence of the soul is! Did you just say it now? Even the pure Pangu or the woman The Yi people used to be **** and fleshy. They have joys and sorrows, ordinary people, and people who are surrounded by fireworks!

"And, in the depths of the son-in-law battleship, in the Pangu laboratory, haven't we touched the existence of those who have been 'unlocked' and turned from human to Pangu? The ancient gods of the gods are ridiculous and sorrowful. Isn't their flesh and blood body changed from human to Pangu?

"So, there is no difference between humans and Pangu and Nuwa. It is just a different manifestation of carbon-based intelligent life. As long as you think, you are a human being. I believe that even a small number of people temporarily Can't accept you, fear you even hate you, but give them some time to digest, most people can still accept you, trust you and support you, at least I can!"

Long Yangjun snorted: "Childish."

"Childish... It’s really naive, but in a place deep inside you, that’s exactly what you think, right?”

Li Yao continues to stare at Long Yangjun. "You don't want to be alone as a 'interracial'. You are eager to meet your own kind, eager to communicate with others, and eager to tell all the secrets - this is you. Just told me so many reasons.

"In the vast expanse of the sea, no one is an island. Everyone is eager to communicate, eager to talk, and eager to warm up with the same kind. I am no exception, you are no exception.

"If you are so lonely and indifferent as you said, you shouldn't talk to anyone at all. No, no, you shouldn't be in front of me from the beginning! Everyone is going to die, go to each other. Exploring their secrets and origins is not very good, is it safe?"

Long Yangjun’s pupil suddenly shrank, as if he had been poked in the most sensitive place, even to Li Yao’s anger and anger.

"Don't misunderstand, I am very glad that you can treat me as a friend, willing to talk to me, but also let me have a friend who can chat, relax, and share their secrets."

Li Yao did not respond to Long Yangjun's killing intentions. He still opened his hands and loudly. "Trust me, open the so-called secrets, and it's no big deal. Many times, you are just scaring yourself."

"You just said that Pangu civilization sealed itself out of extreme fear. They may even have never seen the true appearance of Hong Chao. In fact, you are not like this, out of fear of the unknown, to others. If you don't trust, you will completely seal yourself. You only dare to show people with fake masks like 'Da Yu Wang Xi, Oriental Ming Yue, and Worrying Women.' Only in front of the monster that I am with you is the world's fallen man. Slightly let go of yourself and let the real Dragon King come out of the water to take a breath - this life is really not tired, is it energetic, is it interesting?

"Now, I am determined to change myself and change this. Are you willing to follow up?

"Follow it, Long Yangjun! Even Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are just born, and they are even more strange than you. After the most rigorous calculations, they dare to be honest with their own identity. - Do you even Xiaoming? And the courage of Wenwen is not there? Do you dare to face the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi for 300 rounds, can you not face the truest self?"

A series of floods like the dykes of the dykes clearly smashed the momentum of Long Yangjun. Her eyes were shattered and her breathing was disordered.

"You don't have to answer me now, tell me the answer tomorrow."

Li Yaozhen hit the iron hot. "I am going to find the white boss and the boxing champion now. Please ask them to be open and honest, and share the most secret information. Then we will make this super invincible gold combination - the "Firer Alliance" big! Of course I will take the lead, the first one, about the earth, about the dream, about myself!

"My 'vulture Li Yao' can go all the way to today, relying on the knife is fast enough, many friends, loyalty! I believe this time, my friends will not let me down, you will never let me Disappointed!

"When you come, tomorrow we will talk about loyalty and engage in the ‘Firebreaker Alliance’ meeting. You must come and join. It’s a big deal, you’re the last one, I’m waiting for you!”

Li Yao ran farther and farther, and ran away without waiting for Long Yangjun to refuse.

Only Long Yangjun left behind the artificial moon for a long time, gently kicked a small stone under his feet, muttered: "...this big idiot!"

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