Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2533: Can only confess everything

When the golden jade words were finished, the atmosphere at the scene became very embarrassing.

Li Yao squatted on the gang, thinking like a pufferfish that had surfaced for a long time, finally surrendered and said: "It seems... it is difficult to explain, or I can think of 10,000 kinds of explanations, but each one is like Insulting your wisdom, so can we temporarily ignore these insignificant details, sincerely join hands and unify the enemy?"

"What do you say?"

Jin Yuyan said: "I have just been betrayed by my wife and the most trusted subordinates, and become this pair...not male or female, no one is not a ghost, if you can't even tell your identity and purpose, tell me how Cooperate with you?"

"It makes sense."

Li Yao sighed and found a carved dragon and carved phoenix from his arms. He contained a star-studded, brilliant jade, and handed it to Jin Yuyan’s hand: "The mouth is said to be nothing, seeing is believing, about my true identity, please Chief Executive Kim sees it yourself!"

"this is……"

Jin Yuyan narrowed his eyes, his expression became very dignified and weird. His hands held Li Yao's jade in the past, and he was gently rubbed in the palm of his hand. The more he groped, the more surprised he was, the sweat of the size of the soybeans kept rolling from his forehead.

"Since the general deacon of Kim has been in charge of the Wanshang Business Alliance for so many years, it must have been a well-informed and eye-catching person. You should be able to see the origin of this thing."

Li Yao raised his hands and sighed, his face became very incomprehensible and ambiguous. He said, "This thing has been a whole thousand years and has not appeared in the center of Xinghai."

Jin Yuyan couldn't believe it and glanced at Li Yao, and looked at the palm of his hand.

He really is a business tyrant who has gone to the south and knows more about it. He knows how this thing is activated. His hands are bearing a treasure like a lotus flower, which constrains the magnetic field of life into a special unlocking form. The upper part also blooms around.

Then, a stream of light with infinite stars, like a sparkling fountain, immersed the entire frozen warehouse in the vast sea of ​​stars, constantly infinitely beautiful outlines between the stars The silver lines and lines are intertwined with each other, and eventually become a mysterious and magnificent big print.

Despite the illusory light and shadow, it is like a whole planet shrouded, swaying the golden jade, stunned.

"This is...Xinghai Dayin! It was actually passed down from the Xinghai Empire era, the Xinghai Dafa, which was taken away by the Firefly in the collapse of the Xinghai Republic, and the stamp of the solemnity!"

Jin Yuyan’s voice is shaking, and the seal contains thousands of information streams, which converge into a torrent of torrents, rushing into his brain, causing a solemn voice of Huang Zhonglu and his voice to sound in his mind. "I hereby appoint Li Yao as the special envoy of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic..."

This voice reported ten or twenty high-ranking officials and titles. Anyway, listening to the meaning almost allowed Li Yao to represent all the high-ranking duties of the Xinghai Republic, and let him be fully responsible for the Xinghai Republic. The diplomatic, trade, and even war relations of the real human empire.

In short, by Xinghai Da Yin endorsement, Li Yao is the embodiment of the Xinghai Republic!

"You are a self-cultivator. Is it the former emperor who escaped from the center of Xinghai a thousand years ago?"

Jin Yuyan couldn’t think of Li Yao’s identity. This really shocked him. He turned the jade and turned it over for a long time, and even released his own soul to check the seal of Xinghai’s seal. Mana scans the sacred mark left on this official document for dozens of times, still can't believe it.

"Old gold, don't be so cautious. It's not a very glorious identity. Is it necessary for me to lie?"

Li Yao smiled bitterly. "Actually, this person is very low-key. It is not a last resort. I really don't want to take this kind of thing out. I just said that everyone ignores these details. You are not a small belly, nervously don't believe me, I am In desperation, I can tell my true identity. Look at this jade slip that is branded with Xinghai Dayin. Can such documents be forged beforehand? Also, when I first came to the empire, I happened to land in Wuyingjie. I have smashed the 'city of the sky, Manzhushahua', yes, in the face of all the netizens of the whole empire, the mysterious self-cultivator who killed the Quartet is me. I really don’t want this kind of trivial thing. So, really, it’s like I’m boasting, but you don’t believe it, what can I do?”

"It turned out to be you!"

Jin Yuyan stood up and his voice was shaking. "It is you who, by your own power, blasted the city of Sky, Manzhushahua, and completely destroyed the ‘killing live broadcast!’

Li Yao sighed again, helplessly said: "Yes, that's what I did. This is all my cards are exposed... Hey, Kim, the deacon, why your face is so ugly, your principle will not be so strong, one If you see the comprehension, you will not die?"

"That's not there. I don't hate more people who are more self-cultivating than other cultivators."

Jin Yuyan squinted his eyes, his face was faintly green and faint in the black scorpion, and he said one word at a time. "Only, Wu Yingxi has made a joint business with us in the process of building the city of the sky, Manzhushahua." Borrowing more than three billion yuan is one of the biggest loans that our Wanshang Business Alliance has put outside."

