Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2525: Rebellious assassin

One hundred years ago, the "Everyday Fast Kill" platform was just born. It is still in a disorderly era of mixed and savage competition. Countless gamblers, mercenaries, star thieves and desperate losers have joined this. There is almost no threshold, as long as An industry that dares to gamble for money.

It is possible to kill a **** road from thousands of horses and horses. In the failure and corruption of hundreds of millions of killers, the four major killer groups that have risen and prospered have naturally unique and absolute strength.

The founders and leaders of these four killer organizations have also become the "Four Great Deaths" that everyone is daunting and smelling.

They are--

"Black Flag" killer leader, Black Flag King!

"Blood" killer leader, red lady!

"The impermanence" killer leader, hanged ghost!

The leader of the "Dead Sea Light" killer group, the Dead Sea is returning to the people!

Because it was originally traded through the Lingwang and the platform, no one knows the true identity hidden under the four screen names. Only know that the four of them are already on the “Everyday Killing” platform before creating their respective killer groups. The best super killer.

Among them, Black Flag is the first express killer to make a "24 hours, seven days, one month" commitment.

Order with the planet, it will kill in twenty-four hours! The same big world, no matter which corner of the resource planet you are hiding in, you will kill within seven days! Even if you expand to the entire empire, as long as you clearly define the hiding place of the target, within a month, make sure to kill! If you miss, you are willing to pay back all the money ten times, and then compensate for three free killing experiences - of course, Black Flag King has never lost his hand, and no one has ever received his ten-fold refund!

The "Bloody" leader, the Red Lady, is the first to expand the business from the outer world of the Empire to the four family territories. It is said that even the children of the four families are killed!

Because she played such a signboard, the **** killer group and herself had encountered the four-family joint wanted and coffers numerous times, but after a hundred years passed, there were countless people in the four big families who died in the killer's poisonous blade. Underneath, the "bloody" killer group still exists!

The "impermanence" killer group is uniquely known as the "full ghost professional assassin team", and the leader of the nickname "hanging ghost" is very likely to be the first ghost master of the empire, and the ghost will be repaired without a shadow. To the extreme, it is the first killer team to get more than 500 million venture capital and embark on formalization. In particular, when the goal itself is a ghost repair, it is absolutely correct to choose the “immanent” killer group.

The mysterious assassin of the "Dead Sea Light" killer group "Dead Sea Return" is perhaps the strongest of the four kings, and the most insane character. He debuted later than Black Flag King, Red Lady and Hanging Ghost. The market has already In the shortest period of time, in order to win the fame and seize the high-end market, he even shot the banner of “Special Killing Yuan Ying” and successfully completed 62 targets in one year. Yuan Ying’s order will kill an elemental baby every six days.

Even if the target is not necessarily a fighting element, there are a lot of management, creative and literary meta-baby with less combat power, but this number is also too shocking. The Dead Sea is famous for its war, and it has become the most empire. Strong assassin's strong competitor!

Of course, as each of their killer groups embarked on a virtuous circle of formalization and industrialization, especially after building a large number of secret youth training camps in the bitter cold and barren land of the empire, and having a perfect reserve talent training mechanism, The "Four Great Deaths" have long since turned to the behind-the-scenes and management. For decades, they have not personally killed people. They are usually their disciples and grandchildren in the operation team.

However, from the analysis of their last hands-on cases decades ago, Li Yao concluded that the cultivation of the "Four Great Deaths" is likely to reach the realm of the gods!

Even if it is also a combat-type eccentric, the style is very different.

Some people are good at driving the giant soldiers to open and close on the battlefield. It is a well-deserved "thousands of people and enemies."

There are also people who are good at the hidden form, easy to disguise, poisoning blasting, shadow assassination, all kinds of strange, anti-insurgency, sinister and sinister means.

There is no doubt that the latter is definitely more headache than the former, and it has a headache!

The "Four Great Deaths" of Black Flag King, Red Lady, Hanging Ghost and Dead Sea are the top players in the latter field. If they disappeared a few decades ago, they have already reached the realm of the gods, and these decades have taken The old man is delicious and good to nourish, and even retreat to cultivate a new assassination... Li Yao is also not willing to fight against such a difficult role.

It is a pity that the chances of the four death gods appearing in the Seven Seas market are extremely high.

First of all, the four death gods started with the "every day fast killing" platform, and then in turn injected the "every day fast killing" platform, becoming the platform's shareholder, and also considered the platform's self-operated semi-official killer team.

The biggest shareholder of the "Everyday Fast Kill" platform is the Wanjie Business Alliance.

