Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2495: New world, new host!

In addition to the most advanced crystal brain and magnetic interference weapon, these two "super vortex" warships naturally have the configuration of warships.

Although Xiaoming, Wenwen and Boxing can reduce about one-half of the labor positions through a fully automated operating system, in the key positions, human flexibility, independence and even creativity are not replaced by a large amount of data accumulation. .

Li Yao chose the big white star thieves to know the federal truth, and the most reliable candidates in the federation and relatives, as well as the bitterness of the comprehension fleet, and the warriors who have the **** vengeance of the immortals, transferred to the "Xiaoming" and " The text number "to serve as a crew member.

These people either use the federation as their motherland or they have no affair with the empire. Loyalty is definitely not a problem.

The question is how to explain to them the existence of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen.

Li Yao had already made up his mind and would never hide the truth for too long.

Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Boxing King have also undergone precise deductions. If they do not want to have a full-scale conflict with human civilization, which will lead to the consequences of both losses, the sooner the truth is announced, the better.

If they wait for them to be strong and strong, master the dozens and twenty fleets and tens of millions of murderous battles, and then be exposed by others, the suspicious and sensitive humans do not fry, it is simply impossible.

In the bud, he spontaneously announces the truth and grows in the next step of human gaze and guidance. Perhaps this is the best way to grow a sub-civilization.

Of course, the situation in the central Xinghai is still too chaotic, the reformists, the black star emperor hidden in the reformists, the four electorate families, and the sacred sects in the dark, and the mysterious emperor The tomb and the emperor and the blood **** of unknown life and death... many variables, a mess.

The blue sky market is far from being able to be called a piece of iron. The battle of the Seven Seas Market is about to start. The complete announcement of the truth will only make all the crew members feel dizzy. Therefore, after Li Yao and Boxing and Bai Bo’s deliberation, they decided to take a step. Step by, first disclose some of the truth and see the crew's reaction.

Li Yao's explanation for these two robots that are automated to the unimaginable agenda is that they applied the latest super-artificial intelligence technology from the federal government, which is the "super-spirit technology" left by the gods.

The celestial Mo Xuan created countless imaginary bodies, and strengthened 18 of them into "super-spirits", trying to use them to control the entire federation. This is true.

The super-spirit has the computing power and logical judgment ability far beyond ordinary artificial intelligence. It can easily invade and control a super crystal brain. Of course, it can be applied to the super-large magic complex to greatly enhance the starship or star battle. The automation performance, this is also true.

The predecessor of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen is the super-spirit of the 17th and the 18th. This is even more true.

Of course, no matter how powerful the super-spirit is, it still does not break away from the scope of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology is popular in both the federal and the empire. It is an indispensable auxiliary technology for any large magic weapon and even the virtual world, regardless of the federal star thief. Or the empire comprehension is not strange, and is used to it.

"It is a very powerful artificial intelligence to control these two starships." This is an acceptable statement.

As for Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, two very cute little guys, Li Yao also honestly told the crew that they are his children. They are born with abilities. They are very powerful "artificial intelligence experts". They can only use them to manipulate two. The super-spirit on the starship.

Although some are unbelievable, considering that the two little guys are "vulkey Li Yao" children, it seems that hey, it seems not so strange.

As a result, the crew and the two starships and the two little guys got along very well, and there were no problems that Li Yao worried about.

Regardless of the federal star thief or the imperial comprehension, they are all warships. For a warship, the most important thing is always a bigger, faster and stronger starship.

Is there anything more exciting than being assigned to a starship with the highest level of magnetism in the entire empire?

Although the former "super-spirit" almost brought a devastating disaster to the federation, the weapon itself is not guilty, depending on who it is in, and now the "super-spirit" belongs to their "arsonist joint fleet" The more natural, the better.

The two little guys are also very flattering, and they can't help but win a protection. After seeing how cute the two little guys are, many crew members are secretly blaming Li Yao. How can it be so small, so small? When the dolls are placed on the starship, they have to go to the crisis and the dangerous war. Even if they really have any unique magical powers, they shouldn’t be so chaotic!

In short, under the dual pride of the crew and the emotional incentives of the same enemy, and the superb automation performance of the starship itself, it took only half a month, two highly modified Ling magnetic battleships, miraculously obtained Initial combat power.

The remaining wonderful powers must be activated and upgraded step by step in actual combat.

After half a month, the two starships of the sub-fleet were almost repaired and upgraded, and the white boss presided over a small-scale exercise.

The exercise side is the fleet that the white boss personally commanded and commanded in the traditional way.

The other side is the new generation of the boxing champion, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, a more intelligent and fully automated fleet.

