Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2514: Money never sleeps!

"This is... the gods are going down, saving the lives!"

"The gods are really gods, gods!"

Once again, before going to the jumping point, the owner of this small caravan, from the passengers to the crew, bowed down to worship the vast stars outside, thanking the gods living above the stars for helping them through the bitterness. , escape the birth day.

The strange things that happened on the merchant ships and the two "Star Shark"-class hunting ships are indeed like gods.

On more than a dozen merchant ships, the sudden intruders were almost simultaneously attacked by fatal attacks. The wounds were just a small hole in the eyebrows or chest or Dantian, but they sucked all their blood and spirits. The expression of the moment before the death of the deceased was unspeakable and horrible. After being examined by experienced doctors in the merchant ship, these people did not die from physical damage, but died of mental breakdown, and the spirit was annihilated, like being Kind... the boundless whirlpool of fear, swallowing life in!

In the vernacular, they are even "scared to death".

The disaster on the two "Star Shark"-class hunting ships was even more bizarre. The first star shark was inexplicably exploding. The outer shell of the second star shark was torn apart by several irreparable big holes. The temperature lost pressure, even all the crew members "sucked" out, and the damage control system on the battleship, the automatic repair of the magic weapon and even the control of the crystal brain alarm device, did not even have a little reaction, a living incredible tragedy.

Who has such a magical power besides the gods or demons?

Of course, the businessmen who dare to come out to run the dock at this time are mostly daring and sullen old rivers and lakes. They are not superstitious about ghosts and gods. After searching for traces, the bottom of the heart naturally understands what is going on.

However, "God saves life" is a fake, "God fights" is true, the so-called "God fights, the evil spirits suffer", has the ability to kill so many cultivators in one breath, and quietly suppressed two "star sharks" The level of hunting and killing ships, this strength has far exceeded their imagination, not what they can explore.

Going out, eating more, talking less, especially don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, and less should not be idle, such ordinary people can often live longer in the stars of the Empire.

Since the shots are unwilling to show up, they will be bored if they live impatiently. It is most convenient to push the illusory "sin" to both the good and the bad.

I believe that if the "God" that has just been shot is still hidden in their caravans, then they will continue to bless them calmly and safely.

Sure enough, after the worship of the "God", he went on the road again, and did not encounter any troubles. He arrived at the jumping point smoothly.

After two or three hours of preparation, they completed a very accurate and stable Xinghai jump, which appeared at the headquarters of the Wanshang Commercial League, on the edge of the Seven Seas.


When everyone recovered from the dizziness and nausea of ​​the Xinghai jumping, and when they looked out through the virtual porthole, they all exclaimed.

It’s really... too lively!

Compared with human activities, Xinghai is too vast and innocent. In the ordinary star field, even the most prosperous and long-lasting waterway is actually a vacuum of death, and it is extremely difficult to encounter the traveller who has passed by.

However, in the Seven Seas Stars, you can see dozens of mighty and gleaming "Guanghe" from the naked eye. From the south to the north, the tail flames of countless fleets are condensed, and there are hundreds. Thousands of patrol boats and barges roam around the "Guanghe", commanding these "rivers" carrying a lot of money, goods and resources, and rushing in different directions. After seven bends and eight turns, they are all comparable to the magnificent asteroids. Star City gathers around, that is, the trade, logistics and even the financial center outside the empire. Recently, it has risen rapidly in the past 100 years, and it is faintly able to compete with the extreme heavens and the celestial stars!

With the successive collapse of the free markets in the periphery or the voluntary withdrawal, the Wanshang Business Alliance has contracted a large number of **** fleets back to the old nest, ready to fight with the four family unit fleets.

At this moment, the defensive density of the Seven Seas market has never been higher. Their unremarkable small caravan has just jumped for half a minute, and immediately there is a patrol boat to check and guide.

They belong to the Imperial Army system. Many of the warships of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance **** fleet are second-hand goods that have been eliminated by the four major families, or new and even smuggled warships. The shape and painting of each other are very similar, even the capital of the ship. Also painted with the Samsung Blitz emblem representing the real human empire.

However, the battleships of the four major families will be painted next to the Samsung Lightning Emblem. They will also coat their own family badges, even the main veins, branches, and unique marks of each house. Three, five, seventy or eighty badges will not bother. Poke up, the more badges, the more prominent the status of the warship masters, and the stronger the paper fighting power.

The warships of the Wanshang Commercial League are relatively simpler. They are just outside the empire's Samsung Blitz emblem, surrounded by a circle of shining stars, no, not stars, but 18 shiny gold coins - Eighteen money lightning emblem, this is the latest logo of Wanjie Business Alliance, and also represents the "daoxin" of Wanjie Commercial League, using money to change the empire!

