Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2529: All exposed!

This scene is like a whole bucket of bright red paint, dumped on the heavy and colorful pictures.

The head of Jin Yuyan disappeared, and the blood rushed out of the cavity, splashing three or four stories high, and spraying it on everyone around.

The headless corpse fluttered with hands and feet, and after a while, he slammed and slammed his face.

The hot and violent air seemed to freeze in an instant. Everyone was stunned and stiff for three seconds. I couldn’t believe the commercial hegemon on the periphery of the Empire. Jin Yuyan, the general deacon of Wanjie Commercial League, was like this... dead?

In particular, Li Yao, a pair of eyes almost squirted his eyes, turned into two meteors and smashed into the body of Jin Yuyan: "... no, there is nothing wrong!"

"Yao Ge -"

Li Jialing’s voice came from far away, and there was an indescribable mistake. “Jin Yuyan seems to be, oh, seems to be headshot?”

"Impossible, no reason, it is an illusion, I can't lie to me!"

Li Yao is simply trying to scratch his head and squatting. "Jin Yuyan can't be so dead - I have locked in every inch of space around him, whether it's bullets, shrapnel, mysterious light or ultra-high compression venom. I can't escape my eyes! I can use the character and reputation to guarantee, no, I can even use the head to guarantee, just absolutely, absolutely, absolutely no external force, invaded the head of Jin Yuyan!

"No matter how many mana on the sniper bullet, no matter how much magical power it is applied to, it is impossible for me to smash so far, but I can also tear the head of Jin Yuyan by ripples, impossible!

"I can say very low-key and very responsibly, that is, the **** black star emperor Wu Yingqi is here, and it is impossible to pass my eyes and sneak out of Jin Yuyan!"

For a moment, Li Yao’s head slammed, and every brain cell seemed to be an overloaded crystal brain, which even distorted the surrounding air.

In a chaotic market, Li Yao was the first person to calm down.

Jin Yuyan’s death is awkward, the game is not over yet, or just started!


Li Yao’s thoughts were like an invisible arc, and in the direction of the sniper bullets, the sniper between the two tall buildings entangled.

He can clearly perceive that the sniper of the sacred ranks, while shooting a bullet, does not hesitate to push the speed to the limit, retreat to the periphery of the market, and even ignore the results of his own.

An excellent sniper will always save himself more important than destroying the target. This assassin, who is suspected of being one of the four death gods, is obviously not stupid to stay in place and arrested.

Perhaps she is more confident, this gun will definitely have the life of Jin Yuyan.

When Li Yao’s thoughts were quietly entangled in her, she had already smashed into the kilometer like a poisonous snake with wings, and was about to disappear from the search of everyone by high-rise buildings and intricate pipelines.

At this moment, from the depth of the other two streets outside the "commodity trading market", two equally powerful forces suddenly emerged, and the assassin suspected of "Red Lady" chased the past.

From the voluptuous wave that they erupted in an instant, and the speed of moving in a small space, it is very likely that it is also a combat-type cultivator of the **** series!

"The three death gods have already appeared!"

Li Yao thought to turn the electricity. "Assuming the intelligence is correct, the security of the Seven Seas Market and Jin Yuyan is really responsible for the 'Four Great Deaths' of the past, and one of the 'Death' Red Lady has just turned a sneak attack on Jin Yuyan. The two 'death gods' reacted and found the betrayal of their companions to catch the red lady.

"Then, the most critical question is coming - there is a 'death', where is it, what do you want to do!"

No matter how confusing the situation is, as long as you grasp the most critical issues, you can find a whole clear line.

The key now is that the three super-killers suspected of "three deaths" have already escaped from here, leaving only the last super-killer of the gods series has not revealed their identity, and it is very likely to be hidden in " Next to the body of Jin Yuyan, then...

Li Yao took a deep breath and his eyes condensed into thousands of invisible ice cones, sweeping away again around the body of "Jin Yu Yan".

He suddenly found two very strange things, or two very embarrassing people.

First of all, it is a female bodyguard with a tall, tall, and brutal face.

From the very beginning, the female bodyguard took the luxury extended bulletproof car with Jin Yuyan. After Jin Yuyan got off the bus, she also stayed with her master. It should be the most personal bodyguard trusted by Jin Yuyan.

However, in the case of a bodyguard, this woman who looks like a chimpanzee is too incompetent.

First of all, compared with other bodyguards, her strength is too weak. From the perspective of the ripple pattern of the ripples and the magnetic field of life, her spirit is more than enough, but she lacks long-term high-intensity combat training. The psionic output is long and long, and it is very persistent. However, it lacks the explosive power to rise to the extreme for a short time. It is not suitable for combat. It is more suitable for activating brain cells, managing or creating types of work.

