Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2551: Strong rebound, Black King Palace!

In all fairness, which cultivator would really believe in Li Yao’s slogan, "If you rush forward, I will provide cover in the back," it is purely a brain, and it will not live today.

However, in the world of cultivation, the strong are respected. Compared with the small fleets they have in their hands, the Black Wind Fleet is definitely a wild and fierce beast, not that they can resist.

What's more, these cultivators think about it, and they feel that Li Yao's words are not wrong. It is difficult to accommodate two tigers, let alone add a fifth and fierce tiger in addition to the four tigers. The ambitious border warlords of the "King of the Black Wind" will never be able to coexist peacefully with the four electoral families.

The Black Wind King and the four major electors will have a battle. Isn't it the best time?

Therefore, although the Black Wind King will not take the fire for them, if they really go all out and make the four major families' joint fleets appear flawed, the Black Wind Fleet will surely appear, and the sword will be sealed and the hammer will be fixed.

Thinking of this, and then recalling what Li Yao said before, many of the eyes of the immortals are eager.

Li Yao did not give them the opportunity to think deeply. He raised his right arm high and his fists were tight and tight. First, he slammed his heart, and then quickly slammed it like a sword, like a hammer, and like a rush. Battleship to the heart of the universe.

"Long live the Empire!"

He took a deep breath and whispered with a screaming voice. "Our career must be successful, a new empire will come, long live the Empire, long live the immortal, human civilization - Long live!"

Many of the cultivators have not heard such true feelings for a long time, and they have been trembled from the heart.

This voice is so sincere, pure and even extreme, as if the shape of the "Black Wind King Li Yao" is expanding and becoming bigger and bigger, but it is the selfishness and smallness that squeezes out their deep souls - yes, and such a Compared with the Black Wind King, "I am the biggest in the world, I am bound by the sky", what are they who are the cultivators?

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the immortal!"

"Long live human civilization!"

Whether it is true or false, it is fanaticism or perfunctory. All the cultivators follow Li Yao’s trenches and yell.

The "Long live the Empire" sounds like a torrent of torrents of the Thunder, rushing out from the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building, instantly filling the entire inner zone, and overflowing from the inner zone to the outer zone and even the entire seven-sea star field. .

In a short time, all the businessmen, killers, mercenaries and even spies who were stranded in the Seven Seas Market knew this amazing news - comparable to Liahai Hou Leicheng, but more ambitious than the Lei Chenghu. The King of the Wind is back, and the flag stands on the side of the Reformists and the Wanmeng Business Alliance, and swears to resist the four families!

This earth-shattering news is worthy of a quick-acting agent for the seven-sea big market.

The Wanmeng Business Alliance has capital, but capital still needs to be combined with violence to make a mysterious reaction, and each has stirred up a hundredfold of power.

Previously, although Liaohai Houleichenghu was already on the side of the reformists, the “innovation” and “Wanjie Business Alliance” were not the same thing, and Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet and the four elite family’s most elite fleets were entangled. Always support the imperial battlefield at any time, it is impossible to easily jump to the outer world of the empire.

It is better to rely on the **** fleet of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance, plus the temporary recruitment of mercenary groups and killer organizations, plus at most some of the patchwork of the Uighurs, whether it can withstand the strong crushing of the four major family federations. - This is the thing that has no bottom in mind.

In addition, before the decisive battle, even the general deacon Jin Yuyan was assassinated, which made the confidence and morale fall to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, the peaks and turns, the dark flowers and the bright, Jin Yuyan not only did not die, but also simply collapsed a series of conspiracy of the four major families, but also invited the power of the king of the black wind to help!

The soldiers are not expensive, and the Black Wind Fleet's gaze can definitely bring great pressure to the four families' joint fleets, adding a bit of confusing variables to the "Battle of the Seven Seas."

The confidence and morale that just fell to the bottom, an instant retaliatory rebound - the most obvious performance is the "bulk commodity trading market" futures index.

Originally, after the news of the assassination of Jin Yuyan, the entire market lost confidence in the free star currency. Everyone is rushing to convert the free star currency at hand into various goods and rush to escape before the arrival of the four major family federations. Go out.

At a time when prices have skyrocketed, the free star currency has substantially depreciated substantially, and it seems that it will lose its commercial order.

When Jin Yuyan didn't die, the news of the black wind king Li Yao's strong arrival came out, the market suddenly calmed down, and the sudden rise of the futures curve came to a cliff-like fall. The exchange rate of free star coins and imperial crystal coins quickly stabilized, even Higher than before Jin Yuyan’s assassination.

This means that free star currency is more valuable than a day ago!

Free star currency is confidence, that is, the size of the empire in the outer world of the empire, and even the cultivators within the four major families, and the confidence of the Wanshang Business Alliance and the reformists.

