Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2526: There are literally ten thousand assassins!

When Li Yao spreads the brainwaves to dozens of miles away from the magnetic field of life above the gods, when he starts a scanning storm of brain waves, everything that he "sees" is different.

In the market, the shoulders are smashed, and the hustle and bustle of the illusion is peeled off by layers. Numerous "big fish" crouching in the deep waters have surfaced. Before Li Yao’s "Heavenly Listening", he showed his breath and heartbeat. Body fluid secretion, body temperature changes, and even the frequency of brain waves are different from those of ordinary people.

From this point of view, in the big market of the Seven Seas, especially around the "bulk commodity trading market", it is simply "the mountain rain is coming to the wind and the building is full of buildings." There are hidden murders everywhere, and there are fatal traps step by step.

Li Yao swept away and scanned at least seven people... not quite normal.

The first is a group of people wearing ordinary **** uniforms in the Seven Seas market. These people are equivalent to the "police" here, and they are the existence of order and law and order.

It stands to reason that the combat effectiveness of the ordinary police will never be too strong, that is, the situation will be perfunctory before the arrival of the real strong, and the seven policemen also tried to pretend to be a plain, but Li Yao from their step. Frequency, posture, contraction of breathing and pores can still be sensitive to their fierceness, especially the thick **** suffocating from the pores. It is not a butcher who has been killed all the way from the blood of the corpse, and it is impossible to have it.

These people are not the elite killers of the golden basin washing hands. They are the kings of the mercenaries who have spent the rest of their lives. On any planet, they are all on the planet. How can they be willing to be a small roadside patrolman here?


Li Yao perceives several of the police officers' fingers on the hard ring.

Although they covered these objects with flesh-colored bionic skin, at first glance there was nothing, but how could they escape Li Yao’s eyes?

"Even if the Wanshang Business League is really rich and enemies, how can it be extravagant to the extent that the small policeman on the side of the road can wear the Qiankun Ring?"

Li Yao sneered in his heart and marked the seven seemingly alarming police officers.

He recorded the heartbeat, breathing, stride and body characteristics of the seven police officers and condensed into a series of intricate streams of information. No matter where the seven policemen fled, they could lock in as soon as they thought.

Not far from the area where the seven police patrols, there are more than a dozen people dressed in colorful clothes, who are talking about it, like a trader who has just talked about several big business, one big fat, shiny, and elated. It seems to be everywhere, not so noticeable.

However, the acting skills of these people are a little too overdone - the war is just around the corner, the Wanshang Business Alliance does not have the grasp of victory, a little carelessness, the life of the family has to be lost, and most businessmen carry A bit of a worried look, even if it is really a big deal, the joy is quite restrained.

These people deliberately want to pretend to be relaxed and relaxed, concealing their inner anxiety and tension, but instead revealing their feet.

In the place where they are on the street, the third group of people who are not normal are the customers and bosses who are making noises in a comprehensive magic store.

The group’s camouflage is seamless, and the quarrel is also very committed, as if it is really furious and wants to move his fist.

Unfortunately, when Li Yao and Li Jialing just strolled on the street, they already saw that some people in the store were noisy, and they had been quarreling for so long, but they still hadn’t quarreled, and no one came to control it?

It’s too fake.

As for the fourth group, Li Yao is not sure if they are really "people."

It was an open-type truck parked in a poor street, and the carriage was filled with rusty battle shackles and wreckage of the martial arts. At first glance, it was like recycling the used martial arts from the magic store along the way. of.

A ruined, rust-filled, dust-filled sect, with no life at all, like a cold steel body.

But are they really just steel corpses?

Li Yao remembered the "impermanence" of one of the four killer organizations. The killer of the impermanence killer group is a ghost repairer. Its leader "hanging ghost" is a strong competitor of the title of "the most powerful ghost repair of the empire", if this is open The type of truck is not loaded with the old spirits, but full of a car ghost killer, even the hanged ghosts are hiding in them, what will happen?

The situation of the other three groups of people is also very similar, with different cover, crouching around the "bulk commodity trading market."

And they will never be the only death dancer on this stage. It is only the rookie whose strength is the weakest, so it is only seen by Li Yao.

Li Yao believes that there are more terrible, more secretive, more deadly assassins, who are crouching in places he can't see, holding their breath, stopping their heartbeat, sealing the release of brain waves, turning themselves into a cold stone, quietly Waiting, waiting...

This point can be seen from the whirlpool of the wireless net fluctuations and the brain waves colliding with each other in the air. The gods scattered in the air are too dense, just like at the same time, there are at least hundreds of masters. They all released their own thoughts, just as they snooped around.

