Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2489: Unusual people open the meeting

The next morning, the artificial sun shines, the psionic birds and flowers, the white boss, the boxing champion, the dragon yangjun and other strong people once again gathered together to discuss, and found that Li Yao had already arrived, and the conference room was dressed up with a new look and a completely different atmosphere. .

The table was filled with flowers and fruits. Xiaoming and Wenwen stood at the door, draped in brocade, and they shouted "welcome and welcome" to them. There was a bright red banner on the top of the conference room, which read " Pangu universe high-end abnormal people forum."

The white boss, the boxing champion and the dragon yangjun face each other, dumb and speechless. After a long time, the white boss said on their behalf: "Li Yao, what does this **** mean?"

“This is a theme I have conceived for this conference!”

Li Yao smiled and greeted him and explained, "The so-called 'pangu universe' is our small, three thousand world shrouded in endless black walls. The word 'three thousand worlds' is too narrow. And it is easy to be ambiguous. We have three thousand worlds of comprehension civilization. Maybe magical civilization is composed of many worlds. The 'pangu universe' is much more precise. I suggest that everyone use this word from now on to call our home. ”

"No, the Pangu universe doesn't matter, but what is an 'abnormal person'?"

White boss blinked. "You are not normal!"

"Compared to the ordinary Pangu universe residents, I am indeed somewhat abnormal."

Li Yao is calm, or has no face and no skin. "Not only is I not normal, but all of you are not normal. This is why we are getting together, and it is also the focus of today's meeting!"

"Come and come, please sit down, talk nonsense, let's take a look at it now - I was already in the night last night, I went to find you in the ditch, I believe everyone understands the frankness. importance.

"First of all, no matter how much we are... abnormal high-end people, in the face of the vast universe, the strength of the individual is always small, even if we bury our secrets in the bottom of our hearts, we will be a hundred times stronger by ourselves. I am afraid that it is not enough to counter the dark and cold universe, nor can we realize our dreams.

"I ‘vulture Li Yao’ needs everyone and needs the help of each of you. I believe that each of you will always need me to help.

"What's more, everyone is a smart person. No matter the brain or the brain, the computing power is awkward. Even if a man doesn't say it himself, can't anyone guess it? Hey, the white boss doesn't guess the boxing." The identity of the king, the boxing champion does not guess that we are from a certain comprehension country outside the empire? Fortunately, the two of you are sensible, there is no real conflict, but deep doubts and defenses in the heart, always inevitable As time goes by and the situation changes, this doubt and defense will not expand and become a real rift, leading to a real fire?

"Bai Boss, Long Yangjun, you have escaped from the Federation one after the other. Your identity has already been exposed. There is no reason to be known to the federal people, but you still have to be here." Normal people, right?

"Including me is the same. I grew up from a robbery grave of the unknown name of the former tomb, and grew up to today's tyrannical, dominating star, invincible, and super hero who is respected by millions of people. How can you not be suspicious?" ?right!"


White boss is cold and cold. "I am acting at the white boss. Why do you want to hide it from anyone? Don't look at me so timid, sneaky!"


The boxing champion also said calmly, "I have repeatedly performed hundreds of times on your proposal yesterday. Indeed, exposing your own secrets will bring certain risks, but considering the benefits of closer cooperation, the whole risk is calculated. Still worth taking."

"That's great, let's re-introducing ourselves!"

Li Yao grabbed an apple, and he took a bite and bitten his juice. He looked at the incomplete mouth of the apple and finally made up his mind. "I, vulture Li Yao, as everyone knows, comes from the star The Federal City of Fu Ge - Boxing King, this used to be our common secret, but now it is your secret, I hope you can understand our trust in you.

"Most of my experiences, everyone knows, but I have never told the secret of a third person other than my wife. - I have been doing a weird dream since I was very young, one about Earth's dream, a dream of 'magic' and 'abcd', this dream may be the source of my strength!"

Li Yao briefly described the dream about the earth. In the end, he said: "I am not sure what this is going on. There is a certain 'Earth Man' crossing the Starry Federation and winning a dying body of a federal baby. It is still only some kind of information wave from the earth, through time and space, received by a federal baby.

"This, please please understand me."

The people listened quietly, until now, there was still no sound, and they were deeply pondered.