The value index of the free star coin almost determines the outcome of the "Battle of the Seven Seas."

Soon, even the soldiers stationed in the most peripheral floating warning whistle in the Seven Seas star field were full of confidence in the decisive battle, full of confidence in the black wind king Li Yao - this is called, the military heart is available!

Jin Yuyan slammed the iron, released the means, smashed the chest, and the warlords and the merchants secret meeting with many empire sides, reached one agreement after another, and concluded one secret agreement.

In particular, the middle-level commanders of the four major families and the young grassroots officers at the grassroots level are the objects of his deliberate enthusiasm. They have released all kinds of benefits. There are only one condition for thousands of temptations. I hope that these people will rise to the battlefield and go to the light and justice. embrace.

In addition, we must be busy sorting out the chaotic order of the big market in the Seven Seas, and we must deal with Qi Yuanbao, Wu Yingqin and Red Lady. No matter how Jin Yuyan hates these traitors, I can’t Inciting killing, after all, they are not alone, there are countless songs and allies, such as the "bloody killer group" and "the impermanence killer group" they have made, 99% of the members do not know their rebellion, more to them The plot to assassinate Jin Yuyan was unaware of it.

The war is just around the corner. These people are the mainstays in defending the big market of the Seven Seas. At this time, their chiefs will be executed. What do these people think? What do you think about the capital of Wuyingqin and Wuyingqin?

Therefore, Jin Yuyan can only accept Li Yao’s suggestion, first put the Qi Yuanbao, Wu Yingqin and Red Lady in house arrest, and then wait until the battle of the Seven Seas wins.

As for the elite assassination team that the four major families infiltrated into the Seven Seas market, they are not so lucky.

Under the identification of Qi Yuanbao and the Red Lady, these people were smashed out of the left, and all the secret positions and intelligence networks were uprooted.

They are the main members of the four major families, the core people, and there is almost no possibility of surrender.

Jin Yuyan's eyelids are not embarrassing. Just before the bulk commodity trading market, all four family assassins were killed and sacrificed. The stinking blood flowed through the land, demonstrating the determination of the Wanjie Business Alliance and the four major families to endlessly.

In this way, the horse was busy for most of the day, before the preliminary preparations for the final battle, Jin Yuyan finally breathed a sigh of relief, came to Li Yao to discuss the next move, and ... solved many mysteries of happiness.

Li Yao did not stay in the headquarters building of Wanjie Business Alliance, but asked Jin Yuyan to vacate a building of more than a dozen floors, not tall or short, as the "black wind king" palace.

In addition, from the warehouses of the Seven Seas Market, countless magic weapon components were extracted, and the building dedicated to the Black Wind King was armed. Even Jin Yuyan did not know what he was doing.

When Jin Yuyan stepped into this "black wind king palace", it has been transformed by Li Yao.

The entire building has a mysterious defensive array, all floors are submerged in the fog of the fingers, the shadows in the dark fog can see the silhouette of countless claws, from time to time, the demon sneer The evil spirits are crying, and so on, the creepy voice.

Jin Yuyan stepping into this building is like stepping into a ridiculous and terrifying nightmare, and no longer perceives the sound and information outside.

"The spirit of good spirits interferes with the big battle!"

Jin Yuyan was secretly shocked and knew that the vast majority of what he saw and heard was an illusion. Li Yao’s defensive squad could even be confused by his masters of the gods, although he had his soul and brain. There is no match factor, but it can also be seen that Li Yao’s strength is strong, especially in addition to fighting, transforming the magic weapon, setting up a defensive array, and carrying out the strength of the spirit attack.

"Where did this monster come from, not only is the combat power so amazing, but it is also proficient in so many side-by-side roads, really..."

Jin Yuyan is in the midst of a sinking, a gorgeous and flamboyant black silhouette, coming slowly from midair.

The height of the building is about three or five meters. However, this black silhouette seems to be swayed by millions of crows, falling from the height of hundreds of meters, silently falling behind Jin Yuyan.

Jin Yuyan was shocked and suddenly turned back. He saw that thousands of black flames spread out from the silhouette, revealing the true face of Li Yao.

At the moment, Li Yao, whose skin is pale like a zombie, is particularly clear under the black fog. He only wears a loose black robes on his body. It seems that there is no decoration, but when you look closely, you can find that there are countless embroidered black robes. The scene of the horrible killings, if the **** sea dried up and condensed, became the black that is now shocking.

Li Yao’s eyes are as deep as the night sky, and stained with blood stains. In the blood, there is a glare of arrogance and murderous gold awns, grinning, revealing sharp teeth, the sound is far and near, and sounds from all directions, like Countless snakes swam from the feet of Jin Yuyan and swam all the way to his ear: "Golden deacon, you are here."

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