Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2530: Take the road and run wild!

"Since you have torn the disguise, let me see your true face!"

Li Yao snorted and protected the female bodyguard behind him. He grabbed it with the bald head of the bald head, but scratched it with an understatement. The virtual sky suddenly appeared three major handprints overlapping. The first priority was the psionic turbulence. The second is the surging of the air, and the third is the **** color of the delicate, like three big hands, while catching the bald head.

The bald nouveau riche never dreamed of dreaming. Just when he was about to succeed, he would have a peerless master like Li Yao, and his face changed instantly.

Perceiving the power of Li Yaoyun hiding in the fingerprints, he did not dare to fight hard, but his body shape shrank. He drilled out from the white suede and used the white suede as a "replacement" to the fingerprint of Li Yao. It’s a shadowy speedback!

In a flash, this person's skin turned out to be a soft and dense jelly, constantly changing and shaping. From the bald-headed man of Niu Gaoma, to a thin and small mediocre man, the five senses are unremarkable, such as a mirror. It’s a big impression.

No matter whether the tears of Li Yao’s handprints or the entanglement of the **** devils driving the dragons, they could not keep this person. He was like a smoke that suddenly gathered and fluttered, and instantly fell to hundreds of meters away. The bodyguards and guards are in the middle.

At this moment, it has been three minutes since Li Yao first detonated the smoke bomb. The entire seven-sea market has a big bell, and the defenders with guns are constantly flooding from all directions.

This man, who looks like a mirror, stares at Li Yao deeply. The squinting look is like an instant insight into Li Yao’s identity. Then he gently presses his finger on his ear and screams: "Catch the personal deacon of the deacon, and the superb killer who describes the wretchedness - they are the accomplices to kill the deacon!"

This mirror-like man seems to have a high position in the defensive power of the Wanshang Commercial League. He ordered, "唰唰唰唰", countless pairs of eyes suddenly shot at Li Yao and female bodyguards, and also shot Countless muzzle locks the mysterious light.

Li Yao smashed the "describe of the wretched super killer" who was in his eyes, suddenly bursting into the flame of anger.

I want to make a bang to get rid of this mirror-like man, but if the other party is really the ace of the gods, and is defended by so many defenders, it is not his inferiority.

What's more, his purpose is not to kill anyone, but to protect Jin Yuyan's thoughtfulness, but also to stabilize the situation in the big market of the Seven Seas, and to draw the entire Wanshang business alliance to his side.

Even if he disregarded all the killings and killed the seven seas market, the Wanshang Business Alliance fell apart and even killed the mirror-like man. It was nothing more than a marriage for the four major families.


Li Yaotou did not return. He said to the gorilla-like female bodyguard behind him. "This big, big sister, you are not a woman, but a gold jade? You must be Jin Yuyan, or else my first name will be full." If you are Jin Yuyan, you will soon stop the fire under your command. You have just seen it. The bald man spurts dozens of flying blades from the fingers to kill you. I spared no effort to save your life. He is a bad person, I am a good person, and I will order your men to grab him!"

The gorilla-like female bodyguard did not respond for a long time.

When Li Yao looked back, she found that the look of "her" was so extreme that it was like a heartbreaking thing.

Until Li Yao called her for the second time, her look became stunned and whispered: "Go!"


Li Yao is puzzled.

The other party did not deny the identity of his "Jin Yu Yan", but since "She" is the general deacon of Wan Wan Commercial Alliance, Jin Yuyan, can't you order all bodyguards and guards?

Not waiting for Li Yaoli to clear his mind, the ferocious firepower has turned into a heavy rain, and the two men shook their heads and covered their heads.

Even with the revision of Li Yaohua's **** series, it is impossible to see the firepower of hundreds of crystal scorpions and thousands of battle scorpions as nothing.

What's more, he still needs to protect Jin Yuyan. Jin Yuyan is a management-oriented god. He is also fighting in the Yuan Ying period. He was bombarded by thousands of crystal magnetic guns at the same time.

"Booming and banging!"

A series of fireballs exploded in the periphery of the psionic shield that Li Yao rushed together, as if he and Jin Yuyan were thrown into the sun oven and baked. The fire walls of thousands of degrees in all directions were everywhere, and they could not be squeezed toward the center. If Li Yao’s spirit is so strong, it’s just that this round of volley is enough to melt every cell of the two.

When the fireball was slightly dimmed, Li Yao released the search for the gods, and the mirror-like man had disappeared without a trace.

Li Yao secretly snorted, and Shen Shen expanded like a tide, activated all the Qiang Kun ring that he had discarded in the garbage bins and corners of the street, and released all the smoke bombs, shock bombs and screaming bullets.

Once again, the big market of the Seven Seas vibrated like a landslide. The entire space was covered by the thick fog of ink. Even the search and communication of the gods were cut off. The defenders and the assassins from the four families were lost. The goal, they exclaimed, and followed the sound in the exclamation.

