Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2528: Ace bodyguard, vulture Li Yao!

Regardless of bodyguards or assassins, or assassins pretending to be bodyguards, and traitors in assassins pretending to be bodyguards, no one expected the explosion to come suddenly, and it occurred simultaneously in four or five locations around the "commodity trading market."

Although Li Yao uses smoke bombs, shock bombs and screaming bullets that are not too lethal, the sound is even more amazing than the real spar bomb.

For a time, all the ordinary glass within a few kilometers of the square was shattered, the tempered glass shook the cobweb-like cracks, and countless pipes were shattered, and the "嗤嗤嗤嗤" spewed out a large group of hot steam. .

There are countless people who have been shocked and almost stopped, and their ears are "squeaky" and screaming out of the hot and humid liquid. Even the souls are like a lonely boat in the stormy waves.

The smoke of the claws and the claws rises in the sky. If dozens of black trees grow up, they will turn the space near the "commodity trading market" into a dark forest with no fingers.

These smoke bombs have been specially "added" by Li Yao, which not only can isolate people's sight, but also have a pungent smell. They can even disturb the wireless signal transmission of the Lingwang and the search for the immortal, so that everyone is to a certain extent, It becomes a headless fly that can't be seen or heard!

Of course, the real master is excluded.

When the vast majority of passers-by and merchants are in extreme chaos, the bodyguards and assassins who are still savage and sharp and sharp, become the fireflies in the night, so dazzling.

The first was the three rookie assassins who heard the sound of Li Yao blowing in their ears and jumped up.

They were arranged such a task of almost death, naturally not a person with too many brains, plus Li Yao’s voice into the secret, containing a bit of temptation and hypnosis, like unquestionable and rebellious command.

Two of the rookie assassins actually took action like an electric shock, took out the heavy armored sniper rifle around them, and prepared to kill Jin Yuyan through a door.

The last rookie assassin had a little bit of brain, but even the sniper rifle couldn’t take care of it. He collapsed into a small group like a cat, and quickly retreated back to the exit of the ventilation duct, trying to escape. .

These three "shrimp rice" are the key to launching the whole body. When they move, whether they are killing or fleeing, they have already locked their defenders and have to move.


Three ventilation pipes suddenly broke, and more than a dozen defenders who had been hidden under the pipeline vacated. Some people cut off the line of sight between two rookie assassins and Jin Yuyan. Some people directly slammed the arc of electromagnetic warfare to the rookie assassin. More people have blocked the export of three ventilation ducts, let alone be as flexible as a cat, even if you put your wings on, you want to escape!

For a time, the exclamation, the screams, the roar of the heavy armored sniper rifle, almost simultaneously, and instantly disappeared!

The roar of the heavy armored sniper rifle is like a harsh signal, sudden sudden changes, so that the four family assassins who crouched outside have no choice but to rush.

Although today is not the best time to assassinate Jin Yuyan, after such a trouble, the security forces around Jin Yuyan will definitely be upgraded in an all-round way. Even in these days, they will always hide in the safest secret rooms in the inner area. The long-awaited assassination was completely lost.

The seven groups that Li Yao had just locked in all acted.

It seems to be fat, and the merchants who have just talked about it have released a strong murderous moment. The fat figure has shrunk instantly and turned into a fierce wolf, such as the arrow of the string, toward the "bulk commodity trading market." "Pushing, the whole body is full of brilliance, and they are equipped with the most advanced assault wars!"

The elite bodyguards disguised as ordinary police officers, but also complete the cultivation of the crystal shovel in a flash, just to see the colorful, beautiful shapes and murderous flames of these crystals, these people are not as simple as ordinary patrols. .

The two groups of people, just in front of each other, staggered each other, immediately recognized the identity of the other party, did not hesitate to simultaneously shot, whistling bullets, burning black light and piercing chain saw sword, shocking sword collision, became the only language !

They are not the only pieces that have been moved in this assassination game.

There are more assassins and bodyguards who have torn the camouflage, or shot to Jin Yuyan, or they are unwilling to stand in front of Jin Yuyan and protect Jin Yuyan from leaving.

Li Yao even scanned more than 30 sniper points between the tall buildings, and at least thirty or fifty snipers were locking Jin Yuyan or each other!

But these people are not the targets that Li Yao really wants to find. Their strength and fire are still a little worse, not enough to become the protagonist of this assassination game.

"Black flag king, red lady, hanged ghost and dead sea return to you... you ‘four great deaths’, where are you hiding, come out, give me out!”

Li Yao squinted and passed through thirty "spiritual mosquitoes" to firmly lock the smoke around, the chaotic market, every detail.

At this moment, the psionic fluctuations not far from the next door suddenly became chaotic, and then, noisy exclamations and fighting sounds were heard.

