Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2534: Just start the money!

“Li Linghai never really believed me. Just as she never really believed in you, it was just a deal. I opened a condition that she could not refuse.”

Li Yao embraced his arms, his voice was full of temptation, and he licked his lips. "Money, shiny coins, astronomical resources, countless heavenly treasures... We in the Xinghai Republic exile government No, there are some of these things, money, money, and a lot of money!

"Li Linghai no longer hates the self-cultivator, but he does not hate the money of the comprehension. It takes money to overthrow the rule of the four major families. It takes money to rebuild the order of the empire. In the new order of the new empire, you are fighting with the "allies" of you. The supreme power still needs money. What reason does she have to cooperate with me?"

"It makes sense."

Jin Yuyan suddenly realized, and nodded. "Change to me. If someone takes a spar that is full of a planet to trade, I will also cooperate with him, whether he is a comprehension or an extraterrestrial demon or something else. Weird alien life.

"If he is going to make a deal, the spar is enough to pile up a whole world, go to fucking, and ask me to believe in the road of comprehension in the next second!

"The only problem is that you didn't just say that your fireflies have been in disrepair for a long time, lack of resources, and can't persist anymore. So, do you want to come back and surrender? I ask, you have such a group of people who have no way to go, like a flower-like existence, which How much money can you convince the imperial queen?"

Li Yao’s forehead sweats: “This, this one-”

Jin Yuyan narrowed his eyes: "Well?"

Li Yaolian swallowed: "Don't worry, don't stare at me with such doubtful eyes. Give me such a big pressure. Listen to me and explain to you slowly. This is a complicated, real, quite complicated. It needs to be slow, slow, and slow to explain clearly... Yes, our Firefly is indeed in disrepair, resources are scarce, and it has been lost, but at the same time we are very rich, we can say that it is rich in the world. , rich and enemies, this, this is not contradictory! Oops, is it that you are so smart, such a business-minded person, even the obvious reason does not understand?"

Jin Yuyan shook his head: "I don't understand, please continue to explain slowly."

"We, we don't have cash, we don't have the resources to repair the starships and feed the food of all the people, but that doesn't mean we have nothing else!"

Li Yao took a thigh, "Coordinates, we have coordinates!"

Jin Yuyan's eyes are stunned: "What coordinates?"

"The coordinates of the big world!"

Li Yao’s thoughts turn around, and the infinite brain cells explode and gather into a raging river. The river that “hangs the river” is inexhaustible. “You should know that at the height of the ancient civilization, human civilization occupied a total of 3,000. Daqian world, but with the ancient civil war, the rise of the Yaozu, the establishment and collapse of the Xinghai Empire, the war is becoming more and more fierce, the destructive power of the magic weapon is getting stronger and stronger, and countless thousands of worlds are ruined by the war, even their coordinates are Destroyed in the long river of history.

"Until now, the real human empire and the covenant alliance have combined to control a thousand worlds closer to the center of the Xinghai. All other worlds have become dead graves, scattered in the outer periphery of the Xinghai.

"Although it has already died, these worlds have had the atmosphere and highly developed civilizations, and even have a very perfect industrial base and various relics containing secret treasures. As long as they are found, it is very possible to rebuild the atmosphere and the ecosystem and restore them. The prosperity of the past - at least, far more than finding a resource planet that is not suitable for human survival, it is much more convenient and cheaper to forcibly build settlements, right?

"Since the Xinghai Empire, people living in the center of the Xinghai have been expanding outwards, trying to restore the glory of the past three thousand worlds. The heyday of the Xinghai Republic is no exception. We have sent countless exploration fleets and mastered a large amount of astronomy. Data and new route maps - these things, all of which were later taken away by our Firefly, so that the real estate development of the real human empire had to start from scratch. You have spent thousands of years, countless resources, and only the frontiers of the empire. Pushed a little outward.

"Until the last one or two hundred years, because the cost of external development is too high, sending a "star child" to a planet and a planet to jump search efficiency is too low. In fact, the empire has completely abandoned the development.

"But, but only because you don't have precise coordinates. It is of course difficult to find a habitable planet in a billion planets. However, as long as there are relatively precise coordinates, as long as you can restore the vitality of a big world, If you think about it, how much profit does it mean, how many business opportunities are hidden, and how much flooding money can it bring?"

