Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2541: Watch a good show!

Qi Yuanbao suddenly got up and put on the white fur again. He didn't look at the intruders who had been trapped in the light curtain and strode out of his office.

At the door of the office, the ground is slightly raised, and a circular floating disc is separated, and the curved strips are shining at the edges, slowly rotating.

Qi Yuanbao’s foot-floating discs quickly moved in the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building, and soon came to the lifting pipe for the senior deacons.

Fingerprint, voiceprint and iris data were input, and the control authority of the lifting pipe was obtained. Qi Yuanbao landed from the 97th floor to the 33rd floor.

This is the main conference room with the largest scale and the most advanced facilities of the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building. It is usually not open.

At this moment, here is also the battlefield where he controls his own destiny!

Qi Yuanbao took a deep breath and opened the door of the lifting pipe. He drove the floating plate and flew out.

The large conference room occupies more than a dozen floors. It is a magnificent space like a palace. It is a huge space that is as deep as a cave. It can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

The most advanced remote holographic projection system can make it possible for the deacons or shareholders of the world to be able to project them in an encrypted camouflage. The spokespersons of the interests of hundreds of thousands of worlds are all here.

At the moment, thousands of deacons and shareholders have gathered in the conference room. In order to stabilize the market sentiment as soon as possible, thousands of business partners with deep cooperation with Wanmeng Business Alliance have been invited to attend.

The number of people attending the conference through remote holographic projection is more than three times the actual number of people present.

Qi Yuanbao narrowed his eyes, and the cold and gloomy eyes swept around.

Sure enough, in addition to the deacons and shareholders of the Wanshang Business Alliance, the warlords, the landlords and the local snakes in the outer world of the empire all sent their spokespersons to pry into the realities. Even the middle four of the four major families are hiding their heads. Mixed in a holographic projection.

The true body of these people, at this moment is very likely to be driving the Xinghai battleship to enter the Seven Seas star field.

But their projections or spokespersons of interest, but still can't wait to know how to protect their interests.

If they can let them see the power of Qi Yuanbao and reinforce their belief that the Wanshang Business Alliance will win, they are very likely to turn their backs in the upcoming "Seven Seas Battle."

This is the goal of Qi Yuanbao.

When Qi Yuanbao came to the big conference room, the conference room was full of people, and the quarrel was endless. For example, the vegetable market was very lively.

Everyone knows the death of Jin Yuyan through Qi Yuanbao and Wu Yingqin. The news is imminent, and such news is naturally in vain.

Many of the four middle-class families who have secretly colluded with the Wanshang Business Alliance are all like the ants on the hot pot. They are so anxious that they don’t know what to do.

They want to clear their relationship with the Wanmeng Business Alliance, and they are distressed that they have invested in the resources of the Wanshang Business Alliance. They are even more worried that the Wanshang Business Alliance will jump into the wall and poke them all out at the moment of extinction and drag them to the funeral.

Those who have long since lost their lives to the Wanmeng Business Alliance, and have followed the revolutionary warlords, landlords and local snakes, have not so much concern and hesitation, just screaming, hope that the top of the Wanshang Business Alliance Hurry up and take a charter to clean up the mess after Jin Yuyan’s death.

Qi Yuanbao deliberately let these people wait for five more minutes. As soon as he appeared, the burning gaze of everyone suddenly fell on him, making him a new center of Wanmeng Business Alliance.

Qi Yuanbao calmly faced the gaze of everyone, and he was calm and calm, but he was very secretive in his gaze to Wu Yingqin. He got a positive reply from Wu Yingqin. The 'Wuying Department' will support him.

This is enough.

Qi Yuanbao smiled slightly, drove the floating disc, and slowly flew to the center of the large conference room. The hands pressed down gently, and sighed: "Slightly safe, you, the sky has not collapsed - only we work together. If you are united, the sky will not fall!"

The surrounding people were silent for ten seconds, and the noise was once again and again. All investors and stakeholders were full of doubts and there were countless questions to ask.

"Quiet, everyone, please listen to me with a little patience, just listen to me and say three minutes is enough!"

Qi Yuanbao has a few psionics in his voice. He shocked the whole conference room to "squeak" and temporarily suppressed the noise and doubts of the people. He did not panic. "I don't want to hide everyone, half a day ago. A tragedy occurred in the periphery of the 'bulk trade market'. The general deacon of the Wanshang Commercial League was assassinated by the shameless assassination of the four family assassins. It has been unfortunately fallen.

"Yes, such a thing happened at the critical moment of the decisive battle. It has caused an extremely heavy blow to the market sentiment and even the morale of our armed forces. But the situation has not been corrupted to the point of being out of control, or we have already controlled the situation. Everything is under control.