It's not a singularity or a message transmission. It's a rare world. After all, it's a world of comprehension. There are endless things like robbing, resurrection, empowerment, and overlapping memories. White bosses themselves are reborn.

In just a hundred years, Li Yaoneng became the Panyu area in the Pangu universe, and one of the best masters, naturally has his creation.

But "the center of multi-civilization convergence", the so-called "Earth", and Li Yao's "vulture plan" to destroy the earth are really mysterious and too imaginative.

In particular, combining the earth and the flood, even the computing power of the boxing champion or Xiao Ming and Wen Wen can not support such a complicated and intricate deduction.

"We don't want to complicate the simple problem. Let's just be this... The earth is in a dimension outside the Pangu universe. There is a powerful life in this dimension called 'Earth Li Yao' before the death. Similar to the way of 'devil disintegration', all the information that makes up his life is parsed, stripped, compressed and packaged, sent to our Pangu universe, and received by your young brain."

White boss said, "And this high-dimensional space called the earth, since it is the center of multi-civilization, it is very likely to be a refuge, a refuge for many civilizations to avoid the flood, where there is both self-cultivation and It’s reasonable to have magic."

"Do not."

Boxing, "If the earth is really a refuge for the flood, why is it a 'high-dimensional space', why can't it be a 'low-dimensional space'?

"Imagine a two-dimensional life without thickness. As long as it is perpendicular to our line of sight, we can't see it at all, and it is perfectly hiding.

"In other words, when high-dimensional life observes a low-dimensional life, there is a blind spot of observation. Then, suppose that the survivors of many civilizations should avoid the devour of the flood, find ways to lower their own dimensions, and hide themselves in the flood. Is it safer to observe blind spots?

"That is, if we are based on the 3D universe we are in, the Earth is likely to be a lower dimension - a two-dimensional world, evidence? The evidence is that the Earth can't fix it or use magic, maybe it's reducing its own dimensions. At the same time, their abilities are all limited, and they can only use fantasy to recall the taste of these abilities."

"This is not right."

Long Yangjun listened to God and could not help but join the discussion. "If the Earth is just a 'two-dimensional refuge,' you can't explain Li Yao's vulture plan. Why did he destroy the earth?

"As mentioned in the dream, countless civilizations have been 'blocked' on the earth, in some sort of infinite loop, and meaningless reincarnation from generation to generation - what does this mean?"

"Stop, everyone stops."

Li Yao hurriedly pulled back the topic. "Before there is no more intelligence and evidence, it is useless to discuss these imaginary topics. Let's continue the theme just now. I have already finished, who will come next?"

"I am coming, I have nothing to hide. If anyone is not good at seeing me, then I have done a good job!"

The white boss is sullen and sullen. "My name is Bai Xingjian. It is made up of two people's souls. One is called Bai Xinghe, the other is Yan Xinjian. No, maybe plus rats, plus five. Hundreds are still the soul of a thousand mice. Here is my story..."

White boss said his life.

First, how is Yan Xinjian despicable and shameless, how to struggle with pain, how to command the Star Treasure army to defeat the fleet of the self-cultivator, and finally how to make evil and bad news when attacking God, and under the curse of his wife, he endured a life of sin and fullness, and turned it into five. Hundreds of mice have suffered from half-life and half-death.

Then, how does Bai Xinghe watch the "reconstruction leader" Xiao Xuance to kill his parents, how to shed the spider's nest star, how to be forced by the star thief to explore in the dark, crisis-ridden underground battle, how to rise with anger and hatred step by step And finally for his son's white happy, turned his head and died with the strong enemy.

Finally, how the two sinful evil spirits met in the darkness of the earth, and after years of fermentation and condensing, finally rushed out of the ground and found the body of a child who had just died, "White Mouse", and revived the corpse to launch a new generation. The journey of the white boss!

"I am naturally not a good person. Whether it is measured according to the standards of the federal or the empire, it is a sinister evil, so even if someone wants to take revenge for me, or cut my head to reward, it is a matter of righteousness. ”

White boss said calmly, squinting his eyes and scanning a circle, faintly said, "But, if you want to kill me, you must have the consciousness of being killed by me. Before I realize my dream, I will not die. No one is there. There is no power, no magic can stop me from moving towards a higher dimensional universe!"

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