Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2532: Is it sincere?

"Tick, ticking, ticking."

On the broken condensing pipe, there are constantly drops of water, which makes the quiet atmosphere in the frozen warehouse more secret.

Li Yao used a full ten minutes. In the future, the context and the current general situation were described to Jin Yuyan. Then he clenched his fists and looked at each other with innocent eyes. He said in the most sincere voice: "Trust me, old. Kim, every word I say is true - now we are the last hope of the reformist, the last hope of the empire, the real avenue of cultivation, the last hope! No matter how frustrating you are. Suddenly, don't give up hope, spur your courage, and fight with me for Xiuxian Avenue!"

It took Jin Yuyan another five minutes to digest what Li Yao said.

He closed his eyes and pondered for a long time. When he blinked again, his eyes were full of deep and wise light.

Jin Yuyan extended the first finger: "Let me confirm it again, you mean, we are the ancestors of the immortal, the black star emperor Wu Yingqi is resurrected, and he is attached to the body of the imperial queen Li Linghai, actually he Manipulating everything behind the scenes, in order to recapture the Supreme Throne from the hands of the four great families?"

Li Yaomen nodded: "Yes!"

Jin Yuyan extended a second finger: "Then, because he was just born again, he was so alone that he was afraid of exposing his identity and would be killed by the four major families. Therefore, he relied on the power of the Wanshang Business Alliance and even the reformists. Even I am the chess piece that he used?"

Li Yao continued to nod: "Right, your understanding is really strong!"

Jin Yuyan extended a third finger: "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is only using me, Wanjie Commercial League and the Reformed Party. Although they all share the same enemy 'four major elector families', but he is actually more than four If the big family is more conservative and arbitrarily 'the imperial power', if he is really robbed of the fruits of innovation, he will surely turn his face and ruthlessly, killing the revolutionaries and destroying the free star and the Wanshang business alliance?"


Li Yaomei danced. "Wu Yingqi is incompatible with you and my heart. He can't be an innovationist at all. It is a hundred times more imperial than the four electors. Because he is the biggest imperial power. Incarnation! Including the turmoil in the big market of the Seven Seas, and obviously his shadow emerges in the darkness. Isn't this enough to explain the problem?"

Jin Yuyan extended a fourth finger: "So, now I can only cooperate with you, relying on my financial resources, the ability to operate in the capital market, the connections and relationships in the outer world of the empire, plus your invincible force, Can we compete with the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi and the four electorate families, and implement the concept of 'innovation of the Empire' into the entire Xinghai?"

"You understand it too!"

Li Yao is almost in tears, shouting "Long live understanding" and even shooting thighs. "It's all right, that's it. Now we are the savior of the reformist. We are the real reformists. We are the future." The ruler of the empire, you have financial resources, I have invincible force, we are a perfect match, the best ally! I am optimistic about you, really old gold, the average person hears such earth-shattering and shocking news, it must be stupid for a long time. But God came, I didn’t expect you to take it out so quickly, and sort out the key. With this calm and brainpower, I’m absolutely optimistic about you. After the event, don’t say that you are the empire’s finance minister, even if you are the prime minister. It’s more than enough.”

Jin Yuyan said: "Oh."

Li Yaodao: "What does ‘oh’ mean?”

Jin Yuyan said faintly: "‘oh’ means ‘hehe’.”

Li Yaodao: "What does ‘hehe’ mean?”

Jin Yuyan is cold and cold: "Oh, that's what I don't believe you."

"I have been here, you still don't believe me?"

Li Yaozhen’s eyes were wide, his eyes were filled with grievances, his face was full of shocks, and he slammed his fists. “Old gold, you want to be clear, even if I really want to lie to you, I will not make up the 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’. Resurrection 'so exaggerated lies? I even have a video of my battle with Wu Yingqi, this is true!"

"Yes, this is true. I don't think you can make such a ridiculous lie."

Jin Yuyan said, "But the most singular lie has always been mixed with a lie in the nine-point truth. You don't lie on this matter, it doesn't mean that you are all telling the truth."

Li Yaodao: "... well, about the phrase 'You have financial resources, I have invincible force', I want to make a small discount. Now, I really don’t have the power to kill the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi. I have seen it through you, your eyes are really poisonous!"

