Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2527: Shrimp, small fish, big fish, sharks and squid!

Jin Yuyan’s team came.

In order to show his own attitude and fearless courage, Jin Yuyan did not take the heavily armed heavy-grained chariot, but took a long-lasting bullet-proof luxury shuttle that looked like civilian. The body was also painted. The bright gold, the half-seat seven-sea market can see him from dozens of miles away.

Around the Golden Flying Shuttle, there are only four bodyguards. I can't see too many guns and escorts. As for the bodyguard or his side, there is one or two of the "Four Great Deaths". Li Yao did not know.

"It’s coming so early!"

Li Yao secretly stunned.

Today, Jin Yuyan’s appearance time is twenty-three and thirty-seven seconds ahead of his average time, which has made Li Yao’s arrangement and plan more and more rushed.

Li Yao noticed that the emergence of Jin Yuyan's team was like throwing a stone into a seemingly calm little pond, suddenly provoked a piece of smashing, and the road was swaying, and there were countless undercurrents.

The amplitude of the brainwaves that stirred in the air suddenly increased by several levels. The breaths that ordinary people couldn’t sniff like the dislocated wild horses smashed in the void, and at least hundreds of people’s heartbeats accelerated by more than 10%. They have returned to calm within three to five seconds, pretending to be nothing.

But at least a third of them are constantly rubbing their thumbs at the **** or forefinger's fingertips, even if there is nothing there.

Li Yao knows that these people are all in the ring of the Capricorn, which is covered by bionic skin, so that in the event of an unexpected situation, the first time can take out the extraction gesture and touch out all kinds of powerful magic weapons.

The moisture in the air is evaporating by the hot murder, drying to a small Mars can ignite.

This small, murderous little pond also has its own food chain system. Big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp.

In Li Yao’s view, the smallest shrimp is the rookie assassin who carries a long gun and a short ambush in the ventilation duct above the “commodity trading market”.

They are the bait thrown by the four major families, and they have long been discovered by the defenders. Both sides are well aware of this, and only these three poor worms do not know.

The "small fish" that is slightly larger than the three small shrimps is the seven groups of people that Li Yao discovered during the first scan. Among the seven groups, there must be plainclothes from Wanjie Commercial League and the four major families. Elite assassins, they are all moving, waiting for their best, the best time.

However, Li Yao does not believe that these seven groups of people are the cards of the Wanshang Business Alliance or the four major families - their experience, heat and strength are still inferior, not enough to show the top level of both sides.

There is also a larger "big fish" than these "small fish", that is, the "four deaths" level, the ace of assassins that have not been shot for decades.

For decades, they are enough to wash away all traces of past shots, change the above-mentioned new identity, and honed one or two deadly magical powers.

Whether it is "shrimp" or "small fish", it is a bait that is thrown out at random. "Big fish" is the real player of this assassination game.

However, above the "big fish", there are still more mysterious and fierce top hunters, that is, the guy who is most likely to be bought by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, Li Yao called it "shark."

"Shark" is the most difficult opponent for Li Yao, because he is likely to be outside the game, but can faintly manipulate every move on the game.

It is not in the interest of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi to kill the Jin Yuyan now, because Wu Yingqi still relies on Jin Yuyan to stabilize the confidence of the Wanmeng Business Alliance, at least to win the "Battle of the Seven Seas", it is to cross the river to dismantle the bridge, unloading and killing When you are embarrassed.

Therefore, before the end of the "Battle of the Seven Seas", even if the "shark" really exists, it is very likely to be loyal to Jin Yuyan, even when the four family assassins shot, regardless of the protection of Jin Yuyan.

The person who is qualified to be bought by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is naturally the closest person to Jin Yuyan. Before he reveals his face, Jin Yuyan’s trust in him will never be easily shaken.

There is such a shark beside it, can Li Yao persuade Jin Yuyan?

Once this shark discovers the existence of Li Yao, will it change its strategy and immediately start with Jin Yuyan, or even fall into the assassin sent by the four families?

After all, in the official calibre of the reformist, the character "vulture Li Yao" has defected to the four major families. Jin Yuyan relies on what does not believe in his cronies, but believes in Li Yao as a "traitor"?

“It’s easy to get out of the four family’s assassins, but it’s hard enough to pull out this 'shark’.”

Li Yao muttered to himself, "And, the assassins of the four major families have surfaced one after another, indicating that their general attack on the Seven Seas Star Field is about to begin. This matter must not be delayed for too long. Today must be broken!"

Li Yao hopes that the rookie assassins who have been discovered by everyone will start today.

