Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2516: The birth of free star coins!

For ordinary people, this means that the imperial tax system of the empire has become extremely efficient and cruel. It is naturally impossible to evade taxes and tax evasion. The strange and endless taxes and fees can be directly removed from the account, and the delay is half a second. does not exist.

For the cultivators, especially the ambitious low-level cultivators who are trying to climb up, this means that their entire cultivating plan is exposed to the sun – or even more terrible, exposed to those sages. You can't hope that they will become stronger under the eyes.

Cultivation requires resources, and the purchase of resources will leave all kinds of traces on the spiritual network. Therefore, as long as the purchase record and the flow of funds are mastered, it is naturally easy to grasp the realm of a cultivator and recent cultivation.

For the vested interests, those who hold the sects and the family's top, that is, the so-called power, do not want to see the ambitious poor boy or the low-level cultivator of the sideline climb up.

Then, as soon as you find that the account of the low-level cultivator changes abnormally and then traces the resources of his recent purchase, he will know that he is undergoing some kind of cultivation, and is even preparing to make some key breakthrough.

At a critical juncture, a little bit of movement, a few scorpions, it is a breeze.

Even if the low-level cultivators do not want to rely on the power of the family, they will go out and secretly pick up their private lives. When the mercenaries and killers come to make money, but as long as the money is the imperial coin, it will be discovered by the family through the spiritual network. The head and mind of the family and the sects, some of which are ways to buy secret transfer records from the black market, thus slamming the neck of the lower-order cultivators.

In a nutshell, under this Lingnet currency trading system, the vested interests have firmly controlled the lifeline of money, the class solidification is more serious, the rising channel is completely blocked, and the low-order cultivators have no freedom to grow wildly. If you want to become stronger, you will only be a good way to give high-order cultivators a dog.

Of course, there are many immortals who don't mind giving the strong a dog.

But more unruly, ambitious, imaginative and imaginative, who are arrogant and arrogant in the world, are never willing to bow their knees for a lifetime, being held in their throats for a lifetime!

Ordinary people may be able to endure the pain of eternal life being crushed by immortals, even if they want to make a sound, there is no such power.

But the dissatisfaction of the hundreds of millions of low-level cultivators with the status quo will inevitably affect the entire empire!

They are cultivators, they are born to be human beings, to rule the world, to conquer the universe, not to be a dog for a lifetime!

Low-order cultivators have never been so eager for power, and to get more powerful power, they need money – the real money, the money that really belongs to them, is not the “empire enamel” in every transaction. Grass papers that are all monitored by death!

They are eager for such a currency. First, it needs a relatively stable currency, not to say that it cannot be diluted, but at least there must be a limit. It should be diluted slowly with economic growth, instead of being like the Imperial coin. The big family seems to be like a slap in the face. If you can buy a chicken today, you will only be able to buy an egg tomorrow.

Second, and more importantly, this currency must have untrackable and unmonitored characteristics, so that they can trade resources unconsciously, and grow wildly and savagely under the eyes of high-level cultivators. Finally— - Challenge the authority of high-order cultivators.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance, where there is demand, where there will be corresponding products.

Relying on the strong demand of thousands of low-order cultivators, "Free Star Coin" came into being.

Free Star Coin is not a currency in the traditional sense. It was originally a kind of juggling virtual currency. It was born in the brain and the net, a decentralized, peer-to-peer new trading algorithm.

Free Star has no features of traditional currency. It does not even rely on any currency issuer to issue it. Instead, it uses a very special algorithm to mine the potential of a large number of super crystal brains distributed throughout the Empire. A distributed database on the Lingwang node to mark and store transaction records, and to ensure its absolute security through innate algorithm design advantages and multiple cryptographic features.

Li Yao is not studying economics. He is even more ignorant of what virtual currency, so he does not understand the nature of free star currency. Maybe it can be said that free star is actually a virtual anonymous account book. All the trading behavior of the user, but such a book, is a manual for all users of the entire empire, and can update the data simultaneously.

As a result, any Intranet intruder does not want to tamper with the trading data of Free Star, and the security is extremely high.

Moreover, the free star currency is not issued by any bank, but it is "made" by tapping the potential of all the super crystal brains of the entire empire.

In a certain period of time, the potential of the super crystal brain is constant, then the number of free star coins is also constant, and its "currency value" can also ensure stability.

If the mining potential of the super crystal brain is greatly improved?

