Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2513: Kindhearted death

Thousands of meteorites burst into powder at the same time. Like a special kind of fuel, the brightness of the arc is instantly increased by a hundredfold. The arc is turned into a surging torrent of plasma, which easily tears the first "star shark". The psionic shield and superalloy armor, tearing a shocking crack in the vicinity of the bridge.

Li Yao’s foot lightning, accompanied by thunder, double swords, straight into the heart of the “star shark”.

In the "Star Shark", the aristocratic children who scanned the super-smart sensation were all scared and ruthless. They were completely confused. In addition to wearing the battle suit and the scorpion in time, they did not know how to counterattack.

In the face of Li Yaoling’s strong power above the gods, no matter what these shrimps and crabs will wear, they have no meaning.

Li Yao’s life magnetic field is at the limit, manipulating the meteorite powder wrapped in plasma, like a thousand raging dragons, first sweeping the bridge, then rushing down the cabin, and finally bombing between the ammunition depot and the power cabin Open, let the second half of this "star shark", completely swallowed by the red light ball!

When the two "star sharks" were dying in the attack of Li Yao, the **** demons on the other side also reached the limit, dragging dozens of kilometers of red tail flame into a merchant ship.

When it comes to the inside of the merchant ship, where the oxygen is sufficient and the pressure is stable, the sound of the hurricane of the dragon is becoming more and more like a whistle of death.

While whistling, it locks the vital magnetic field of the cultivator and drills in from the most fragile gap of the magnetic field, harvesting the life of the immortal.

The immortals who invaded the merchant ships often did not realize that the death of God had lost all consciousness, and died in the most horrible illusion of the scene.

Even if they perceive that a strong enemy is coming, or block or hold a squirrel, it will not help, and it is still penetrated, penetrated, penetrated again and again by the position of the dragon, from the heart, heart and belly.

The crew members who were trembled on the ground often had a flower in front of them, only to see a dazzling red line flashing. The savvy, screaming and snarling singer was stiff and stiff, but he was seven. Eight transparent holes fell to the ground.

To solve the intruder of a merchant ship, it only took a few seconds for the **** demons to go through the two merchant ships, looking for a gap that was enough to invade, which was a waste of time.

However, I found that my warship was inexplicably exploding, and I received the screams from my comrades in the communication channel, saying that there were "evil spirits" in other merchant ships. Many of the scorpions who came out of mixed qualifications and fishing skills were panicked. He fled from the merchant ship in a hurry and tried to escape to another "star shark" to go slipping.

This saves the **** demons.

Even in the vacuum that the sound waves can't pass, relying on the blood and the remnants of the cultivators can also play quite beautiful music... blood.

The whistle of the **** demons is blowing more briskly.


"Evil spirit!"



"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

On the bear, the flames of the gunfire and the sword have been completely extinguished, but the dark cabin is not silent. The helmets that died to repair the immortals broke, and the sounds in the communication channel leaked out. They were all panicked and shouting. The screams, the aimless sweeping and the painful lows.

The sound of chaos and fear to the extreme made Huo Dongling’s heart almost frozen. If a black man always grabbed her wrist and sent a cold, cold stream, she would have to faint.

"This, this is..."

The girl asked weakly.

She actually wants to ask the black man, "Mr. Li" where to hide, but did not dare to ask for an exit.


The voice of the black man is still calm, as if he has turned a blind eye to everything that happened on other merchant ships. He took a small ball from his arms and threw it into the middle of the cabin. He slammed like a lotus flower and suddenly bloomed. Release a soft light and re-illuminate the entire cabin.


Huo Dongling was shocked again. The dozens of fighters brought by the invaders stood still in the center of the cabin, quietly and motionless. Under the illumination of the lights, it was like a group of cold cockroaches.

However, in the next second, these battles slid along the smooth, mirror-like incisions, and they broke and disintegrated, and they became a pile of scrap iron.

The girl stunned her chest and gaze away from the wreckage of the battle, sweeping the thick blood of a beach and...

Some of her vomiting, dare not look again, gazing over the horrible dead body, and stalking the Xinghai along the virtual porthole.

The picture that was being staged in the Xinghai made her stunned. How could she not believe her eyes, even forgetting her fears, stepping over in the past, almost pressing her nose into the virtual porthole.

She, she did not misread, the two "star shark" class hunting ships, really being suppressed and destroyed by some kind of invisible force, is irreversibly stepping into destruction!

The first "Star Shark" has been completely surrounded by fireballs of all sizes. When a fireball is annihilated, there will be a huge pit on the outer shell of the battleship. A lot of material is missing, just like being a certain A mysterious virus is ruined.