She may have cultivated a certain secret method, changed and concealed her true kinetic corrugation pattern, and even Li Yao was smashed by her at the beginning, but at this moment the world is in chaos, everyone is highly alert, and she subconsciously reveals herself. The habitual release of psionic energy is naturally understood by Li Yao, a master above the **** of ecstasy.

Secondly, bodyguards are very special occupations. It is necessary to regard the life of an employer as more important than their own life. As a personal bodyguard of Jin Yuyan, even if the strength is not good, the loyalty is absolutely beyond doubt.

After Jin Yuyan was headshot, other bodyguards swarmed up, even if they knew that there was no hope, they still protected the body of Jin Yuyan.

Only this female bodyguard has shrunk back and forth, and her eyes are still moving around, as if waiting for someone to save her.

Unless Jin Yuyan blinks, how can I find such a weak and awkward woman to be her own bodyguard?

The second person is standing in a white fur coat with a bald coat on his finger and a colorful head with a colorful ring. It looks like a rich and no-frills.

When I was calm and calm, this person was born with Jin Yuyan’s laughter. It should be an old acquaintance of Jin Yuyan, a very influential merchant in the outer world of the empire.

But at this moment, other merchants are rushing to flee, for fear of being assassined by Jin Yuyan.

Only this bald upstart seemed to flee outwards, but actually took an arc, disguised by the chaotic crowd, and quietly approached the female bodyguard like the gorilla.

The "Three Deaths" have escaped and chased after Li Yao's perception, at least a dozen miles away.

A large number of bodyguards and guards are not surrounded by the headless bodies of Jin Yuyan. They are the four family assassins who have been exposed to the hunt and killing. They have no time to take care of this female bodyguard like a gorilla.

The female bodyguards have already discovered the intention of the bald-up nouveau riche, but they have not retreated. Instead, they have seized the life-saving straw and voluntarily greeted the bald-headed upstarts.

Li Yao can perceive that the calf muscles of the bald-upper are slowly tightened, and the pores of the body are slightly shrunk - this is a precursor to the beast's initiation of the raid.


Numerous Mars detonated at the same time in Li Yao's eyes, and all the clues came together in series, and came to an astonishing conclusion.

Before the thoughts had been reflected, the Xiaolong, which was controlled by the blood-colored demons, had completely broken away from the invisible condition and turned into a fierce **** light, which hit the back of the bald-headed upstart.

Just as the Xiaolong was turned into a **** light, the bald head had already invaded the female bodyguard within ten meters. He reached out to the female bodyguard and put a smile on his face. It seemed that the female bodyguard was "reliable." Give it to me."

But the next second, mixed with his fingertips, thin as a flap, sharp and unsightly streamer, rushing toward the neck and heart of the female bodyguard, just like dozens of invisible and invisible flying blades!

If there are no accidents, dozens of flying blades will easily cut the throat, carotid and cervical vertebrae of the female bodyguard and chop up her internal organs.

It is also possible to pierce her eyes and thoroughly stir her brain into a pot of tofu.

However, the sudden attack of the blood-colored demons was greatly out of the expectation of the bald-headed upstart, which made him bend over and dodge a little, and the speed was delayed by half a second.

Taking a half-second delay, Li Yao couldn't take care of it again. The cloak that was shrouded in the whole body was filled with psionic power. The bald head of the bald head smashed his head and covered his head. He flew to the panicked female bodyguard. .


Li Yao’s fingertips also flashed a few crystal-clear, thin, flap-like blades, which collided with the flying heads of the bald heads. The speed of both sides was almost overwhelming, and the naked eye could not see it. Only Li Yao was seen. The cloak that flew out was instantly torn into thousands of miles, even lit by the splashing Mars!

"Got you!"

Li Yao completely blocked the front of the female bodyguard, and the corner of his mouth evoked a cold smile. The one-second confrontation told him that the bald nouveau riche was also a master above the gods.

Li Yaoke does not think that the tycoons of the outer world of the empire can have such combat power. He must be one of the black flag king, the red lady, the hanged ghost or the returning sea.

The Red Lady has escaped, and the hanged ghost is a ghost repair. Then this person is not a black flag king, or a dead sea.

As one of the top apothecists in the periphery of the empire, in the case of "Jin Yu Yan" being killed, why should we entangle a female bodyguard, even with such a hot means, it will be insignificant Female bodyguards are dead?

There is only one answer. The only thing that has just been headshot is not the real Jinyuyan. It is just a substitute. After Li Yao’s appearance, this “female bodyguard”, which looks like a big five, ugly and barbaric, like a female orangutan, is the real golden word!

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