Once bitten by a snake, ten years of fear of the well rope, half a day ago was almost killed by the four family's hunting ships, and then saw the Wanbang Commercial League patrol boats flying, especially patrols. The turrets of the boat were arrogant, and everyone couldn’t help but feel some hair.

Especially on the Cubs, the crew from the distant South Lingxing are the first to come to the Seven Seas Market. They don’t know what kind of monsters they are facing, one by one, the heartbeat is quick, the mouth is dry, the palm It is all sweat.

However, in the next second, the two patrol boats rushed to the huge light curtains they had made, but everyone gave a sigh of relief and finally revealed the smile of the rest of the robbery.

On the top of the huge light curtain, two lines of words are written: "Welcome to the Seven Seas Market, the most free place in the universe!"


From the edge of the Seven Seas Star Field to the Seven Seas Market, it will take a whole day of inspection, guidance and diversion.

After all, it is a state of war, and an earth-shattering **** battle is about to come. It is very open and efficient to enter the seven-sea market free trade in just one day.

"The freest place in the universe..."

Li Yao and Li Jialing Zhuo Li are on the back deck of the bear. This is Huo Dongling's special package to give them two, surrounded by black ore, which is most convenient for them to gossip.

Li Yao took a glass of iced juice and looked at the ocean of light made up of thousands of merchant ships outside the porthole. He smiled slightly. "Is not the most free", but it is definitely one of the richest places in the Empire. On the level of activity of money, even above the capital of the four capitals!"

"I have heard that there is another name in the Seven Seas Market called "No Night City". It is not the meaning that people don't sleep, but the meaning that money here never sleeps. "Money never sleeps" is the slogan here."

Li Jialing also marveled. "This name is still told by Li Lingfeng. He once described to me the prosperous commerce here. I have been extremely impressed by the means of collecting money, and I am extremely impressed - but really come I only know here that the description of Li Lingfeng was far from the one-tenth of the real prosperity here. I really don’t know what the tricks of the Wanshang Commercial League have changed. The outer star of the land is built to be so prosperous and developed!"

Li Yaodao: "Oh, Li Lingfeng also mentioned here?"

"Yes, Li Lingfeng once told me that if he became the owner of the Li family, the first thing is to attack the big market of the Seven Seas and take this market as his own!"

Li Jialing used a hair removal cream and a razor to peel off the hair of the whole body and shave it shortly, and dyed the short hairs into black. The golden lion was magnificent and magnificent, but it was a bit more black and fierce. He swallowed. Spit, the eyes flashed a greed and vigilance, muttered. "At the time, I still don't understand, the "future electorate" of Li Lingfeng, how to eat from a bowl of business, today sees the mighty The tide of the caravan, but even I am somewhat tempted."

“Li Lingfeng was able to realize the importance of the Wanshang Commercial League and the Seven Seas Market before the reformists came to the surface. It’s really a torch, and it’s the first candidate for the future election of the emperor’s family. It’s so unknown. Not white, it’s a pity."

Li Yao’s gaze has gradually sharpened. “Only, he still did not tell you all the truth, or, with his status and natural position, he could not understand the true source of strength of the Wanshang Business Alliance. -- Money never sleeps. These five words are really brilliant. The rise of the Wanshang Business Alliance is the rise of the power of money. What is the meaning of the 'profit brokers' in the district?"

Li Jialing narrowed his eyes and looked at himself with the fist of Jin Yan. He said: "I don't understand, the power of money is stronger, isn't it still necessary to surrender under absolute violence? Yao Ge, light and money What is the use, it is worthy of the spirit, you and the four family members now pay so much attention, even the emperor's ownership does not matter, but also to compete for the seven seas big market?"

"Money is not a panacea, but there is no money but it is impossible!"

Li Yao looked at Li Jialing’s fist and said, “Absolute violence is of course very powerful, but it’s too poor to be screaming, half a gimmick can’t afford it, and where to get ‘absolute violence’?

"The backcountry of the ancient world, relying on a brute force, or luck to dig up the treasures of the ancient era from a tomb, may be able to master the 'absolute violence', but with the development of human civilization, the so-called ' Violence is also increasingly characterized by organization, systemization, and large industrialization. It must be supported by a steady stream of resources. For individuals, it is no longer possible to jump to a cliff and make great achievements. Good things in the world.

"Whether violence brings money, or money raises violence. This is the question of whether there is chicken or egg first. It has no practical meaning. Money and violence are two sides of a coin. They complement each other and support each other.

"Unfortunately, the trees that are side by side, one of which is too lush, will take away another nutrient. If the violence is too strong, it will ignore and even despise the importance of money, causing irreparable decline. - This is what happened to the empire in the past hundreds of years, and it is also the root cause of the Wanshang Business Alliance."

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