Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2497: Boxing therapy

"certainly not!"

The glass screamed with a hot face. "What and what, I am nothing more than a big cat! Recently, Yao Lao has been staying in the blue sky market. Of course, I took the opportunity to ask him for advice on refining, just big. The cat also practiced together with Yao Lao. We both talked about two things with nothing! I didn't like him... I didn't like it. He was cold except for his temper. When his friends were still very good, at least they were more than squandered everywhere. The stinky Hante is 10,000 times better, but, oh, his furry appearance, in short, I am not at all related to him, and why the boxers should ask this question, really!"

"Two reasons."

The boxing champion did not care about the shyness of the girl. She extended two steel fingers and said plainly. "First, I have made a deal with Li Yao. As long as I can protect you and Hante, he will launch all the power to help me. Upgrades have even helped me become the strongest universe in the universe.

"Since now, this transaction has been going very well. I have benefited a lot from it, and now I have seen the real strength of Li Yao. I believe that in the future, he will continue to provide me with a lot of resources.

"I have no reason to stop this transaction, so I have to protect you and Hante.

"Hant's words, now with the white boss cultivation, repairing for a thousand miles, at least self-protection is no problem, and this guy has no shame, from the spiritual level is a beggar who is not dead, I don't have to worry about him in the flesh Or psychologically hurt too much.

"Miss Liu Li is different. You are neither a combat-type practitioner, nor are you more vulnerable than him. Now, my test result is that you are in constant trauma, according to the agreement between me and Li Yao. I have to heal and protect your mind and no longer cause you to suffer similar injuries and injuries.

"Second, and more importantly, you have become my personal maintenance and upgrade assistant. This is not a technically strong position, but it requires 100% understanding of my body and even the data operation mode. In other words, between us. Have absolute trust.

"This kind of position is too difficult to cultivate. Since you are doing well now, I don't want to waste time re-cultivating one. Understand, you are irreplaceable.

"In this case, I hope that you can invest 100%. You must not affect your vital work because of your own psychological problems. It will weaken my combat effectiveness. Even if you are unstable, it will only weaken my 1% combat effectiveness. It can lead to catastrophic consequences, understand?"

The glass was heard one by one, and then I saw the inside of the steel skull that the boxing king opened. I was burned by a messy chip-integrated board, and my cheeks were redder. I whispered: "Understood, the champion, sorry, all it is my fault."

"It's not your fault, it's just your fault. It's because of the malfunction caused by abnormal secretion of hormones in the body."

The boxing champion understands that "all sophisticated creatures or machines will fail, and even I often fail. The fault is not terrible. Don't cover up, don't evade, face it with rationality and calmness, analyze it and fix it. So, Hante and Li Jialing, which one do you like?"

“Why are you still struggling with this kind of problem?”

The glass bite his lips gently, and the toes unconsciously slashed on the ground. I thought about it for a long time. Some embarrassed to say, "They two, I don't like both of them. Hante feels too hot and too mad." The big cat gives people the feeling of being too cold and too proud. In short, I think they have not learned to converge their emotions, that is to say, they are too immature!"


Boxing, "Do you like mature men, let's say?"

"for example……"

The glaze is even more embarrassing, bowing. "The kind of man I can absolutely trust that will protect me, just like Yao Lao."

"Hey, hey," the crystal brain exposed by the boxing champion made a noise, and then the blue smoke emerged.


The glass has widened its eyes. "What is the boxing master doing, why suddenly consume so much computing power, what complex problems are you calculating?"

"I am calculating the possibility of asking Li Yao to exchange genetic information with you and the risk factor."

The boxing champion was silent for a long time, said, "Sorry, my fighting power may not be stronger than Li Yao. It is difficult to catch him. And I heard that his wife is the first master of the Star Beach. I really did this. I am afraid that will be you." Putting it in great danger is not in line with my original intention to protect you. So, is there a second person to choose, which will allow you to restore peace of mind?"

"Oh, oh, oh!"

The glaze is so straightforward. "Where do you want to go?" I just made an analogy. I want to find someone who is most familiar with me. It’s not mature, I’m sure I’m going to be mature, at least Be tall, mighty, handsome, and handsome!"


The boxing champion thought for 0.1 seconds and nodded. "That is really not suitable for Li Yao."

