Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2493: The birth of the super league!


After Li Yao just finished, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen couldn’t help but applaud. Xiao Ming’s eyes were filled with the light of worship. He said, “Why can Dad be so wretched when he is usually wretched, handsome and so handsome?”

"Is it really like the white boss said, is a special way of thinking distribution and mental operation?"

Wen Wen guessed, "It usually shows only one percent of wisdom to cope with daily work and communication, but the remaining 99 percent of wisdom is not dormant, but is in some kind of ... 'quiet operation' The state continues to carry out complex and long-term deductions, and at the crucial moments, the results can be taken out!"

"It's really powerful, it not only guarantees the ultimate computing power, but also makes rational use of all mental idle time, but also greatly reduces energy consumption, don't worry about getting mad."

Xiao Mingxi marveled, "If it is a pure crystal brain, there is no way to switch seamlessly in the two computing states. Only the human brain can do such a thing. This is where the human brain is more advanced than the crystal brain. ?"

The two little guys looked at each other and said the same thing: "It seems that we have to learn like Dad and learn this magical way of thinking!"

"Is it so complicated to say?"

Li Yao frowned slightly, faintly said, "I am just the most ordinary big wisdom."

White boss supported his forehead: "...enough, really enough for Li Yao, let's talk about how to do it!"

"Specifically, first of all, a strong and fast-responding fleet with strong combat power is of course essential."

Li Yaozheng said, "The blue sky is now ours, and Yongchun Hou Li is also in control of our hands, comprehensive intelligence, the battle of the Seven Seas market should be one or two months, during this period of innovation and the four major All the energy of the family is placed on recruiting and dispatching troops. As long as Li Weiji sends back the appropriate information, no one should bother us to silently repair and upgrade, reorganize and train here.

"Fleet construction, I know nothing about it, but you are an expert in the white boss. Naturally, you are fully responsible for it. The key is how to let the boxing champion, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen thoroughly integrate into the fleet, and create a star-centered center. The fastest fleet, the most powerful super-fleet fleet, in the end, we are better than us, we are faster than us, we are not so disguised and fraudulent, more professional camouflage and fraud than we are. Against the troops, we can't take out so many super-class powers and giant soldiers to fight hard, then our fleet is in an invincible position.

"There is a superfleet backed by force, and communication with the homeland of the Xingyao Federation can also be carried out.

"The time for me to jump to the empire is not short. The federal side must be anxious to know the status quo in the central part of the Xinghai. I have not been monitored by Li Linghai before, or on the road to escape, there is no condition to build a super-large-scale long-distance communication base. But now, the conditions are already in place.

"While the Confederacy is at the edge of the Pangu universe, its strength is far less than that of the Empire and the Holy Alliance. But the power of the whole country is always comparable to one of the four families. It is really at the juncture of the game of life and death, from the Federation. The reinforcements may be able to make a final decision?

"Finally, what I said just now, I want to go to the Qihai market to find Jin Yuyan, the chairman of the Wanshang Business Alliance, and win him!"

White boss, boxing champion, Long Yangjun, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are all contemplative.

White boss slowly tapped the table and said: "You can consider the problem, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi has no reason to consider it. If I am Wu Yingqi, I am afraid I have long tried to infiltrate the Wanmeng Business Alliance. You are sure Jin Yuyan is not a person of Wu Yingqi, do not know the truth?"

"Wu Yingqi will certainly find a way to infiltrate the Wanmeng Business Alliance, and will certainly achieve partial success, and let some members of the trade alliance move from ‘loyalty capital’ to ‘loyalty to the emperor’.”

Li Yaodao, "After all, the capital is like water, fierce and turned into a flood. It can really destroy everything, and it is fierce to add."

"But it is weak, and it is the weakest thing in the world. It is weaker than tofu. In order to make a small profit, it is possible to sell the niece."

"However, even though most members of the Wanshang Commercial League are likely to sell their own organizations and rely on the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, this Jin Yuyan is already the chairman of the board and the leader of the Wanjie Business Alliance. How can he sell himself? The foundation of the body? Even if he really depends on Wu Yingqi, it is also a big worry for Wu Yingqi. In the morning and evening, the birds will not be able to hide, and the rabbits will die.

"Being the leader of the Wanmeng Business Alliance is naturally a clever person. I don't believe that he will be stunned to this extent. Therefore, I judge that Jin Yuyan is still in the dark, and I absolutely don't know the truth in Li Linghai. This person can talk."

White boss coldly said: "If you guessed it, then I think that Jin Yuyan is very likely to be in some danger. The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi may not like such a "smart person" to control the Wanmeng Business Alliance."


Li Yaodao, "So, I have more reason to go to the big market in the Seven Seas. After all, it will soon be a big battle. During the Battle of Xinghai, anything can happen. If Jin Yuyan is really killed by a mysterious person of unknown power, then Very troublesome.