Li Yao: "..."

Jin Yuyan: "And, about Wu Yingjun's 'killing live broadcast', I personally are very optimistic, I think this is a high-quality project that can promote our ideas in the long-term, so I invested in my personal venture platform "Jinyu Mantang" The group's investment in more than three billion ventures before and after - this is the money in my own pocket, and has nothing to do with the Wanjie Business Alliance."

Li Yao: "..."

Jin Yuyan: "There are some very talented geniuses in our Wanmeng Business Alliance. They have great potential. We have spent a lot of resources to train crazy weapons research and development experts. We all put them in the 'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua', and Wu Ying. The team of the team worked together on the research and development of cutting-edge magic weapons. Originally, we wanted to develop a large number of cutting-edge magic weapons. We will help us in the future of the rise of the Wanshang Business Alliance. As a result, these weapons research and development experts are all dead, and we are all the business alliance. In the field of weapons research and development, I have been devastated, and I don’t know if I can train a new team of experts in more than ten or twenty years."

Li Yao: "What, old gold, if I now say that I am blowing in the air, 'The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua' is not what I did, just just boasting, showing my strength, hehe, Doesn't it seem to be convincing?"

Jin Yuyan slowly nodded: "There is really no persuasiveness."

Li Yao: "I want to think about it. Even if I didn't destroy the city of Sky, Manzhushahua, your investment and expert team are still there. Isn't it cheaper for your wife and her girl? The wife of the woman's heart and her **** are not as cheap as my self-cultivator. Although I am comprehending, I didn't wear a green hat for you - you see, if you think about it, is your heart more open?"

Jin Yuyan: "...I swear to the endless gods of the nine days and tenths. As long as you say a few more sentences, I will not care about my future, my career, my ideas and my heart, and fight with your shameless dog thief!"

"Don't stop, don't be impulsive, old gold, have something to say, isn't it money?"

Li Yao rushed to surrender. "We don't have any other stars in the Xinghai Republic. It's how much money you have. Calm, you must be calm, everything can be talked about. I will double your compensation for your loss. Let's talk, let's calm down and talk. talk!"

Money is the best sedative, so that Jin Yuyan suddenly recovered from the red-hot, violent state of violently.

He looked at Li Yao for a long time and said: "A comprehension, or a special envoy of the squad of the Xinghai Republic, when it is so stormy and unpredictable, sneaking into the empire to do something?"

"We are not malicious, just want to go home."

Li Yao raised his hands and his face was once again as holy and sincere as a baby. His voice was mellow and gentle. He was mixed with vicissitudes, tiredness and infinite love for his home. "Since the escape from the center of Xinghai a thousand years ago, the firefly has been in full swing. It has been drifting for too long and too long in the dark and cold sea of ​​stars. Our starships have been in disrepair for a long time, our resources are extremely scarce, and our people have long been tired of never-ending escape and exploration.

"The road ahead, I can't see hope at all, and then the firm heart is gone through the year-to-year, day-to-day disappointment. Now we just want to go home, just want to find it in our former home. A small place to live.

"After all, we have been fighting for the signboard of the Xinghai Republic for a whole millennium. No matter how much loyalty our ancestors have for this long-lost country, all of our descendants have tried their best to resist the millennium and surrender. This... ...not shameful, isn't it?

"Only, we don't know what the current real human empire is for us. What is the attitude of the former exiles? It is the intention to kill us all the time, without any compromise, or to say that under certain conditions. Can you talk about it, you can make some kind of transaction and allow us to return to the center of Xinghai?

"So, as a special envoy of the Xinghai Republic, I went back to the empire alone to investigate the current situation of the empire and the position of the authorities. Of course, if you can find a high-level first-hand contact with the authorities, it would be best."

"It turned out that you have been struggling for a whole millennium, and finally found that there is no way to retreat, or do you want to turn around and surrender?"

Jin Yuyan sneered a few times. "It seems that the so-called Taoist heart of your comprehension is just a grandiose signboard and a confusing scorpion."

"The darkness and cruelty of the starry sea is not something you can imagine."

Li Yao said indiscreetly, "In the millennium after leaving the empire, there have been too many difficult things on the firefly, which has made our hearts all... a great degree of change, even standing in the cultivation of immortals. Look at the problem from a perspective."

"No wonder, you have taken the line of Li Linghai. You must think that compared with the four major electorate families, the spirit of Li Linghai is more likely to accommodate the comprehensible. If the reformists can control the political situation of the empire, you will have a return. The hope of the family may even occupy a place in the political situation of the future empire?"

In the eyes of Jin Yuyan, the thunder and lightning did not send, "But Li Linghai believes in you, and will also lead you to confidant, even the generals of our reformists are hiding in the past?"

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