"Fist King"

The glass endured and endured, and finally couldn’t help it. "I will ask such a question that is difficult to answer. Have you not talked about love?"

"Yes, no."

Boxing, "I haven't personally experienced it, but I have just stored a lot of literary works about love and research works on physiology and psychology. All the data has been read. My theoretical experience is absolutely rich, so, Believe me, Miss Liu, I will be able to cure your trauma, so that you can devote yourself to your work."

"What, love, this kind of thing needs theory, it is to practice, practice!"

Glass and boxing have been together for almost a year. In front of this cold steel, the courage is getting bigger. "In short, please don’t worry about me. I don’t have such a fragile little woman. I am also in crisis. Growing up in the savage earth!

"I am like a golden dragonfly on the earth. It looks like a small, unremarkable one. It is actually very strong and very resistant to the cold. Hahahaha!

"I don't want a man to live. If there is no man, I can still live very well. I can still carry out my dreams and live a happy day!"

"I can heal myself, I can face everything myself, let me smell "Hot Uncle" to go to hell!

"Again, let's say that there is no such thing as a boxing champion. The boxing master will protect me forever, right?"

The little girl's face is like the weather in June. When she says that she has changed, she has been shy and angry. She has regained her spirit and smiled and joined the boxing champion.


The boxing champion cruelly ignored the smile of the girl. "First of all, my protection for you is conditional. That is the transaction between me and Li Yao. Of course, if your maintenance technology can continue to improve, the more you fit with me. The higher the value, the greater the efficiency of my repairs and upgrades, so for my own survival, even if the transaction is cancelled, I will continue to protect you.

"Secondly, even if I want to protect you all the time, I am afraid I can't live too much. 'Forever' so long, one day, I will be destroyed.

"So, I can't protect you forever, I can only protect you until the moment I destroy. Please understand, Miss Liu."

" one said that the way you talk is very strange, boxer adults?"

The frown frowned. "And it's normal for you to talk to others. Why is it so strange to talk to me?"

"Because this is the real me."

Boxing, "I use the simulated language logic to talk to others, but doing this for a long time will cause data overflow and system redundancy. It must be cleaned regularly. There are no outsiders here. I like this simple and clear expression. ”

"It’s weird, there aren’t many ghosts I’ve touched, and the boxing champion is the strangest one.”

The glass licked the nose and carefully scanned the boxing brain of the boxing champion. "It seems that there is a 'Yaya No. 4' chip burned. I am going to find one."

The glass bounced out of the repair shop and was about to walk towards the sealed and constant temperature wafer storage room, but was shocked by the figure leaning against the door.


The smiling face of the glass was pulled down in an instant, and frowned. "What are you doing, don't you have to accompany your sister?"

"Sorry, glazed, I am wrong."

When Hante saw the glaze, he immediately showed a very sincere look. He glared at the glass for 90 degrees. "I thought for a long time. I was too ridiculous in the past six months. It was too shameful, too ridiculous. I don't know how I am. It will become like this, maybe the outside world is too grotesque, and our hometown is too boring. In short, I am not looking for reasons for myself, I just want to seriously say sorry to you.

"Sorry, glass, forgive me, okay?"


The glass was stunned and lost for a while.

I don't know how long I haven't seen Hante so seriously, my eyes are so pure, and she reminds her of the hard, but very simple life in the past.

Under the hustle and bustle, I was trying to promise, but my mind was faintly feeling a little wrong. I stared at "Hant" for a long time. The glass was bold enough to reach out and poke to the forehead of "Hant".

The finger was easily poked into the forehead of "Hant", and the first knuckle was completely devoid of exposure to a cold and hard.

There is no doubt that this is not a real human being, but a shackle that disguised as a Hanter with light and shadow.


The glaze went back two steps and screamed.

"what happened?"

The steel smashed the camouflage instantly, and changed from "Hant" to a bare and cold look, but with some helplessness, the voice of the boxing champion, "What's the problem?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Liu Li cried, pointing to the boxing champion, trembled. "Is it what you do, the boxing champion?"


The boxing champion said, "I thought that this can treat you, can make you happy, or that I am wrong again, 'Hant' this skin is not good, you have to change to Li Jialing or another... tall and powerful, handsome Chic, handsome mature man with sunshine?"

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