Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2492: We, only us!

In a word, Li Yao let the many powerful people in the room fall into meditation. These powerful people are not superb in computing power, and the deductive ability is so strong that they are so ridiculous.

"Yes, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi really has no reason to be so low-key."

Long Yangjun, who once fought with Wu Yingqi, first saw the problem. "If you say that in the 'cracking period' his power is too weak, afraid to expose his identity, after being suppressed by the four electors, or even killing them, Now the reformist and the four major families have completely torn their faces, and the two sides have met each other. Even the entire heavenly world has been beaten down by the reformists. Even the 'Renovation Committee of the Senate' has been established. He has a whole Guardian Army Guard, countless The **** of the strong is for him to drive, he is still afraid of what, but also what to care about?

"Opening up your own identity, the benefits are many in the real human empire that is respected by the strong. The 'Black Star Emperor' is not a singular identity. Many people can accept a gorgeous return of a thousand-year-old strongman, even countless people are there. I am eager to see a real strong man stand up, condense a loose sand empire, re-lead them, and recreate the glory of the past!

"Look at the imaginary flower shelf 'Shenwu Emperor', just for the time to win an expedition, it was boasted as 'Black Star Emperor Second', but now the official founding emperor, the ancestor of the immortal descended from ' The meaning of his righteousness is that the legitimacy of his rule is simply too strong to be added.

"I think if Wu Yingqi dares to open his identity, the morale of the loyalists will definitely rise, and the morale of the four families will fall to the lowest valley, but the miscellaneous surnames in the territory will be shaken, even within the family. The middle and low-order cultivators may also have a heart-felt turmoil and turn to the Black Star Emperor.

"Not to mention the people at the bottom, the vast majority of the bottom people in the real human empire are listening to the story of the black star emperor's wise god. If you know the emperor's resurrection, how can you not worship and swear?"

"On the other hand, even if he does not disclose his identity, now the imperial queen Li Linghai is also the nail of the four electorate families, the thorns in the flesh, the four families will still kill Li Linghai at all costs, and there is no possibility of continuing to "slow the light."

"How to see, how do you think, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi should open his own presence at least on the side of the four major electors, he has nothing to worry about."

"You are right, therefore, Wu Yingqi does not disclose his existence. It is not his four enemies who choose the emperor family. On the contrary, he is even afraid of his temporary ally Wanmeng Business Alliance!"

Li Yao’s gaze is like a slowly slashing blade, sharply inch by inch. Every word is as accurate as a scalpel. The organization of the Wanshang Commercial League is the periphery of the empire. No, actually it is the whole. The consortium of empire emerging capital represents the strength of hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized commercial groups in the whole empire. What are their demands for emerging capital and small and medium-sized commercial groups, and what are their instinct for survival and development?

"First of all, in a unified and open market, private levels and levy taxes can be eliminated between the various worlds, so that capital flows like a blood, rather than in the hands of those who know only the crush and enjoyment.

"Secondly, a more fair, just and open society and business environment.

"Capital is born with fairness. It is natural to oppose the nobility and the imperial power. Everyone is equal before the ugly money. This is the most basic business logic. If the emperor's piece of money can be used as three pieces, the aristocrat's piece of money can be used as two pieces. And the civilians’ money can only be used as a fifty-one, and this business can’t be done.

"Third, and most importantly, a healthy, vibrant and expanding market. Specifically, emerging capital requires better treatment for ordinary people, the so-called original people of the empire, and more leisure time. More rights and freedoms, only in this way, the original people have the ability and interest to carry the dumping of capital, will be willing to help the capital to grow.

"Capital is of course ruthless, and there is no such thing as 'liberating the original person' for no reason, but if most of the original people are slaves and shackles, all day except 'energy pills' and 'killing live broadcasts In addition, there is no interest in consuming more goods, and the emerging capital will be starved to death.

"So, I still insist on the idea that when I first came to the empire, the new commercial capital and its representative 'World Business Alliance' are the most progressive, enlightened and most eager to change in today's real human empire, so it is most likely and We work together."

Bai Lao Avenue: "But the Wanshang Business Alliance is hostile to the self-cultivators, and they have chosen the reformists."

“All the cultivators are hostile to the self-cultivator, and they see who is the ‘the least hostile’ group.”