Jin Yuyan said: "The level of force is not the focus. You really have a lot of real effort in the 'golden cockroach, vulture Li Yao'. I am very clear. Although it is not called 'Xinghai Invincible', it is barely enough. However, I can't figure out how to do something. I hope you can help me.

"If you can give me a perfect answer, then it would be fine for me to work with you. Anyway, I am a dying person. No matter how desperate, I will not lose even more."

Speaking of this, Jin Yuyan's eyes are fierce and murderous. It really seems to be a gambler who has lost all his family and wants to bring out life and even the soul.

Li Yaozhen nailed the railroad: "Although the general deacon of Jin asked, Li knows everything and says nothing!"

"Well, since everyone really wants to cooperate and put the flag of the reformist in the end, naturally there should be no concealment. At least the origins of each other must be clear."

Jin Yuyan said, "My family history, everyone knows outside, how to be trapped in a woman's body, and will give you a confession later, but Li Daoyou your roots, teachers and origins, and Can you tell me something?

"You are a god, not a normalized **** - a senior **** who is as good at assassination as Qi Yuanbao. If you have a trick with you, you will not dare to fight hard. Instead, you choose to escape immediately. It is obvious that he is against you. Deeply taboo, how strong is your combat power?

"This kind of super-powered senior god, obviously will not come out of nowhere, there must be a strong force behind you to support.

"In the past 100 years, in order to expand the power of the Wanmeng Business Alliance, I have traveled almost every mountain in the outer world of the Empire. Everyone has a strong understanding of the powerful and hidden families. There is absolutely no such person. .

"And in order to deal with the four electorate families, I also pay great attention to collecting information from the Central Committee of the Xinghai, especially regarding the strong among the nobles. Absolutely, there is absolutely no existence of you.

"So, I can't figure out everything from beginning to end. How did you get out of the sky and suddenly popped out?"

In the face of Jin Yuyan’s questioning, Li Yao smiled easily: “I haven’t said this before with the reformists. I am the dark warrior carefully cultivated by His Royal Highness, who is dedicated to helping her perform the most secretive. The most dangerous, the most unseen task, I haven’t heard my name outside, what's so strange?”

Jin Yuyan nodded: "Yes, you did explain this in the past. At that time, although I was suspicious, I didn't care too much, but at the moment I wanted to come, but it was a big problem - if you are a dark warrior carefully nurtured by His Royal Highness If you want to cultivate to the **** of purification, you should follow her for at least 50 years. How can you betray her and escape from the emperor?"

"Because we have different hearts!"

Li Yao did not hesitate. "Although the Queen's Highness has cultivated me, I was deeply instilled by the idea of ​​the reformist and grew into a true reformist! When I discovered that the Queen's Highness was just a 'reform empire.' 'The idea of ​​being a blind man is to use the reformist to realize his ambitions. Even in her body, there is still a terrible black star emperor Wu Yingqi. I certainly have to part with them, even **** for tat!

"Old gold, we are all people with a heart, are true cultivators, not the four major families who are greedy and fearful of death, and only seek for self-interest, and even if you are willing to die, you are willing to swear, why am I not? can?"

"This is the key that I can't figure out."

Jin Yuyan said, "According to what you just said, you have been following Li Linghai for at least 50 years. It is a hard-hearted confidant that she cultivated. She has astronomical resources on you, and you are not responsible for it. The most powerful dark warrior made countless contributions to her.

"On the other hand, the remnant of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi parasitized to Li Linghai, at least for five or six decades or even longer - Wu Yingqi first provoked the ambition of Li Linghai, and then Li Linghai talented to expand the forces, Train your dark warriors like this.

"So, from the very beginning, the person who trains you should not only be Li Linghai, but should also include Wu Yingqi. Even if Wu Yingqi himself is not convenient to appear, he should instill the idea of ​​'king power first' into your brain through Li Linghai. In the meantime, will you really become an innovationist?

"Don't say that you can't get out of the mud, you have a revolutionary idea and you are unwavering." When you are the weakest, you should accept the dual infusion of Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai for decades. Is it true that the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi can't make up one of the most loyal hawks?

"If even such a hawk dog can easily create its own heart, and even escape from the control of the owner, then I really doubt that the ‘Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’ is a counterfeit.

"This is my biggest doubt. Please ask Li Daoyou to give me a clear answer. Who are you, where are you coming from, and where have you got such tyrannical strength, what you really want, what is it!"

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