Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2540: Qi Yuanbao's ambition!

"What is the situation outside?"

Qi Yuanbao turned back and confronted Wu Yingqin. "Where are the deacons and shareholders coming, and the red lady and the ‘that’, have they caught it?”

"The situation is urgent. All the deacons and shareholders who are in the big market of the Seven Seas are gathered here, and those who are not in the Seven Seas Stars have also participated in this conference through spokespersons."

Jin Yuyan’s “testament” Wu Yingqin’s heart is as perfect as a finely crafted marble. It is perfect to give people an unreal feeling. Even the faint mourning between the eyebrows is like a well-designed mask.

No one can see what this woman is thinking, even her younger brother Qi Yuanbao can't do it.

Wu Yingqin paused and continued. "The red lady and her **** killer have been compressed in the narrow corner of the 27th district. We have closed all the pipelines leading to the outside world in the 27th district. The forces of the entire three Jingjing battle groups were dispatched to surround, and two giant soldiers were locked and suppressed in the starry sky. Even if the Red Lady is the strongest of the gods, do not want to escape from the net.

"But... 'that person' has not yet fallen, as if the endless end disappeared into the air.

"A leopard, I feel very bad. You and I are very clear. The red lady is dead or alive. It is not important to stay and escape. 'That person' is the key, not me, you, this time. It’s too hasty!"

"Why, sister, are you blaming me for acting recklessly?"

Qi Yuanbao's eyebrows and eye corners hang together, looking at Wu Yingqin's heart with a smile, "Is it still said that you gave birth to a woman's benevolence at a critical moment, even to the true feelings of Jin Yu?"

Wu Yingqin’s heart was silent and sighed with a sigh of relief. “I just think that there is no need to take such a risk. After the end of the ‘Seven Seas Battle’, it’s not too late to solve him.”

“No need to take such a risk?”

Qi Yuan Leopard's eyes wide open, and the **** is more sneer than the devil. "So far, you haven't seen the situation yet, don't you understand your identity?"

"Since 150 years ago, our father 'Wuying Yuanshan' is a dog raised by the four major families. It is an involuntary piece. When people get him, they can take him to heaven and hold it. What is the business leader of the 'Wuying Department'? When his use value is squeezed out and the ambition of one and a half points is revealed, people can not hesitate to turn their faces and don’t accept it, killing him! This is a dog. When the ending of a chess piece!

"After more than a hundred years, you and my brothers and sisters, struggling in the depths of the dark and **** Xinghai, doing everything they can to find a glimmer of life, fighting to the present, seemingly has a small ... status and power, but We don't really control our own destiny. These things are just the candle in the wind, the towers on the sand, and they will be annihilated in an instant!

"You should be very clear. The reason why Jin Yuyan is combined with you is nothing more than a fancy of the hidden connections behind you. I want to use you to even use the financial resources of the 'Wu Ying Department'; and the reason why he spares no effort to support me is nothing more than I hope that I will help him suppress the remaining three killer groups and help him to embezzle the entire Wanshang business alliance.

"In other words, we are still a chess piece, still a running dog. It is a running dog that can be cooked by a rabbit and a dog for a hundred years. This has not changed in the slightest!"

"Even if the Black Star Emperor is born again, and promises us a high official and a hereditary title, what do you think? Do you think that our ancestors will really put our blood descendants in the eye? Oh, don't be stupid. In his eyes, we are still chess pieces, still walking dogs!

"If you want to truly control your own destiny, you must have irreplaceable value and have your own strong strength! Really, as you said, after the 'Battle of the Seven Seas', there are too many variables. God knows Jin Yuyan. Will not suddenly be fascinated, surrender to the Black Star Emperor, really, and what about our two sisters?

"Even if Jin Yuyan does not die, who knows if the Black Star Emperor will send another Emperor, replace us two, to compile Wanmeng Business Alliance? Don't forget, there are still countless royals and ancestors in the Imperial Capital. They belong to the '御林军系统', and we have always been scattered in the outer world of the empire, and the 'martial arts department' capital of the commercial route is not allowed!"

Wu Yingqin was shocked and subconsciously said: "This...nothing, how can you do this?"

"Don't forget who he is, he is the black star emperor Wu Yingqi! With the king like a tiger, Tianwei is unpredictable, do you know what abacus he is playing?"

Qi Yuanbao sneered, "After all, you and I have been mixing in the Wanshang Business Alliance for hundreds of years. Perhaps in his eyes, you and I are contaminated with too much 'freedom' atmosphere, which is not convenient to control? I am his old man. If you want to make a subtotal, you can provoke two of us and Jin Yu’s words to burn a jade, and then go to the end, and then find a few confidants from the emperor to take over the messy Wanmeng Business Alliance. Is this the ending you want?"

