Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2517: Wanxing Internet

When the most prosperous core world of the real human empire is immersed in the unnecessary consumption of court infighting and powers, the seemingly insignificant, gentle and harmless Wanshang Commercial League has quietly emerged in the ruins of the imperfect mountains of the imperial world.

At this moment, the pattern of the Pan Gu universe is completely different from the previous 100,000 years.

In the first 100,000 years of human civilization from birth to growth, each of the worlds is basically self-sufficient and independent. On any habitable planet, there is enough water, air, mineral resources and a stable ecological cycle. The system, even if it does not trade with the outside world, can maintain a minimum internal circulation.

But from the end of the ancient world, the ancient wars that swept the world of three thousand, to the rise and fall of the Yaozu, and the "doomsday battle" of the emperor and the blood god, the whole number of years, the war of the Pangu universe never really Extinguished.

The war has destroyed many self-circulation systems in the world. The atmosphere has disappeared, the mineral deposits have been hollowed out, the groundwater has been polluted, and various gentle domesticated beasts have become horrible monsters.

Not to mention, as technology advances, humans can conquer the previously unconquerable resource planets and colonize the planet, building large settlements that can accommodate millions or even more in places that are not suitable for human survival.

As a result, the vast majority of inhabitable planets have lost their ability to be completely self-sufficient in the star-dwelling region outside the empire, or have no such ability from the beginning, and must rely on the endless stream of Xinghai trade to bring survival essential. All resources can survive.

As a result, the importance of Xinghai trade has been raised to the point where it is impossible to add. Some experts even pointed out that the future is not only the era of the spiritual network, but also the era of logistics network. It is the era of “Wanxing Internet”. The trade between the inhabitable planets, whoever firmly controls the entire universe!

In the essence of the Empire tradition, the trade route is firmly controlled by the four families and traditional officials.

However, in a peripheral world where resources are poor, far-reaching, and there is not much oil and water, it is very time-consuming, energy- and patience to build a complete logistics system from scratch and cultivate the local market to a profitable level. Water mill.

I have long been accustomed to relying on monopoly and taxation to obtain excess profits. The four families are too lazy to spend hundreds of years of hard work with the rural world's rural and foreign trades. The small-scale trade groups and logistics sects of all kinds of births are barbaric and self-defeating. The gesture came into being, and after hundreds of years of silent roots, a seemingly inconspicuous, insecure trade, logistics and even financial network was woven in the outer world of the empire. After that, these stragglers gathered together. In the name of "Wanjie Business Alliance", it surfaced.

The so-called high mountain emperor, the outer world of the empire, is a lawless chaotic domain. The so-called star thieves, traders, private squadrons and regular troops are all the same thing. Wanmeng Business Alliance can kill a **** jungle. The **** road naturally has the most daring sailors and captains, the most treacherous black-hearted businessmen, and the most savvy star thief.

They monopolize a myriad of capillary-like trade routes, which can bring a steady stream of resources and talents to a planet, so that the planet can thrive in a short period of time; it can also be transformed into a star thief, completely blocked. A planet leads all the waterways of the outside world, allowing the planet to succumb to their slutty.

Don't say anything else, as long as the warships under the Wanshang Commercial Alliance explode the cluster towers and telecom base stations around a planet, let the planet and the outside world completely "broken the net", which will lead to the level of civilization on the planet. Within a year and a half, it has been degraded for decades.

With such strength, Wanjie Commercial League is naturally not willing to wander around the empire, as a supplier of rural and foreigners.

What's more, the leaders of the Wanshang Business Alliance are also very clear. In the eyes of the nobles who are in charge of the killing power in the upper empire, these businessmen are just pigs and dogs to be slaughtered. The more fat they are, the more they will go to slaughter.

In the past, the four families have not seen the profits of the world trade in the outer empire, so they are too lazy to pay attention to them, but now they have worked hard to cultivate this market, and it is profitable. If the four families do not pick peaches, then What is the immortal?

I started to be strong, and then I started to suffer. The Wanmeng Business League, which was just born, realized that by virtue of its instinct to survive, if you want to live, you can only rely on the power of the Xinghai Central, the chaebol and the giants. Those relying on traditional methods are simple and rude. Squeeze ordinary people, the "old cultivators" who have no technical content, fight endlessly!

Free Stars are the sharpest weapon of their choice.

They want to launch a war, a direct battle against the star, the starship and the giant gods, but with money to confront, killing the blood war!