Jin Yuyan's eyes are staring again, his eyes are shining like crystal coins, and his voice is full of the feeling of collision of crystal coins: "You...have mastered the coordinates of the unknown world?"

"No more, just a hundred."

Li Yaodao, "The coordinates of these big worlds have long been stored in the database of the Institute of Foreign Exploration of the Xinghai Republic. They were taken away when we evacuated. Our initial thought was to flee to the periphery of the Xinghai and look for several stable big thousand. The world settled, rebuilding our country in a thousand years, and then trying to counter the central government.

"Unfortunately, when we searched for these big worlds, we found that they had long been destroyed by war, civilizations were dying, or a world like rammed earth, full of rust and desert.

"The resources we carry are too few to reform and rebuild such a waste world. On the other hand, we are afraid of being settled down again and found again by the empire's pursuers. That's all over!

"We can't find one after another, looking for one big world, recording their details, marking a new channel map, but eventually gave up where to settle, continue to escape to the depths of the Xinghai, until finally, resources are exhausted, When I want to go back, it’s too late.

"So, the general deacon of Kim, you understand what I mean. We are like discovering countless treasures, but we are so dizzy that we lack the strength to push open the treasure door. If we don't want to find a way, we must starve to death. Out of the treasures of milk and honey!"

Jin Yuyan finally understood: "So, you know where hundreds of abandoned big worlds are, but they lack the first resources to develop them, that is... start-up funds?"

"Yes, start the fund, the word is used very well. If you don't say I am just a Wufu, you are a business genius!"

Li Yao was so excited that he even shot his thighs, and his voice became more and more tempting. "You must know that those big worlds were very rich and developed. Many of the worlds were famous in the era of ancient times. They are famous for their unimaginable predecessors. There is cultivation there; some worlds are important production and R&D bases for the 30,000-year-old Yaozu dynasty. Labs and arsenals can be found everywhere under the ground, and even the remains of the ruins are everywhere! Unfortunately, we lack large-scale development of them. The start-up funds can only look at the remains of the dusty years. Except for the '哗哗' drooling, nothing can be done.

"Thinking about it, don't want to sit still, if you are hungry with a golden rice bowl, we can only go back to the center of Xinghai to find someone to cooperate. Li Linghai has entered my field of vision.

"At first I thought she was the head of the reformist. I was open to her. I didn't expect her to crouch behind the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

"Even if we dedicate all the worlds that the Firefly has discovered in a thousand years to Wu Yingqi, he can't let us go. In this case, I only escaped and fled to the outside world to discover, and Wu Yingqi and Compared with Li Linghai, you, the leading business tyrant of the real human empire, is itself the chief deacon of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance, which started with Xinghai trade and asteroids. It seems to be a more suitable partner!

"Come on, Laojin, don't hesitate, let go of each other's prejudice, no matter whether you come out to cultivate or cultivate the immortal, it is nothing more than to make a fortune! You think about it, if you find a new world, you can open up hundreds of trade routes. And to rebuild the profits of a big world, including real estate sales, the development of mines and Lingtian, the various head fees for interstellar immigration, hey, I can't count it, or else you can help me calculate?"

Jin Yuyan's breathing is obviously rushing.

Even if he desperately wants to suppress his heartbeat, he is not controlling his own body, or revealing clues inadvertently.

"is this real?"

He asked a nonsense.

"I know that it is very difficult to win the trust of people without saying anything like this."

Li Yao spread his hands and calmly said, "But please think about it from another angle. Even Li Linghai and Wu Yingqi believe, why don't you believe?"

Jin Yuyan was slightly stunned and fell into meditation.

"Do you think that with the wisdom of Li Linghai and Wu Yingqi, will they be fooled by me easily, will they not investigate my words?"

Li Yaodao, "I have been very happy with Li Linghai for half a year. Until the end, I accidentally discovered the existence of Wu Yingqi. The two sides fell out. It can be seen that the problem lies with them, not with me, if I If you lie, you have already been killed by them!"

Jin Yuyan was deeply deep and took a deep breath.

"I still think you are lying, but at least, the proportion of your lying has been reduced from 10% to 1%. - Intuition tells me that what you said about the Xinghai trade route seems to exist, and you cooperate, really have It may make me rich and rich, and I can be enemies."

Jin Yuyan supported the forehead. "This is really a very strange feeling, but whether you are telling the truth or the truth, the situation at the moment, I believe that you have reservations, there seems to be no choice. ""

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