That means that the number of super crystal brains has increased and the performance has become stronger. Modern civilization is largely a crystal brain civilization. The upgrade of super crystal brain means economic development, and the increase of free star currency. Also no problem at all - it's perfect!

Of course, from the free star to the real currency, there is still a scorpio, you need to insert a pair of wings, in order to complete the most thrilling jump - that is credit.

Money is credit, money without credit, and the game currency in virtual games is no different.

The original free star coin was only the brain brain expert in a group of star thieves in the outer world of the empire, and the concept created when it was extremely boring.

The purpose of creation is to act as a small book for black market transactions between Stars and Thieves. The purpose is to evade the imperial authorities' attacks on Star Pirates.

It relies on the force of the Star Thief to act as a credit, so there is no value at all beyond the Star Treasure Circle.

However, don't forget, in the outer world of the empire, the so-called "star thief" is actually synonymous with "private fleet". Most of the powerful big star thieves are replaced by various warlord units.

When the free star coins spread between the stars, they immediately entered the sights of the warlords and the local snakes in the outer world of the empire.

The core world of the empire is extremely cruel to the peripheral world. Various industrial products are dumped and sheared, and the lifeblood of these warlords and local snakes are cut off. However, their previous complete economic system was built on the "Imperial Crystal Coin". On the basis of it, it is really a copper plate that you don't want to hide. Want to keep your eyes and keep your strength? It is a dream!

The emergence of free star coins allowed these warlords and local snakes to see hope. Under their intentional or unintentional connivance and even embarrassment, the free star currency soon became one of the main trading methods for the black market trading of the imperial periphery world, and it also obtained The new credit, that is, the guarantee that the warlords and the local snakes poke out with the guns.

Even so, the newly born free star coin is still like a baby in the shackles. It is extremely fragile and helpless. It can be killed with a glance.

But at this time, there was another serious economic crisis inside the empire. The time was exactly one hundred years ago.

One hundred years ago, the empire suffered an unprecedented defeat on the front line. The black wind fleet, known as the "strongest border guard", was defeated. The entire five highly militarized heavy industry worlds fell into the hands of the sacred alliance. The front pointed to the hinterland of the empire.

For a time, the demon winds are everywhere, and the hearts of the people are ashamed.

But the **** black wind fleet did not do two, knowing that after the defeat, the court will not let them go, simply gather a group of defeated soldiers, all day in the empire's hinterland to swim around, clamoring for "a snow before shame" To help the empire conquer the wild world of the starry sea to redeem, of course, "the emperor does not send a hungry soldier", the court also has to pay them a large amount of high pension and opening fees.

Look at them with an unscrupulous rogue appearance, and most of the courts don't give money, they will surrender to the sacred alliance, come to the outside world, and everyone will go to death.

At that time, the emperor's temperament was weak, and the four major families were inconsistent. They even pinched their noses and agreed to the black wind fleet's key points, and took out a large sum of money to appease the defeated soldiers.

As a result, the defeated soldiers took a high pension and the opening fee, patted the **** and left, and for a hundred years, ran to the star beach to find the Starry Federation to die.

This is not to mention later, it is said that at that time, "Liao Haihou" Lei Chenghu came forward and turned the tide, finally resisting the arrogant attack of the sacred alliance, but the empire was once again badly wounded, various military expenses, pensions The opening and closing fees are astronomical figures, and the loss of five big worlds has led to a chain reaction in the financial market... No economic crisis is strange!

The economic crisis led to the collapse of the Imperial Prime Minister, the "Silver Fox" Li Jiande cabinet, and thoroughly wiped out the last bit of credit of the Imperial Crystal Coin.

Now, the credit of Free Star is about zero, but the value of the currency is stable, it can be traded freely, and it will never be monitored.

The credit of the Imperial Crystal Coin is also equal to zero, but it will be devalued at any time, and every transaction will be closely monitored.

The fool knows who to choose!

When it comes to money, the smell of a businessman is always the most sensitive.

Just when the frontline Black Wind Fleet was defeated, the Wanshang Commercial League, which was also in a secret development state, predicted the arrival of the economic crisis - don't forget, even the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen, is Wanjie. The people of the business alliance, and even the black wind fleet, are not necessarily related to the Wanjie Business Alliance.

On the other hand, the Wanshang Commercial League, through Di Feiwen and others, helped the Black Wind Fleet to beat the imperial court, which partly promoted the outbreak of the economic crisis and weakened the power of the core of the empire. On the other hand, it made a desperate attempt to put all the bets. Free star currency!

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