In the later period of the "black wind battle", the empire faced tremendous military pressure from the sacred alliance. The price soared, the hyperinflation, the people's heart, and the innocent, the Wanshang Business League quietly spread the free star in the outer world of the empire. The road to "monetization."

In the beginning, no one will naturally take free star coins as real money. No matter how inflation, the imperial crystal coin is “real money”. When the empire is not really going to change the dynasty, who will take the real money? Silver to change these... What ghosts are ghosts of ghosts?

Of course, the Wanshang Commercial League could not force the imperial citizens of the peripheral world to use the free star currency. At first they did not want to completely replace the imperial crystal coin with the free star currency. It only stipulated that each of the trade names could accept both trading methods at the same time, but the freedom of use. Starcoin will be given a certain discount, and some of the most tight goods will be given priority to buyers who use Free Star.

This measure finally took out the first small splash.

But the real killer is still credit sales and small loans.

Wanjie Business League is best at long-distance fishing, and Huo Dongling’s hometown “Southern Lingxing” is the best example.

First use the strong financial resources and unfathomable contacts to buy potential asteroids for preliminary development, and then attract a large number of colonizers to settle down by half-selling and half-sending, and the construction of settlements is almost the same. They also took down the coffin and regarded the asteroid as a new home. When they couldn’t turn back, they used various consumables and slowly earned money back.

In order to cultivate these "old hens who will lay eggs", in the whole process of colonization, Wanmeng Business Alliance will provide a large number of technical support, credits and even small loans to the colonizers. The conditions are very attractive, only one point - the future must be free Star coins come to pay back.

You can get a discount on interest rates when you use the free star coin to pay back the money. If you use the Imperial coin to pay back the money, you will charge a punitive fee. Of course, the Wanshang Business League will solemnly guarantee the stability of the free star currency, and the Imperial coin. The exchange rate fluctuation will never be too great.

In the most depreciating period of the Imperial Crystal Coin, Wanjie Commercial Union even linked the free star coins with essential materials such as compressed air, water purification tablets and synthetic foods, stipulating that a free star can exchange constant water and food. , known as "air currency", "net water coin" or even "canned meat".

"Canned meat", what a rustic name, if you are heard by economists who have learned the rich five cars and a theoretical set, they must laugh at the big teeth.

However, ordinary people who have no culture in the outer world of the empire hear, this is how appropriate and easy-to-understand names – these free stars are real money that can be exchanged for air, water and canned meat. Hope for survival!

These measures have won the first real users and believers in addition to Star Pirates for Free Star, and also injected real credit into Free Star.

Since then, the rise of free star coins has become more and more like snowballing, and it has become unstoppable like flooding. When the empire is hard to breathe from the economic crisis caused by the defeat of the black wind, the free star has been on the periphery of the empire. Spreading with the trend of the original, it can't be extinguished.

What's more, even after the economic crisis, the battle between the Empire and the Holy Alliance is still not over. The line army was actively defended under the leadership of Lei Chenghu 50 years ago. In the next 50 years, it was a bit of a tooth to fight a battle of revenge. "The war machine "rumbling" turned around, and all kinds of harsh taxes and taxes were also rising.

The war special tax that wants to collect a piece of money above, after layering and overweight, will dare to collect ten or twenty pieces at the bottom. No matter the original person or the low-level cultivator, it is difficult to escape - this ghost year, ordinary people do not Don't think about living a tax evasion. If you don't evade taxes, you don't want to complete the original accumulation, accumulate enough resources to upgrade, and the only way to evade taxes is to use free stars.

The rigorous taxation of the ox, providing a "God's assist" for the free star, is simply fueling the fire.

Of course, it is impossible to not use imperial crystal coins at all. Most of the daily transactions are still done by legal tender, but some key transactions that are ulterior motives become the field of free star penetration and erosion.

For a hundred years, the free star coin is like the "good plague" that most people and low-level cultivators love to see, eroding the body of the empire. From the very beginning, it only circulated in the outer world of the empire, and gradually penetrated the traditional core of the empire. In the end, even in the end, even the four major electorate families have many cultivators, and they use free star coins in secret. Everyone comes out to cultivate immortals. How can they not kill people? After killing people to win the treasure, get the black market to sell, and also use the Imperial crystal coins to trade? That is not a self-investment!

Trading with free star coins, no matter how murdering and winning the treasure, acting as an assassin to bounty, secretly purchasing a lot of resources to attack the new realm, and after the preparation for success, kill the dead in the family... all will not leave traces, it is not too convenient Oh!

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