Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2496: Letter to the hometown

One day after a month.

The boundary of the extreme radiation range of a star "Blue Huangxing" closest to the Blue Sky.

A thin, flap-like, silky, silky soft alloy slowly spreads under the rhythm of blood vessels and nerves.

It is like a kind of liquid filled with metallic luster flowing around, like a sail and a flag waving in the wind, more like a beautiful flower blooms.

When it stretches from a highly condensed liquid alloy to a large sheet of metal with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, the surface of the mysterious and layered runes reveals the whole picture. Then, with the strokes of these runes as the fold line, the foil They gathered a little and formed an intricate structure, which was more like a huge metal rose.

The metal rose absorbs the various radiations and fluctuations released by the "Blue Huangxing", and sways gently, blooming a magnificent and gorgeous luster.

This is one of the five antennas of the "antenna" of the ultra-remote communication magic.

A full five hundred metal roses sway and bloom together in the sky.

Li Yao, Bai Laodao, Boxing King, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen drove a starship and anchored in the middle of a three-dimensional array of five hundred metal roses.

When Li Yao came alone to the empire, he carried a portable ultra-long-range communication base station.

But the size of the thing is too small, the performance is not stable, the confidentiality is also very poor, it is easy to be intercepted and captured by third-party forces, and it has been riddled with holes in previous fierce battles, and it is naturally abandoned.

Now that there are plenty of materials and stable bases available to the White Boss, and there are Boxing, Xiaoming and Wenwen helping to design new ultra-long-range communication base stations, they of course have to build a more advanced, more secretive, even semi-permanent base station. It is.

Despite the confidence in the performance of the new base station, for the sake of absolute security, Li Yao decided to send information only to the federation, but refused to send any information to the empire.

Temporarily maintaining this "one-way communication" mode may allow the federal government to hide for a long time at the seaside, at least concealing the situation in the central part of the Xinghai, a little clearer.

The power of the federation is not strong, it is more suitable as a squad, used to "seal a throat" at the most critical moment, for the time being, there is no need to debut.

With the help of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, most of the things that Li Yao took after he came to the empire, including the current situation of the empire, the reformists, the relationship between the four major families and the sacred alliances, all gathered together into a survey report. It also includes the current military strength of the empire, the general structure and performance parameters of each type of starship, the commanding list of each fleet, etc., etc., all of which are packaged and sent back to their hometown.

Believe that this information is of great benefit to the next fleet construction of the Xingyao Federation.

Of course, there is the Pangu universe, and... the red tide.

At the forefront, Li Yao reminded his hometown that this is a secret document of one-way communication. At present, their situation is still good, without the support from their hometown.

Every other month, they will send a secret document back to their hometown. This means that they are still safe and able to cope. If they have not received their news for three consecutive months, it shows that the situation has changed uncontrollably.

The above is a business.

The next step is private.

Li Yao naturally did not forget to bring Ding Ling to a little bit of past, just biting his fingernails and thinking about it for a long time, do not know how to explain, hey, how to explain the existence of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen.

Thinking of the end, still honest, in the most stupid way.

Li Yao took a deep breath and used the most relaxed and cheerful tone: "Wife, I didn't expect the eyes to look at us for so long, I miss you, do you want me? Hahahaha! I said to you, I Everything is fine in the empire, Anan is divided, nothing has happened, no evil has been provoked, and several old friends have been found. Long Yangjun and White Boss, Long Yangjun is the ancient sacred place. The sissy father-in-law, not to mention the white boss! With them, you should rest assured?

"Oh, what, guess who I have met? You must not guess, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, our pro-bone meat! Surprise, not unexpected? Hahahahaha!

"You listen to me, my wife, you take a deep breath and listen to me. Oh, this is not what you think, but it is very serious, very ambitious, and far-reaching. It involves the world. Cangsheng and the future of our entire Pangu universe..."

Li Yao was sweating, and the preface was not finished. After using the energy provided by the "Blue Huangxing", five hundred metal roses expanded and contracted together, and the secret documents were shot to the endless void.

When I looked back, I saw that Long Yangjun put on a heavy-duty crystal shovel, and some of them watched the porthole with fear.

Li Yao said strangely: "What are you doing, afraid that the enemy will suddenly kill it?"

"No, I am afraid of your wife."