The appearance of the second "Star Shark" is generally intact, and there are only a few large cracks that traverse the hull, but countless cultivators spew out from the cracks - with the crystal smashed, the nose and nose can't be covered. Eyes and ears, even no way to wear crystals at all!

Huo Dongling did not see these squirting immortals struggling, not knowing if they were dead, but in the cold vacuum, there was another starship next to the explosion, spewing a lot of high-speed flying debris and horrible radiation. The skull covered the brain and swept them, even if they hadn’t died yet, they couldn’t stand it for too long, and they would only die more miserable.

The "star shark" that lost all the crew became a dead iron coffin, and all the flashing and tail flames on the surface were all dimmed.

"this is--"

Huo Dongling lingered for a long time, rubbing his eyes and crying, and biting a few mouthfuls on the back of his hand, which made sure that everything in front of him was not a nightmare.

Even if it is a nightmare, it is not her nightmare, but these aristocratic children who are unscrupulous, the most terrible nightmare in this life.

Just then, someone patted her on the shoulder: "Hey, Xiaodongling..."

Huo Dongling thought that the black man was shooting her. He couldn’t help but think of the question mark that he was screaming in his head. He suddenly turned back and asked for a clear question. He couldn’t help but see the big face of Mr. Li’s smile. If you don't get scared and erect, you have to scream.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

Li Yao quickly grabbed the little girl's mouth and shook the bottle in her hand. "I just asked if you want to drink iced juice. Don't be so nervous!"

"Ice... iced juice?"

Huo Dongling felt that his heart was coming out of his chest. His lips trembled for a long time before he looked into Li Yao’s hand, but it was a smooth, noble, crystal-clear glass bottle with the most advanced three-dimensional body. The embossing technology imprints the emblem of the Empire and the Yun family, proving that it is a top-quality squeezed juice for the children of Yunjia.

Juice may not be worth the money, but the glass bottle of art is worth a lot of money, and there is no such expensive luxury on the bear.

In addition to the juice, “Mr. Li” is surrounded by several canned crystals, which are extremely perishable lobster, fresh fruit and various delicacies. It is fresh as if it has just been removed from the water. Come, pick it up from the tree.

There are also extremely delicate silver chopsticks and small golden forks on the side. There are also the badges of the Yun family on the top, and the dragons and dragons are painted, and they are extremely extravagant and extravagant.

“Yes, there are lobsters and sea cucumbers.”

Li Yao took up a small and exquisite luminous cup, first poured a cup for the little girl, and poured a glass of iced juice for himself. The United States and the United States "snapped" a bite, and used a small golden fork to fork a sea cucumber. "I like to eat sea cucumbers." Since there is a lack of water on the South Star, there should be very few sea cucumbers. Come and come, do you want to try it, very good!"

Huo Dongling's brain is blank, look at Li Yao, and look at Li Yao's black mysterious man who has nothing to do with him - Li Jialing, it took a long time to realize the problem - the focus is not juice or sea cucumber!

The girl asked: "Mr. Li, where have you been?"


Li Yaoqi said with a blind eye. "I haven’t been squatting in the corner all the time? Oh, it may be that it’s very dangerous to see you fight. I just got stuck behind the pile of goods and hid."

Huo Dongling looked at the crystal cup, silver chopsticks and glass bottle with the cloud family emblem in his hand, and then looked at the broken and gradually disintegrating "star shark" outside the virtual porthole, and wrote 10,000 unbelief on his face.

"Right, my brother's temper is more irritable, his character is also very brutal, and he likes to fight and kill what he likes."

Li Yao continued to smile and said, "He just shot, didn't scare you?"

"No, no, he didn't."

Huo Dongling couldn't help but want to say - but you have!

Just want to open, the girl's eyes are widened again, "ah" a voice, pointing to Li Yao's ear, anxiously said: "Mr. Li, a red light flashed past, flew into your ear! ”

"is it?"

Li Yao extended his tail and rubbed his eyes. "No feeling, you must have read it wrong."

Huo Dongling narrowed his eyes, pouted his mouth, and his face "Although I am just an ordinary person, but you can't insult my IQ".

"Okay, it does."

Li Yao surrendered and squinted at the girl. "However, this is a secret, Xiao Dongling, please help me keep it secret? Come here, drink a glass of juice and press it, then tell your father, nothing, all The merchant ships are all right, so that they can collect the precious fuel in the remaining unexploded 'star shark', and there is no living cultivator in the boat - no one at all."

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