Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2498: A passionate machine (fourth!)

The glass lingered for a long time, and finally collapsed completely. I took out the wrench on my chest and knocked the head of the boxing champion. I knocked it and called it, knocked it again and called it again, while crying, crying and knocking.

"It seems that I am really wrong again."

The boxing champion manipulated the steel and sat on his knees. Under the tapping of the glass, he held his chin and fell into thinking. "You don't rush to knock, can you tell me where it is wrong? I can Errors are written to the fault log to ensure that they will not be committed again next time."

"...Who, who wants you to play like Hante, ‘I’m sorry’?”

Glass holding a big wrench, crying and crying, "Who is rare, Hanta, the nuisance, said 'I'm sorry', who is rare, Li Jialing, what a handsome and handsome man? I said nothing, nothing, who wants you to make your own claim Help me to heal! Not to mention that it is not really Hante, it is not really Li Jialing, and it is not really a mature man who knows me and protects me, fake, fake, these are fake!"

"I know it's too fake."

The boxing champion said seriously, "No way, the resources of the blue sky market are limited, it is impossible to create a 100% psionic psionic power, but I promise you, as long as you can do my best to work for me, I will definitely collect the most expensive empire. The material, for you to refine a life-like, real out of the real mess, and then put on the softest silicone layer, embedded in a variety of subtle sensor wafers, performance parameters, absolutely the same as the real Hante.

"It's not just Hante. If you want Li Jialing or someone else, I can help you make it. It's okay to do ten, let them turn around you all day, and make sure you wait like you are an emperor." Is this happy?"

"Happy ghosts!"

The glazed gas turned round and swiftly, completely forgetting that he was facing a fierce boxing champion. He continued to tears and smashed with a wrench. He knocked and knocked with a wrench. "Whoever is rare, fake is fake, always fake. How can we not become true if we are confused? Who is rare, who is rare!"

"Is that right?"

All the crystal eyes and display lights of the boxing champion are faint, and muttered to himself, "Fake is fake, it will never become true... It turns out that this is my fault."

The shoulders of this cockroach gradually hang down, as if life and vitality were leaking out of the invisible gap.

"Fist, boxing master?"

When the glass was awake, she realized that she had done something. She, she and her, she was so bold that she was the most powerful fighter of the attacking land, and she was faint!

Liu suddenly panicked, holding a wrench and I don’t know how to be good. Seeing that the body of the boxing champion was stagnant, looking back, all the avatars in the repair shop were bleak and slow, as if they were suffering from a great deal. The psychological blow is disheartening.

Liu Li has never seen such a performance of the boxing champion. He couldn’t help but scream in the workshop. “What happened to you, the boxing champion, are you okay? Yes, sorry, I was too excited, said no. If you say that, I will pick you up with a wrench. I am fainting. I probably have to take a break!"

"It doesn't matter, if you don't feel well, go take a break."

The boxing master manipulated a new avatar to raise his head, faintly said, and paused, and said again, "So, you don't like fake things, right?"


Of course, "Who would like fake things? But what happened? I still don't understand why the emotions of the King of Fighters are so low. Tell me if you are good, you are not saying that if something goes wrong, To analyze and courageously face it, I think it’s not me who is failing now, but you!"

"Probably, it's weird. Since Li Yao and you, my ability has improved a lot, but the failure rate is getting higher and higher. I often have some strange faults. I have never encountered it for so many years. failure."

The boxing champion bowed his head and watched that he had not rusted, and his hands were slightly dim. "You are right, no one likes fake things, and fakes never become true. If I am a fake. Things, I...not real humans."

"What is this?"

The glass smirked and laughed softly. "This is not something you already know. You are a ghost, a small matter, nothing to do!"

Boxing Road: "You are not afraid of ghosts?"

"What is terrible about ghosts?"

The glass breaks into a smile. "In the earth, all the most terrible bad things are done by people. The ghosts can never harm people, let alone the champions of the boxing champions, such a good ghost with a sense of justice!

"Do you know, Master Quan, when I first came into contact with you, I was really afraid of you, because your reputation is outside, it is a famous embarrassment on the earth! What, I am in Taipingcheng When I saw it in the village, I was the most wicked and bad guy. For the sake of my own happiness, all the bad things that killed humanity were done.

"In the beginning, I thought that you are also such a bad person. Naturally, I am afraid that I will die. But after I have been in contact with you, I know that you are totally different from those who are bad guys. It is a kind of love, wisdom and courage, and iron fist is invincible. bandit!

"And, huh, huh, deep contact only knows that you are not as fierce and arrogant as the appearance. As you said, those are camouflage, all cover up, in order to survive on the earth, have to be installed to outsiders, real The boxing champion, in fact, is quite pretty in the bones, quite cute, sometimes innocent like a child!

"This kind of boxing master is also committed to protecting me forever, no matter if it is a ghost or something terrible?"

"Not forever, protect you up to the day I destroy."

The boxing champion corrected the glass again, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "But if I am neither a person nor a ghost?"


The glass has a big rounded eyes. "It’s not a person or a ghost. What is it?"


The voice of the boxing champion, involuntarily contaminated with a touch of sorrow, "cold machinery."

Liulidao: "What does this mean?"

Boxing Road: "The literal meaning, if I am just a cold machine, will affect our mode of getting along, and the level of focus and efficiency of your work for me?"


The glass was scratched with a big wrench, and the oil was applied to the hair. "The old boxer is always so weird. If you don’t understand anything, I haven’t read any books. The environment is closed again. I don’t know anyone, ghosts, machinery, and mess. But who is good to me, who is bad for me, I will of course share it! The champion of the boxing will protect me forever."