Li Yao’s toes drew a circle on the ground, and the spirit could perfuse on the feet and squatted, suddenly pulling out a hole in the floor.

The Seven Seas market is not built on solid planets. Even the asteroids at the core are riddled with thousands of holes thousands of years ago. Their feet are actually layers of pipes and decks.

Li Yao dragged Jin Yuyan and ran through the seven-story deck in one breath. Each time he passed through the first layer, he released more smoke bombs from the Qiankun ring that he carried with him. He turned the upper and lower seven layers, and the ten miles were turned into black smoke and darkness. Dark forest.

"Hey, big sister, should you call you 'old brother'?"

Behind him was a bullet in the rain, surrounded by shouting, Li Yao suspected that Jin Yuyan did not run fast enough, simply put the other side on his shoulders and pushed the speed to the limit. "If you are really Jin Yuyan, you should always know what secret road, What about the secret room? Where are we going?"

"...this side!"

The female bodyguard, who looks like a gorilla, hesitated for a long time and finally made up her mind to believe in Li Yao and directed him.


Li Yao’s thoughts are stirring, and the spirit can invade the supervised crystal eye within ten miles as a super storm, so that all the crystal eyes are shattered, and the directions of all defenders and followers are clearly scanned, and a perfect hiding can be set. Open everyone's line and fly forward.

After a full six hours of intricate and complicated labyrinthine streets, maintenance pipelines and abandoned residential areas, they opened everyone and came to Jin Yuyan’s “safe house”.

This is an abandoned warehouse. The thermostat has a problem, the temperature is extremely low, the water is dripping into ice, and there is no lighting, dark and deep, like a huge steel coffin.

Li Yaokong has a brute force, but he can't break the ring quickly. He can only escape the road for six hours under the rain of bullets. Rao is his cultivation above the gods, and he will be somewhat discouraged. The chimpanzee-like female bodyguard was thrown aside, and she gasped in the corner, and started the communication with the little lion: "Jialing, what is the situation outside?"

"The situation is very confusing, but it is gradually being controlled."

Li Jialing said, "It is said that the four major electorate families bought the most powerful assistants around Jin Yuyan. The former ace assassin, the leader of the **** killer group, 'Red Lady', killed Jin Yuyan.

"Now the Red Lady and her ‘slow **** killer’, as well as other killers sent by the four families, are fleeing around, the dogs are jumping off the wall, and they are recalcitrant, but they should not escape.”

"This way..."

Li Yao scratched his chin. He knew very well that no matter whether the four big families had bought the red lady, her shot was lost. Even if Jin Yuyan’s substitute was not killed by the Red Lady, “So, now the Seven Seas Who cares about the market, since Jin Yuyan has been killed, there are always people who come out to lead the overall situation?"

"There are two people."

Li Jialing said, "One is the senior deacon of the Wanshang Business Alliance, Qi Yuanbao. This person has always been in charge of mercenary and black market arms trading in the Wanshang Business Alliance. He is also the general manager of the security of the Seven Seas Market, and the general deacon is To assassinate such an earth-shattering event, he certainly has to clean up the mess.

"There is another one, that is, Jin Yuyan's wife, hey, it should be the will of the 'Wu Yingqin heart'. She is the deacon of the Wanjie Business Alliance. The network and power are not small. Jin Yuyan is dead, and all the shares are naturally returned to the will. All, so she came out and Qi Yuanbao joined forces to maintain the situation, no one disagreed."

"Jin Yuyan's ... Wills?"

Li Yao lingered for a long time, turned to look at the gorilla female bodyguard who described it as a dry and ugly, always felt that the other side of the head was faintly green, and paused, and praised, "Yes, in just a few hours, Collecting so much intelligence?"

"It's okay."

Li Jialing faintly said, but could not conceal the pride in the voice, explained, "There were two four family assassins who rushed to the road and ran to me. I wanted to kill me, but I was asked by my torture. Some key intelligence."

"Well, you continue to stay outside, there are new changes in the situation, contact me again, and, be careful, such as the "Four Great Deaths", the level of the Assassin, even if the realm is not the highest, but killing The technique is absolutely sharp, not that you can just provoke it. If you really encounter it, don't fall in love, run your legs and run - the husband can bend and stretch, tactical retreat, after thirty or fifty years, come back for revenge in a hundred years. Not shame!"

Li Yao had a thousand miles to Li Jialing. This cut off the communication and looked back at the dejected female bodyguard.

He stared at the two big things on the chest of the other side, and scanned it carefully for a while, still not sure.

I have the heart to release my thoughts and scan it in the other's crotch. It seems that... not very good.

I remembered it carefully. When I was carrying the other side and rushing, I didn’t seem to be caught up with anything. So, is this ancient "woman" really a golden word?

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