"In short, the plan is like this. Bai Lao presided over the construction of the fleet. I will build a super-long-distance communication base. After completing the communication with the Federation, I will sneak into the Seven Seas Market with Long Yangjun and fight for Jin Yuyan. Let's find a way to get it. Profit, has become the biggest winner of this battle, and then completed the small goal of killing Wu Yingqi, and finally went to pursue the ultimate dream of rushing out of the Pangu universe?"

White boss: "No."

Boxing champion: "No."

Xiao Ming, Wen Wen: "No."

Long Yangjun: "Yes, I suddenly awakened a series of memories of the wild, and found that I also have a lot of talent in the command of the fleet, so I still want to stay in the battlefield of the starry sky to participate in the battle, sneak into what, have your ventilation pipe bully alone It’s enough, come on, I’m optimistic about you!”


Li Yao’s eyes snarled and his eyes turned to Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. “Baby, do you want to leave with your father?”

"This one……"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen looked at each other and swallowed. "We talked with the boxing champion for a long time yesterday. We found that there are many places to learn from the boxing masters, and it is really necessary to build the battle network of the super fleet. It seems that our database will be further open. Interfaces, superimposed together, in short, there are a lot of technical details to deal with, the problem is a lot of problems, said Dad does not understand, so we really have no time."


The boxing champion said faintly, "My database is more refined and professional. It is mainly about all the information related to the battle. But the database of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen is all-encompassing. A lot of information about human civilization is stored in it. Our in-depth communication will be greatly I will improve the logical deduction ability and the level of thinking activity of both parties. I will also adjust this matter to the highest priority sequence, so I can't accompany you. Li Yao don't misunderstand. I really want to go with you, believe me, I am machinery. Hey, machinery won't lie."

Li Yao took a deep breath and turned his eyes to the white boss.

Bai Boda has activated more than a dozen light curtains and devoted himself to researching how to build a fleet. He is quite focused and unconcerned, and he has not noticed Li Yao’s burning eyes.

The venue was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Li Yao looked at everyone, everyone looked down at their fingers.


Li Yao squinted and bit his teeth. "The specific arrangement, let's talk again. In short, the first meeting of our arsonists' alliance was very successful today."

"Wait, what's the matter?"

White boss suddenly woke up and got his head out of the light curtain. "What kind of ghost is the ‘Fireman Alliance?’ Just now, is there a topic, why don’t I know?”

"Just... the name of our team!"

Li Yaoli said, "We have united the high-end abnormal people in the Pangu universe, and we must fight for the future of human civilization. This exciting and significant thing, the lineup is such a luxurious gold combination. In the words of magical civilization, we are a 'kicking', or even a 'destroyed wood', of course, there must be a name that is loud!"

"What are the ghost languages ​​of the magical civilization that I and my devils are, what are the ‘Kemu’ and what are the ‘falling wood’?

The white boss slammed the table and blinked. "The key is why the name of this **** ‘falling wood’ is called ‘arsonist’, and ‘the thief’s alliance’ is not good?”

"Of course... of course, but the name "Fireman Alliance" is more meaningful and louder. Our goal is to send light and warmth to all civilizations in the universe!"

Li Yao shook his head hard, seeing the white boss's face was not good, and hurriedly said, "Slightly don't worry, white boss, so, everyone's step back is good, you see, the team's name is still using the 'arsonist alliance', but we You can use your team's uniforms as the team's uniform! At that time, our peers of the 'Fireman Alliance' will debut, I, you, the boxing champion, Long Yangjun, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, even Li Jialing, Hante, Liuli, all of them are colorful blouses, beach pants and blue and white flippers, the visual effect, how gorgeous, how cool, how shocking!"

White boss: "..."

Xiao Ming: "So, Dad is now entering the "very low speed mode" and storing all his wisdom?"

Boxing champion: "Should be, hey, these stupid humans, the ‘arsonist alliance’ and the ‘polar thief alliance’, what is the name, ask me to say, it’s better to call ‘Tiequan invincible tyrants’!”


Wen Wen is amazed, "Fist, boxing master, are you serious, not kidding?"

"of course."

Boxing, "I am a mechanic, never kidding, always so serious, have problems?"

"...there is a small problem."

Xiao Ming couldn't help but say, "What is the name of the "Super Tianjing Invincible II"?

"not bad."

The boxing champion carefully analyzed for a moment, "simple and clear and domineering, the suffix of the 'second generation' also points out its version model, which opens up space for subsequent upgrades. The next three generations, four generations, and five generations will continue to be used, and will never be confused. It’s a rare good name, what happened?”

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen said in unison: "No, no, when we didn't say it, forget it."

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