“The Wanshang Business Alliance is originally the organization of the most advocating freedom among the Xinghai. We have the most advanced and stable structure. What drives us to keep moving forward is the torrent of money and capital. This flood will never Because of the collapse of a certain leader, it is exhausted. In this case, what are you worried about?

"I believe that even if the General Principal of Kim is still alive, he hopes to see that all of us can unite as one, continue to believe in the power of free capital, and fight against the fierce and tyrannical, aristocrats who are hard to fill!

"You, everyone, about the case of the assassination of General Principal Kim, we have initially found out the truth. It is the four elites who have bought the most elite killer organization 'Blood Blood' and the 'Blood'. The leader of the 'Red Lady' personally started, the relevant information is now sent to the terminal of the crystal brain, it is true or false, you will know at a glance."


A lot of data has been sent to everyone's crystal brain. All the evidences correspond to each other, and there is no place to question. There is no real place.

Many deacons, shareholders and investors nodded in a row and could not find a trace of flaws.

"After the assassination, most of the members of the **** killer group were suppressed by us. Only a few of the most ruthless backbones followed the 'Red Lady' and fled, and now they are still recalcitrant. You don't have to worry about it, the whole seven seas are big. Almost one-third of the market's forces are involved in round-ups, and the 'Red Lady' can't escape."

Qi Yuanbao’s words turned and suddenly said, “You must be very curious. For the murderer who killed the chief deacon of gold, we have only sent one-third of the troops to round up. Where are the remaining two-thirds of the armed forces?

"It's very simple, because the 'Red Lady' is not the behind-the-scenes planner of the whole conspiracy. We even have reason to believe that even the case of the assassination of the chief executive of Jin is merely a cover-up, a cover for a bigger conspiracy.

"There has been an enemy ten times more terrible than the 'Red Lady', sneaked into the inner area of ​​the Seven Seas Market, in an attempt to create greater destruction and chaos before the arrival of the four major family unit fleets, completely ruining our victory!

"This enemy is - vulture Li Yao!"


The sound of Qi Yuanbao’s exhausted voice just fell, and the light curtain around him immediately flashed the huge head of Li Yao’s mouth.

That was when Li Yao acted as the "first hitter of the revolutionary" and shot it in public.

This huge avatar makes everyone breathe a cold air and makes an incredible questioning voice.

"You don't have to be surprised. The vultures Li Yao betrayed our reformists and defected to the four electors' camps. This is the news from the emperor, and it is true that you all have their own sources of information. They all received the same news. ?"

Qi Yuanbao bears his hands and smiles. "The vultures Li Yaoxin recently defected, and naturally he was impatient to make great achievements, in order to consolidate his position and win the favor of the new master."

"It is not necessary to be able to shake the foundation of the Wanshang Business Alliance, because our five senior deacons, after being authorized by this conference, can replace the functions of the Chief Financial Officer.

"But if you can use the riots of the "Assassination of the Golden Deacon" to attract the attention of most defensive forces, take the opportunity to sneak into our core database and destroy all the transaction data, then think about what will happen. s consequence?

“Yes, the transaction data is of course backed up. Our super crystal brain center is far more than one place, but the destruction of core data can at least interrupt our three to five days of transactions, all funds, logistics, stocks, futures. And the bond information, all become messy, completely smashed!

"As a result, the entire market will become extremely panic, and all parties will lose confidence in us. We even think that we have been unable to make ends meet and cannot support such a huge capital and logistics network!

"If the four major families of the combined fleet took the opportunity to launch a general attack on us, is our last day coming?"

The horror picture portrayed by Qi Yuanbao has caused all deacons, shareholders and investors to be extremely shocked.

Everyone is in the face of each other, it is hard to believe that Qi Yuanbao’s alarmist, there is a deacon who has to be white and prestigious, and he is very vocal: "Qi deacon, big things, your inference, what evidence?"

Qi Yuanbao smiled lightly and slammed his hand, saying: "Of course there is evidence, otherwise how dare I be in front of so many investors and partners, nonsense?

"Below, please show us a good show!"

With his high-five, all the light curtains are lit up, and all the light curtains are intricate pipes and gaps between the inner zone and the outer shell, not far from the headquarters building.

Through the combination of light curtains, it can be clearly seen that the ignorant trespasser is still squirming and squirming, and the defenders in all directions have spread the net and surrounded him silently.

"Take action."

Qi Yuanbao held his temples and sneered through the micro-communicator. "Catch the ‘vanda Li Yao’!”

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