Li Yaodao, "And I just said that the Wanshang Business Alliance chose the reformist, and chose the Imperial Queen Li Linghai instead of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

"In the concept of the revolutionary openness, although the banner of 'respecting the emperor, renovating the empire', and wanting to build a strong and unified government, the so-called 'respecting the emperor' is purely a nonsense, regardless of the reformist or its The Golden Lord Wanjie Business Alliance never wanted a strong emperor. Once the so-called innovation succeeded, they were more likely to implement the constitutional monarchy. The emperor was only a symbol of honor and was elevated, and the real power was concentrated on ' In the hands of the Senate Reform Committee, it goes without saying that there will be a large number of business group spokespersons in this committee to ensure the future of the empire and firmly grasp the capital.

“Why did they choose Li Linghai as the leader of the reformist? The spirit of the sea is strong, but on the one hand, it is very clear that they are very clear that Li Linghai’s strong family and the emperor’s emperor for decades have not been able to become such an identity. A strong emperor is less likely to be a tyrant and can only act as a spokesperson for capital!

"This is the basis for the cooperation between the reformist or Li Linghai and the Wanjie Business Alliance.

"But what we are talking about now is not Li Linghai, but Wu Yingqi, the hero of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the tyrant, the devil, may become the spokesperson of capital?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! From the words he said when he and Wu Yingqi played against each other, he seems to have mastered some secret law that can live forever. Oh, eternal life is too exaggerated, at least listen to that meaning, live again. The problem of two or three thousand years is not big.

"Wu Yingqi is such a person. It is bad enough to live two or three hundred years, let alone two or three thousand years! He will firmly control all power and capital in his own hands, and will strictly monitor all the strong and The people will definitely become extremely powerful tyrants!

"Under the rule of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, even the aristocrats have no living space. They can only tremble under his feet. What about small and medium-sized business groups and free capital? I have never heard of a tyrant. Can live in peace with free capital!

"Yes, those free-capital masters who are blinded by the eyes can turn into aristocratic capital by virtue of the merits of 'from the dragon's ministers', but know that the source of the so-called noble capital is firmly in control of the black star Emperor Wu Ying. In the hands of Qi, what do the founding emperors like most? Of course, it is a big killing hero! After the black star emperor Wu Yingqi took the post, did the heroes of the killing still have less? The leader of the Wanshang Commercial League has only a little brain cells. If you are eroded by your immediate interests, you will never believe him!

"In summary, my conclusion is that the vast majority of the leaders of the Wanshang Business Alliance should be kept in the dark. They think that they are pushing the front desk only to the 'relatively harmless' imperial queen, Li Linghai, who have confidence. Take control of Li Linghai, at least in the future Senate Reform Committee, and Li Linghai game, together to divide the big cake of the Empire.

"But they never dreamed of it. They pushed the front desk to a tyrant who was more than a hundred times more horrible than the four electors. And this tyrant has both strength and great meaning. Once he comes to power, he will never share cake with anyone. Only all the oppositions will be killed and turned into jam on the cake, and they will eat it!

"Now the revolutionary and the four families have not won the game. The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi still needs the power of the Wanjie Business Alliance. Of course he will not reveal his identity at this time! At least the four families will be completely interrupted. With the backbone, the overall situation has been fixed, no matter how the Wanmeng Business League struggles to escape the palm of his hand, he will completely tear the camouflage, 'Jun Lin Tianxia'!"

"It seems... it makes sense."

White boss has been indulging for a long time, said, "Li Yao, it seems that you really saved your intelligence and used it now." So, we really have the opportunity to cooperate with Wanmeng Business Alliance. ?"

“It’s not just the Wanshang Business League, but most of the real innovations.”

Li Yao’s eyes are shining and earnestly saying, “For those who really want to 'reform the empire', not just to fight for power, the rebirth of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is a great retrogression, they will never Tolerate this kind of thing happening, these people are the partners we want to fight for.

“To put it simply, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is a locust crouching inside the reformist. After trying to make a difference between the reformist and the four major families, he shamelessly steals the fruits of victory. Our mission is to never let him Do this!

"The idea of ​​reforming the empire is correct, but at this moment, Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai of the imperial capital are fake innovations. They are using the reformists. After the event, they will intensify their efforts against the reformists! The revolutionary cause is already in turmoil, In the midst of danger, now, we, only we can set off the real banner of innovation!"

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