Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2512: Grasp it, don't let go!

"Let the magic weapon down, take off your burqa, hear no!"

Just as Huo Dongling was flustered and confused, the sound of the black crystal 铠 铠 者 炸 炸 炸 , , , , , , , , , 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑 黑There are obviously three people, and where is there to hide? Come out, come out!"

It turned out that it was not the illusion of Huo Dongling, that "Mr. Li" really disappeared.

But how is it possible?

Huo Dongling is facing "Mr. Li". If he squats and leaves, it is impossible to find it.

However, the black crystal cultivator and his wolf-like companion are clearly facing them. How can this "Mr. Li" disappear mysteriously under the eyes of many cultivators?

Huo Dongling couldn't figure out 10,000, but now it is not time to think, she can already feel the razor-like knives of the cultivator, gently rubbing on her.

The girl is both wronged and feared, and even more willing to slap the cultivators, but they don’t dare, and the tears are once again disappointing.

Is Mr. Li all true? These **** cultivators are not prepared to stay alive from the beginning. Will she die, my father will die, and there are so many young partners who come out to discuss life with Nanling. Will it die?

If they die, no one can bring back the replacement unit of the water purification chip and the air purification system in time, and the settlements of South Lingxing will collapse. Everyone will live a thirst, starve to death, suffocate, and they will work hard. The Nanling Star, which has been building for a hundred years, their poor and lovely hometown, will be destroyed once!

How can these four family's cultivators be so heartbroken?

Just now, what did Mr. Li say just now, as long as she grabbed the corner of the black panther, there would be nothing wrong with it?

Although it sounds ridiculous, Huo Dongling can't help but believe what Mr. Li said - she has no second choice.

Difficult to swallow, the girl trembled and reached out to the corner of the mysterious man in black.

"Don't move, I told you not to move!"

The black crystal cultivator has been nervous by the disappearance of "Mr. Li" and found that Huo Dongling's subtle movements suddenly yelled.

Huo Dongling is a spirit, the nerve endings are all contracted to the limit, the same delicate hand of the chastity is in the air, where dare to move half an inch?

The mysterious man in black also found the action of Huo Dongling, and slowly looked back at her. The questioning eyes leaked from the dark black goggles, as if asking the little girl, what exactly do you want to do?

Huo Dongling's face suddenly burned up, and it hurts to the extreme. God, what happened to her today? I want to pray for the protection of a cultivator. Is she faint?

It is impossible for a cultivator to protect ordinary people. They are all a sacred priest. They are all high-ranking immortals, real people, uncles, and they...

Unexpectedly, just as the girl was thinking and thinking, while the hand was retracted, the black mysterious man took the initiative to pick up his clothes hem and sent it to Huo Dongling’s hand.

"Hey?" The girl widened her eyes and looked at each other at a loss.

"Catch." The black mysterious man erased the rice grains in the corner of his mouth, cold and cold.

"Bastard, what are you doing, really not afraid of death? Who are you, is it a revolutionary spy, and where is a hybrid hiding? Come out, come out!" Black Crystal 铠 铠 者 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂

Huo Dongling slammed into the hand and grabbed it. The black mysterious man impatiently put the clothes in her hand, and pinched her cold little hand, indicating that she was hurrying.

"Don't leave me within a meter of the whole body, be sure to hurry and understand?"

The mysterious man in black finally took off his goggles and revealed a pair of scorpions that were more awkward than gold. "Listen to it, nod, then we will start."

What to start with?

Huo Dongling completely lost his mind, nodded subconsciously, and then -

The whole world, the sudden change!

At the four corners of the cabin, there were originally long lights, but at the same time they suddenly went out and fell into an ink-like darkness.

The crystal scorpion on the cultivator's body, but with its own shiny array, becomes the best target in the dark.

Huo Dongling felt like he was flying, like sitting on a winged lion, spinning around, rushing, and the whole world was wiped from her ear.

With her weak strength, she couldn’t grasp the corner of the mysterious man in black, but the cold hand of the other side was always holding her wrist tightly, and a soft force came from her to help her buffer the embarrassment. Shock.

Huo Dongling’s heartbeat was tripled in an instant, and even the call could not be called out.

She couldn’t call it out, but there’s a lot of people who came out – there’s a lot of colorful fires in the darkness, the flames of the Yakeng gun firing and the sword, but whether it’s shooting a hot gun or waving a break The swords are unable to stop the advent of death. The cultivators who have just been arrogant and arrogant have screamed pig-like screams. The voice is also mixed with the cracking of the crystal smash and the smashing of the bones.

Every time the flames shine, Huo Dongling can see a shocking and incredible picture.