With this relationship, the four death gods, through capital operation, will reach out to the areas related to the killer business, such as the underground weapons trading platform that sells weapons of mass destruction, and the free mercenary platform dedicated to large-scale frontal warfare. , and so on, and even the various transportation groups under the Wanshang Business Alliance may not have the shares of the four major death gods.

In this way, cross-shareholding, joint holding, exchange of various interests and transportation, inextricably and arbitrarily mixed together, plus the **** transactions of the four major killers are based on free star coins, they and Wanjie Business Alliance is a natural partner.

Therefore, Li Yaocai concluded that the security work in the Seven Seas market is actually responsible for the four major killers.

Zuo Tianying even guessed that there are one of the "Four Great Deaths" among the five senior deacons of the Wanjie Business Alliance, but there is no conclusive evidence.

If you only consider economic interests, then the "four deaths" of Black Flag, Red Lady, Hanging Ghost and Dead Sea are the **** supporters of Jin Yuyan. After all, their 100-year foundation is on the platform of Wanmeng Business Alliance. On the top, we must use free star coins to settle, even they are the shareholders of Wanjie Business Alliance!

However, if these four dead ghosts have been cultivated into the realm of the gods of the gods decades ago, then economic interests are not necessarily their only consideration.

Status, power, and even breakthroughs in the realm are likely to attract them.

If the four major electorate families come up with a whole resource planet or even a big world, plus a real, hereditary title to seduce them, or the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi takes out the practice of stealing from the emperor's tomb. Commitment can help them to upgrade to the high-end and even peak of the gods, can they really not be tempted?

In exchange for Li Yao is the election of the emperor or the black star emperor, to dig the corner of Jin Yuyan, certainly to dig the four assassins who control the deadly force, as long as they can get rid of Jin Yuyan, what conditions can be agreed.

Therefore, Li Yao is very skeptical that one or two of the four death gods have been rebellious, not to rebel to the four family camps, or to secretly rely on the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

And Li Yao’s mission is to take out one or two of the rebellious death gods!

"Help me protect the law, pay attention to the movement outside, don't let people break in."

Li Yao took a deep breath and sat down on his knees. He gently pressed the helmet that was made into a deep purple on his head and told Li Jialing.

The fortified potion that had just been swallowed turned into a hot fire between the internal organs, and Li Yao used the spirit to carefully wrap the flame and send it to the brain to gradually increase the activity of brain cells.

"Hey, hey!"

Every brain cell has stirred a strong arc, and there seems to be a thunderstorm between the sulcus. With the increase of the "super brainwave amplifier", Li Yao's thoughts are like spreading wings.

For a moment, time seems to be stagnant, the walls around it are gradually melting, and the whole world is gradually becoming transparent. Li Yao can clearly “see” the intricate piping system embedded in the building, seeing the cockroaches and mice that breed in the pipeline. I saw the long-breathing, powerful physique bodyguards in the secret room, and even the VIPs who were trying to test the drugs in the next room.

He could even perceive that in the fifth suite, the opposite side of the room, there were three mature men who were quite deep, and the secretions of heartbeat, breath, sweat and adrenaline were quite different, and they were in a state of high tension and excitement.

I don't know if it is the normal reaction of the test, or is it...

"Someone went with us to think of it, and they all used it as a temporary nest. I don't know if it is an assassin of the four families."

Li Yao muttered to himself, "It seems that this place is not as safe as I thought, and it must be transferred at the latest tonight."

Li Yao’s goal is not in this building. He fine-tuned his own frequency of shocks, disguised his mind as a ubiquitous wireless network signal, and continued to spread outwards. He came to the crowds of people and the streets.

Suddenly, a thousand faces, tens of thousands of laughter, countless information gathered into a tidal wave, pouring into the depths of his brain.

Rao is Li Yao’s brain on the top of the gods. At the same time, he is dealing with so many chaotic information, and he still can’t eat it. There are signs of brain explosion.

He took a sip of a faint and sweet captain, took another deep breath, forcibly filtered out 99% of useless information, and tried to screen out all the dangerous people who were not normal businessmen within ten miles of the “commodity trading market”.

"If I am an assassin, where will I lie in the waiting for Jin Yuyan's team?"

Li Yao squinted, and there were infinite stars on the bottom of his eyes falling like a waterfall, muttering to himself. "If I am Jin Yuyan's bodyguard team, how can I defend against the pervasive assassin? Come on, no matter the killer, assassin, maid. The soldiers are still bodyguards, all of which have brought me to the surface, let me see what you are doing, and see who among you is the apostate..."

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