Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2515: Empire's economic crisis

Li Yao and Li Jialing said that the real human empire is set in the central part of the Xinghai, and the legal currency is called "Imperial Crystal Coin" because the original currency system is linked to high-purity spar.

At the beginning, there were 500 million tons of the best spar. As the backing of the imperial crystal coin, every dollar of the imperial crystal coin can be unconditionally exchanged for 0.1 g of the best spar.

"The best" spar is not an exaggerated modification, but a strict standard. It must be a crystal with a purity of more than 95%, in order to mark the word "the best", which is only rarer than the best spar. The crystal marrow is gone.

This kind of guarantee has given the imperial coin a very strong credit and vitality, helping the black star emperor Wu Yingqi to beat the weak economic and financial system of the old Xinghai republic and completely collapse.

The spar is the crystallization of ultra-high-purity energy. It is essential for the daily cultivation and fighting of the practitioners, the clothing, food and shelter of the people and even the extension of alien stars. Therefore, it is a hundred times harder than the gold and silver.

Since the Imperial Crystal Coin can be directly exchanged for the best spar, the common people are of course willing to choose this currency. The choice of the Imperial Crystal Coin means that the Empire is chosen, but it is the old Xinghai Republic that has soared, inflation, and decayed. One kicked to the gutter, hey, not the gutter, the starry constellation of the edge of the Xinghai.

To tell the truth, Wu Yingqi and his sons and grandchildren, how high these cultivators are, no matter how evil, at least in the first five hundred years of the rise of the Empire, the purchasing power of the Imperial Crystal Coin is quite strong.

On the one hand, the number of the best spar plundered from Xinghai has increased from 500 million tons to 5 billion tons, guaranteeing the solemn promise of the Imperial Crystal coins to be converted into the best spar anytime and anywhere.

There is interest in the bank of money, but it will not be added to the spar. In the early days of the empire, strict control of the price of various spar, if anyone dares to make waves in the spar market, it is necessary to shoot the gun, plus It is inconvenient to trade directly with spar. Naturally, not many people will store too many spar, and the risk of running is not high.

On the other hand, the new conquest of the world has brought a steady stream of war dividends and an expanding market. During the five hundred years, the various sects and families of the empire were in a big expansion, the golden years of prosperity, and the whole society was prosperous and colorful. The more the soap bubbles are blown, even if the value of the currency is diluted, but the income of the people is greatly increased. Even the ordinary people in the core area can be diverted to the war dividend. The days are not bad. Of course, they firmly believe in the empire and firmly believe in their sire. I have a strong confidence in the Imperial Crystal Coin.

However, the true human empire, where flowers are flamboyant, and the fire is burning, has just passed its 500-year-old birthday, and internal and external troubles erupt at the same time.

In the interior, the court battles of “Kowloon won” in a row, the royal family was badly hurt, and the four electors of the emperor’s family rose up. They used the name of “four meritorious elders to jointly promote the emperor’s majesty and maintain the stability of the royal family”. Political power.

On the outside, all the vast worlds have been integrated into the territory of the empire, and the cost of war and management difficulties that continue to conquer are greatly increased. Together with the ongoing war of attrition with the sacred alliance, the empire has lost a lot of blood and expanded. limit.

Such as the human empire, such as the cultivation of the kingdom, its vitality lies in constant aggression and conquest, using the blood and bones of the conquered to pour the prosperity of the conqueror.

Once the pace of conquest is stopped, the soap bubbles burst.

The economic crisis that swept the entire empire for the first time broke out. Many people went bankrupt overnight, and all kinds of bonds, stocks, and interests they bought became a piece of waste paper. More people owe debts that are still in their lifetime, free. The folk song is a slave.

At that time, there was one of the most famous cases. There was a high-powered Pang Xingxian immortal, what was Pang Qingyun, and he claimed that he had a way in the court, knowing that the imperial court was about to launch a "five million light-year expedition", one breath Conquering the thousands of worlds marked on the dozens of ancient star maps, and his Pang people got the follow-up colonization and management rights of three of the big worlds, saying that there are noses and eyes.

In order to raise large sums of development funds, he split and separate these colonization and management rights, and promised a high rate of return, such as “doubling ten times a year for ten years”, and tempting a large number of greedy people to devote themselves to their lives. .

At the beginning, Pang Qingyun did say that he did not only return high interest rates on time, but also pulled investors to the various Star Harbors. He said that this is the expeditionary force of the empire, that is, his colonization fleet, delicious and delicious. Not to mention, but also made a variety of beautiful renderings and even immersive illusory realities, depicting the bright future of the development of the new colony, all investors are arrogant and full of heart.