Wu Yingqin has been stunned for a long time, and his face is gradually white.

"The struggles of the past hundred years have taught me one of the simplest reasons. If the opportunity comes, I will seize it. I will not hesitate to take risks when I take the risk. Let's start with a strong one!"

Qi Yuanbao said, "As long as our two brothers and sisters can control the highest power of the Wanshang Business Alliance with the thunder and the mighty, and then win the beautiful battle of the Seven Seas, the strength of the Wanjie Business Alliance will suddenly expand and become the outer world of the Empire. The well-deserved overlord, then, even our 'underarms' who are far away from the emperor, there is no reason to put their hands here. At that time, we will have a good relationship between the emperor and the four major families, from chess pieces and running dogs. , officially became the chess player who controls the pieces!"

Wu Yingqin's eyes narrowed and his eyes gradually became cold.

"It seems that my sister has already understood."

Qi Yuanbao smiled slightly, gently holding the hand of Wu Yingqin's heart, drawing a circle in the palm of his sister, whispering, "Isn't that a stinky man, wait for us to control the Wanjie Business Alliance, how much do you want?" Men can do, why should they care about a golden jade? In the past 100 years, he has not spent a lot of time outside, and when you can't stand the loneliness, there is no idleness. Why should you pretend to be a mess?

"Remember, wait until we're done, Jin Yuyan is a stinky man. How much do you want, but there are only one twin brothers. Although Xinghai is big, you and I have only one family member, right?"

"you are right."

Wu Yingqin finally finally sighed and said, "But you still have to find a way to find Jin Yuyan, and the one who saved him, suspected of 'vulture Li Yao', this guy's past record you have seen, it is not easy With generations, it is very likely to cause serious interference with our plans."

"Reassured, ‘vulture Li Yao’ is powerful, but why should I fight with him?”

Qi Yuan Leopard's eyes flashed with a fascinating light, faintly said, "In fact, I have guessed where he is now."


In the Seven Seas Market, there is a dense, labyrinth of pipes between the inner and outer areas.

A black scorpion figure, wrapped in a special sneak suit, squirmed in the pipe.

This set of clothing is very characteristic, like a group of crystal clear jelly, helping the wearer to sneak into various gaps, and at any time can change different forms, the surface of which condenses a stratum corneum like a carapace. Isolation of all temperature, breathing, heartbeat and breath.


“Sours and nourishment!”

In the depths of the pipeline, dozens of green black light scans were taken, and the black jelly was stabbed straight.

The magical scene was staged, just before the black light shot, the jelly instantly turned from black to almost transparent and colorless, and even the human figure wrapped in it disappeared without a trace.

Xuanguang penetrates the jelly, and after a momentary and complicated calculation, it shoots out from behind the jelly, without any interference or deflection, and even does not scan the sneak in the jelly.

Green Xuanguang cross-scanned for a long time, no strangeness was found, and it gradually faded.

The jelly changed from transparent to black, and the infiltrator who crouched inside sighed a little, continued to sway forward and arched, and walked through various pipes with ease.

After more than a dozen heavy organs and defense lines, they failed to stop the intruder's footsteps. He sneaked into the inner area of ​​the Seven Seas Market all the way. After a short break, he continued to drill into Jin Yuyan's office.


In the office of Qi Yuanbao.

Hundreds of three-dimensional three-dimensional light curtains will make every corner of the inner area of ​​the Seven Seas Market clear.

Especially the route that the intruder just passed.

Ventilation pipes, including sneak squirrels that are squirming at the moment, are also being closely monitored.

Hidden on the inner wall of the ventilation duct, the most sensitive sensor records the weakest vibration of each wire in the ventilation duct. The vibration data is combined and the invisible sneakers are invisible.

This defense system was designed by Qi Yuanbao, the safety director.

He has been a super assassin for more than 100 years, and naturally knows how to deal with these sneak stalkers who have hidden their tails and hidden their bodies.

"Tread on the road!"

Through dozens of three-dimensional three-dimensional light curtains, it can be seen that countless guns are lively and murderous, and the sorcerer who is armed to the teeth is rapidly encircling the pipes that the other party sneaked into.

As long as the sneak can be caught in the shackles, he will be able to sit down and speculate on his intentions, and he will not be able to wash into the galaxy.

"Hehehehe, ‘vulture Li Yao’, but this is simply a pig from the net!”

Qi Yuanbao has a cross between fingers and fingers. It is like a chess player who is steadily winning. "In the end, it is just a martial artsman with a well-developed limb and a simple mind. It is easy to be killed by me!"

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