The black crystal 铠 铠 者 首 首 首 首 首 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那Stick to the back.

He squirted blood, fell backwards, hit the bulkhead, and his hands and feet were deeply embedded. He couldn’t save the big Luo Jinxian.

The rest of the invaders are the same, as if they are involved in an invisible hurricane. The hands and feet covered with solid crystals are extremely unnaturally bent. The head turns 180 degrees and looks at his back and turns one hundred and eight. Ten degrees, back to the front, loose, where can I stand up?

When the third light flame was on, Huo Dongling saw the "Thunder Lightning Knife" twisted to the extreme face, his pants were soaked, his face became a color with the crotch, and the sound was sharper than the chicken: "No, Don't kill me, I am loyal to the reformists, loyal to the Wanjie Business Alliance... I have reached the four major electors, the Reformist is long live, and the Senate Reform Committee is 10,000-"

The last "year" word has not yet been exported, and the scream of "Thunder Lightning Knife" has come to an abrupt end. Instead, it is a burst of **** sounds like "咕噜咕噜,咕噜咕噜", like a dying crab, flowing from the corner of his mouth. A large group of pink bubbles, the whole person twitched like an electric shock.

"The eyes are closed."

The mysterious man in black is cold and cold. "Not good."

It took a long time for Huo Dongling to realize that the mysterious man in black was talking to himself, and he was reminding himself that the pink face was burning even more powerfully. Even with a layer of gloves, he felt the cold hands of the other party warm.

After going through so many things, even if she was afraid that she must persist, Huo Dongling thought about it and worried: "Fast, fast, there are many people outside!"

She refers to the two "star shark" class hunting ships that are stunned and ready to go.

Even if Mr. Li’s younger brother, the mysterious man in black, is more powerful, he can kill more bad cultivators, and he can’t escape the hunting of two “star sharks”!

"Don't be afraid."

Who knows, the black mysterious man clenched her wrist, faintly said, "There is no one outside."


The gravel star belt is cold and hot, and it is dark and shining in the sea of ​​stars that destroyed the flame. Li, who has just left the bear, Li Yao, is only wearing a thin, flapper-like mustard battle suit. Between the stars and dust, the meteorite that whizzes past is regarded as a ladder, and the two "star sharks" hunting ships are lightly jumping forward.

While screaming and screaming, while blowing a whistling whistle, a red mang shot from the Qiankun ring, but it is a pocket warship like a short arrow - the dragon that has not been used for a long time!

There was a red light on the forehead, lingering over the dragon, and this mini-warship was filled with firepower and ... killing!


The blood-colored demons attached to the dragons are very dissatisfied. "How do I say that I am a demons, and I am a peerless king in my heart. Why do you want to help you with your roads, help you with your sword, and help your mother-in-law?" ?"

"Don't think about it, just test the Xiaolong, Wenwen and Quanju redesigned, after the comprehensive transformation and upgrade, how strong is it, by the way, also use the blood of these scum. Worship it!"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Hey, is there any interest in comparing it?"

The **** mans of the **** demons exploded in an instant: "How is it?"

"In addition to the Little Bear, there are thirteen starships. Let me scan it... Well, on average, each starship invades about three and a half cultivators and 22.32 battle squads."

Li Yao held his finger and said, "I am going to fix these two "star sharks". You are responsible for invading the scum and steel **** in the merchant ship to see who is faster?"

"I don't want such a naive game."

The **** heart is stunned, "Not to mention, thoroughly clearing the intruders in every merchant ship, it is very troublesome, obviously you are taking advantage of it... than it is!"

It spoke and suddenly accelerated, driving the dragon to the direction of the rest of the merchant ship, the speed was 30% higher than in the past, dragging a blood line for several kilometers, like the entanglement behind the flying sword. ribbon.

Li Yao smiled slightly: "I will know!"

His eyes suddenly became sharp, but he was too lazy to summon the giant soldiers. He only touched his forehead with **** and summoned a set of mysterious warfare with eight pairs of superalloy wings. With his hands raised, the magnetic field of life immediately spread to the number. A hundred meters away, wrapped in thousands of meteorites that whizzed past, the magical spirits of the airborne objects made these meteorites accelerate, and they were entwined with a glaring arc, and the arcs were connected into a piece, just like a group of destruction. Thunder storm!

Li Yaozhuo stood in the middle of the thunderstorm and slowly descended between the two "star sharks". The gods were soaked in two warships like the tide, and the corner of the mouth evoked a cold smile: "The strongest ship is just the golden age. The juniors, such a weak strength, dare to learn from others to do something wrong? You are really... I don’t know how to live and die."

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