In this way, he has the opportunity to sneak into the water and fish in troubled waters.

However, it is not a wish. In the past, Li Yao’s life was a sinister singer. No matter where he went, there was a **** disaster. Of course, it was not his own blood disaster, but the important people around him always had some inexplicable accidents, but today’s “water surface” Despite the undercurrent, the “water surface” was calm and calm, until Jin Yuyan’s team stopped outside the “commodity trading market”, and the face of the Wanshang Commercial League’s general deacon appeared in the eyes of everyone. The three rookie assassins are still motionless, like three ice rocks. The breathing, heartbeat and body temperature have not risen. The heavy armored sniper rifle held in the arms is not prepared in advance.

Li Yao knows that the three rookie assassins use the "Thunder-9" heavy-duty anti-equipment sniper rifle, which is the strongest armor-piercing model and can penetrate the protection of three to four layers of crystal enamel.

The three assassins chose this weapon, obviously taking into account that Jin Yuyan must carry the most advanced defensive magic weapon with him, and can automatically provoke the psionic shield.

However, in order to make the "Thunder-9" the strongest lethality, at least half an hour to warm up.

The three assassins were indifferent to the arrival of Jin Yuyan, indicating that today is still not the best time for assassination, they still have to stand still.

The three small shrimps did not move, and the small fish, big fish and sharks in the upper layer of the food chain would not move. Li Yao watched Jin Yuyan’s face-to-face greetings to the four parties and stood on the steps outside the “bulk commodity trading market”. He made a short speech, and the content is nothing more than "absolutely support the position of Tiannan and Jiujie to abide by the neutrality. At the same time, it will increase the supply of materials for the expeditionary army and ensure that the frontline officers have no worries." Ten minutes, there is no half-open an assassin to spoil the situation, seeing Jin Yuyan will sway into the market.

The "commodity trading market" has only two front and back doors, and all have strict defense measures. Li Yao does not want to meet in such a semi-sealed environment.

He is even less impatient with the shrimp, small fish, big fish and sharks playing the "Assess who I am" assassin game.

You love to play so much, then Li Ge will flip your chess table and see if you can stand still until when!

"Jialing, after reading the information, you will destroy the jade slip and read the bones and bones, and feel ready to do it."

Li Yao murdered, "Remember, your mission is not to assassinate or protect, but to part with me, to look at the overall situation, to remember all the most conspicuous characters in the chaos, and as an ordinary trader, Observe the changes in the Seven Seas market within one or two days after the observation to see who is the biggest beneficiary after the chaos. At that time, tell me all the information through the secret communication channel - understand?"


Li Jialing clenched his fists and said, "Yao Ge, what are you going to do?"

"Today's big market in the Seven Seas is a pool of stagnant water. Shrimp, small fish, big fish and sharks are lazy to move. Let me come to be a lively squid and help them activities."

Li Yao smiled and said a word, "I want to assassinate Jin Yuyan!"

With a soft whistle, a red mans spurt out from the ring between the fingers, and the **** demon of the forehead blended into one, spinning at a rapid speed, across the 37 walls, aimed at the direction of Jin Yuyan. .

For the 枭龙, which has been strengthened and rebuilt, and with the **** demon blessing, the walls made of these ordinary materials are harder than the thin paper-like rice paper.


Jin Yuyan was greeted by dozens of well-dressed and unconventional merchants, and was about to enter the "bulk commodity trading market."

Seven groups of suspicious assassins and bodyguards are inadvertently spinning between two or three blocks. Perhaps they all think they are the protagonists of this assassination game, and the other party has not found themselves.

The hidden "big fish" and "shark" are still not exposed, perhaps they are one of the personal bodyguards or merchants next to Jin Yuyan.

The three "psinger mosquitoes" that Li Yao manipulated through the gods have been lightly falling behind the three rookie assassins at the end of the ventilation duct.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and extended three fingers toward Li Jialing, then two, then one.

Li Jialing nodded gently and signaled that she was ready.

"Then... get started!"

Li Yao’s mind was moved, and three “spiritual mosquitoes” outside the kilometer went to the earlobe of the three rookie assassins!

The earlobe is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, not to mention the three "spiritual mosquitoes" that burst into the three rookie assassin's earlobe, turning into a scream of a straight thorn: "Exposure, quick hands !"

The three rookie assassins jumped up at once.

At the same time, Li Yao’s several Qiankun Rings, which were first thrown in the trash can on the street, “spit out” a large number of smoke bombs, shock bombs and screaming bullets, in all directions, bursting in a chain!

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