"Not forever."

The boxing champion corrects the glass for the third time, "Yes"


This time, Liu did not hesitate to interrupt him. "I just said something. Why are you doing this? In short, the champion of the boxing will protect me forever. Then I will always work wholeheartedly for the champion, and work hard every day. Full, efficient!

"And, hey, point out that you have a small mistake, the machine may not be 'cold', touch your skull, how is it hot, the chips inside are burning up quickly, where is it cold?

"On the temperature, the human body needs to stay at 37 degrees for a long time, but the machinery can work in the environment of eight or ninety degrees or even one or two Baidu for a long time, so the machinery may not be cold, and it can be full of enthusiasm!"

The glass caught the loophole of the boxing champion, blinked and smiled triumphantly.

The boxing champion couldn't help but reach out and touch his own skull. Indeed, it was hot.

Of course, after doing this, he discovered that it is not necessary for him to monitor the temperature of the crystal brain in real time using the sensory wafer in the alloy skull.

This is an unnecessary redundant action.

Recently, his redundant actions have become more and more. What new and unresolved big faults have occurred?

“I detected that your breathing, heart rate and sweat secretion rate are all normal.”

The boxing champion refreshed the current communication interface and restored calmness and coldness. "You seem to have come out of the psychological trauma. Is it okay?"

"It seems that it was just like you just mixed up, as if you really left everything else behind you!"

The glass glimpsed a little, and said with amazement, thinking about it, and then swaying his fingers toward the boxing champion, he swayed quickly. "However, I want to tell you seriously, the boxing master, your behavior is wrong, without others. Allow, you can't just simulate the look and sound of others, which will cause great trouble and harm to others."

"I know."

Boxing, "I promise that I will never simulate Hanter before you and Hante agree."

"No, not only Hante, it is not just for me."

The glass bulges the gang, the hands are akimbo, like the little girl housekeeper of the boxing champion, said, "Others, everyone, you can not simulate this will make a big mess! Besides, the boxing champion is the boxing champion, the champion of the heavenly land." Adults, why do you want to simulate what others are like?"

"……it is good."

The boxing champion was silent for a moment, "I promise you that you will never simulate anyone else without the permission of others."


The glass squinted and covered his mouth, looking at the boxing champion with suspicion. "No, the boxing master is now learning to break, and occasionally it will lie, you can't just keep it so lightly, let's pull it!"

Boxing said: "I know the folk customs of pulling hooks, but I doubt that it has any guarantee effect."

"Oh, that's not important. Anyway, I just want to take a look at the boxing champion, come on!"

The glass played with great enthusiasm, and the hard-boiled smashed the steel arm of the boxing king and pulled the tail finger. "Hooking, hanging, not allowed to change for a hundred years, haha, we have already pulled the hook, the champion of the boxing must say Oh!"

"I still don't feel it, there is any psionic or spiritual effect..."

The boxing eyes of the boxing champion are flashing. "However, as long as you are happy and can resume calm and efficient work, then whatever you want, are you recovering now?"

"Completely recovered, the whole place is full of blood and resurrected!"

The glass waving his arms and learning the gorilla-like rammed chest, revealing the side that only appeared in front of the boxing champion, but the cold-stricken stomach was "squeaky" and the little girl’s face was "red" and red again. "No. I am very fond of the boxing champion. I haven’t eaten much in the past few days. It’s a bit soft. I, I add a can of high-energy nutrient that is absorbed in the moment to work again.”


The boxing champion shook his head.


The glass is held again.

“I have learned a lot from literary works and emotional theory books. You have just come out of the trauma of the heart, how can you taste high-energy nutrients such as chewing wax? This kind of inferior fast food will once again ruin your mood. , thereby destroying your perfect working condition."

Boxing, "To be on the safe side, you should eat a steaming and rich meal."

"It seems to be oh."

Glass smirked, "That, it will be a long time, and my own craftsmanship is not so good. Hante used to say that the dishes I made would poison people, forget it, it will be fine!"

"No, your work status is related to my combat effectiveness, even our life and death, and we can't even have a trace of it."

The champion is calm, and when he finishes, he stands up and walks straight ahead.

Liuli: "Boxing adults, where are you going?"

Boxing champion: "cooking."

Liuli: "Hey? Hey, will the boxing adults cook?"

Boxing champion: "I haven't tried it, but I have downloaded 192 recipes from various genres in the world, taking into account all kinds of tastes, I believe I can satisfy you."

Liuli: "Give me, boxing, boxing, adults to cook for me?"

“Yes, I found that I used to ignore your daily life and emotional changes too much, and treated you as a cold machine, which made your work situation too unstable. For us who are in the midst of the war, this is absolutely intolerable. Negligence, therefore, from now on, I will fine-tune the mode of getting along with each other, and please actively cooperate. If there are any comments and suggestions, I will promptly point out that it is convenient for me to make changes."

The boxing champion can't be suspiciously finished, but the cold eyes pierce the roof and shoot into the sky. "The new mode of getting along, start with a steaming meal! But first,"

The fourth one is sent, the luxury chapter of nearly 4,000 words!

Last month, the old cow finally completed the small goal of updating 300,000 words. The new month began again. All the data were cleared, and it was necessary to re-war the battle. It was crucial at the beginning of the month and decided to put them on the various lists. Ranking, so everyone has any monthly, recommended tickets, subscribe to the 啥, try to come over, the old cow can stand, hahahaha!

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