Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2531: The imprisoned spirit!


Li Yao and the stout woman who looks a little like a chimpanzee face each other for a while, feeling that the atmosphere is somewhat inexplicable, or relying on his three-inch tongue to actively open the deadlock, "What, you are the old gold, Jin Yuyan, the general deacon of Wanjie Commercial League? You don’t always have to be a woman? No, no, I don’t mean to discriminate against women. I believe that the heroine can achieve a world-shocking career, but only You are all people with wives... Oh, the latest news, your wife and your group’s senior director of the black market weapons, mercenary platform and security guards, Qi Yuanbao, are together, instead of controlling the seven seas market, They have already publicized your death, and it seems that they are completely giving up on you and want to dominate the Wanmeng Business Alliance."

A chimpanzee-like woman stared at Li Yao. Her two eyes were like two layers of frosted glass. Li Yao couldn’t guess what she was thinking.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Qi Yuanbao was the man who first disguised as a bald head, wearing white suede, and later like the light smoke in the mirror, right?"

Li Yao spread his hands and showed his sincerity of 120,000 points. "If you are really Jin Yuyan, even if it is not a combat-type cultivator, you should be able to perceive the guy's hostility and murder at the crucial moment? If not, I will promptly shoot. You have long been smashed into seven or eighty pieces by his flying blade! One more thing, your avatar is not killed by long distance, the deadly sniper bullet is disturbed by me in time, and your avatar Passing by, and I promise that when your substitute brain bursts, there is no external force on his head.

"In other words, it is a certain force from inside the brain that makes him headshot. What is going on here? I believe you can tell me the answer."

A woman like a chimpanzee still straightens her eyes, like an ugly black steel statue, as if immersed in her own world. Even Li Yao can't figure out if she is listening attentively.

"Don't you be a woman, has always been a woman dressed as a man?"

Li Yao frowned deeply, rubbing his chin gently, and his eyes showed a wise light, and he nodded. "I understand that the real Jinyuyan was originally a woman, but it was mixed in the chaotic sea of ​​the empire. The identity of a woman is real. Too inconvenient, so the woman dressed as a man out to walk the rivers and lakes.

"Maybe at first, it was just a last resort, but as the status rose, or for other reasons, there was no way to make the real gender public, or even to cover up, I had to find a fake wife. - Wu Yingqin heart.

"However, the commercial overlord on the surface of the Xinghai, no matter how much money and power is controlled, is a woman after all, even if all kinds of tools and magic weapons are used, they can never satisfy their own fake wife Wu Yingqin. We all know that women Once long-term desires are dissatisfied, it is quite, quite, and quite terrible. Wu Yingqin is not willing to keep his life alive, and naturally he wants to move.

"As for Qi Yuanbao, what kind of role does it play in it? Is it just your fake wife's gimmick, or is there a more complicated and complicated triangle relationship? For example, it is also your lover? Otherwise, why? Trust him so much and give him the most important safety work.

"Is it true that the truth is like this - you and your fake wife Wu Yingqin, and fell in love with Qi Yuanbao, so between them, a strong smoldering fire, led to a tragedy stage? This is really a thrilling human tragedy..."

A woman like a chimpanzee, the frosted glass in her eyes finally broke.

If her eyes can spurt blood, then she must smear tens of thousands of blood arrows and shoot Li Yao.

"Are you saying enough?"

A chimpanzee-like woman stared at Li Yao, her teeth biting and squeaking, and she said, "What are you talking about! What gimmicks, what triangles, what dissatisfaction! I am of course Man, a real man, a woman dressed as a man is a ghost, and at the same time fall in love with Qi Yuanbao is a ghost, a third-rate romance drama!"

"Ah, you finally spoke up!"

Li Yao smiled and licked his nose, and looked up and down a few times. He said, "I also think that the real Jinyuyan is unlikely to be a woman. It is not a good idea to lie like this! But It’s hard to believe that you are not a woman, watching you so...

"Of course, repairing to achieve the level of the gods, you can freely regulate the hormone secretion in the body. If you forcibly suppress your own male hormones and secretly secrete female hormones, it may indeed cause earth-shaking changes, but it also becomes too Exaggerated a bit, I am in this body, I can't see the traces of a man at all!"

"Crap, of course, you can't see the traces of a man. This body is originally a woman, a real, 100% woman."

A woman like a chimpanzee is gloomy. "But I am a golden man. I have been a man since my life. I have never been a man in my life.