"It seems that the assassin brothers who thought about going together have been eyeing the defenders of the Wanshang Commercial League. That is to say, it is no longer safe, we will definitely be targeted, at least Check it out."

Li Yaotou did not return, "Jialing, clean up, ready to go!"

Li Jialing put all the pieces on the ground into the Qiankun ring, once again wearing a large black goggles, wrapped in a hooded cloak, nodded.

"After going out, split up, your task is to collect as much information as possible, I will go to Jin Yuyan to talk about it!"

Li Yao smiled slightly, "Go!"

He crossed his fingers and pointed at the wall in front of him.

There was a brilliance in the palm of your hand, and there were colorful ripples on the wall.

The mind is moving, the spirit is able to breathe, the wall is silent and the powder is turned into a powder, and a huge hole appears.

And not only the wall in front of it, but behind the wall between them and the street, all the same holes appeared.

"Hey! Hey!"

Li Yao and Li Jialing turned into two streams of light, and before the defenders had discovered and blocked them, they rushed into the smoky streets and the chaotic crowds.

Li Jialing was huddled in shape and disappeared into the mountains and seas.

Li Yao is really like a muddy or squid. It goes up against the current and has gone through the “commodity trading market”.

At the same time, every detail of the chaotic world around us, including temperature, wind direction, humidity, every micro-expression on the face of panicked people, the actions of assassins and bodyguards being strangled, the sniper points between tall buildings, and the distance The crowds surrounded by Jin Yuyan all turned into a series of mysterious and complicated data, which appeared in his mind with an unobstructed attitude.

"Yao Ge, I am ready!"

Li Jialing’s voice came from a communication chip that was closely attached to Li Yao’s ear. “However, it’s too confusing here. It’s not clear who the assassin is, who is the bodyguard!”

"It doesn't matter, these guys who are playing ping-pong" are all supporting roles, not important, focusing on the people around Jin Yuyan."

Li Yao’s eyes are shaped like ghosts. He is heading in the direction of Jin Yuyan. There are three hundred meters, two hundred meters and one hundred meters from Jin Yuyan. “If I didn’t guess wrong, the four families must buy the four big ones. One of the death gods, and this 'death god' is now at the side of Jin Yuyan, and will soon launch a fatal blow!"


Li Jialing sucked a cold air. "Jin Yu Yan is not very dangerous? Yao Ge, you are so excited to assassin, it is playing with fire!"

"No problem, everything is in my hands, the assassin has no chance!"

Li Yao smiled slightly, and the dragon was in the invisible state under the control of the **** demons, hiding in the smoke in the air, condescending, locking everyone around Jin Yuyan.

"Now, Jin Yuyan has been protected by my all-round protection, and I don't even want to tie him to an embroidery needle!"

Li Yao said to Li Jialing.

At this moment, seeing Jin Yuyan coming back to his long armored car in the crowd of bodyguards, the change suddenly occurred!

The three bodyguards around him, as well as the four luxury businessmen not far away, suddenly saw the fierce light, the killing suddenly condensed to the limit, shot to Jin Yuyan!

In a tall building not far away, there is also an unspeakable killing, such as the flood of the dyke.

"A good sniper!"

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank.

He had just scanned the possible sniper positions in the surrounding high-rise buildings for dozens of times, and found that there was still such a powerful sniper hidden here.

This person is the most horrible sniper seen by Li Yao in his life. It is very likely that he will reach the realm of the gods. He only perceives the existence of this person, which makes Li Yaosheng feel a sense of horror.

"Is it you, red lady?"

One of the four killer organizations, the **** leader Red Lady, is the empire's leading gun master, especially good at long-distance killing. Besides her, Li Yao really can't think of anyone else who can bring him this snake. A sense of horror.

Just as the seven assassins hiding in the face of Jin Yuyan showed their faces, when they rushed to Jin Yuyan, the suspected "Red Lady" super sniper also made a fatal blow. The bullets slipped out of the gun and disappeared. In the void, the distance between the two is swallowed up by the distance, until the head of Jin Yuyan is only twenty or thirty meters, and it is very abruptly drilled out of the void.

Everyone’s attention was on the close assassination of the seven assassins, and no one noticed that the silent bullets were coming.

Only Li Yao, always firmly locked the ballistics, the dragon dragon turned into a fierce blood mang, unbiased, the bullets flew out, and Jin Yuyan passed by!

"There are me ‘vulture Li Yao’, and today, no one wants to move Jin Yuyan a hair!”

Li Yao sneered, and the words in the line, full of strong self-confidence over the confidence of the gods!

In the next second, Jin Yuyan’s head is like a watermelon falling from the tenth floor, and the whole burst.

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