Long Yangjun said, "I feel that you have the character of your wife in the way you just talked. She suddenly received such a secret letter of 'no surprise, no surprise,' and maybe the next second will be cracked. To, killing the central part of the Xinghai."

Hey, although Li Yao’s way of speaking is somewhat rough, in any case, under the leadership of Ding Lingwei, the Xingyao Federation already knows the general situation of the central Xinghai and the more vast universe beyond this Xinghai.

As for the Earth, Li Yao shared this secret with Ding Ling before leaving the Union. They are doing everything they can to prepare for the future journey of the Earth.

The completion of the first ultra-long-range communication also means that the initial integration of the "Firefighter Joint Fleet" is coming to an end.

The new crew, the new starship and even the new life form are mutually understanding and blending at an unexpected speed.

Of course, human beings and information life can't really have no bumps. Even if the two sides can communicate without reservation, there is still a great distance from the real "understanding", for example...

"Hey, hey!"

Deep in the blue sky market, the No. 9 maintenance workshop, here is the training ground dedicated to the boxing champion.

At this moment, in addition to being controlled by the boxing champion and hundreds of busy repairs, the repair shop only wears suspenders, and the pockets are all under the pockets. The pockets are filled with repair tools and pink face. Also painted with oil, it looks quite professional "Pengwang private exclusive maintenance engineer" glass.

However, the performance of Liuli today can be disappointing to her professional style. After a little distraction, the force is too strong, but it is the brain of a boxing brain.

"Miss Liu Li, you are gone, burned out my AC control chip, and turned my voice into this."

The boxing champion uses a sharp and fine sound like a hen. "In the past seven days, your operation accuracy has dropped by 5%, and the failure rate has increased by 11%. Brain waves are often in a state of disorder and instability, given your The body has not suffered any substantial harm, so what is causing your psychological problems, is it Hante?"


The glaze jumped like a cat stepping on the tail, and confuses, "Isn't it, the boxing master talks!"

"Your breathing, heartbeat and even pore contraction have an abnormal rhythm, which is consistent with the change of the average physiological parameters of 'heart" in my database. You may have 98% of the guilty conscience, so it is really entangled in Hante. The question, isn't it?"

The boxing champion thought about it and tried to comfort the glass. "I don't understand, what exactly are you entangled? Hante is sharing the genetic information of each other with the Great White Star Pirates and the comprehension fleet and some women in the Blue Sky market. And through certain postures, it stimulates the vibration and paralysis of some synapses in the body, but I can guarantee that they are all you want, without any deception and compulsion, he brought to himself and others. Happy, so, what kind of anger are you born?

"Ah, I understand, Hante brought so many people to happiness, but did not bring you the same happiness. He seems not willing to exchange genetic information with you. Is this the source of your dissatisfaction?"

"certainly not!"

The blush of the glass almost dripped water, biting his teeth and squatting on the foot. "What is the boxer's adult saying, I, I don't care who Hant is bringing to, who is with whom... and who Exchange **** genetic information!

"I just feel that I feel that this little friend who has known this for 20 years has changed. After I stepped into the Xinghai from my hometown, I suddenly changed a lot and became unrecognizable!"

"The drastic changes in the environment will of course lead to changes in personality, and this is growth."

The boxing champion calmly said, "In the past year, you have changed a lot, looking in the mirror, and you can see the young girl holding the golden scorpion on the earth a year ago? Of course, Hante will also change."

"But he has become too arrogant, too bloated, too arrogant!"

Liu put the repair tool into his chest pocket, his hands on his hips, and screaming at the gang, screaming, "Not just this thing, and he often said something weird now, what's wrong? 'What's my grandfather acting, why should I explain to others? The character has become very strange and very extreme. A few days ago, a crew member on the stainless steel mouse provoked him. As a result, he put heavy hands on others. The bones have interrupted dozens of gods. Is this the Hante I know? How can it be like this!

"I, I don't know, it is reasonable to say that I came to such a distant Xinghai from my hometown. I only have him as a 'relative person'. Everyone should be together, but I really don't like him now. I really don't like it. What 'Hunt Uncle'!"

"Understood, what about Li Jialing?"

Boxing, "You have been staying with Li Jialing recently, Miss Liu, do you like him, want to stir up synapses with him, exchange genetic information?"

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