Li Yaofei blinked his eyes. "What does this mean? Jin Yuyan is a man, you are Jin Yuyan, but your body is a woman, isn't it-"

Li Yao thought of an incredible possibility, and his face suddenly became very strange.

"Yes, this is not my real body."

A woman like a chimpanzee - Jin Yuyan first smiled, then sighed a long, sullen, and muttered, "My soul is imprisoned in a woman's body, can't escape!"

Li Yao thought about electricity, and for a long time he said: "So, is it a resurgence? If it is a win, this body is not so good - this is obviously a body of Wu Fufu, but it is not the top The warrior, and the growth pattern of the brain is also more prone to short battles, rather than long-term stable thinking, and your soul and soul characteristics are incompatible with each other, what is going on here? Why are you being locked in, or cheating Such a body?"

"It’s not a reincarnation, it’s a mystery called ‘transitioning the big law’, but it’s similar to the reincarnation, just—”

Jin Yuyan stared at Li Yao. His eyes were like falling into a trap. He was like a wolf with his legs caught in his legs. He was mixed with ferocity, despair, suspiciousness, anger and hatred. He hurriedly gasped. "Who are you?" Why do you want to save me, and why do I believe in you?"

Li Yao originally did not intend to hide his identity in front of Jin Yuyan. His hands were on his face, and all the potions and artificial skin were wiped out. He also fine-tuned the direction of the facial muscles. He smiled slightly at Jin Yuyan: "Old gold, yes I."

"Is you... vulture Li Yao?"

Jin Yuyan once again spit out a sigh of gas, slightly relaxed the three-pointed vigilance, but added another seven points of doubt.

On the journey of the reformist marching into the emperor, Li Yao and Jin Yuyan were the generals of the imperial emperor Li Linghai. Although the two were not very familiar, they also had several faces. Therefore, Jin Yuyan recognized Li Yao at a glance. come out.

However, he obviously also knows Li Yao’s current situation, his brows are locked and muttered. “I don’t understand. The intelligence from the emperor said that you have betrayed the reformists, invested in the four major families, and also let us All the killer organizations are carrying out a full-scale pursuit of you.

"But, if you really rely on the four big families, watching my true body and the substitute are assassinated, is not the best choice, why do you want to save me - twice?

"Still, do you want to persuade me to also rely on the four big families!"

Jin Yuyan’s eyes suddenly sharpened.

Even if the soul is not living in his true body, he still releases the real flames of the whole body, closes his eyes and sighs. "If you become a king, you will be gambling and lose. I will painstakingly plan a hundred-year gamble. After all, I will be defeated. But if I want to surrender, I can't think about it - I am tired, I don't want to change my door, I will spend another hundred years and kill me."

"Old gold, you misunderstood."

Li Yao still smiled and said, "I have never been bought by the four major families. On the contrary, from the beginning to the end, I am the most determined reformist, the true cultivator, the right cultivator, the patriotic cultivator!

"Because I am so pure, just and patriotic, I was not allowed to be filthy, expelled and chased by the gangsters and the ambitious people who were mixed into the reformist team!

"The reason why I came to the Seven Seas Market to find you is that I believe that Laojin is also a pure, determined and just patriot and a cultivator. It is a true reformist, so I will join you and will be 'innovative.' The empire's battle flag continues to fight, giving this decaying and declining real human empire a radical change!"


This sentence is a resurgence of Jin Yuyan, who is so utterly disillusioned, and his eyes are shining with amazing light, as if to pierce Li Yao’s bone marrow, organs and spirits. He tried to say, “You are a 'real revolutionist’, then 'Who is the villain and the ambitious home', who is Li Linghai? Li Linghai wants to be the regent of the empire or the chief of the Senate. This is a well-known thing and part of our transaction. It is no big deal. ”

"Yes, in the future blueprint of the reformist, no matter whether Li Linghai wants to be the regent of the empire or the chief of the Senate, or even some kind the role of the imperial queen, it is no big deal, the title is just the title, the innovation Other forces are naturally confident that they can hold her back and achieve a certain balance of power. Her prestige is not enough. When she dies, her power naturally disappears."

Li Yao said faintly, "But if it is not Li Linghai, but... Wu Yingqi? If the reformists and the four families lose both sides, they will jump out and win the fruits of innovation. On the throne of the throne is the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, how ?"

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