In the end, not only did a large number of people invest heavily, but even many cultivators and even sects believed in him and put the coffin board into the illusory colonization plan.

As a result, the empire changed its policy of colonization because of the economic crisis, financial constraints, and military spending. In principle, it did not send large-scale expeditionary forces to explore the outer domain as in the past, but developed a technology called "star child." Later, we will use the "star child" to conduct small-scale and more accurate exploration.

This means that the era of the great era of the empire is over, perhaps it will end forever!

Pang Qingyun’s lies are not broken. The angry people surrounded his “development group”. Only then did he know that he was playing the trick of dismantling the east wall to make up the Western Wall, borrowing new money and paying off old debts. Countless people were all because of him. Jumping upstairs, his tricks were also circulated in the name of "Ponzi scheme".

Pang Qingyun's scam is just a tens of thousands of soap bubbles that have been broken in the era of economic crisis. The insignificant little one, and more and more Ponzi schemes, have swallowed up the wealth and life of countless people.

The four major electorate families who did not help the court not only did not help the court to fight the economic crisis, but instead promoted the economic crisis, which greatly weakened the court's last authority and vitality, and made it difficult for the country to expand into a huge monster.

As a result of this economic crisis, the Imperial Crystal Coin announced that it was decoupled from the best spar. No matter ordinary people or low-level cultivators, it is no longer possible to exchange the best spar at the bank and the Spar Reserve Bureau at a stable price. buy.

The average price of various spar in the market has increased by a full 30 times in one year. The spar is the source of production. The spar is soaring and the prices are rising. Everything goes up. Only wages and currency values ​​do not rise. In other words, It was the Empire coin that depreciated thirty times in the year it was announced.

The wealth of all imperial citizens was looted by the four electorate families.

The four big families who have taken a lot of wealth have taken the opportunity to control the political affairs and have the power to make their own coins.

Although nominally called "Imperial Crystal Coin", the four banks under the four family names have the right to issue, and the "inter-bank joint meeting" has replaced the original imperial central bank's authority, which is equivalent to the emperor's money bag. They have all been taken over.

The four major families, together for the sake of interest, are also very fierce. It is conceivable that they do not care about the issue of stabilizing the value of the imperial currency. Anyway, as long as the economy of their territory can be maintained, the outside world will be flooded!

From this year on, the Imperial Crystal Coin ran on the road of depreciation, and the value was diluted to no more.

And another horrible news gave the empire a perfidious, crumbling economic and monetary system. At first, the Imperial Bank and the Spar Reserve Bureau did not have 5 billion tons of the best spar to back them. The spar has always been the reassurance and ballast stone of the empire, but I don’t know from which year the folks have rumored that the 5 billion tons of the best spar has long been divided by the four families, and it has been divided by the four families. High-ranking monks, those Yuan Ying and the gods, are consumed in cultivation!

"The four major families are divided into five billion tons of the best spar, and all consumed, in order to cultivate so many Jindan, Yuan Ying and Huashen, the strength suddenly expanded!"

Although the imperial crystal coin has been decoupled from the best spar, such a horrible rumor is still smashing the last trace of confidence of the aspiring people to the empire, saying that it is a rumor, more like a plague and a curse, completely defeating the financial market of the empire. And the economy, the monetary system, those who truly believe in the avenue of Xiuxian are all disillusioned.

After hundreds of years, the empire broke out several economic crises, gradually becoming like this today. The warlord is divided, the economy is chaotic, and the local situation is different. The root of the situation lies in people - from ordinary people to cultivators, from low-level cultivation. The people who went to Yuan Ying and the gods and gods did not believe in the Imperial crystal coin, and even a copper plate did not believe it!

If this is not the case, it will not enlarge an empire, only after more than a decade of expeditions, or to triumphantly triumphantly and triumphantly, but once again fell into the mud of a total collapse!

Even worse, the Imperial Crystal Coin has not only the precedent of currency instability, but also the devaluation of the currency. All the currencies in this year have been virtualized, paperless, and there is no concept of banknotes 10,000 years ago. All transactions are passed. Lingnet is completed, and more wealth is just a series of zeros in the account.

The imperial authorities will not be shameless to directly tamper with the figures in the citizen’s account. The problem is that all transactions on the Internet will leave traces. The production and consumption information of all people is controlled by the authorities. This authority, sometimes the local warlords Sometimes it is the four major electorate families, and sometimes the so-called emperor squats.

Mastering this information, I have mastered the wealth status of all the imperial people. Naturally, the geese can be plucked, smashed, and even swallowed, and the squeezing is clean.

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