As a result, although Bai Bo has a richer experience, a faster and more fierce battleship, but the victory is still extremely difficult, it is simply to make all the stops, the real effort of the bottom of the box is pulled out, only step by step to peel the onion The tears of the Fighting Kings fleet were torn apart.

Even if it fails, the Fist King Fleet still leads the one-third starship in an orderly retreat under the control of exquisite firepower, unpredictable dispatch and absolute calm without any emotional fluctuations, retaining a very powerful "seed."

Of course, the ability to play such a wonderful "failure" is not entirely the merits of the three champions, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, but more like the first perfect cooperation between the new information life and human beings.

White boss is right, simple information life, weakness is very obvious. Their existence and power depend on each other's communication. In the vast expanse of the sea, communication is extremely consuming and extremely easy to be interfered. Things.

If a fleet relies entirely on information life to manipulate it, then in the most extreme circumstances, as long as a stellar storm is set up, all information transmission on the starry battlefield is completely disrupted, and the effect of “full-band jamming interference” is achieved. Human combat power may The decline is 70%, but the information life is all over.

What's more, ultra-long-distance communication takes time and delay. On the ever-changing battlefield, it is necessary to send instructions to “neurons” hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from a “master brain”. This combat mode is really “thousands”. Sore hundred holes."

The greatest advantage of mankind is the ability to handle fuzzy commands independently. In the most extreme case, a human warrior is an army of his own army!

Human beings add information to life, which may be the correct direction for future wars, and the only way for their civilization to break through the black wall and rush to the Pangu universe.

Looking at Xiao Ming and Wen Wen day by day, and day into day into the human society, and countless people, Li Yao's mood is somewhat contradictory.

Even if some truths are announced, they still have reservations. Once the crew knows the whole truth and knows that the so-called "artificial intelligence" actually has its own thoughts and will, it does not necessarily have to follow human orders. "Children" will one day Rebel against "father", what do they think?

Will you be happy because the so-called "artificial intelligence" is so similar to human beings, or do you feel more fear?

Power, money, and power will erode humans and completely ruin humans. Is it true for the life of artificial intelligence information?

Now, no matter whether Xiao Ming, Wen Wen or Quan Quan are relatively weak, Li Yao believes that they are sincerely cooperating with human beings, but if one day they master the power that is far above human beings, reaching ten times that of human beings. How many times, even a thousand times?

Information life is the creation of mankind, the child of mankind, and how evil and cruel human beings can be. Li Yao is deeply educated. The so-called "the upper beam is not under the beam", human beings are like this, "the son of mankind" how is it?

Although in front of everyone, he can say a lot of **** slogans and insist on using "love" and "communication" to solve all problems, but in the dead of night, when thinking alone, is this really true?

Finally, the words of the white boss comforted him.

"I believe that human nature is evil, and star thieves are even more wicked people in the wicked, but do you know that the most sinister, selfish and self-interesting star thieves in the Stars of the Stars and the Stars of the Stars, often work together, shoulder to shoulder Fighting, why, are they turning? No, it is because there are more powerful enemies, such as the crusades of the self-cultivators, forcing the evil star thieves to warm up."

Bai Boda said, "Everyone is born to be selfish and extremely wicked, but in the treacherous world of the crisis, the strength of the individual is so weak, and the evil people need to cooperate with others to survive. In the reluctant cooperation, the initial understanding and trust were born step by step. The so-called brothers, family, society and the country are like this. They are not born because of 'love', but only some kind of...comfort.

"People are like this, will civilization be the same?"

"Perhaps, all civilizations are born with selfishness, ruthlessness, and extreme evil. They simply cannot survive."

"However, in the face of the vast and innocent sea of ​​stars, all kinds of unexpected threats are not enough by selfishness, ruthlessness and extreme evil. When developing to a certain extent, in the face of great threats, civilization and civilization must also Bring your hands together, hold the group to warm up, fight with the enemy, and fight side by side.

"So, the point is not whether Pangu civilization, human civilization, information civilization, or even magical civilization are evil. Of course they are inherently evil. The point is whether there is a threat that they absolutely cannot resist on their own, forcing them to temporarily give up each other's evil. And vigilant, united together, and even had to produce a quirky thing called 'love'.

"Ah, fortunately, we seem to have such a threat to the flood."

Is it a blessing to destroy the tide of all civilizations?

This is ridiculous, but it has the same meaning as the champion.

Throughout human history, the vast majority of brilliant civilizations have originated in the flood-prone river basins. Floods are destruction, floods are also vitality, floods bring endless despair, but they are also new hopes.

In the face of the raging floods, the creatures in the dark forest seem to have no choice but to devote all their wisdom and courage to the forest, unite together, and go forward, becoming the brand new world after the flood has erupted, the new master! 8)

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