With Li Yao’s strength at the moment, if the brain waves are stirred to the limit, it is possible to sneak out all the assassins hidden in the dark.

But in this way, Li Yao's brain will also become an incomparable beacon, and everyone will perceive his existence within a dozen or twenty miles.

This is naturally an act that is not worth the candle.

Therefore, after Li Yao initially locked in the most conspicuous goals of the seven groups and scanned the structure of all the high, low and low markets, pipelines and buildings nearby, he gave up the plan to strengthen the brainwave oscillation frequency and further lock.

He took back 90% of the perception, only let 10% of the gods spread around, becoming an extension of the five senses, acting as the first warning.


Despite the timely recovery of most of the minds, the consumption of brain cells was so severe that they could not be added. Li Yao was dizzy and spit out a dark golden blood.

"Yao Ge -"

Li Jialing hurriedly said, "You are fine!"

"It's okay, it's just a tenfold increase in metabolism, consumes countless cells, and mixes dead cells in the blood to make room for new cells."

Li Yaodao, "Help me get two growth hormones to stimulate the growth of new cells."

In one breath, swallow three growth hormones for the stronger than Jindan, and use the psionic power to release the drug that takes seven days to release. It will flow through the body in just ten minutes, moisturizing the burning brain. Li Yao Chang breathed a sigh of relief, which slowed down the gods and launched a second round of investigations.

This time, he no longer performs a full-range overlay wide-area scan, but in a more refined way.

The mind was moved, and dozens of sacred gods, such as the transparent silk thread that drifted with the wind, got into the ring of the shackles that had just been discarded in the corner of the market.


The Qiankun ring issued a faint shock, and from there it climbed out a super-miniature psion that was smaller than the mosquito.

These "psychic mosquitoes" are a fusion of Li Yao's ultra-fine refining techniques, and they have been refined through the new design of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. They are absolutely comparable to even the most sophisticated products of the same type of empire.

A total of 36 "Spiritual Mosquitoes" invaded the "bulk commodity trading market" silently, using special alloy materials and anti-scan coatings to make them enter the unmanned environment without triggering the trading market itself. Alarm system.

Six of the "psinergy mosquitoes" hovered over the boiling crowd, and the remaining 30 "spiritual mosquitoes" were drilled into the surrounding ventilation ducts, maintenance pipes and cable ducts.

At this moment, Li Yao completely substitutes himself into the perspective of an assassin, and analyzes where to choose if he is an assassin.

Soon, Li Yao had an amazing discovery.


In the ventilation channel of the “commodity trading market”, he found three assassins carrying long guns and short guns!

Although the three assassins are covered with invisible camouflage cloaks, and with the magical power of "roasting", the breathing, heartbeat and body temperature are reduced to the limit, such as a piece of paper fluttering on the wall of the ventilation duct, but still Li Yao was wearing a hole.

"What happened to the ventilation ducts in this year, has it changed the market, so many people!"

Li Yao muttered to himself, and faintly felt a little embarrassed - the angle of assassination chosen by these three assassins is too good, in other words, the defense of Wanjie Commercial League is too lax, how can it be easy to seize such a "High ground"?

Li Yao recalled the "God of the Prison", which claimed to be the first prison of the empire. The ventilation ducts there were thick and long, and they were able to run horses. They arranged a jailer every 10 to 20 meters.

Even if the warnings of the Seven Seas Market cannot be compared with the Gods and Prisons, it will not be so much worse. It is easy to get here.

When I think about it, my heart is vigilant and I scan more and more carefully. I really can't tell the distance and angle in the dark. There are still a few murderous murders, and I have locked in three ignorant assassins. .

"It turns out that these three assassins have long been discovered by the people of the Wanshang Commercial League. They just deliberately did not catch them out. Would you like to put a long line to catch big fish?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment, "Speaking back, according to the information of Li Wuji, the four families have selected at least a hundred people to complete this assassination. The master who has been transferred from Lijia has reached as many as thirty or forty people, but here There are only three silly rookie assassins who are set to die, so where are the other assassins?"

The situation is complicated now.

The defenders of the Wanshang Business Alliance have clearly understood the assassination plans of the four major families, and have firmly locked in the three rookie assassins who have surfaced, but deliberately indulged them to take action and want to lay long lines to catch big fish.

But the four families' well-planned assassinations have no reason to be so simple, so these three rookies are most likely to be deliberately thrown bait to death, in order to cover up the real assassin action.

Even the "real assassins" are most likely to be smoke bombs. The cards of the four major families have already bought a vital defender and even one of the "four death gods".

Unsurprisingly, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi must have bought one of the "Four Great Deaths" and became his minions. The whirlpool of this confusing turmoil was even more turbid and could not see the truth.

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